2/24/2020 What's Trending in Libraries https://ola.informz.ca/informzdataservice/onlineversion/pub/bWFpbGluZ0luc3RhbmNlSWQ9NzkzMDE5 3/4 from different types of libraries, ensuring a good representation of countries and regions, so we really encourage you to contribute! ANSWER THE SURVEY >> CLEO Now Offering Arabic Resources The Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) is pleased to announce that "Need welfare? How to apply to Ontario Works" is now available in Arabic. This online only resource is available in print friendly PDF format. Coming soon in Arabic: "Disability benefits in Ontario: Who can get them and how to apply." CLEO provides free legal information resources of interest to your library users. FIND MORE RESOURCES HERE >> Read the Latest Partnership Journal The latest issue of Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research has been published on their website. Submissions for the Fall 2017 issue is now open. Deadline for submissions to the peer- reviewed section is Mar. 31. Deadline for submissions to other sections is Apr. 30 SUBMIT TODAY >> IASL INTERNATIONAL AWARDS: CALL FOR APPLICATIONS The International Association of School Librarianship (IASL) invites applications for its international awards. These awards recognize excellence in school librarianship, encourage research and development activities, and support and assist participation in IASL conferences and other association activities. Applications are invited for the following awards: Jean Lowrie Leadership Development Grant Ken Haycock Leadership Development Grant Diljit Singh Leadership Development Grant Takeshi Murofushi Research Award IASL Books for Children Applications may be in print or electronic form. Documentation and letters must received by Apr. 1. MORE INFORMATION HERE >> SESQUI - Canada 150 initiative Are you looking for ways to integrate Canada 150 into your library program and resources? Access 2017 Proposal Call The call for proposals for Access 2017 in Saskatoon is open! The Access 2017 conference will be held in downtown Saskatoon, Saskatchewan at the Sheraton https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/3311305/Examples-of-how-libraries-contribute-to-the-UN-2030-Agenda http://www.cleo.on.ca/sites/default/files/book_pdfs/need-welar.pdf http://www.cleo.on.ca/en/resources-and-publications/pubs?language=ar https://journal.lib.uoguelph.ca/index.php/perj/issue/view/225#.WLh9GWTysfE https://journal.lib.uoguelph.ca/index.php/perj/index#.WLh9PGQrIfE http://www.iasl-online.org/awards/index.html