Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 15 Jan 1993, p. 24

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,aoad. 842â€"51133 pay for your Classified Ad‘ ‘Cau 845-2809‘ NORTH Oakville. house to share. Mature, quiet lady seeks responsible. working adult. use of all lacililios. non-smoker. bus at corner. $400/monlhly. 649â€"7106 after Sam. Hall available for weddings, anniversaries. parties etc. Call for more information 827-1854 after 3pm ROOMMATE wanted to share house. $300. month. Available immediatelr. Ford Drivel Upper Midd e KNIGHTS OF Columbus USE Visa or MasterCard to R00“ and home cooked meals. $110Iweek. Working person or student. Non- smoker. Use 01 lacililies. 115-2677. 5 MINUTE walk to GO sta- tion. Parking! utilities in- cluded. Available imme- diataly; s4g§l month‘ For details'W7 SELF-CONTAINED bed sitting room. kitchen. bath- room. downtown Oakvllle. AvailabIe March 15!. $477.monthly inclusive .845â€"1665 ROOM for rent, 5350. Share laclllties. VNon smoker. FemeIe preferred. 622-0211 ask tor Michelle. 849â€"6962. QLEAN lurnished room ONE room Hopedale Mall area. easy access to Sher- idan, bus route. Call collect 46-935-9750. 416-934- 1 16. LARGE room. Trafal- gar/Up rMiddle. utilifies in- clude . Call Jimmy NORTH Oakville. basement room with two piece wash- room. separate entrance, $360! month all inclusive. KERR a SPEEl-‘IS, re- sponslble person, non- smgker.__Share kitchen. GLEN ABBEY - Private room. Shared kitchen and bathroom, Iaund . Parking $350/momh 847- 5 FURNISHED room. shared bath and kitchen. very bright (9 windows) and clean. rklng. central loca- tion. adios only. Call Heather338â€"7492. FURNISHED room for rent with kitchen tacilltles. separate entrance near Sheridan. 842-0272 afters Own fridée. éafil'efh-eéi Sheridan. On bus route, share kitchen. bath. and laundry. $325/month. 849-8762 . raking, After 5:30 pm. ésk' or Joe 542â€"8182 825-8024. YOUNG cougle with 2 school-an ildren seek- lng 3 bedroom townhouse or house In Oakvilte. Prater East-end. Non-smokers. no pets. 8800-900/ month. 634â€"9792 415 River Oaks Blvd. West. Spacious 3 bedroom town- houses !or rem. Eat in kitch- en, 1 1/2 baths. air condi. tioning. 5 appliances. car- peted, gas heating, garage. Available January 15!. 849â€"5709 MATURE RESPONSIBLE lamily with excellent refer- ences looking for single home to rent Prefer mini- mum 2 ysar lame. 948-9737 mnausuoaga flammaboard VICTORIAN TOWNHOMES Mmrnsmmm Enjoy comfortable living in our spacious 3 8; 4 bedroom townhouses, available imme- diately. Our features include 4 appliances, 2- 1/2 bathrooms. indoor swimming pool, sauna shower facilities, indoor parking, on- -site management, some fireplaces. Near shopping transportation. Starting at $1, 000. 61 up + utilities. (Comer of Fairview Maple Ave., opp. Mapleview Centre, Burlington) Luxury 1-2-3 Bedrooms From $875. + utilities FEATURING: *Fireplace *Fam.nn. *5 appliances *1-1/2 baths ‘ *Attached gamge *Min. to GO/403/QEW Leasing Office, Unit 541, Active Management Ltd. Call 333-1706 6 Weeks Rent Free WeStminster Place Brant St. Ghent Ave. Burlington Open Daily, 639â€"0950 Ca'n Jimmy WEDDING Photography - 100-115 prools in album plus negatives. 15 years ex- perience. Reliable and rea- sonable. Picture Perfect Wedding Photography. 639â€"6710 CHEV CAPRICE Classic 1984 Sedan. Clean condi- tion. As is. $1200. or nearest otter. Evenings/weekends 849â€"4596. HOTWEILLEH puppies. $450. 8 weeks old. 1-416- 949-1989. A LOADED corn uter - lease to own. $75.6 month- ly Includes rlnter.On-site service. De ivered and in- stalled. Credit no problem. Call 24 hours daily. 7 days weekly. 842-6308 ANCASTER Anti ues Collectibles inter Show/Sale. Friday January 22. 