otic "This means that honey may work against a very broad range of germs, per- haps protecting against even more bacte- (Continued from last page) are more effective at preventing infec- tions that occur. "Researchers in Calabar, Nigeria, test- ed unprocessed honey. commercially prepared honey and a sugary syrup in laboratory cultures of various bacteria and fungi that commonly infect surgical wounds. "unprocessed honey killed all the germs, while the processed kind and the syrup wcren't very effective at all, sug- gesting that honey straight from the hive may contain some sort of natural antibi- Use honey as antiseptic BOSLEY Ci?) _â€" 321 Lhehore Rd. SEAL I,i,f.i',l,),1il3i, Oakville ttity', 5 Dir-m have, Exodleht "nu-rd LU overhead MARION uncuux' 81,305,000 sd.t',sE't'gai-i E. tfEgr3.22, BEER? £39,000 FOR SALE MARGARET DYNE . $299,000 SYLVIA BOTTRELL' $284,900 3,750 at 'rI from 5 g"%% In rear CAROL ROGERS' â€â€œ900 Fabulous â€when ovorbok the Sixteen Mile Creek, SUSAN SALTER' $149,900 S/E Executive. " beam Spacious a bright. Sep. t PRIDE 0F OWNERSHIP Enjoy others efforts - whereas upgrades + do DOLLARSANDSENSE EXTRAS, UPGRADES GREAT P0IE?InAL ax, ft C l Rd 9boa rG'tuol'2iWrttll2 Separate workshop. fireplace - Charming For this East Oakville 2-storey farnlty homo GORGEOUS VIEW RUN YOUR OWN MIOW1 TWO BUILDINGS 'trt,'t.BIrutu an Amman em .8,146 .ILFIn. ‘nomce pd "4lt'l'iNGdh'. my There is another first aid essential that bears repeating for all sharp tool users and that is to hold the cut above the level of the heart and apply finger pressure for at least a couple of minutes. It is effective in all cases except those cuts that require stitches and the bleeding will stop if you can be patient for that vital two or three minutes. "I've heard claims about the healing power of honey but I'd always assumed they were old wives' tales. "Unlike some alternative remedies, though, this one seems to have a solid basis in scientific fact." ria than the expansive antibiotic oint ments that we usually use on surgica wounds. Offextetri-. , 100% -l- FOR LEASE TINA PRITCHARD' $151,90tW1,200 DOCNRtyDENNm'r.ATTEtm0N 16 to lease. P Mb srl édmzrmam SYLVIA BOTTRELL' '2N,900 WARGARET DYNE' 3154.900 CAROL ROGERS' $394,900 4ahtRtX9sthtt_tht-owothttti RrrrM.-AT'NMmVE8POr f a, -_ v, FORM-OFFICES?†MILUE KEOHAN' '309,900 3-bdrm., bttathTH, finished law A GEM TTEE ULTTMATE CONDO YOUANDYOURCLIENIS An t needs y "we tt swam» CHRISIMAS SPECIAL MAITAMYCAPECOD GOLDEN MEADOWS wiserwmnows T0P0FTTIELINE " M may: "tttOtutullttarms ol I _ ."-:i 'icoNoo UVING AT ITS BEST odrms., renov. kit/bath Ige, rm., hrdwd. Mr, fully fence $359,900-499,900 Sales Representative WALTER DeMARZI $ 149,900 An award-winning husband and wife team, consistently multi-million dollar producers at your service -48 Hours a Day. Bus. 8446000 or Res. 827-6286 GREAT SEMI I" " GLEN ABBEY CONDO H AN INDEPENDENT MEMBER BROKER sutton group - people & properties inc. 844-5000 WITH EXPOSURE TO OVER 23,550 MEMBERS BARBARA DeMARZO Sales Representative drm., 1% bats, 5 appliances, fireiolace, priced to sell. $1 99,900 if tlad/lt :rown mouldings ndow treatments. rate Mill yer. 3 bdn , Distd Sh Ts