Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 10 Nov 1993, p. 21

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RONTE Harbour Clutt, 2 odroom. 2 bath. tree up- line“. ts,',',',?,',,, parking Inns. ovum no one . wand 781-9943 EAST Burlington. var; wall kept, 3 bodroom. I 1/ baths. "Fin kitchen. walk- iAngtiistaneo to "st,1rltill1 s n 119,000, 681-6841. XCELLENT Invulmonl ttttttunity. 9ttg, Road. " ions win adamant; Ighly recognized lessee gnu strong lease Nuns til Mg, Net income “10.000. 1slt%',', .3 mil- lon. Call Linda no-Zyllk, Asmara" Broker, Century 21 , Miner Real Estate. FLEXIBLE "ttttit/tttttttmer. cnal 2t"4 tor ram. 2400541. ., 290 Spears Rd,, gaming. Call 8659288. 44415 or drop in at 288 Spools Rd. THREE BEDROOM apart- ment, ttt building. down- town akville. 2 wash. rooms, fridge and stove, heat and hydro included. 3975. January Ist. 842- 58i=__._._._., SUITES available In very quiet, beautifully maintained building. downtown Old ‘Oakvillei One bedroom $800.. available Imme- diately due to illness. two bedroom, 5900. available January 1 Lots of seniors in building Call 844-6952. no TWO Bedroom aparlmen' MEMO December Ist m a small building located was ot 16 Mile Creek $650 plus hydro. Call Joe Rupencr 844-0363. Oamome Real. ty Ltd. TWO bedroom apartment avallable immediately, Harbourvlew Plaza, corner ttt Lakeshore and Bronte Rd.g25-12m, OAKVILLE. large t bed- room available ecember 16. 2 bedroom available Janua 1sl. Non-smoker, 'll'flllagsy7"al one bedroom baseman apartment, walk to down 1mm. fireplace, aming. mil 1110; Included, few/month non-smoker 844-4494 DECEMBER 1 H. Large $199,900. 3-bed- room townhome has eat-in kitchen, 3-piece ensuite off master bedroom and a finished basement. Spec- tacular ravine be. yond back garden Eatio. Call Marilyn ield, Sales Rep., Sutton Group- People & Propen~ ies Inc. 844-5000 014E bed .or. 24655 Large 2 bedroom‘ arartmenls in al cean well main- tained building. Large balcanies, IVariety Store on ity' 5 minutes to G station, 2 minutes to QEW. Close to Sheridan College and schoos. or. flt,t, street, central. Kim ebecca area. garage and basement mamas. Wary. $685/rrmnth, avail- aFniaidtiisrpksVsat; . 500 + Licensed seats . Land, building], chattels & business . Cash in on C ristmas busmess' . Aitat $745,000. BER CROWLEY, Assoc. Broke! COLDWELL BANKER/CANADA TRUST REALTY INC. (905) 338-2201 Page! or 844-8083 1 107 Rebecca St. $339,900 Open House Sat. a-s pm a. Sun " - Noon I invesunem business propemes RIO] houses tor sale BANQUET / RESTAURANT POWER OF SALE TRAFALGAR HEIGHTS â€"c WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 199: “mammnem 845-0987 Heritage home, beautifully reno- vated, private lot 112' It 151'. Huge country kitchen, M/F family an laundry. Finished basement. 