Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 24 Nov 1993, p. 21

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SHARED o’lhco space for lawyer or accountant in '//,",'n'r/d Bnarwood Busi- ness ark a! Trafalgar and OEW Private omens plus share reception. kitchen, boardroom. telephone line: and more Call Eric or An. gelo 8420300. BRONTE Harbour bedroom, 2 bath, ri'iiiiirii,' aTGainirG'a Agents protected. 781-9943 bAKVILLE Exocuuvo ol- hoe: from $250 month al ttt Spoor: Rd TWO bedroom apartment, $625 monthly, available December 1st Cal bemoan 6pm. and 8p.rn. 82r-r008, ONE bedroom 3685, two bedroom. 3820 Ground bov- el. canal sheet. comm. Kerr/ abecca area. garage and basement storage. laundry Avaulable Immo- dialaly MS-4586 Rum": he TSE and Mutual has? In 9 month. I'm up 30%. muotoformortotn a group to research and poolldeas 820Aitt66 HOME BUSINESS No de redsabs, " cash New phenomenal growl num- honal company (416)-351- 46008xl 1517 24hom: CAN a BACHELOR at 564 Ken Street. above restaurant. adults only. avanable tht. cember 15m. $400 month. camber t5tt ly. 783-3845 BEST VALUE, must b seen Large. one and tw bedroom gamma. 5 a; pianos; the 827-963 BRIGHT, new one bed- room basement apartment. pneate entrance, trudge. stove. washer, dryer, ca 19 TV, central atrl vac, ample storage. parting. spacious TV, central atr/ vac, ample slorage. parking, spacious yard mth vegetable garden walk to Mall $560 Indumve 825-49657 TWO bedroom plus den vex clean building, 1- ' bat a, tiysng may: dam College $899 0088. ONE bedroom walk-oul basetmmtapartmenL Walk downtown $475 plus 842-B132 ONE ONE bedroom, wal basement apartmm Glen Abbey Newl‘ Ilhad. $650 Ava January IS. 647-3564 $525, 829 GLEN ABBEY: 2 bedroom apartment. Jacuzzi, laun' dry, pnvale entrance. 1 parking. Non-smoker. January Ist. Call Dorothy 847-6831 BACHELOR, Musaluauga basement, Furnished, sir contained, anale entrance Laundry Pamng. cable. im. mediate, incluswe $550 8224628 SUITES available m very quiet, beautifully mamtmrytd, $800.. two bodrl Help us with our Mission of financial independence for Canadian Small Business. If you are passionate about making a difference in the lives of small business people, give us a call. LGC is a leading accounting franchise organization with an innovative system to meet the needs of the Canadian entrepreneur and we are Planning to open an office in Clarkson. f you are an existing practitioner or are considering starting your own accounting practice, we invite you to learn how affiliation with LGC could benefit you. Fax “our resume to (,flulltltl or call on Robertson al1- 0461-8805 or write to: 110 Hanover Drive, St. Catharines, Ontario. L2W1A6 'all 644-6962, n ml houses tot sac 359 . \lunganr “one; . (154 ‘ompulor Llstirte 'irrtlces . RENTAL FEE ONE 1/2 MONTN'S RENT TOTAL . c_______________ --l..-V-.m. wunmssnm: M MlltiNillq 24, 15mg; :0] apts ' 'ats by tent APPROX. on son. 19817154550 Miicq ' business (Separate Units) IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY W's condosbude was in! lie, rent w-nlad Legal Ad 1075 North Service Road W Oakville T.HE ENNISCLARE CORPORATION LEADLEY, GUNNING&CULP Semrityiscontmllirtgyourdestiny no bedroom droom. $900, _ w: in building, . no lease, room dunmg to Sheridan monthly, 845- ty TOTAL C(FTSI'IS warms: n "For Silt" Slnn . Open Home Slum mm . Feature Sheds . Contra" Forms Pttoto-hs . Unlimited Consultation Club. ' five up Nymphs or FAX 845-3085 Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. 