2/24/2020 June For Your Benefit https://ola.informz.ca/informzdataservice/onlineversion/pub/bWFpbGluZ0luc3RhbmNlSWQ9ODI3ODI5 2/6 connaître vos besoins en vous invitant à remplir un court sondage. L'ABO-Franco travaille activement au développement et au marketing des services en français en Ontario et voit à ce que les bibliothèques reçoivent toute information en français. Nul besoin de vous rappeler qu'il est très important pour nous de reconnaître la francophonie en Ontario et la littérature francophone avec les prix suivants: • Prix Micheline-Persaud • Forêt de la lecture Nous vous encourageons à nous partager vos histoires. Merci de votre collaboration et participation! Annual Institute on the Library as Place: The Mindful Library Save the Date: Monday, July 10 - Tuesday, July 11 Where: Horseshoe Valley Resort This year's program focuses on the Mindful Library and how to make your spaces more inclusive and welcoming to your diverse community. Our program features an accessibility bootcamp, sessions on public art features and spaces with social purpose and two amazing keynotes. We'll also host our first lightning talk session focusing on lessons learned from library building projects. You can find more program information here. We're very excited to be hosting at the Horseshoe Valley Resort just north of Barrie this year. It's a beautiful family-friendly resort with lots of opportunities for golf, swimming, or just relaxing at the spa (or with a cocktail!). There's also special pricing to add a guest or child to your registration. LEARN MORE >> Marketing Libraries Think Tank 2017 Save the Date: Monday, Aug. 21 Where: Innisfil ideaLAB & Library The Marketing Libraries Think Tank was created for library marketing professionals by library marketing professionals. Whether you are a trained marketer or a library staff http://ola.informz.ca/z/cjUucD9taT04MjE0NDYmcD0xJnU9OTA2NTIyNTk4JmxpPTgwMzI1MzM/index.html http://ola.informz.ca/z/cjUucD9taT04MjE0NDYmcD0xJnU9OTA2NTIyNTk4JmxpPTgwMzI1MzQ/index.html http://ola.informz.ca/z/cjUucD9taT04MjE0NDYmcD0xJnU9OTA2NTIyNTk4JmxpPTgwMzI1Mzc/index.html http://www.accessola.org/web/OLA/Events/Signature_Events/Library_as_Place/OLA/Events/Signature_events/Library_as_Place/Welcome.aspx http://www.accessola.org/web/OLA/Events/Signature_Events/Library_as_Place/OLA/Events/Signature_events/Library_as_Place/Welcome.aspx http://www.accessola.org/web/OLA/Events/Signature_events/Marketing_Think_Tank/Welcome.aspx