3 car garage and barn. Call 842-6992. TOTAL coo $475 INCLUDES: . Lawn "For Sate" Slgn . Open House SIms . beg-I Advice . Failure Sheds . Contra! Forms . House PhestogrNttts . Unlimited Consullnllnn “on”! Mono) 1 CLS-(lompjgteg 950m Sunken may: mints-lg mm or FAX 845-3085 Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. ITHEOI T 0 place an ad please call 845-2809 OAKVILLE Exocunvc no” trom S250 mom! 91mypur P “5.000. _ 565.000 Immo- dino mount Homo-baud dim: mall donorshlp mm national company Full naming. txttttlttqous support National cllom but In- vtslmom $8.600 Frog In m: (416) 2G5556 can: GLEN ABBEY: 2 bedroom apanmom. Jacuzzi. Iaum dry. pnvalo entrance. " parking. Non-smoker. Janus Ist. Call Dorothy i'll'AU, APARTMENT in the woods try a creek. lame one bed- room, larege plclure wind- ows. Moraine. 2?/,'lfl'/s south Cla son, L ashore area, $500 per month, plus handyman duties (grass. snow. etc.) Non-smokers, couple T, erred. avallablo Docem trr ISL. Doreen. 842-3257. TWO bedrooms plus am very clean. Igum build: dowmown O Oakville, person or quiet couple I levied. Lots of senior: building. $775. menu have message 645-6254 Cities and service tsay, 1750 sq. ft. ‘Available imme- }diately. $800/ month. HighwaK exposure. Nort Service Rd. Oak- ville 820-0000 BASEMENT apartment. separate entrance. 2 bed- room, tivinqroom, dimng- room, in exclusive Glen Abbey area, rolorences re- quired. 5750;!" month. util- ities include F Avallable Im- mediately. 827-6430. ovum ings and weekends, for rent. 6100 sq. ft., $2.00 per sq. ft. South Service Rd.M2 Zone INDUSTRIAL UNIT Ret OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY Condo Apts. 2 & 3 bedrooms from $875 per month. 1- 5 appliances . ftre'place . air conditioning . vertical blinds . broadloom . storage rooms l. recreational area i- parking included f security entrance Please call bet. ‘ween 9 a.m.- 5p.m at NEWLY RENOVATED EAST OAKVILLE AT ROYAL WINDSOR FORD NEXT TO FORD PLANT " houses tor sale Walk business ' oppomnmes LOW LOW RA TES 359' 827-7008 Lllmanmsmw 905-665-484 8 825-3327 m‘m [£133. , ITS AKVILLE BEAVER I A HIGHER STANDARD OF VALUE Enjoy the convenience of downtown liv- ing in quiet, well maintained building with indoor parking, pool and saunas. Walk to shopping, library, theatre and the best restaurants. Glorious all season View of the harbour and East Oakville. Call for appointment 842-5518 BACHELOR, new, luxury basement, Upper Middle. $580. No smoking/ pets, suit on single professional, 842-am I I Bedroom Hartman“ Ann-bl. Close to Sheridan College & Oakville Place Quiet park-like s?ttiptr_F ty iplg call: Exceptional one & two bedroom apart- ments, each with balcony overlooking beautiful Lake Ontario. Perfect tor someone seeking prime location at afford- able price. Come Home To ENNISCLARE ON THE LAKE II qhe Diplomat l & ll Luxury two bed room apart ments. Air con ditioning, pool. Luxury Quildings are a Dime a Dozen _ 1But it's your neigft6ours that make it Special at MARLBOROUGH COURT APARTMENTS 1229 Marlborough Court PREMIER COURT Call 827-6625 or 845-1482 BROKERS WELCOME Luxurious lakefront Apartments For Rent, Oakvllle 2 bedroom a. den - 1830 set.ft 3 bedroom - 1575 sq.“ Includes the use ot a fabulous recreation comflex. all utllltles, ca- ble, 5 app. un erground parklng. Avallable lmmedlately v 5220 More Id. Burlington“ Prime Addie”! . l-Bdrm. (I 100 sq.ij From $838. . 