925 be To place an ad please call 845-2809 OWN your own Dmcl Mu Duloump Homo- baud Immodmlo prom: 342.000 OAKVILLE D becca. two b laanghp'ark 5625 plus ydro Aval can“! IS, "ir-a PENTHOUSE LUXURY All glass View of lake trom living area. Spiral suarcase to loft bedroom, Maslor/ guest bedroom Mm balcony and den Jacuzzi. walk m shower, 2 plecn powder room. 5 appliances, ceramu: and carpet lhroughoul. Close to OEW and G tran- sit. 416-627-7636 AVAILABLE mmedcalely One bedroom. mags. stove Close to Oakwlle Harbour $650 monthly plus hydro 845-4i737 OAKVILLE PLACE area, 2 bedrooms, $730 Heat/ hot water pad. Available De. camber Ist For more In- Iormauon call 847-1138 BASEMENT apartment, trudge and slave Included $500 monthly plus hydro Downtown. close to har. hour. Available December ISL 845-6737 BACHELOR, new basement. Upper Middle" $580, No gmokmg pots, sun one single wilds: 842-9815 'EAST OAKVILLE " ROYAL WINDSOR FORD NEXT TO FORD PLANT Join Tim Honons. Wendys. Kentucky Fried Chicken. Subway Sub, Pizzazone etc. LOW LOW RATES Sold». tor Mud Halli. "t Chin-u. mun. _ lndlnn Radium. Column-nu AS”. W200. Buy A Der, _ snub. . , ?tReli't?gilrd27, WaA-rttylrthtmt9tfes, Luxury two bed room apart ments. Air con ditioning, pool. -5 appliances -Fireplace oBroadloom New blinds oBaloomes or patios -Storaqo rooms 'Seoumy entrance KM-sm, management .Rtrcreatitmal area ~Pandng included Luxury 2 A 3 bedroom Garden Homes In Oak- villa tram $905 per month. HE OAKVILLE BEAVER l 827-6625 PREMIER COURT flit 338-3342 “an “batons“ 847-5043 Mom. “ma humus. 0990mm mum Bupp housufoudo ylluu Er my sun at: dc. uxury dogs requires apartment Lac 827-1367 BEAUTIFUL freehold town- 710030.148) graft, fin-shed basement Ivor Oaks 511003;: month, January 1 Ha n: Lama, Conluvy 21 Miller tWV9t80. YOUNG BRONTE HARBOUR Club, I bedroom plus den Rent Includes ulnlllles plus un- devground parking $1075 per month, Numerous amamlnes. Availablo Der. comber m 827-5464 BRONTE- 2 bedroom con do, lake View, parking, mm "as, oxercnse. sauna, poo " 8950. Call 847-3204 ONE bedroom condo apart- ment. In Bronte, close to har- bour Overlook: creek and marsh Upscale bulldmg. Enjoy the convenience of downtown liv- ing in quiet, well maintained building with indoor parking, pool and saunas. Walk to shopping, library, theatre and the best restaurants. Glorious all season view of the harbour and East Oakville. Call for appointment 842-5518 SHORT term plus den con qccupancyg S Call Ann Smilehursl. Job non & Daniel Id, 844-606 SUBLET, 3 bedroom con- do, Glen Abbey area. 5 ap- pllancea, master ensulte, available December lat, 825-3327. FURNISHED. BURLING- TON. Luxury 1&2 bedroom condos from $1095. over- looking me lake. Pool, rec complu. 632-8354. B32- 6180. TWO bedroom, Bronte Exceptional one a two bedroom apart- ments, each with balcony overlooking beautiful Lake Ontario. Perfect for someone seeking prime location at afford- able price. ENNISCLARE ON THE LAKE II 2 Bodroom W. Aral-No Close to Sheridan College & Oakville Place Quiet park-like setting. Ot Info call: maintain“ Manda q Hymn lndudod . om pool 1mm. “25 845-9502 993. References and cm mock muured 639-88t?3 . mm tron mm 'Excopuouly Inl- Close to Sheridan College ' Oakville Piano 'ite/fill",', setting. or info call: 1260 Marlborough Court 1 a 2 Bedroom Apartments Available Immediately Wm Country um Haldane: Ora-Mo THE CANAliMANA 5220 More Rd. Burlington? Prime Addie“! . l-Bdrm (llaJsq It I me 3818 . 