Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 3 Nov 1993, p. 18

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ExniAs NEEDED TN “no: and movies. 18 plus No Sign up lee. 647-09_7?, PART time driver needed. Apply Rome's Pizza, 2294 Lakeshore Rd.. W., Bronte Plan 827-1414 A NEW Mississauga office needs 5 people to walk tulk 1Ime or pen-time to help Mb appointment; No experience necessary, No “lung Students welcome. Call 826-9134 810 - 315 per hour. Proietr Ilonal Bd dealers needed pan-tinn- tull-tInto, no 0::- porlonce. we train, 618-5929. NEEDED-300 IOVIE ox- traq tar several popular TV Series filmed in Toronto. Also require new tacos for commercials. No experi- oneo remind. 3350880 CHRISTIAS Is cow ING! Need to cum extra 'l2,N for the "1qu on {cm In? Olen Mills I hw- ng mature pan xime tttltr marketers. For Interview call 336-64t2 Bun-noon or 5 pm-Spm. CLEAN alr company as clued? with rola'llei wa Mon y outgoing ople work morning lug atl noon shim. No sales 18 DELIVERY driver require tttr rut-mam. evenlna: Noon ot man 865-7G8 ttAk-AAA-AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA " , Related education and experience an asset. I?'""'"", applicants should send resqme . BILL GOODALE. 135 CAULDEH DR. OAKVILLE, ONT. L6J 4T2 N0 TELEPHONE CALLS PLEASE An Evangelical Chrisllen Organlzallon wnlch provldes services tor develogmenlall, handl- capped people ls seeklnu sulla Ie slall or: CASUAL RELIEF COUNSELLORS Full-time gositions. No experience neces- sary. Pai training program. Fast track to management with outstanding national com- pany. Excellent base salary with lucrative commission opportunlty. filnrutt"g,se', tttttttttlt Pack 9. Paid vacation. ust be en- thusias ic, 'tlg','; working with children and be Ibis to work evenings and weekends. Cell for an appointment: on Thurs. 11 am to 7 pm 825-5136 Extra Extra "" for Christmas Try telemarketing. Students welcome. Will train. Days (1 Dam-4 pm) and evenings (6pm- 9pm) Hours flexi- ble. Start $7.00 per hour. Call 849-8265 Promotional advertising company servicing a wide range of corporate clients needs ambitious people in all areas of Sales, Marketing, Public Relations, Campaign Management & Management Training. Attractive income potential. Call before No- vember 10th for personal interview. Shawna 252-0983 Join The Winners Do you have the enthusiasm and t desire to sell for a first class ' company that leads its industry? * WE OFFER: * . Full training program 4t (no experience necessary) * . New company vehicle * . $500-$900 weekly _ ' . Weekly 8 monthly bonus plans t . Excellent team environment * - Repeat sales * . Gourmet product line - ct, 9mm! help A Metroland Community Newspaper Be A Part of Our Growth CHRISTIAN HORIZONS CARRIERS NEEDED HOPEWELL RO. HOWELL RO. BRIDGE RD.-VALLEY DR. LAMOKA CT. MOWAT AVE. RIVER GLEN BLVD. STONEYBROOK TRAIL SOSthlEHANNA CT. VALLEY DR. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS AT KMART PORTRAIT STUDIOS You book appoint nnly. Relaxed work eschew. We ofte EARN EXTRA DOLLARS IN YOUR SPARE TIME Circulation Dept. 845-9742 or 845-9743 For the lollowing areas OAKVILLE] QUALITY COUNTS Mr. Roy 332-171 1 Call now! PEOPLE needed to deliver "yers Thursday & Friday. $40-$50 New. 6 - 7 hours per day. 8251380 OFFICE ASSISTANT For int-nor design company, 2 days to Mart. Responsible tor word processing, 'g,"lerl: tiling, invoicing. boo cep- mg, ole. Compulers an asset, Windows, Word. Period Simzly Accounting Rowme. by ovornbovsth, Inuvlov Concoph. 'str, stoo South SONIC. Rd., Burllngton. L7L 5H4. Operator with tit Oakville Bur- ington area. Min- imum hours guar- anteed. Subcontractors WANTED .. 