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Oakville Beaver, 12 Jan 1994, p. 19

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In. 12. 1994 510 math-In A WELL RESPECTED INTERNATIONAL FOOD DISTRIBUTION COMPANY requires 8 exp. (or will train) OUTSIDE CUSTOMER, SERVICE REPS ’ . 9 offer more: - (Full time) company vehicle - Above average earnings $600 - $900 wkly ' (Very stable) industry leader - High repeat sales ° Advancement opportunities . . OTE: Must have valid driver’s license For personal interview call Mr. Clark 332-1711 This is a Career Opportunity TELE- PART TIME HELP MARKETERS WANTED Required for fund- (Expferien‘pf raIsing project. '°.°"° Day/Evening ApprCXImatel 28 AhoLIIre a weZk Houdyhfvlalrse paid In erson . ”DIME. in cash. ghone Canadian 8-5 Pastry Shop 33 211 ‘ Cafe FIBERGLA 232 hk.3h°'. nator Temps.s artLIllmle.‘l ‘ Rd. E. evenings an lor wee- ’(downfown Oakville) kends. Must be experi- enced and able to per- form boat 1%” with little assistance. I inquiries 5- E sou R “m" °‘”° 3°" 6p.m. Call 849â€"6242 David c s in Night Clubs. Guar- nteed 610. hour. 0-3575. IDEAL for students. Tele- phone worlr. re: Police Re- tirees Circus tickets. work from our office 4:30pm- 8pm. Monday- Friday. sal- a plus bonuses plus corn- m ssions. 949-8288 ask for Teddy. UPERINTENDENT : ded. Experienced. dy person, for email five rey uildlng. Senior cou- e preferred. (416)- 7â€"4750. 1515 m... I echanlcs JOIN NORTH AMERICA'S #1 - hnelder National Carriers. North Ameri- 's #1 truckload carrier. has a fast growing , ntarl'o fleet of over 400 tractors. Our rowth has created opportunities for people ith an eye on the future. Join us now at our ilton. Ontario maintenance facility. ’ ' Maintenance Service I Coordinator his is a full-time. afternoon shift position. esponsibilities will include schedulin work |nto the shop. assigning work to mac ics nd maintaining a rts room invento . In- Ferviews will be hel Jan. 14 and 15. 19 4; Diesel TractorNan Trailer Mechanics f you_want to work for the best in the indus- ry, this is the opportunity you've been look- 9 forl interviews will be held January 17 nd 18, 1994. s the best. we offer excellent wages and tenefits and a solid workin environment at's second to none. To ind out more. top by for an a plication this week at: 320 (darket Drive, Mi ton, Ont. (take 401 W to 25 13; nght at 2nd light). Or call (905) 876-3600. 7 HVAC SERVICE MECHANIC Neihave an immediate o ening for an ex- oerrenced licensed A/C echanic with a Gas Enter 1, to perform I. C. I. service work :rom Toronto to Hamilton. Excellent wage and benefit package. Truck provided. For- ard confidential resume to: Box 4462, Clo Oakville Beaver, ‘ 467 S eers Road. Oakville, ntarlo LGK 3S4. MA CHINIST . REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY ’WIth 3-5 yrs experience. A variety of posi- tIons avail. in Oak/BurVStoney Creek areas. APPRENTICE SHEET METAL WORKER Required by Oakville company. Fulltime tem- porary to permanent position. Applicants must have own transportation (and CSA approved safety boots. PPLY IN PERSON. M0n.