Hamilton Speedskating Club wel- comes beginners and guests to a free trial skate with proper speedskates at the Mountain Skating Centre 25 Hester St Hamilton beginning Oct. 23rd from 5: $0 to 6: 30 p. m. Informationlregistration: Rich Petrone, 547-2589. Association presents Art Rental and Sales, every Sunday and Thursday, 1 to 5 pm, Gairloch Gallery, 1306 Lakeshore Ski free this winter at 30 different clubs with a Lung Association $45 pass- port. Available from the Lung Association, Halton Region, 2200 Speers Rd Information: 847-1033. Women’s Issues Group, an eight- week discussion and support group, begins Nov. lst, 6:30 pm. at Halton Family Services, 235 Lakeshore Rd. E. Registraï¬on/uzfonnaï¬on: 845-381 I . Scarecrow Making at Chudleigh’s, Oct. 17th, 23rd, 24th, 30th and 3lst, 11 am to 3 pm, each day.Play area, farm animals, pony rides, horse drawn wagon rides and much more. Open 9 am to 7 pm. each day. 9528 Hwy 25, two miles north of 401 Rd E. More than 250 Canadian original works of art available for rent or pur- chaseJnfonnan'on: 338-8972. CMHA Halton Region Branch pro- vides people in Halton with opportunities to enhance their mental health and to increase their understanding and accep- tance of mental health issues through support services, consumer and commu- nity involvement, education and advoca- chInformation: 845-5044. EACH