4x4 Trucks - 1988 or newer any with min. 7-1/2' blade - Backhoes - Bobcats - Loaders - 4x4 Farm Tractors Permanent Part-Time East Oakville ln- surance Agency re- quires sales/secre- tarial assistant. Good office and interper- sonal skills essential. Preference to Ii- oensed appliwms. Snow Plowing SNOW PLOWING To ADVERTISE IN THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL 845-2809 Oak.: 8476357 " won-I MIP BEAVER 849-1911 829-5200 MfitaMIp DEADLINES tor Classmod Advertising arw, Monday at 4 pm. tor the Wednesday paper; plgnosday I' pm. tttr the Y E39“: gnu: y at 4 pm. tor the nda r. Can 515%. Busy Doctor's office in Clarkson area requires an experienced venipuncture & E.C.G. Technician. Must be skilled in handling elderly patients. M.W.F. 9-12 noon, Thurs. 1-4pm. Start immediately. Call 245-5544 leave message for 92922 (Full end Pen Ttmel Adults Only theo. Cam's Ingest venue: ot .ttuttvituosartttrnag.zirtistoo"tgtttrsomer medal We. They must have the tapartty to an outgoing personality and an open mind. Compute skids and sales experience an asset We ttttttr unlimited gm potential in a wortung 4trttn'totttttetttt that towards dedication and drive. Apply in men with resume to: Adults Only The successful individual must be fully bilingual in English and French, t,tttgt, in Investment products will be 0 benefit but will not outweigh a real desire and ability to provide exceptional customer service. Please so your resume to: This rosition calls for an energetic. enthu- siastc. customer-oriented in ividual and will appeal to those who enjoy interacting with customers. The successful candidate will handle :t,t,"tg',f', calls to the Invest- ment Products apartment. routine enqui- ries will be handled immediately, while the customer remains on the telephone. A troy Church of0ee roqulru a pan-time maroon on Fridays only from 9:00 lo 4:30. us! have good telephone manner, typing. compmor and coordinating skills. Send resume to: A local Educational Supply Germany is ac- cepting :gpllcatlons for run time employ- ment to ff rmblle rowers beat! at the Budhgton Mall and Oakville Place. Ilu,',','! ber 1 . January 2. Ou people oom- frvtat*ttalhitttttottte icmaycalliorm appointment at (905 310-152d. Train- ing will be provided. Some outing and m kend wodt will be required. Required for a small omce in Oakvilie Accounts payable experience and pleasant telephone manner a must i This is a 9 month contract position starting in November. 1993. Please mail your resume to: Deni-on Hydraullco 2320 . 1 Irina! Circle Olkvlllo, Ont. "" 583 irttttemplatmttatttertdtmlmtustry krr(2lsattssodanttsttsWstarters Must be enthusiastic and energetic, Unlimited earnings possible for a conscientious effort. Fbraamfidtmtit0ttervith. atllNttertallttt: (519)426-9670 or 1-800-265-1913 tor weekdays in SKI wear department of Corbett's Sports. Please call Kim at: Full or part-time, requrred tor Burlington based manufacturer Demonstrated experi- ence with Clipper/FoxPro, advanced DOS skills, Spreadsheets and Noveii Lan skills are musts. Assets will be experience In training, knowledge of steel bar, wire and mesh products and bar coding technology. Salary commensurate with experience. Reply with resume, by Nov. 15th, to: Box 9041, c/o The Post 2321 Falwiew Street Bttriingtort, Ont. 1.7R 2E3 Blllngual Customer Service Representative Must be able to work evenings and weekends. (Previous applicants need not apply). Please send resume to: 3167 North Service Rd. Burlington, Ontario m 362 Mature Salesperson SALES CONSULTANTS Applications are now being accepted for permanent part-time positions: Micro-Computer Programmer do St. Judo'l Anollcan Church 160 William St. animal. LBJ "" nun-mama [gm-um..."