2-ibdrm (1425 sq ft ) From $965 . Bag 20'x26' lIdem rm 'A.‘C 'Fruige. Stove Dishwasher 'Heated Outdoor Pool 'Sauna .Recroom .lndoorAyutdoor Parting Call For Appointment to View 632-S6tMb Daily 9 am - 7 pm MARLBOROUGH COURT APARTMENTS 1229 Marlborough Court Call 827-6625 or 845-1482 BROKERS WELCOME Luxurious Lakefront Apartment- For Rent, Olkvllle 2 bedroom a. den . 1830 so.“ a bedroom - 1575 at”! Includes the use of a fabulous recreation complex, all utilities, ca- ble, 5 app. underground parking. Available immediately :Ilmamrormt WALLACE PINES ll OAKVILLE COURT WWII"! In! um SIR RICHARD TOWERS 36 East St. Bronte ootung to pay ttgustett Oak- 844-7332 827-91 69 845-7545 AVAILABLE: bungalow thru bodroomt two bathn hmuhod basemonl. an. up plane". la loll gara $1150 'al%L" 9er floor Inciudee I appliance: garage and hreplamr, Chad TWO BEDROOMS. gum mg, Meaty carpeted Anu- ablo January 1 t850nno $950 plus unlw able Decembev Chnsnns 336-00 LANDLORDS! WE have many screened. qualrtu"t tenants avnllablei Call anytime It you have I vs- Manégomom NORTH BURLINGTON. 3 budroom. 1-1/2 baths, air, hroplaco. near bus, tMA highways $1100 plus unh- ' (519) 856-9071 ahers FOURTH LlNE/SPEERS. 3 THREE bttdrtr bungalow: garag THREE bed backs THREE bedroom. double garage, 1/2 acre, east Oak- VIlle. $1690 (negotiable) plus utilities Short term possible, 822-3330 TWO bedroom house to rent, 1-1/2 baths,? car park- mg, 2 appilancaa Imma- dlalely, $300. plus hydro, 845-2012, Evonmgs 842. 1427. THREE bed 842-6132 OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY Condo Apts. 2 a 3 bedrooms trom Ti', per month, . ii'rt1'l'd', . an conditioning . vemcel blinds . broadboom . storage rooms . recreabonal area . parking included . security entrance Please can bet- ween 9 Wm,- 5p.m. at: 825-3327 "arototutstormnt has-storm! dudod 335m Lu Y: avmis Walk b rm bupga 844-202 es Ava a? MAIN FLOOR. 3 Minoan avenge, laundry, parking 75 plus hall mimics tras, "MY PM!" Got ”we ' Dolmen. u-m bllhl. :0: MM. l " pun-cu. not». "" 333-53". Aw" In... "on: no: to Us tttree mono!!! coo- tNVtttarttttttuq. largo " (may an on W W No you 333-407! all. LANDLOROS BURL-OAK FURNISHED Glen Abbey. avallablo Im- mediately. 5350/ mcluuvo timt. last. non-amok". gull No parking. ttso? month 845-1592. an message ROOMS SSE-Gm LARGE homo. 347 PRIVATE budutunilvmm separate entrance. when house. close to l College $325, crewman or 338 TWO bedroom tor tub lease, $925. monthly plus hydro, parking included. available Decombov Isl. M7-7126, SHARED ACCOMMO- DATION. Quiet court sel- ting in Burlington, Laundry & kitchen privileges Close trrpublic trans»! $350/mo. Call Tom or Dennis, 335- 8688 WALK to Sheridan Large 4 bedroom home Own RESPONSIBLE Whoa SHARE three bedroom home, With two working pro- tosswnal males, All inttlu. sive, Non-smoker preferred 6th Llne/Riveroaks area 257-1662 eve TWO looms available in large 3 bedroom house to share with profsssonal, $380. plus utilities, 842-5484. THREE BEDROOU an 3 bedtoorns. AvaiL able Immediately. 5 appliances. ale. ed, heating, 1-1/2 (brooms. S1100! month. Central - $700/mo. - 2-bdrm. det. Fridge & stove. Downtown - $810/mo. -2-bdrm. apt. 2 appls., laundry facilities available. North - From $9251mo. - 2&3-bdrm. newly renovated townhouses. 