2-Bdrm. (1425 sq.be From $965, I Big 20'x26' livJdut.tTn 'A/C "Fndge, Stove Ihshwasher "Heated Outdoor Pool "anna "Recmom .lndoorKhstdoor Parking Call For Appointment to View 632-SM6 Daily 9 am - , pm Discover the Possibilities 2360' Bonner Road M m ' flat: tomnl 338-3342 . Completely remodelled building ' Two bathrooms in some suites . Spectacular view of the lake . Includes one parking space Suites start It $793. per month OAKVILLE COURT 1& 2 bedroom suites available All utilities included. Parkland setting. Parking available. gmumgg'rox SIR RICHARD TOWERS Viewing Monday to Friday 2 - 8pm Saturday, 12 - 4pm. Call tor information: OPEN HOUSE AgrstsStartAstowAs 3750. orms!Msnc-rru9lirtm-rrmt Sat. 65:11. “mu-5pm 36 East St. Bronte THE CANADIANA Pic-tum Country Mum. Haldane: On-Tho-Lnko 822-6561 844-17332 827-91 69 333 -.91 41 333-9533 Call be I’mml BASEMENT apartment mugs and stove Included $500 monthly plus hydro Downtown, close to har, bour, 845-6737 mlns. from OEWIGO Exeoptlonallg -tll. malnulnod lghrlu Hydro lncludod Outdoor pool bachelor $551 1-bedroom, $625 " apls. & flats tor rem PAGE 21 p WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER JO, 1993 845-9502 AVAILABLE ImmodIlloly One bedroom. "1690. move Closo to Oakvmo Harbour $650 monthly plus hydro, 845-6737 BEST VALUE, must be soon. Largo, one /i'"s'r'g' bedroom I nmoms. a plianoos. =lll Ghi'lr S2050 EXECUTIVE home In prestigious Fem-l Hills. 4 bedroome. 2-11 heme. greenhouse kitchen. Sunken Vnmlly room. main floor den. 5 '),t,','ll'ni",h window cove age and more. Ce" Victor Seric. ReMex Aboulowne Realty Comm-7000 FOUR!“ NEAR NOR"! BURLINGTON TWO bodroo unite] _ $Mo, plus hydro BIS-2'012 Evenings 842 1427. LANDLORDS! WE new RIVER tMU, SEVEN $854 YNREE " thately 1M74966 THREE Moon LAuULunvsl we have many screened. qualified tenants avmllblol Call amino " you have I va- BROHTE, Wttqdrttt2ttt town- house. 1-1/2 baths. Brio IN ing/ dining room and non. an Rec room. private patio Mnnioement CLASSIFIED hours are: Monday-Fm“! 8:30 elm-5 pm. Call 845- 809. USE Visa or MasterCard ttt pay for your Classified Ad. Call 845-2809. Cal 255-19 schools, parks, shopping and recreation centre, Sale neighbourhood, from 5885 Cal Sandra, 825-4il6t, Luxury 2 a. 3 bedroom Garden Home: In Oak- ville 1mm $905 per month. -5 appliances -F|raplac9 'Bmadloom ~Ver1lcal blinds -Baloonles or patios Storage rooms -Socu ty entrance On-slIo man-owner“ -Racroa(lonol am -Park|ng lncludod Control - S700Imo. - 2-bdr_m. dot. Fridge a. stove. Downtown - ”lo/mo. - 2-bdrm. apt. 2 appls., laundry facilities available. North - From $9251mo. - 2M-bdrrn. newly renovated townhouses, 5 appls. North - $11.50/mo. - 2-bdrm. apt. 5 appls. includes heat a hydro. Burllngton - 81M. - 3-bdrm.. 2-sta- ey. 5 appliances. Shon term. North - sum. - mm, dot. 5 spots. West - Stats/mo. - 2o1-bdrttt. bungalow. immac, cond. Ideal mot/retired couple. Erin “Ill. - 81.695hno. - Exec. 4-bdrm. deL. pool, entertainers dream. Bronte - $2000htto, - turn. rental, 2. bdrm., 2 bath. comer und. facing lake. TENANTS-WECANFINDVOUAHOOAEI REGISTER NOW - NO FEE FOR OUR RENTAL MATCH SEMCE. OTHER UNITS AVAILABLE Enjoy comfortable living in our spacious 3 & 4 bedroom townhouses. available imme- diately. Our features include 4 appliances, 2- 1/2 bathrooms, indoor swimming pool. sauna & shower