6 to 9 pm. Satur- day/Sunday January 23/24 10 am. - 4 pm. $3. admis- sion‘ Ancestor Fairgrounds. Hwy 53. Featuring twice as may dealers for our 10th year. FULLY seasoned 100% hardwood. ylckup or deliv- ery. Open days. Haflon's largest firewood outlet. Marc's Ouallty Firewood. nonheast corner Tramlgar Rd/nghway 5. 257-6366. FIREWOOD- Kindling. at rear of 1465 Wallace Rd.. Oakville '3rd Llne/Spaers'. good value. car $5. pick up or van $20. Sam-4pm Mon- day-Saturday. ‘Satunday in-- cluded" available all wiman FLORIDA condo for rent. Gun View. luxury. 2 bedroom condo available. Heated pool. Jacuzzl. tennis couns and much more. Please call 827-6961 HID] cars for sale WANTED" OLD toys: Dinky toys. Corgi. Match- box. Tin Toys. Wind-up Toys, me; I am also inter‘ ested in other older culled- ibles. lee me a cal-Ask for Kees. Dunnville. 1- 416474- 7957 weekdays after 8 pm. weekends anytime. MUSKOKA COTTAGE. 4 bedrooms, southern expo- sure. Dock. Township Road. $210 000 Halibunon. Vi- ceroy lakefront $5501mo. 634-5247 FREE thoraturo. 100 acr- es. Muskoka lakefront. 1.500' beach. Halibunon + Muskoka. Lakefront. lots acreages. 634-5247 MYRTLE BEACH ocean front condo. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. fully equipped. pool. 637-5957 DISNEYWORLD - Rent. dai lweekly. Good rates. 2 be room/2 bathroom town- house. Pool, air. tennis. 827â€"4020 COLLINGWOOD- luxury condo in Cranberry Village. minutes trom Blue Moun- tain.Weekends. Monthly, Weekly rates. Call 844- ponds. rivers. $2é.900 6|; £64ij.. 634-5247 A 19° ACRE etpfivacv- mammalian m] vaeaflon properties photography WEN outsideeamda anides wanted Monday-Friday 8:30 a. m.- -5 p. m Call 845-2809. Trailer. 3 ' X 10, all sides open. flashing lights. good condition. $3,500, also. 1985 Chev cube van. 14 no fibreglass box. ramps. elec- tric rakes. hitch. built to handle" trailer. $5.500. 842-0848. CLASSIFIED hours are 1988 JEEP Cherokee Lim-. ited 4 X 4. two door. black. gray leather interior, sun- root, fully loaded. well main- tained. $10,500. 842â€"0848. FOOD CONCESSION 1985 Chev cube van. 14 fl. fibreglass box. roll up rear door, AM/FM, power siaer- ing. brakes, automatic. 350 cu. in. well maintained. $5.500. 842â€"0848. $3: A-A-A BansTowing will pay top dollarslor scrap wrs and ttucks, 24 hours. 7 s. 275-BlsfiT (_275-22_7_8)._ 9 also sell usea pans 56417148 $3 CARS and trucks want- ed $3. Dead or alive. high- est prices paid. 855-7236 1988 VOLVO GLE wagon. Auto air. power steering. windows sunroof, heated lumbar seats. AM/FM cas- sette. 170.000 kilometres. one driver from new. main. talned by Volvo dealer with records. Certified. $12,000. 827-3681. 1989 MUSTANG LX 5.0 « 5 speed, 30.000 KM. never winter driven. $7,500. Phone 338~7505 MOVING- 10' radial arm saw, small freezer, medium dog cage, Titian pool lamp. gas parpgcue, 2 f3. exten- Elan Iada'e'r’. 'p'aill: furl-iiifiih and more 829-4418 dai Pony, 4 door; automatic. only 69,000 kms. Certified In_ December/92. New brakes. shocks and from tires. Askin $2000. or best offer. 257-1 18. new, fully equigpedT'NoTv car warrant 1 000 km. $14 600 823-5044 1992 _ EpHD _Taurus,r 7 as Sés’oi 'Also's/Z'Bbbés'ifii $175. Call 336â€"7606 MOVING house. King size solid teak bedroom suite. with matching dresser lamps, Mint condition. Brand new mattresses. $850Ibest ofler. 825â€"2535 W§T SELL: 1.987. Hyun- CARPETS, I have several 1.000's yards new Stain- masler 8- 100% Nylon Car~ t. Will do Ilvln room and all lor $360. inc udes car- pel, pad 8. installation. (30 yards). Steve 789-2068. uters for home o}'oflice. ew and repossessed. Buy or lease. Call 842-8259 FULL lgqgthAgoygte coat FAXES, CpPIERS. 99m- ADMIRAL apanmen! sized washer and dryer. almond, one ear new. excellent condition. WOO/pair. 847-8946. Ml] vans, Wheel drive Em] trucks for sale FRIDGE. STOVE, washer. dryer. Good oondhlon. Will separate. Service avail- able. 634â€"351; , Em." cars wanna HID] ears for sale ESCAPE TO GET-AWAY COUNTRY The Beautiful HALIBURTON HIGHLANDS Here are some Great Business Opportunities MAIN STREET MllnEtt - Commercial building with retail catalogue store with 92 Revenues ol 1.3 million. also has some government office with 10 year lease PLUS a 3 bedroom 8. 