5 appls. North - $1150/mo. - 2-bdrm. apt. 5 appls. includes heat 8. hydro. Burlington - $1,200lmo. - 3-bdrm., 2-stor- ey, 5 appliances. Short term. Glen Abbey - $2,000/mo. - Exec. 4- bdrm., 2-storey. approx. 3,400 sq. ft. TENANTS - WE CAN FIND YOU A HOME! REGISTER NOW - NO FEE FOR OUR RENTAL MATCH SERVICE. OTHER UNITS AVAILABLE 'f/tco/ge',,",']?, living in our spacious 3 & t droom townhouses. available imme- diately Our features include 4 appliances, 2- l/2 bathrooms, indoor swimming pool. sauna & shower facilities. indoor parking. on-site management, some fireplaces. Near shopping & transportation Starting at $1.000 & up . utilities. . Westminster Place Brant St. & Ghent Ave. Burlington By Appointment, 639-0950 m manhunt- Townhouse 415 River Oaks Can Lin 84536248.. K.C. Me 6 WEEKS RENT FREE 338-8179 noun. for rum shared accommodation all for tent, shared o" to Shandan $326, 645-2282 Bronte. $42 82S-4M12, h TRAFAIBAR PAGE 21 p 'MBER 24, 1993 IRWIY. 338-1130 egg yyt mmmmmlu THREE and louv 006mm lownhouus. avaulablo im. modlaloly le" Mall area. 2SS-936 MAKE TRACKS' (iv-WIN In!“ DIIVE RICEIIION IILIIF. 2 FOUR BEDROOM we Dumbo! HI " nuns-common OIACIOUO use In tt a ttqtMtttth. m on“, I, " MRI. new. In- mi'yloon -tdttormq Minna. double 0. has“ "ro I! hr/trs CErE25] plus Wulon Thtptal Con- troliqr, $175 360 MG ESDI hard-am. plus Wulon thtptal Controller 5325. 825 ASSORTED EXECUTIVE Doublo pedestal "cro- (anal, desks. Credonzu. Chans, Compute" tables. Call to now. 6324470 GE. sell-cleaning stove, mar, washer, dryer, gas bar aqua. teak bedroom set, queen-size. 2 leak on. lorlalnmonl unlls. 3-plece bookcase, leak With bar. lots of garage sale clams. gar- den accossones‘ dishes. glasses, plates. 829-2266. DISNEVWORLD REDlNGTON 1907 SKIDOO SAFARI. as?! cond-uon, '2t00 or toffer CalI327-4949 BILLIARD Tablas. uud. and new custom bum. slat table. from $1225 Blake'; Billiard $35”, 1229 Ad- vane. Ro mt 7, Budoty ton, 336-8260. CARPETS, I he“ uvoml 1,000's yards new Stain- maslo' & 100% Nylon Car. pet Will do Ilvmgroom and hall tor $360, Maude: car pol. pad g Installaupn. (At pack 31200. M9-1706 CHILD'S dr-tmirror child‘s desk, two micro. thne sranfs, adjustable DINING ROOM Suits, ex- ceptional a piece Sklar- Poplar, pecan finish, 6 cane back chairs, oval table, 2 leaves. suds server, $995 844-1228 A tM MG ESDI hard-drum CELLULAR p Two bedroom pent house at Planta, 'sg Club. Asking S 100. monthly US. Please call Fred Schafer Real Estate Ltd. mun-Hano- arw baud mi. “I In dock. 'dur,', buo- " net-ta a. VENICE FLORIDA to Spacious ' bed» onhomu with 9. Salt 'tot8Rrwttt9tttt 842-1630 Wm lav rant hon-u tor tent d 2 chairs. $350 med m among -sasd a mu Coun my: REAL ESFATE 100-165 mm RENTALS 170-196 my; LEISURE LIVIN( urn MERCHANDISE Wed. 4 p.m. for Friday Issue. Thurs. 4 pm for Sunday i ADVERTISING ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Oakvulle Beaver assumes no DEADLINES & CANCELLATIONS: Mon. 4 p.m. for Wed typographic by the terror uncle. all gyytllr MY NAME IS Samantha. I am a Shun-Tm (spayed), I would love to be a compan- Ion to somebody who leads a qunel lifestyle. It you can help me, please contact Jo- celyn 849-a891. WEDDING Photography - 100-115 prints in atburn plus negative: 15 years er penance. Reliable and rea- sonable Plcluve Perfect Wedding Photography. 