-Fri.. 7am-5pm: ACTION FORCE Design Centre, Ste. 100 3425 Harvester Rd., Burlington mm i HALTON HELPING HANDS i REQUIRES IMMEDIATELY . Receptionist/Secretary] Data Entry osition requires an ex- ;his kegI verlence 0 ice person who: LIkes working with the elderly population Has a pleasant telephone manner .Has excellent listenIng skills is reliable and a team player ls computer literate with excellent keyboardlng skills Can accurately record accounts receivable bank deposits Is a self-starter with problem-solving skills. pplicants should apply immediately in writ- g. stating any qualIfications in the Geron- logicai field, computer courses, office pro- edures, previous experience, earlIest ailability. revious applicants need not re-apply. Iualified applicants only. This is a’37.5 igurslweek position starting at $10.50 per ur. iHH is a charitable. not-for-profit, home sup- rt agency sewing clients throughout Hai- n RegIon. Only applicants receiving an in- trvrew will be contacted. Deadline Fri- ay, January 21. 1 P.M. nd/deliver applications with 3 work refer- ce contacts to: ‘ HALTON HELPING HANDS ‘ Attention: Anne L. Falrfleld. E.D. Unit 2, 250 Wyecrolt Road (East) Oakville. Ontario. LSK 3T7 FAX it 844-5656 URLINGTON Law Office requires Part Time SECRETARY orporate and commercial/litigation, xperience preferred. WP environ- ent. 21 hrs per week. Reply with re- ume to: Forbes, Conant, 3455 ’arvester Rd., #2. Burlington. 7N 3P2 or fax to 333-1624 Please no phone calls. , SECRETARY] , RECEPTIONIST For urchasing office. Monday - Fri- day. omputer skills WP 5.1 / LOTUS. Second language. Spanish preferred. Fax Resume to: 825-3209 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER EARN EXTRA $$$$$ Start Today independent Rep- resentatives don't have to knock on doors.- Avon is a household name. it sells itself. Your hours. your profits. Call Nowl 639-71 66 Advertising Sales Representative We are IUOIRlIiti [or .III t‘ilt‘l'iit‘IH ,‘sr‘li-moiimivriâ€"l Salts Proit'ssionai [minim mu’ It'dlii. 'iiIis position is salary hast-(i plus (()iiiiili\,\l()li \\'iIIi many inr t‘llii\(‘ progu‘ains. Appik .Iiimis \i'ili ix~ iI‘<~.Ii<‘rl with HIV \ii‘Ii test of ('miiirivniiaiil). i‘liuN‘ semi resume It): The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, Ontario LGK 354 CESAR VAN and STORAGE LTD. Agents for United Van Lines requires . SALES REPRESENTATIVE Does unlimited earnings interest you? We want you to promote our moving storage services in the Oakville, Burling- to: ton 8: Hamilton areas. Please mail resume Vice President of Sales: 449 Woodward Ave Hamilton, Ont. L8H 6N6 mm Certified Dental Assistant We are a rapidly expandln dental office who has two positions avalia Ie. if you are a team player, dedicated, mature. and a cheer- ful, oumoiwwpie person we want to hear from you. positions are full time. one in- cludes evenings and every other Saturday. Please send resume to: Box#4457, Clo Oakville Beaver. 467 Spec rs Road. Oakville. Ontario L6K 3S4 DENTAL ASSISTANT Conscientious and organized certified Den- tal Assistant needed for a busy. progressive dental office. Experience preferred Please call 845-6483 after 6:30 p.m. Busy downtown restaurant needs enthusias- tic, experienced: Full Part-Time Wait Staff Apply in arson 3p.m.- pm. 125 Lakeshore Rd. E. Oakville, Ontario. LBJ 1H3 PAIADIS'O WAITERI Waitress for Pu- pazzl Restaurant ltalian Cale. i in rson. 1122 Dorvelm. pa dorneslicheh waited LOOKING FOR an old fashioned housekeeper type lady who enjoys clean- Ing. Someone to polish. clean and iron in my tidy home. 1 day - 3 m. 865. per da . Non srn ronly. 