facilities, indoor parking, on-site management, some fireplaces. Near shopping & transportation. Starting at $1,000. & up + utilities. Westminster Place Brant St. & Ghent Ave. Glen Abbey :0] spin. ' flats tor rent 6 WEEKS RENT FREE 847-5043 Burlington By Appointment, 639-0950 Mansion»! P, fttrmnt KIDS “Rod A TRAFALGAR 2‘ Rain man sirmro In a”: New Ho 338-1130 9"!” mac slonal lady socks furnished "at . Downtown or harbour area, lmrmrdiately, Would consider house or condo alt. tIng, 833-5942 WANTED. One bedroom apanmenl. above ground, for !,tel young. gentleman. $55 range ronto awn, 335-7513. BRONTE- 2 bedroom con~ do. lake vlow. parking, mm- tlos. exorclso. sauna. goal ttttr. $950. Cullen-32 4 TWO bedroom, Bronte area, Iakovlow, under- round parking. agapllancos. rs"l'l)'l,'l,'l't11 Inclu as utm- tttm. (519) 941-8764 In" 5 pm. TWO bedroom, 'hut ttulkt. ing. Oakvlllo. two bat B, Mn, up Hancos. locker. amino. $1 llll'lvnr,',"lh,", 674-1g74. FURNISHED. BURLING- TON. Luxury 162 bodroom condos from $1095, our- Iooklng [ho IIkO. Pool, rec complex 632-0354. 632. one. RESPONSIBLE. ‘prolres "STONEIOAT OUAV'. I bedroom at $786.75/mo , Call Sharon McIntyre. Sal" Rep, Lind: Davies Real Esme Lu. Rumor. 827-7728 Spam. . no 1t,'Prip; s, lug. ov.1 t . magnum mm BURLINGTON-3 bedroom FOUR bedroom. 2 bath. tire. ttit may“. Sixth Una ppm Mi alt Available now, tttoo. 637-7014 DEADLINES can All!“ Pram, ”and moon n . s bod m. 143 MN. “I. “a. minimum unno- pm“. 81105 333-6506. Fnday aper; & Thursfay at 4 p Sunday paper. Ae_terrtem LANDLORDS! WE h many scroonoa, quum“ ton-nu ”manic! Cu anytim- II you nan I " an. M. m W WMnanay paw MARINE DRIVE: redeco- mod three bcdroom town- house. New Kitchen. 1-1/2 baths plus " onsu‘ne bath, underground parking. no. room. freshly filmed. newly carpeted. our ap- modmoly. Nor-all. Ml m 2tiFB36 . LANDLORDS! We can fill {our vacancy with quali- ied/scroonod tenants. Maple Lea! Home Marketing Consultants Inc We specie in In Oakvillo properties. 842-8303 THREE and Inur bedroom townhouses. available Im- SIXTH MONTHS Annoy 3 bedroom. in year. alrMondlttoning. "" act. available Do- combor 1st. $975. Maple Lu! Homo Mammy Con- suls Inc. 842-6383 MinmGorirt,Asateiq. Brow 3384000 Relax Attttuttmtte Rr dty Corp. TOWNHOUSE 415 River Oaks Blvd. 3 Moon. Avail able immediately 5 aafetlfir', a/e as eating. 1-11: Wooms. $1100 Near Oakville Place GN house! for an! Call Us. 845-8624 .m KC. Meg." has plus ireezor Very opts ' ftrts wanted oondomlnlums for rant Ill 2-12 Wm Im- REAL ESTATE 100.165 ETAUI‘OMART 400455 In"? RENTALS 170-195 If!!! HELP WANTED 500-570 WALEISURE LIVING 200.265 'E-r-simile/NIS 600.596 mu MERCHANDISE 300.385 ETD-SERVICES MOM DEADLINES & CANCELLATIONS: Mon. 4 p.m. for Wednesday I Wed. 4 pm. for Friday issue. Thurs. 4 pm. for Sunday Issue . typographh by lhe etror ADVERTISING ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The tor the tor the a" nod 1800 ant 51350.} movim Call 844-1254. UPPER Mlddlo/Dorvll largo lurnlshod bedroom adult homo. non-smoker 3350, Including ulHIIIOI shun kllchon. bath M7-6040. TOWNHOUSE for rent ROOM avallablo, can be Iumlshod, Dor- vaI/Lnkuhora area. ram MF golllblo. 