63BMm0 - Fll! mum Cum upholuory Cum "on! in! Ann and W on dinmgvoom chum. an". chum mm Uphouluy. Can , Days/Won. ttum- IOVINO- Immune. (Inna, "ree, . 0w. pom damn union no. Cd "F3d5Bd MllYENDO FAIEI, COPIIII W. W. v mum-ans t',r1'tgi'lrg'slg 8:30 a.m.-5 pm. Call 645- 809, New“ and onu- c3333:- Buy MOVING BALE! " HIGHEST p GERHARD Apa CLASSIFIED hours are ""0A$ltrrAMAttA 958 009“» any“. 01 .27 urtttuq m an. _ 81.300 8." 87”.. New trom anally home. 335- StL--..---.-- ONO! "RES tour, 8 F Phan- doan out your do“! at baseman! tor unlomol- ublo m IAq mm? and “comma We ml puck up Call Sharon 339-9436 FULLY soasonod 100% pmmnum hardwood, pickup or delivery Open , days. Halton's largest firewood cult-l. Marc's Quality For. wood. northeast comer Tm. Ualgar Rd/Highway 5. 257-6366 In I 12. Bum-Idem- In vow £20m, Alto mmcamno. DONATIONS WANTED cablo TV you” Call27-4949 FIREWOOD . Knndllga at 1465 Walla“ Rd., o Illo hll your car trunk for " 9 am - 4 pm Mon - Satur day “Sammy Includod' FIREWOOD cut and split. slaved made. Poe firqtwood $45-90! can: (Skull). hard- wood Maple and Oak $70- 90! 001M320; l Two colds $135 Free do wary. Call Firewood Expreu. Camp. Milt. (519) 856-4)206. mod? tt you an MIME: who to: and pact. Tom 607-5953 al n90- ante' Viewing I. Registration 9 mm. - 1 0 mm. Auction " a.m. Auction sale of over 150 bicycles and misc. unclaimed property including: Jewellery, Cameras, VCRs, car stereos, lp waders. 3 root light assemblies, 12 truck tail light as- semblies, pails of drywall compound, Man- trix lighting mixer and much more. Jrstarr3at5-a2tit, tall 845-8188 AUCTION SALE SAT. NOV. 27TH AT 11:00 AM. LOCATION: AT HUME'S AUCTION FARM 2 MILES EAST OF HWY. 25 OR 2 MILES NORTH OF STEELES AVE. 3 MILES NORTHEAST OF MILTON ON THE 4TH UNE SALE CONSISTING OF: A 10 X 30 storage lot, Furniture, glass and china. books, miscellaneous, etc. etc. AUCTION SALE MON. NOV. 29TH AT 6.15 PM. LOCATION: In tho Agrkrultural Hall. ll the "lrgrounds, Robot! Stud. Mlllon. Furnlturo, " pieces of Shading. china, glass, (was, boon. one. AUCTION BALE NOTICE SAT. NOV. 27TH AT 10:30 A.M. SHARP LOCATION: In the Agricullunl Hall. Robert Shoot. Motor, Falrgroundl. HIllon. PREVIEW STARTS AT 'so AM. SALE CONSISTING OF: Household and An- tique "ems, 17 cu. ft. Wood: healer, coins a paper money, etc ttttk - USUAL DTERMS For non-payment ot storage and ten! - Could be lufpfllOI. - Uuuul Tum: . Lunch Ann-bk. no mm". $45 Ouch or a m use 821-0250. we arm": 3. ld, an lays. run - bull-m "no”. may a All lulu!" I260 met? "ALTON REGIONAL POLICE AUCTION 1 151 Bronte Rd. (Hwy. 25) Oakvillo (Indoors) undulati- n 're-tood AUCTIONS Saturday Nov. 27th " meteor-W pets, sapwo- musical "Imminent.- “In” AUCTIONEER: WARD BROWNRIDGE PHONE: 905-878-6730 AUCTIONEER: DON COLLING PHONE: (905) 878-3185 AUCTIONEER: CHRIS A. SCHOUTEN PHONE: 878-2576 6/75/15. and pr am“! we“ pad to 19min plant locks, ole m mt ull I. con 3w ‘I be In by the 100-165 :7 AUTOMART 400-455 170-196 muHELPWANTED 500-570 200-265 IlEr-i0i()ljWlis'NEWi 600-696 300-385 um- SERVICES NOON "8AA Barts Towing mil pay top dollars tor ucrap NEW bam. rental - for boats, RN 's, trailers. autos, an: Andrews Senna: Aer”. Milton Phone (905) 618- saor "I1 topaz. 6Mttor, auto 90. DD. pm, 38.000 mil“ can and trucks. 