2/24/2020 June For Your Benefit https://ola.informz.ca/informzdataservice/onlineversion/pub/bWFpbGluZ0luc3RhbmNlSWQ9OTY5OTE1 2/7 ACCESS THE SUMMER READING TOOLKIT >> Applications Open: Larry Moore Fund Do you or your library have a great project or idea but lacking the funds to get it off the ground? Consider applying for the Larry Moore Fund! This fund supports requests up to $2,500 (or more, depending on the need) to fund research, planning, and identifying expertise and negotiating funds for innovative ideas and initiatives. This fund is open to all OLA members. Contact the OLA awards department for more information or questions. APPLY TODAY >> This Week on Library Land Loves Take a walk through the Toronto International Film Festival Library and resources with Michelle Lovegrove Thompson, Senior Manager at the TIFF Library and Archives. She talks about her top five resources and materials within the collection. TAKE A LISTEN >> What's New in Open Shelf: June 2018 Awareness and inclusiveness go hand in hand--in an ideal world. This month, we offer opportunities to think about and make accessibility happen. We are also reprising a discussion about Canadian copyright law as well as sharing both a new digital collection as well as ideas for engaging patrons in the collections we already have. Here are our features and columns (in order of publication): Subject headings can play a role in preserving and revitalizing languages. In He reo e kōrerotia ana. He reo ka ora, Raewyn Paewai introduces us to the work of the Te Whakakaokao (the Māori subject headings working group), which has brought Māori and Western worldviews together to create subject headings that contribute to protecting language and wellbeing. The web is not yet accessible to all. However, according to Carli Agostino, Mariana Jardim and Aneta Kwak, celebrating Global Accessibility Awareness Day is one strategy for raising awareness within the library community of the need to work towards this goal. And if the web is not fully accessible, neither are our public libraries. As John Pateman discusses in Class matters, his latest Open for all? column, social class is the most significant single determinant (and potential barrier) of public library use. Canada's copyright law was amended in 2012. In Copyright in photographs in Canada: Reprise, Jean Dryden circles back to this issue and offers a new interpretation of the legal implications for ownership (and use) of photography. http://www.accessola.org/web/OLA/Forest_of_Reading/Resources/Summer_Reading_Toolkit/OLA/Forest_of_Reading/Summer_Reading_Toolkit.aspx mailto:awards@accessola.com http://www.accessola.org/web/Documents/Funds/The%20Larry%20Moore%20Challenge%20Fund.pdf http://librarylandloves.libsyn.com/website http://librarylandloves.libsyn.com/website http://open-shelf.ca/ http://open-shelf.ca/180604-he-reo-e-korerotia-ana-he-reo-ka-ora-subject-headings-a-living-language-and-maori-wellbeing/ http://open-shelf.ca/180604-global-accessibility-awareness-day-in-libraries-what-is-it-and-how-to-mark-the-day/ http://open-shelf.ca/180604-class-matters-openforall/ http://open-shelf.ca/180604-copyright-in-photographs-in-canada-reprise/