845-0746, luvs mos-ago. IUIUNOYOI: ALL Inclu- Ihn mom to! m. - mnlo. Brant/Upper Middle $350/mo lmmodllto. Bohr- oncos required. 319-2590 (Summon) CLEAN lurnilhod room In Glon Abbey. Long/short term, On bus route. Non- smokor. $300/ month. 825-4283 LARGE room In Bronte can do. Flm and last, your one”, Available Imrmr dlately. 8t7-4M73 NEWLY lurnlshed and decorated room m execu- tive home. Mung extras all Inclusive. $35 . monthly 336-5956. ONE bedroom for rent. $385, month, maln flttttr. Bedroom and eItIlngraom $475. month, maln floor. 595 Wlns1on Churchill. Available December In. 866-2131 ROOMS for ram, char-d house, close to Sheridan College. $325. 845-2282 or84 Art80or33tF1502. AVAILABLE largo _tr.tt room mm .nourt. bath- room In dollghlfu| 'rterett noun In am. grtth " con- vonloncu. Non-smoker. 332-0203. gee [norm I",,"".'?,',',,', I or. it none In I mother. huh/1600. or "all, per mom. a" Inclullvo. W.pqov237~7221, FOUR bedroom lawman... nomad. than mm Sher. Idln Iludonl. Immodmo rl'df'td,'l' I 'tl'/lt"'t.'; 240 plus ull In" our ON! mum, Punting. can“ an. 8400 mama nu- m wad moo COLLIIGWOOD. We FRIDGIDAIRE fries a. stove, almond colour, mlnt condition. $650 for both, Call after 4:30. M5-1401, FIREPROOF FILE cabinet. computer tables. desks. cm- donzas, chairs and board- room lablo. Call to New, 632-5470 FREE ESTIMATES. Custom upholstery. Chairs from 5198. Also, on great sav- ings on sofas, Iovesaats. sofa beds. diningroom chairs, dinette chairs. Field's Upholstery. Call 7 Days/Weak. 10am-9pm, 333-8202. nun-1mm“ PREFIIAILV moms wolcomo. nllhod bodvoom monthly Abe" “nominal. "" Mammy -ttmtttamtt let M. d PROVISOIONAL SHARE 4 FLOIIDA BEACH. a COUNTRY STYLE dining room sol, Maple finish, table. 6 chairs. butttrt and hutch, '1200. Dar bed (white and bras? wh la cov- " pillows an cushions. Woo. 649-3857 FAXES, COPIERS, com “mars for home or’omce. aw and repossessed Buy or lease. Call 842-8259 anchorwoman“! “than - MM “out" nu Luv. mu» DIONEVWOILD . Rent. (ltt',,1',,t,tt Gottttmtqq.2 . MW mn- humble, Sigh. Inmate can trot $600. 52129 BILLIARD table sale. new. sow oak, turn logs. used ta- bles available. lake's Bil- liard Supply, 1229 Advance Rd Unit 7. Burlington. 336- 82N. 'ED,flt"itrit?, Niagara ad CARPETS, I have several 1,000“: yards new Suin- mnsl-r & 100% Nylon Car- got. Will do lit/get,",,' and all tar $360. inc udes car- pet, pad ' installation (30 Il when. trtultto. pnvnl’o mod "to. can“. Honey ll... clan ttt 'tnu,',','.' 'ttter W. on ro. n an “M1 I errors or copy omr Claims lor errors m A coop ot local artisans selllng a woe variety ol crafts 1"1all m e lovely 3000 an, . Open 7 days I 'ldFltd ven- dors always welcome. Space from 825 per table per week. 735 Grmllh Ct. lurllng- ten. to" Felrvleu be- hlnd White Rose). $54070 BEN-Wo- WIF “mum Cult & Art Gallery “room. $2000 pot s. (519) 'h-tMt). townhoum tor ram rooms tor rent a wanted $45 outta. pull it“ 34 ttedrttetttt must be m r condo, "non 4934 or prowl mu: PETE WOO 8375 by Ir Macon. 'tttvo, wash.“ drym. Cal Inn-1631 A BETTER cuh dual for LINEN Tug-l custom cheers. 2 wl the covering 18tt, white. easy can. In. cludes track. $100.00 845-1987 Ina mach; glo stitch sugpuea. 