- ROYAL LEPAGE - - ROYAL LEPAGE - - ROYAL LEPAGE - 5445.000 Wu $465.900. ( Oakrtllc. s ENNISCLARE I & II SPECIALOFFERINGS There was a changing of the guard on the Oakville. Milton and District Real Estate Board last Tuesday as six new directors took their places on the l2-memher board. The new hoard gathered for a photo after the election luncheon, which was held at Otello's Restaurant: (from left) May Barrett, hoard general manager; Doug Lowe, director; Yvonne Ratigan, second vice-president: David Papple. director; Nancy Gossling, president: Barbara Mallalieu, direc- tor; Richard Weima. past-president: Barbara Murphy. director; Murray Cleveland. director; Helen Lightbody, director; John Vail. first vice-president: Sherry Chris. director; and Maggie Newlove, director. Chris, Cleveland, Murphy, Lighthody. Mallalieu and Papple are the newcomers. MAXINE WALSH†845-4267. 827-9162 New REAL ESTATE BOARD JOANNE DEAN" 845M267.33li.3708 JtthNNE DEAN' 845-426 Immaculate. 1 $259,900. Es model. 1.615 sq Club Ennisclare 204.900 1 229.5 326 LAKESHORE RD. f 326 LAKESHORE 326 LAKESHORE RD. E dLanoRodEmSom L500. 1 845-4267 845-4267 845-4267 it an ft ll 4hr ll secur " 338-3708 "Associate Btoker amv MM' mam rogu- fhxAxesctstatesWw tented yard M S187AI MARILYN mm' mam mica-9959 COMMUIERS DREAM! meaty dewm SENIORS! SAILORS! HCTURI PERFECT ‘(ARLELE 1101 UPPER MIDDLE ROAD 338-220t Serving Oakville Since 1975 MARILYN WYKES' m mars AUDMY WIlUAMSON EXECUTIVERETREAI BURIJNGTON . UNIQLE! 336-22) MARILYN WOES' mm! WISH-â€59 SQUMKY CLEAN a. MODERN IAMSON‘ II Wmâ€; _ ’_ in I a u, C?fski-tt'i:ii 4 - " .r, - t- CC. ' , a . " t K i M & 'Rh', i f . I" A ANEll FRANCE MARILYN WYKES" mmww - -. . Representative ‘DIEY and Associates Ltd. Realtor 340 CHURCH sr. OAKVILLE 844-2950 $469,000. __ V [MPH F. MCCORMICK, Ell. 844-2950/349-9666 [MPH MCCORMICK, Ell. 844-29 fALGARWOOO - RAVINE $209,900 RALPH F. MCCORMICK 844-2950 fREEHOLD T/H - DOWNTOWN PHH Homequity Relocation Centre DOWNTOWN COMMERCIAL 9,000 _ dealt, at $319,000 BEVERLY IANKlN' M4.2950/827.683, you know we are the broker tor the wodd‘s lamest tttst experienced velocanon network? Call bthy tor ur relocallon package. No man: We you ate 9rtNomhmedca,ettushelpyoumaMasmooltt transit'on to your new arr/harm BEVERLY RANKIN' 844-2950/82r6lm ESTATE BERNI HOIRUM' 344-2950/825-8945 MOV|NG OUT OFIACROSS CANADA?! BERNI HOTRUM' 844-2950/825-8945 STEPS TO LAKE - $159,900 khA BUNNY“ WNW/3444611 FIRSTAD-OLDOAKVME INVESTMENT $689,000 IARGE FAMILY WANTED ‘exgeptional lot venue garage. I $329,900. 50/859-9666 t0+ It