24 hours t2,2'i/l',ttWhtd"' my than. alt. "one Wurrlnly $0060. Com 837-1044 t99tt VHUNDEIIIRD "8Attattqotad.at.Cam artdtrt=ttawantqd.0oartor alre.,b-tprtcqa swam OIL. lube and mm onl " 95 mm rm ad. 7033 T02 tom Way Unit l, Dunc/Dow Cal 906477-68ti8, I." 'LYHOUTH SUN: DANCE» 4 doc: automatic $3900, vuty clan. can!“ mined t on. one! an“ now ammo 82500 1004 JEEP CHERO- KEE- 2 door, Iulomauc. 4 cylmdov, 0WD Nico mud. and out 34100 comma torr CHEVROLET CA MICE WAGON, one tam Hy owned. nood- work 8500 u m. “6-558-4411 3454‘"! ACTIVE Lock and Sale Cer, 2380 Spurs Rd, Oak. wllo r.qutrt" Shop Parson. Full time. Monday- Friday Key cutting, shop maln- lunanca ate. Full tttttttthis, No 390nm“ please, um HYUNDAI Poul, 4 door mum-c. 16.000 Aa"tt"t.t)00 2S7-1rt8 "" CENTURY also Mutt nu Fabulouo al, We. tummy about, man- I-ttq In. moo or but oh! 332452! 1001 FORD XLT MD, nuanced can. Runs good. new; limo work to “My 3600. 330-0264 my a pm. lama, "allow new um. 510,0 1m TAURUS "" PONUAC .000 good condilnon. 03.006 lul omen”. "lung 87.300 W db! , pm. EHO] was lot sale Tfa can Int-d TN an to: we Hairstylist (With Clientele) Ready to earn Highest Commission Ever In a relaxed atmosphere Ask For tietry tta9-aat4 ”What: main 532m - 1mm t condom. no or bu! If i1 jale Experience pre- ferred but will train Evenings 6 pm-9 pm or flexible. Start $7.00/hour. No experience necessary Monday to Friday 9:30 - 3:30 pm or 9:30 - 8 pm. Guaranteed wage plus commission Assemblers required for manufactur- Ing plant in Oakville. We require experience and good refer- ences. Please reply to: Box 4440, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Sgers Rd. Oakville, Ont. L6K 3 EARN 555 IN A HURRY Tr_y telemarketing Accounting/Micro. Computers Medical/L egal Office Assistant Dental Receptionist DIPLO WordPerfect . DOS Milt Lotus 1,2,3 .ACCPAC Burlington Service/ Construction Busi- ness has a permanent position available for a computer operator with at least five years' experience in a lull range of ac- counting programs inc luding payroll, ac- counts receivable, accounts payable, worm ledger and job costing. e right person must be able to process heavy volumes of entries through the computer in an accurate, timely manner. Send resume to: Tired of the same old 9 to 5? Looking to improve? Local gourmet food dis- tributor requires 3 people to service the greater Metro area. ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLERS ASSEMBLERS Call 849-8265 Earn Christmas Money Be Your Own Boss Wholesale distribution company seeks independent, motivated people. "0 CASH INVESTMENT We familiarize you with all aspects of our business. No experience. Fulltlme only. Rosy. 681-3360 . Financial " May In Avallablo . . Full and Pan-III. Claus . no. III. MB & IIIIVEISI'I'IB . SM; Income 30K - 65K New company vehlclo Super repeat sales Complete training Fast paced hght assembly Mon .. Thurs 4:00 pm. - 2:30 a Starting Rate $9.25/Hr COMPUTER OPERATOR I. We. M Call Ill. Parka 33241" No experience necessary. Good voice needed. Mondaa to Friday, 4:30 _ 8 pm utranteed wage - ply; commission. Call S49-S2tttt Reqwred At MODINE OF CANADA cJo Burlington Post 2321 Folrvlow St. Burlington, Ont., UR 2ES day issuc GOOD VOICE NEEDED call 849-8288 CAUGHT You LOOKING! Box 9052 Telemarketers re- quired for Oakville fund raising office, evening hours availab e. hourly wage paid in cash. Phone 338-5211 CASH "'

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