84 -7708 SCIENCE FICTION and Fantasy pocket book colloc- tlon. Ace doubles. DAW and more. Will so" part or all. 335-0519, CRAFT vondoru welcome. Christmas Cm" Silo. No- umber 20, 1993 2,nrr,') tabla: avail-bl. untll o- vombor 12th. Call 846-7884 on. 200. MOVING PARTIAL comema of homo turnlshlngs at 148 Robinson St., Oakvlllo. Saturday. No- vember 13th, ttt 10tt.m. GOLD, side try slag "Iago aulmblo as second fridgll2li, 257.0640. HIGHEST Eric” paid tor Canadian. uropoan palm- lnqs. anllques. lumlturo, sil- ver. porcelain, clocks. otc. Tom 607-5658. FIREWOOD . Klndllng. at 1466 Walllco Rd., Oakville tttt your car trunk tor " 9 Krtt . 4 pm. Mon. _ Snub day, "NtutrAyirtrAtdetr' FIREWOOD cut and will, stored 1mm. PM. fit-ttttt 345-9“ cord (32am). hud- wood Magic and Oak 870. r cold ( 1tt'2 Two com WA". Free do Ivory. Call Flrowood Expvou, Camp- numb. (519) 856-4t206. FULLY "cloned 100% premium mm. pickup or "livery, Open 7 an". Hilton'l largo" linwood outlol. Marci Oumy Fm- wood. manhunt oomor Tru- Wer, FIG/Highway 5. a: A”. fs 257-636. - _ SEASONS!) mm. birch SSSAA Bans Towing will pay top dollars for scrap cars and trucks. 24 hours, 276-(BAFIT)-276-2278. pager 376-8951. 7 days. Ordor new tor Grumman limmd (mammal avail-bl. Also mixed "Moods. kin. gum; and lagged yoga Good runnlu order. " In 5150. 632-2 tr. $38 A babe ot a deal. Cars and trucks wanted. Dead or allve. ,?/l'l2/ttli Call 270- 1656. PAG R 582-8999. Cun'ndlnn Flio'wood Co “9-0031 ANCASTIH MINT" I Collocublu Chr "mu Show. Friday Novombot ttth, 6-9. Saturday & Sun. day. mm 13 l u tth 49m. "oo admission. An- TOONIIA Colour Nola boon 386160 '/lP"t Co one. $1.75 can 1900 ACURA Legend " Coupe. 89,000 kms. Fully loaded. Lemuel interior. Warranty, 319.800 Cell (905)68F9t44 1902 MERCURY Grand WJoadod. 2alrbags anttMS.tust<ttectod.rton- smoking senior owner, 70.000 highway Kms. 844-8095 19M NISSAN 24o SX Unmod Eation,tulty batted like new, Iow mileage $14,700. 827-3218. 1984 OLDS Cutlass Sw prrrr?? 2 tttrt?rso1glryOyyry if. blue, S1900 647.-9a68 business 590-0706 Exten. sion 3245. 1979 GRAND Prix, good condition. needs little work. asking 8200. 845-9978, after 5 pm. - 1977 PONTIAC Grand Prlx cient Fulrgroundl. man- my " I 8ttutttexm Ra An "plum ulocllon of an- a“. to help you! Many 'ttttem' 349-0702 JACKSON Rhonda EX BULL do: Bunnies, no no.“ ol urn not“ have ammo, Call 905-039- 7760 “COCO“ Fl!!! pups, Wat CKC agar mod. Fully mud. Gua- anlnd. 8550. "tttttted. Show A” Nov, Mtn. phi no“ 15 you: n- pononco. Rahal. and ma- Ionablo, Pmun Ported Woddm Photo nphy l'a8.'l"/lll q 1986 CENTURY we on. Must sell. Fabulous Seal. loaded. luxury Interior, main- lonanca tree. 83600 or best otter. 332-9523. PIANO, Yumann wuss: walnut. own“ by an l FADWYG Pnolqgragh 19.7 SABLE LS by own~ " Power brunt/stur- 1ngtwirutttwtumirrors, alr conditioning. cruise control, bucket new. centre con- sole, AM/FM cassette radio, excellent condmonv $5,009 847-1939 1090 JAGUAR SOVER- EIGN, black. loaded/im- mawlalo. one fussy owner. approximately 15.000km on factory warranty. $27,900. 645-1637. 1909 PONTIAC Tempest LE. V-6. auto, an, new en- gre. cttrtitittd. $6500. Call 7-9451 M mm. 5.700. Beat awn. 3450. 