- Uh - - Ii " - V - -3 them. ' whuse CC' toughe Iv t The . r unlmn‘ §Campbell 's mouth, is her greatest obstacle to leadership . COMMENT May 26, 1993 To the guy in the old white hatchback who grabbed his soc- ;cer ball, next time, would you please look to see my son hang- ,‘ing off the fence wondering why 'some big bully would stop his car land take off with his ball before 'even looking around to see if someone was looking for it. you sure did spoil his Victoria Day Dear Sir: Would you please send this message to all the drivers of Dorval Drive. If any of you are driving along Dorval and you see a ball hop over our fence, would you please look to see my young son with the big brown eyes full of tears before you snatch his ball in your car and take off. In that interview, she comment- ed on the papacy and referred to people who don't joih a political party as apathetic "SOB's". Out of context, said her dam- Motorist stole son's soccer ball interview in Vancouver magazine, she now has to fight new poll results placing her below Charest as well as more of her own words. momentum. Still dodging the fallout on her words to Peter C. Newman in an t some time or other.u A politician's own words can often come back to haunt them. Just look at Kim Campbell whose bid for leadership is getting tougher every dav. The days of a "Campbell coro- nation" are long ago. In the fickle world of politics, the war is on... THERE ARE NO SCHEDULED COUNCIL OR STANDING COM- MITTEE MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 31, 1993. nd Jean Charest is gainin TAKE NOTICE THAT Oakville Town Council on Monday, June 21, 1993, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chamber, at the Town Hall, will give third and final reading to BA-law No. 1993-76, which will change the name of part of the UPPE MIDDLE ROAD, being part of the road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2, South of Dundas Street, more particularly described as Parts 8, 9 and 10, on Plan 20R- 10203, to OLD UPPER MIDDLE ROAD. The construction of the realigned Upper Middle Road is expected to be completed in the summer of 1993, and the name change to Old Upper Middle Road is being proposed in order that there will not be two streets with the same name. ANY PERSON WISHING to object to this street name change should contact the undersigned by Registered Mail, by no later than Friday noon, June 11th, 1993, at the address shown below. COUNCIL, at its meeting on Monday, June 21, 1993, will hear any person who claims he will be adversely affected by the passage of this by-Iaw. A copy of the proposed By-law No. 1993-76 and the relevant Plan will be available for inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk, at the address shown below during normal business hours. Judith Muncaster Town Clerk 1225 Trafalgar Road 3.0. Box 31b DAKViLLE, Ontario -6J 5A6 TOWN HALL MEETING CALENDAR PUBLIC NOTICE age control team. Her remarks were taken out of context, said they, urging people to read the whole article. But despite the damage control efforts, it seems now people who just a month ago were extolling JAZZ IT UP IN DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD . OAKVILLE, ONTARIO . Lthl 5A6 TOWN OF OAKVILLE 845-6601 mm' And now, her words that Canadians voted down the Charlottetown accord because they were too "ignorant" will only fuel the growing disenchantment with Campbell. Once again. the Defense But the people on her team were distributing the now-famous Newman article, saying it outs her Once again, the Defense Minister's mouth is getting her into trouble. The Town at Oakville is carrying out a study of the Ford Drive Extension. from Cornwall Road to Lakeshore Road East, in accordance with the requirements of the Class Environmental Assessment tor Municipal Road Protects. A public open house/meeting has been arranged to review and receive comments about the study approach, background information, the "problem" and alternative opportunities for 'addressing the problem. The public open house/meeting is scheduled or: TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1993 5:30 PM. TD 9:30 RM. WITH A PRESENTATION AT 7:30 PM. OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR HIGH SCHOOL . CAFETORIUM 1460 DEVON ROAD OAKVILLE The meeting Will be conducted as an open house from 5:30 pm. to 7:30 pm, followed by a formal presentation. All residents with an interest in this study are urged to attend It you are unable to attend and would like to make known your views, please address your comments by June 11, 1993 to: Mr. Dave Bloomer, P. Eng. Manager of Design Department of Public Works Town ot Oakville RO. Box 310 Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 Telephone: 338-4423 Fax: 338-4159 PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE/MEETING FORD DRIVE EXTENSION CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT STUDY LAKE ONTARIO saying it puts her THE OAKVILLE BEAVER W!" DSOR EAST in a good light. Surely even they can see an impression of unfet- tered, callous arrogance goes way beyond any claims of honesty and feistiness. This is candor? This is the new style of politics? And isn't that always the defense for often indefensible remarks - that, once again, it is the media's fault; that the words were taken out of context. ROAD Her words are forming one STUDY AREA SCALE 1:15.000 The cost incurred by the Town to control weeds on private property, as defined by the Act, is charged back at the 1993 rate of $80.00 per hour for mowing and $55.00 per hour for scything. The minimum lot charge is $125.00. The total rate includes both inspection, mowing and/or scything time as well as equipment down time, which may occur as a result of neglected property. It should be noted that land such as abandoned orchards will require considerably more time to cut than similar open acreage. Your co-operation in destroying noxious weeds and, in particular, Poison Ivy and Ragweed, is requested. Complaints should be directed to the Municipal Offices, PO. Box 310, Oakville, Ontario, LBJ 5A6, or to Telephone Number 338-4407. No anonymous complaints will be accepted indelible impression - that of arrogance. A delegate to the convention said at a recent Tory gathering her "Don Cherry" mouth coupled with a Pierre Trudeau brand of elitism was making him lean towards Charest. and he's likely not alone. The honeymoon with the media may be over, but there is no one to blame for the words but if any property owner does not act upon this Notice, the Town Weed Inspectors may order the weeds destroyed and charge the costs to the owner and if not paid, the Clerk shall add them to the Collector's Roll to be collected in the same manner as taxes. Those weeds classified as noxious and which must be destroyed are: Barberry, common Ragweed slpr. Buckthorn, European Rocket, ye ow Carrot, wild Sow-thistle, annual, perennial Colt's-foot Spurge, Cypress Dodder spp. Spurge, Leafy Goat's-beard spp. Thistle, Bull Hemlock, poison Thistle, Canada Johnson grass Thistle, nodding, spp. Knapweed spp. Thistle, Russian Milkweed spp. Thistle, Scotch Poison-Ivy Vetchling, tuberous Proso mil et, black-seeded (Please note that Dandelion and Goldenrod are not classified as noxious weeds.) PUBLIC NOTICE THE WEED CONTROL ACT, R.S.O. 1990 CHAPTER W.5 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS TO DESTROY WEEDS Pursuant to the provisions of The Weed Control Act R.S.O. 1990, notice is hereby given to all property owners that all noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality must be destroyed by the 15th day ot June, 1993, and throughout the season as often as is necessary. MON.-FRI. 8:00 a.m.-5:DO p.m. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: 815-2020 WEED CONTRQL RATES 1993 MRCMWZLOM/te LC,",' Corp. fl!.t.?. m Seance Razz: 842-7000 herself. No one h Campbell's mouth And now she has the fight for her life on her hands. At the same breakfast meeting in Oakville last week, another Tory delegate said he was becom- ing very interested in the fight between Charest and Campbell. "I think this is the time it gets a little dirty. I'm watching it'with great interest," said he. So are we all. s-sr,,,,?,..!,!'")"'")' Clerk TOWN OF OAKVILLE Judith Muncaster by Steve Nease as put words in