- Attontlon: Sharon McAnhur Part-Time Secretary 845-1561 845-1941 Retell Sales Representative commit duh ml". omee help CAREER OPPORTUNITY PERSON FRIDAY or OFFICE CLERKS I.V. / E.C.G. TECHNICIAN Mr. Robin 00. Human Resources Department Royal Life Canada 27 Lakeshore Road E. Oakville, Ont. L6J 1H9 CLASSIFIED hours fttlti2tg 8:30 a.m.-5 pm Call 845- 809. Revolhtio o- ducts like Ang NOVA have made selling. Avon one of today's most rewarding, flexible careers. Join today Call Lesley SSB-T 1 " Career [ndependence WM ofthe. hip :ompub! an moon-Inc Kai, dental SNOW PLOWING. Fall clean-up. Old applian608 "moved. Free Estimates. 632At373or3334maa. USE Visa or MasterCard to gay tor your tytatrtrltlttd Ad. all 845-2809 are“. Call 3380296, PINK CUSTOM CARPENTRV EA1fESTROUt2H cleanlni and repair. Eavesnoug and tlashing inspocled downspouts cleared. malo- rlal bagged Call 827-3355 MOBIL BEST 9 and all typos ot now-um Get that J00 cone may. run n any for Chum. Roo- sonablo‘ unable. Rotor- Rosldomlal, commercial painting, staining and Ian- tas tlnishlng. all Fraser 'lra'l'llt Free animal“. WAITRESS/WAITER Wye: WAITRESS RELIABLE LOST BUDGET Mttettrg. Two pmttmaional men sac/hr. in- cludes gas, oqunpmont, mileage. nsuranco. Free estimate; 24 hr... 7 day-Mock 6294751 ttYI',',") (lunch hours only? ondtttts Frtgay. expor‘ DEADUN- tor Clttssltied Advertising are: Monday at 4 pm. tor the Wednesday papal; Wednesday at 4 pm. tor tho Enday paper: & Thursday at 4 Sunday papal _ M 83%: We Liston mm Our poms. Our volun- ilm In Moody ' cum? our some. 1190 txmfidential. new.” "ltr. Emybodl "and: Some My Samantha ”only? Dunn“ Frolic-l? In! an "' Mann? Al a TM _ Apply In g- .nkuhoro d THE CUTTING EDGE Experlenced help wanted. every Satur- day + hours. No phone calls please. Apply In person: 331?] W i M T ' 'Subway Sandwiches NM Lakeshon Rd. w. mum-muc- Sum-Thurs. Must be mature and responsible Apply_ln_person to NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY J.B. SIMPSON, o.c. Executors at their Selma ' e tal Standard Life Centre 120 KinEOSm West M.P.O. tt 990 Hamilton, Ontario LBN 381 ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of HAROL MELVI GRIF- FITH, late of the Town of Oakville. Ontario who died on September 7, 1993 are notirurd to send full particulars of their claims to the undersigned. on or before November 24, 1993 after which date the Estate will be dis- tritimggd with regard only to claims then re- cev . DATED at Hamilton, Ontario this 27th day of October 1993. 1-416-976-4321 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS PART TIME m] ham mm III household sttrdtm Food Prep Customer Service Fun-Time Nights Notice to Creditors and Others Swiss Canadian Pastré Shop & ate 232 Lakeshore Rd. E. 487-5591 1 -522-8392 runs-m mmanm holll 84 Mum!“ WINTER HE OAK 86 "tte-r to o, NANNY wanted East Oak- vllle, must drive, house- keeping. mo children m school, private suite, Sam- 5pm 981-6508. 6-109m and weekends 549-3874. LOVING mama cuoglvm nudod in: two boys om home) ages 20 month: tttht needs) and would mm.» 2 day tth “on“. dag§'smm:n Gar den If“. 2271. NANNlES/HOUSE- KEEPEHSINURSERV posttio Lid. 849-6520 CHILDCARE Upper mam Lmo. m ”not. Plou- loavo m not (410)962-6615. [jjiiijiiiijiiiiiiil Process. Production Sul pervision nooks a poslllor on a full, pan, tampon? on comma hula; 847-370 UPPER R W. “2-334 CLEANING Lady avnll- able Mon, - Sat, Own Iransponallon. Romances available. 