847-at23. Mer “H216 Ems] cars wanted CON an lot at. 'tNant-art 3.1mm :0] articles for sale Blemish: )le will" etude: warn-d mud-o MW Induslrlal sow- ne (Singer), sln- ; plus upholstery Best offer. EDS akvulle xi: $700 or but if it Sate OIL. lube and "nor any 8796 with this an. 7033 T m 1ftIr_LJrytlioetrr. Call MOW-685d 1092 FORD AEROSTAR XLT ' landed, “king $13. 500 Call mu 4ttttt 045- 7072. P/T MAINTENANCE OFFICER SALARY: $10.8timr. To work at our facilities in Halton. Duties in- clude general janitorial and some main- tenance. Valid driver's license and ability to work flexible hours. . Please submit resume by November23rd, to: AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOV. " AT " Add. Ftrttt.EatgteottuV.tuhMttfttittttn LOCATION: At the Fairground. on Robot! Sun! In Milton. SALE OF: 3 Complain B R when. (all like now). other good household furniture, appliances, (large & small), ammo glass & china, oil paintings, lamps. plus Iho regular household misc. items. etc. PREVIEW: From 9 A.M. on Sale Day only. - Lunch availablo - Uoual Tum. ww- Qu, Ffitl VIII, w m LOCATION: In Milton, at the Fairgrounds on Robert Sm. SALE OF: Antique & other mum. glut. china, coloctabloc, primitives, mac. Mtt etc. only. D l G Aucnons LIQUIDAHOI CENTRE 3531 FAIRVlEW STREET BURLINGTON (comer of Folnrlow I Walker's Lino) PARTIAL LISTING: SoIId Oak Bedroom Sultes. Solid Oak Pedestal Tables Wlth Solld Oak Chem. Hoop Becks. Arrow Becks. Double Pros: Beck, WIndeor Beck AND Other solid Oak Chelrs. TAI., VCR Stands. Solld Dal Wash Stands. Dry Sinks. Cedar Chests, Del Lamps. Telephone Stands. Solld Oak Dlnlnp- room Suites. Solld Plne Bedroom Suites End & Carlee Tables, Double Pedestal Tables. Drop Lee! Tables. Bullets AND Hutches. my; , my quallty Sato . NOTICE ONLY USUAC Tennis . LUNCH AVAILABLE PREVIEW: From 4.30 PM. on Sale Day ' AtxourttirtgMiem. Computer: . Medical/Legal Ottice Assistant q Dental Receptionist q WordPertect . DOS fiiil q Lotus 1,2,3 q ACCPAC I am looking for 2 mature hard-working self-starters to earn 3800-31000 per week. Positive attitude and a clean pair of jeans is a must. For the right Individuals we provide: . Full training program I New company vehicle q Weekly and monthly bonuses 0 Opportunity for advancement For a Personal Interview CALL MR. STEWART Halton Adolescent Support Services 497 Elizabeth Street Burlington, Ontario LTR 2M4 Attention: Business Manager We thank all applicants who apply, but advise that only those to be interviewed will receive an acknowledgement. Halton Adolescent Support Services Requires a 31!] an! training WED. EVEN. NOV. 17TH AT 6.30 PM. AUCTIONS mammary-unm- 'FIIl-IM-Ihlm -m.u.mam- WANTED ALIVE "01' DEAD TERMS OF SALE: Cash, Cheque: Auctioneer: Chris Schouten Phone: 878-2576 Auctioneer: Chris Schouten Phone: 878-2576 From 2 Prlvulo Colloclou AUCTION SALE tlt y-mt m All OUTSIDE and Inside Mor. as. Ivmlablo Novomhov 3 th Two caveman. szoo/monm lumen Churcth Call644-2131. as: Visa or MasterCard to pay for your Chum“! Ad. Calt845-2809. CLAGSIFIED hours are: Monday-Flick; 8:30 |.m.-5 pm. Call 845- 809, “I, career wining (be ml- mm 'ed ad repaid h

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