2 bedroom apt.(s) in excellent condition. ONLY $299,000. RESTAURANT/RESORT - ROADHOUSE-style res- taurant with 6 rental cottages is located on Provincial Hwy. with 300 leel on MAJOR LAKE - GOOD BOOKS and ions at POTENTIALl! ONLY $399,900. GAS STATION a SIIOGEIIY STORE~ EXCELLENT memoir - 0n Hwy. 35 with large frontage on BOSH- KUNG LAKE. includes large 5 bdrm. home 8. features excellent books. ONLY $449,000. SMALL TOWN RESTAURANT - Ill KIIMOIIIIT - JUST LIKE MAYBEIIIIY - Established - great loca- tion - living quarters â€" great books. ONLY $279,000. Please call Rick Lewes today and start planning yea! escape. (105) 286-4441, or (I I vacation properties m vawtion properfies affei' 5:00 pm; (105) 285-4323 ' DALE AllS‘I‘lll REALTY Ill:., Broker, Minlen Austin Realty - Your Key to the Highlands fl] articles for sale GLIDDEN PAINTS CLEARANCE SALE Saturday January 16 Selected Paint and Wallpaper Reduced to Clear. Paint as low as $4.99 gallon. TRAFFIC JAMS - lOIE LINES - PMIITIOI 500 Speers Road, Oakville 8-12 people immediately. Full-time/Pan-time avail- able. No experience nec- essary but car required. Students welcome. If you are enthusiastic. work well with people need money new, call for interview. 844- TELEPHONE REPS re- quired for pleasant phone work. No sellln . To work from home. 36. Olhr. plus bonus. Send resume to Ca- nadian Dlabetes Assocla- “on. 662 Fennell Ave E.. Sane 0. Hamilton. 0m. L8V 1 1. WANTED - Experienced industrial sewing machlne operator. Full or pan lime. Please call An ela at Bahr Saddlery B78- gqeu'nqm‘ NOW__Hirlpg EXPERIENCED half. to work on brood mare arm, Call afler 6 pm. 878-3993 PRODUCTION workers re- quired for manufacturing as- sembly. No experience nec- essary. Winston Churchill QEW. Call Al 829â€"2880. time positions. Ideal tor col- lege/ university students. $11 to start. Professional. gositive attitude required. or appoinment call 847. 5525 PEOPLE needed to deliver 1! ars January 19. 20 21. am 36-38 per hour. No tax- es. Choose your own hours. Call 825-1330. ATTENTION firm still has positions available. No ex- gerience necessary. Flexl- ‘le schegule. F_ull and pan; eratlon for these positions. Phone calls will not be accepted. Purchasing Agent/ Production Scheduler Experienced in the purchase of raw materials for both die manufacture and metal stamping operation. Applicant must be able to read engineering blue- prints for material take-oft, bills 0 material pre- paration. Knowledge of ferrous and non-ferrous ma- terial specifications, metal finishing processes and heat treatment. Knowledge 01 production scheduling an asset. Technical Assistant/ Design Detailer Must understand the princi les of tool and die design and knowledge of AUT CAD/CADKEY applica~ tions. Primary functions to assist Tool Design De- partment. Minimum of two years experience in this type ol work. We offer excellent wages and benefit package. Please send resume for consid- II] articles for sale Heeneralhelp ’7.“ MetriCan Mfg. Co.lnc. 2100 Wyecmfl Road Wesl, Oakville, Onl. LSL 5V5 SUNDAY, JANUARY 17TH at 1 PM 51'. VOLODYMR CULTURAL CENTRE 1280 Dundas Street West, OAKVILLE (corner of Hwyits Fourth Line) We will be selling by Public Auction a Superior Collection of Fine Oining Bedroom Suites, Estate Furnishings, Antiques, " Classic Reproductions, Artworks Collectibles. SETS: Outstanding (8)pc French satinwood bedroom with carved cabriole legs intricate inlay work on all pieces " Superb (9)pc mahogany dining suite teaturing large breaktront bubbleglass china cabinet with (6)Chippendale chairs * Elegant (fi)pc bedroom in 18th Century style having banded inlay, exceptional 4-drawer nightstands high rice carved 4- poster