2/24/2020 For Your Benefit https://ola.informz.ca/informzdataservice/onlineversion/pub/bWFpbGluZ0luc3RhbmNlSWQ9ODc0MjUx 3/6 $20 - Honourable mention on our website $75 - Honourable mention on our website and a button to wear at Super Conference $100 - Honourable mention on our website, a button to wear at Super Conference, and two (2) free webinars from the Education Institute $200 - Honourable mention on our website, a button to wear at Super Conference, and a gift from The Library Marketplace Find out more about the New Librarian Residency Award and make a contribution today. DONATE TODAY >> Join Ex-Libris Are you a retired librarian? Why not consider joining the Ex-Libris Association. Ex- Libris is Canada's national association interested in historical and current issues about libraries, archives, publishing houses, and related institutions and people. Membership is only $35 and is open to all! Members receive two newsletters annually that are filled with news about people in libraries, interesting library history, and many other articles, and discounts on merchandize and the annual conference. OLA members can join using OLA's online membership renewal process. For more information email Michelle Arbuckle. LEARN MORE >> Notice of Nominations for the 2017/2018 OLA representative to the CFLA-FCAB Board of Directors The Ontario Library Association is a member association of the Canadian Federation of Library Associations/Fédération canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (CFLA- FCAB). The CFLA-FCAB by-law stipulates that as a multi-sector provincial association in the Central Canada (ON) region, OLA is eligible to put forth a candidate for election to the CFLA-FCAB board of directors for a two-year term. The election of CFLA-FCAB Directors occurs at the Annual General Meeting Jan. 31. OLA has a nomination committee that will: Consider candidates who have the capabilities and experience to fulfill the duties as outlined in the CFLA-FCAB criteria for board members. Approach candidates based on a majority vote by the nominations committee. The candidate must agree to have their name put forth for nomination. Ensure the nomination is approved at the November OLA board meeting and the written nomination including the authorized OLA signatory is provided to the CFLA-FCAB office in advance of Dec. 15. Questions? Please contact Shelagh Paterson, executive director. OCULA Fall Virtual Conference You are invited to attend the 2017 Ontario College and University Library Association (OCULA) Fall Conference, to be held online http://nlra.accessola.com/ mailto:marbuckle@accessola.com http://www.exlibris.ca/doku.php http://cfla-fcab.ca/en/home-page/ mailto:spaterson@accessola.com