847-231 7 EXPERIENCED CLEANING EiriiiiiiijrEe tl".',",',:,',,',"" MEC WANTED ALINA‘S Claanlng Serv- loan. Jg our Ion/Ice one. and you'l Iiay wiih us tor. oval. Houuaa, apartments, oftlo.. The Hlghest quality, 22 inouvod. Roi-renu- ava labia. ii you want iha bani aorvlco In town, call ua at 856-0667. Satisfaction guaranteed! lady ttttellttttl. Inuurod. Your: ot "pounce, Exec!- Iom Onkvlllo/ Burlington Moreno-a CaI1632-5389 C9810! I“)! Danny SHONPLOWINO uphomory. bedding blindl. .NOIOOIIOI Do- Iignov mttrteq. Dominant M. via-l ra, Seth one "NMtt2S 546 Notice is hereby given that Amatrist td. intends to dis- solve pursuant to the Business Cor. poration Act. l'gg Turner, Pres dent M YOU . OFFER A $tl0tlP1,lhlt18K1 semen TO ADVERTISE IN THIS UPCOMING SECTION PLEASE CALL: 'tk'hvaitatseoontmt M0ffPttter_or 845-2809 BEAN Thaw “w tthet-tttit" at“ Amatrist Ltd. ANIN( "trt-rar-' " employment wanted HANICAL 897-1838 a tor immodlale and 1994 placements. piggy Poraonnol dine-nun legal notices whim down-lie Mp want-d demullc help amiable .xttrr ty aclur 'tot. band. ' lb- , Cal div " KIZOVSKI . Bill and Liz (nee Rigby) are thrilled to announce the birth of their third daughter, Jessica Elizabeth on Tuesday Sep- tem er 21st, 1993. A much loved sister for Ashley and Tanya. Delighted grandparents are Georg: and Lena Kizovski an Terry and Valer- ie Rig y. t McHUGH .. Blair Alexander has finally ar- rived to join big sister Amanda along with broth- ers Kyle and Ryan on Friday October 1st, 1993. Mark and Leslie are rel eved all is well with 8 lb. 3 oz. baby Blair. Thanks to Dr. Dina Eftlmescu. Diane and Joan and all the "special nurses who helped him into the world. tt are very grateful. Happy grandparents are Charlie and Vera Newman and Firmin (Charlie) and Joan McHugh of Newfoundland. fgfargg',- tf,,',',,',',, for the fifth time are Bud and uelda ewman. A heartfelt thanks to you Dad, I re- ally needed Kou this time. and not to forget Grandma w 056 kind hell) and support I couldn't have done without. lso Nana, and of course my best buddy Rienna. The Endl JAKOBSCHUK - Andy, Rita and bi? slsler Laura are hafpy to announce the arriva of Mel- anie Alexan ra on October 18, 1993, weighing in at 8 lbs. 2 ozs. A fourth grandchild for t and Mrs. T. Jakobschuk of St. Catharines and a fifth grandchild for Mr. & Mrs. P. Pasquarelll of Mississauga. Another great-grandchild for Gulseppe Vitale. A new cousin for Matthew, Krlstlna, Riley, Rebecca and Connor. are thrilled to announce the arrival of thelr flrtrt. born child, Sarah Ellzaboth Wooso. born Fri.. day October 22. 1993 at 7:44 a.m. at Oakvllle Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. She is welcomed on proud first-time 1'd'."t'na/t2 Ron and S aron Warns of Plcton, nt. and Russ and Marlee Kowalchuk of Oakville. A new great- tlg',tNht, tor Lcola Woo". Spoclal nhs to r. Ewaskchuk. Nadlno and the staff at Oakvilla Trafalgar Memorial Hospltal. WILSON-VINET - Michelle. Reno and big sister Chelsea are gleaned to announco the “to arrival of Alan onnor. Connor was born on Friday. October 15th at 2:52 p.m.. weighing 7 lbs.. 12 1/2 on. Proud grandparents are Marion Wilson ot Oakvllle and Reno and Dolor" Vino! of Toronto. Special thanks to Dr. Joy Armstrong. Dr. Karen MacDonald and none Joan. niter are "gt to announce the sale arrival of their tlrst chl 'J. Sarah Anne, born October 9, 1993 weighing 9 lb. 1/2 oz. Proud grandpar- ents are all and Jutta Mueller and eter and Althea Schmueck, all of Oakville. Many thanks to supgortive family, friends and O.T.M.H. staff. salms 139 Verse 13-16. SMITH - Lee and Kelly LMcManus) are pleased to announce the bin of their daugh. ter. Darcy Ann, on October 19, 1993 