bed * (8)pc Oueen Anne style'diner having large 4-door china cabinet ' (6)pc Coun- try pine bedroom suite with canopy bed " (6)pc French mahogany bedroom with serpentine tronts ' (9)pc Mahogany diner with bowtront china cabinet buttet to the floor (6)ribbon back chairs * (6)pc Bedroom sets with cannonball poster beds in cherrywood pine ' Oak round dining table (6)double pressback chairs ‘ MORE FURNITURE: Superbly inlaid secretary desk with bombe front bookcase top ' Louis XV style salon desk with embossed leather top bronze mounts " Heavily carved mahogany console having matching carved mirror ' Victorian style rose-carved lady gents chairs ' Finely carved pierced-back Chippendale settee * French inlaid hall commodes with marble top " Outstanding selection at wingback chairs, sotas loveseats in Oueen Anne Chip- pendale styles " Oriental lumishings: black lacquer secretary desk, litt-top bar with soap- stone carvings, dressing screens " Curio collector cabinets in 18th Century styles ' Plant tabaret stands " Super selection of coitee, sota end tables ‘ Oueen Anne Chippendale writing desks " Spinet piano " Oak bookcases " MUCH MORE" COLLECTIBLES: Limited Remington re-cast Western bronzes * Signed limited editions by A.J. CASSON, ROMANCE, LUMBERS MORE " Original signed oil paintings ' Carved wooden carousel horses ' Leaded glass Tittany style lamps hanging domes " MUCH MORE" Manhattan Agency requires children of all ages as TV/Movie extras and Catalogue models. Parents - Call Now! LARGE AllGTlOI SALE ol Ouallly Artloles such as; Maklta power tools (table saw, motor, llg saws, drllls, belt sander. mlter saw, planer, ETC.), Anthue furniture. Oak hutch bullet, 42' Oak pedestal table, Plne wardrobe. a Set at new bunk beds,Stove,Washer. Dishwasher, Large bedroom suite. 42" Plne table. Welght set a. bench. Large selection of limited editlon prints, Estate lewellery.6lassware porcelaln nleces,Flatware sets,Lead glass windows, Tool boxes, Lamps, Figurines,ETc.ETc. TERMS: gash, Cheque, VISA, MasterCard - llellvery Servlce 0 Snack Bar “gemral help BURLINGTON Aucrlonl GALLERY V 481 John St., Burlington (1 block E. of Brant St.) Boys 8: Girls Wanted 897-2323 Robert R. Gosse, Auctioneer; 634-4977 Part time Receptionist for salon lspa Oakville's premier hairr salon and spa requires a part time reception- ist; Computer familiar- ity an asset. Full group benefits and excellent working conditions. Please call Diane at ‘338â€"3333 for inter- view. A growing enter- prise is seeking am enthusiastic and motivated person to hire for a full time Secretariat position. Will train. Previous ap- ‘plicants need not ‘apply. Call ATTENTION PLEASE! 847-9889 CERTIFIED AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN required For Progressive Modern Shop; Minimum 5 years experience in tuneâ€"up and diagnostics of EFI DIS. Ability to use latest test equip- ment a must, An excellent opportunity for the person with the right skills and motivation. Excellent Benefit Package. Competitive salary profit sharing. For an appointment call: SERVICE MANAGER 878-8393 Busy downtown Oakvil|e law office re uires full time legal secretary in the area 0 real estate. Experience and familiarity with WordPerfect required. Apply in writing with resume to: RYRIE FORD KERR Full time Junlor Accountant required for a small subsidiary German Software Compa- n?’ to assume responsibllltles for all "non- c al transactions and preparation of finan- cial statements. Must have full knowledge of ACCPAC and Lotus. Must be fluent In both German and English. Fax resume to 338-5671 or send to: Albat Wirsam Software Inc 710 Dorval Dr. Ste. 204 Oakville, Ont. L6K 3V7 LEGAL SECRETARY JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT 233 Robinson St. Oakville, Ontario L6J 425 Fax # 842-4774 Attention W.B. Kerr

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