(leadership mg??? , CARoE PHILLIPS pedal to the Beaver l desperate need exists for Askills in running a manufac- turing company competi- tively by world standards. Colleges in the ravaged Golden Horseshoe yea are searching for ways to expand their customer base. i Put them together and you have Ia new educational partnership between the central west branch of the Canadian Manufacturing Association (Oakville to Niagara fails) and three community col- leges: Sheridan, Niagara, and Mohawk. , The Manufacturing Leadership Certificate Program began at all three colleges this fall, geared toward those fortunate enough to still be titled "supervisor" or opti- mistic enough to call themselves "aspiring supervisors". The goal is .to train these people to run their departments efficiently and produc- lively in an increasingly competi- tive environment. ' The brochure hails the 180-hour, five-course program as being "spe cially designed to meet the immedi. ate needs of the manufacturing sec. tor." It also promises that partici- pants "will develop the ability to se and achieve goals for improved pro activity, quality. expense control and on-time product delivery..." IMA and olleges join 'orces in "E USINESS The course wheels started tum- ing when college recruiters approached local CMA members two years ago about taking some already-established classes. Partnership coordinator, Bob Beyette, described the first steps. "The colleges said, 'We offer this and this' and the CMA replied. 'That's not good enough'." When 'the colleges asked exactly what the 200-member CMA did want, they found that they didn't know. So the two sides met in early 1992 and conducted a survey which resulted in an extensive list of what local companies were looking for in management. Such skills as prob- lem solving, negotiating, objective setting, and time management, were some of the most frequently men- tioned. As a result, the tive courses offered are: Supervisory and Management Techniques, Coaching and Developing People, Maintaining Effective Teams, Computer Literacy/Applications. and Continuous Improvement Processes. "lt is too little, too late right now," says Beyette of offering this program in a region which was hit first, and continues to suffer, from the recession. "This should have been done three or four years ago; it would have put us in the forefront," he suggests. "But if we don't do it now, we'll fall even further behind." Cliff Coburn, director of Training and Development at Sheridan College, sees a new will- ingness for employers to invest in their workers' training. "For a long time, we have seen that employers tended to cut back on training," he says. "In the '90s, in the face of pretty rough times, employers are training more than previously. They see that human resources are as crit- ical as capital resources in dealing with the competition." But along the same lines, employers are not eager to spend money for skills not needed. Hence, the course outlines are overseen by a steering committee which includes the college coordinators and CMA chapter chairman, Mike Parker, vice-president at Procor Ltd. in Oakville. An "action task force" comprised of CMA members also reviews the material. "One minute after this course is printed, it's going to be outdated," says Beyette, who has worked in the manufacturing sector, most recently as plant manager at ICI Paints Canada in Concord, Ontario. "But it will never become stag- nant." And he adds that if a partici- pant isn't satisfied with the course, he or she can retake it free of charge. No "The most important benefit (to the colleges) is that it keeps our courses relevant," says Mohawk vice-president Jim Weber. "lt means we are offering what manufacturers want :adership an at all ' geared nough to , or omi- h--.------""'"-'- John Hansen from the Weed Man's Oakville omee presents cheque for $2,500 to Jennifer Martin, a guide dog trainer with Canine Vision Canada of Oakville. Looking on is Michael Kernaghan from Weed Man's Mississauga head ofrice and 'Nepi'. 1.Call845-5585(toud1ton¢only) 2.vmenpemtptedenterthe4- digitcodefirxntttearectmy 3ntrendyourcallpeess' QllSl!tii . ALONE DANSK Save up to 757.“:md more... Recapture the gift giving spirit at the annual Dansk Holiday Warehouse Sale 'F". " - - ' . . on dinherware, flatware, cookware & gift meme Clearance, seconds, overetocke & samples - gifts for everyone on your list! All sales final, Got the "Bah Humbugs"? CHURCH DIRECTORY............................. CoMtumtTytNoN-FRortt GROUPS...... ENTERTMNMENT Top 10WeekIy\/Ideos.,....., _ Twrt TT . ., . 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