at Credit Valley Hospital, weighing 8 lbs. 13 02. A sister tor Brenna. Happy grandparents are Vince and Betty McManus of Oshawa and Mike and Helen Smith of Oakville. BARLOCK - John and Leanne (nee Trach) wish to announce the sale arrival of their daughter, Taylor Anne, weighing 9 lbs. 5 1/2 oz. on Monday October 25, 19 3 at Oakville 22,t", Memorial Hospital. First time grand- paren s are Norm and Gloria Barlock o Oak- ville and third grandchild for Al and Marg Trach of Brampton. Longanaited niece tor Janet and Kate Barlock. veryone well and happy. Special thanks to Dr. Armstrong, Dr. Golden- berg and staff at O.T.M.H. MYELLE.R-SCeECK r.Craig and. Jen WEESE-KOWALCHUK - Cheryl and Chris at '94 to complete a diploma in Management Studies. Jim, Alma and Heather Stabbing are proud to ceie brate the convocation of their son/brother, James Arthur Edward Stebbing, with a BA in Philosophy at the Fall Convocation of Wilfrid Laurier University on the 31st of October, 1993. James, a graduate of Oakville-Trafalgar High School, was to man abroad in Franarandthtm retumto LUinthef The family of Bob & Blanche Reid inv- ite friends 8 Itt,t,tue', to celebrate their Golden W ing (ht,gi'n on November 6, 1993 at the tffl uck Restaurant, 360 Steeles Ave., ilton. Ofen House to commence at 9 p.m. to lowing the family dinner. BOB 8 BLANCHE REID acPHerson of Glasgow, Scaand 50th ANNIVERSARY {HEM GRADUATIONS JAMES STEERING BIRTHDAYS Helen Ford Feel inn depressed because we lit? It could worse! ta could be titll Wppy mum Love: " M.Z.. HI y GOSSELIN. Arthur - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather who Passed away November 3, 19 2. little tribute small and tender . To say we will always remember. . Sadly missed by wife Mary, daughters Terry, Linda and Donna and families f GILBERT, Phllllp (Ted) - In loving mem- ory of a dear husband, father and grandfather who passed away November 4, 198 . Seven long years ago this month We lost someone we loved so much His smile is gone forever And his han we cannot touch All we have are the memories Of the one we loved so much His memories are our keepsake . With which we'll never part God has him in His keeping We have him in our hearts _ But we have his picture ' Hanging on the wall _ And when we see his picture ' It's the best memory of all . Dear God, it You can hear us Please take good care of him Because there is no other , Who can take the Jaime of him. Sadly missed an always loved by wife Sadie and children and grandchildren. t2lLBERT,Pttllllp Edward (Ted) - In lov- ing memo; of a dear father and grandfather who was on from us November 4, 1986. What we would give if we could say Hello to you Da ' in the same old way. To hear your voice and see your smile To sit and talk with you awhile. They samhat time heals everything But we ow that isn't so Because it hurts as much today , As it did seven years ago. To you who have a father - Cherish him with care For you'll never know the heartache Til ou see he isn't there. . Sadvly miss_ed and never forgotten. Barb, Rick, Angi'e and Ted HAMILTON, Floyd Ira Quentin ‘Hammy' 'Chuck' (WWII Veteran - The Lorne Scots Regiment, Oakville Legion Branch #114, Retiree Monsanto/Canadian General-Tower) On Monday, November 1, 1993 in his hong-t Chuck, 74, is survived by his lovin? wile Sylvi (nee Woolland). Dearest father 0 Sandy an Waéne Flakestrow, of Oshawa; Hazel and Le Me ormack, ot L'Amabie (Bancroft); 8 Wendy and Roy Snellina, of Oakviile. Cherishe Poppa of Stacey, err and Kelly Flakestro Donna and John Mcéormack; & Tami an Nicole Snelilng. Funeral service will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock at The Ward Funer Home, Reynolds St., Oakville. A very specl thank you to Dr. Leslie for his exceptional car and attention. Our thanks, also, to th Oncology Dept. doctors at the Credit Valle , Hospital. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Children's Wish Foundation or a charity of your choice would be greatly appreciated. c. TIMMINGS, May -After a brief illness on Monday. November 1, 1993 at Oakville- Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Mabel F. Timmings in her 81st year. Beloved wife of the late Frank Tlmmlngs. Lovin mother of David and his wife Wendy, Mar?” and his wife Heather and Richard and is wife Sharon. Dear gandmother of Stephen, Keith, Karen, Scott, tuart, Shelly, Kimberley and Robert and great-grandmother ot Elise, Jessica. Andrew and Daniel. Sister of Cis and Mam of London, England. Visitation at the Oakvlew Funeral Home. 56 Lakeshore Rd. West, Oakville (one block east of Kerr) on Wed. (today) from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. followed by a private family service. If desired, donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. NEZiC, Antonin -On Saturday, October 30, 1993 at the oseph Brant Memorial Hospi- tal, Antonija Gjumlin, beloved wife to the late Adam Nezic. Dear mother of Ivan and his wife Danica of Burlington and the late Zlata Parilac. Mother-in-Iaw o Nikola Parilac. Loved grand- mother of John Nezic, Nikola and Danica Pari- lac. Also loved by 4 1rtl'rtiiji,'arnttirtgr) Visi- tation was held at the opriva Taylor Commun- ity Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 7-9 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. Parish Prayers were held 8:00 p.m. Tuesday. Funeral Liturgy and Interment in Croatia. BURTON, Marjorie (nee Liliico) -On Monday November 1, 1993 at Oakviile Traiai- gar Memorial Hospital. Marjorie in her 71st year eloved wlie of Harold (Budt Loved mother of Harold, Bruce, Charles, and lnda. Dear grand- mother of Danielle, Jodi, Joseph, Andrew, San- dy, Scott and Rachel. Dear sister of Alex, Ja. net, Jessie. Alma, Ruby and lsobel. Visitation at the Oakvlew Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Rd., W., Oakville (tg', block east of Kerr) from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. ednesday (today). Funeral Service 11 o'clock Thursday morning. Crema- tion. Those who wish may make memorial con- tributions to the Halton Lung Association. HANNA, Moneta Mag - Peacefully on Sat-, urday, October 30, 1 93 at Oakville. Prede- ceased by her husband Oliver S. Hanna. Stat is lovingly remembered by her son David and his wife Susan. She will be sadly missed by her grandsons Mark and Geoff. She was a longtime member of the l.O.D.E. and the Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Welland. Funeral Service was held at the Oakview Funeral Home, Oakville on Tuesday November 2, 1993. Burial, Fonthill Cemetery, Fonthill, On- tario. Donations may be made to the Canadian Diabetes Association, Oakville Branch. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Oakville Chapel ttt9Rermtidotreet «an: - “malnouwomw 'ttd/Nl/thearts".",'?,?,,".?,,',,'."?.". KOPRIVA TAYLOR Lm 0:!»le ' may rhed, by caring community min a poop/o. " LAKESMORE ROAD WEST. OAKVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Terry cm. no. cum . Shun Wee, Slum Come COMMUNITY FUNERAL HOME laid Meal Home IN MEMORIAMS " Lnuhon Road West. 0mm: LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED " RUDY KOPRIVA ' NEILL TAYLOR 844-2600 842-2252 funztal bum: @akbiztn INSII® Snce 1914

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