2/24/2020 What's Trending in Libraries https://ola.informz.ca/informzdataservice/onlineversion/pub/bWFpbGluZ0luc3RhbmNlSWQ9OTI2MDky 2/3 In March, join Kelly Maggirias featuring Nora Young's The Virtual Self: How Our Digital Lives Are Altering The World Around Us. The book club is free to join and runs in Explore, the publicly-accessible space on of TeachOntario. All book clubs are open to the public; registration onto TeachOntario is not necessary to participate. SIGN UP TODAY >> Ontario Enabling Faster Access to High-Quality Online Learning Resources Ontario is connecting over 250,000 students at approximately 850 schools with high-speed internet as part of a commitment to improve internet access at all publicly funded schools across the province. Improving access to high-speed internet will enable more students and educators to access high-quality online courses and resources regardless of where they attend school, helping students to learn the transferable skills that they need in a globally connected and technology- engaged world. LEARN MORE >> 2018 True North Science Boot Camp: Registration Now Open The 2018 True North Science Boot Camp for Librarians will be held in Montréal, Québec, Canada from May 23 - 25th, and is jointly organised by Concordia University and McGill University. This year's theme is smart cities and artificial intelligence. Registration is capped at 50 participants. Register early to save your spot! Registration closes April 20. REGISTER HERE >> Federal Funding Opportunity The Digital Literacy Exchange program encourages not-for-profit organizations to work together to create strong partnerships with national reach. One not-for-profit organization must take the lead on the proposal and submit the application on behalf of all partners. The Canadian Urban Libraries Council is submitting a national strategy for public library digital literacy training as an application for the recently announced Digital Literacy Exchange program. It will be a partner-based application that will engage library organizations to ensure all libraries, regardless of whether they are CULC/CBUC members, have access to this program. The purpose of the program is to support the development and delivery of fundamental digital literacy skills training to Canadians who would benefit from increased participation in the digital economy. This is foundational work that public libraries are doing every single day in every part of Canada. Funding under this program can expand this service delivery and ensure no Canadian is left out of the digital economy for lack of fundamental skills. If you are interested in being included in the application as a supporter (ideally organizations that represent multiple public library groups), please indicate your interest. https://www.teachontario.ca/community/explore/TO-OSLA-book-club https://news.ontario.ca/edu/en/2018/02/ontario-improving-access-to-high-speed-internet-for-250000-students.html?_ga=2.148192375.1998153920.1518639046-731174807.1517850578 https://sites.google.com/view/truenorthsciencebootcamp/registration?authuser=0 http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/102.nsf/eng/00001.html http://www.culc.ca/ https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/culc_DLE