849-497 PART-TIME Mother's Help- er needed 3-4 evenings per week primarily for house- hold chores. Gocd sup- plementary income for nanny in East Oakville. Phone 333-8044 dorrreslie Mm PROFESSIONAL Cleaning L .. a ' d Y available. guarantees ex- cellent service (home/of- llce). reasonable prices. References. Try us - cu won't be disa Inted. uil insured.0 lease-e440. CERTIFIED Nursing Assls tent: Lookin to provide services for t e elderly in than home. Light house- keeping duties included. Please call 547â€"3075 CLEANING lad available. weekly [bi-week y. Oakville. Mississau a area. own transporter on. references available upon request, 849-6651. CLEANING lady available. Very experienced. reler- ences on request. own transportation. Call 847-0748 or leave mes- sage. EUROPEAN claanlnglad available. Experience, own transportation. 644-0321. EUROPEAN. experienced cleaning lady has some openings available. Refer- ences on request. Afters pm. 822â€"8622. EXPERIENCEDcIeanlng lady available. will do laun- , dry and ironing. insured, own transportation, Oakville referencesLeave message. 825-5362. . EXPERIENCED European cleanin lady, home or of- fice. re lable. cod rates. You won't be dsappolnted. Leave message 825â€"0148. WE LOOKING for bi- female for friendship. serious replies only. Cell (416) 547-3086. perwaek.9am' Telephone: (416) 338-1594 BEE ROSA PSYCHIC All readings $5.00 off with this ad. MRS. ROSA. Ps Chic Extraordinaire. She not like any other reader that u might have seen. All or readings are guar- anteed. Mrs. Rosa can help in matters of life. marr age. business. love affairs. alcoholism and drug addiction. She can join loved ones closer to- er and remove evil in- uences, calling them by name. All readings are strictly confidential. Don't fall to call Rosa today and be rid of your roblems tomorrow. Ava iable for artiea. Mrs. Rose 7906 FAT NO MORE In '94. No Dist. 100% Natural and Sale Guaranteed. 631-4936. 686 MW ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS If you drink. that's your business. if you want to quit. that's ours. 487-5591 1 -522-8392 BIRTHDAY DAN Love: Your Family CUSTOM CARPENTRY and all types of renovations Get that job done now, have it ready for Christmas. Rea- sonable. reliable. Refer- ences. Call 338-0296. ALL FORMS OF carpen- try. Home improvements. painting. wallpaperlng. 16 yrs. e rience. Winter Spe- cialSt .50/hr. 647-6674 BEST price in town for bathrooms. rec rooms. ce- ramic tile. drywall etc. 12 years in Oakville. Refer- ences. Free estimates. Call Allen Clarke 549-3614. FLOORS-All hardwood floor installations. sanding. repairs. new and old. 905- 897-3807. é‘ii) i’iIrmv (Iailx: i’imw CHELSEY Construction: Specializing in renova- tions. finishing basements. bathrooms. decks. palntln , home additions. drop ce - Ings. architectural mould- ings. John 847-2543 EXPERIENCED Licenced Architect. Residential and Commercial Design. Drawings, Appro- vals and Construction in- spection. Paul Myska Archi- , tact. (413) 963-8339. EOE ANNE‘S INTERIORS. Ex- pert walipapering. painting and decorating. Phone for all your home decorating needs. 639-0893. movingdstorsge BUDGET Movers. Two professional men $40lhr. In- cludes as. equipment. mileage. neurance. Free estimates. 24 hrs., 7 dayslweek. 829â€"5756. SNOW PLOWING, resi- dential and commercial. - reasonable rates. 336-7542 or545-1900. I 3 mm pm.. $3: "°"" no. . o and guitar. Call Mr. Crossan Trin School of Music 827-82 3 MUSIC LESSONS. flute and piano. Experienced and ual ed teacher. (3. Mus.) II 844â€"4794 ' chlidcareavallabie AFFORDABLE childcare. Victoria St. (Bronte).' Hot meals. crafts. games. large indoor/outdoor play area. Receipts. Fulll rt time wel- come. 847-9 ALL ages welcome. Estab- lished daycare in m home. Nurse for 12 years. len Ab- bey, references and re- ceipts. 825-1233 CHILDCARE available in m home. River Oaks. 7â€"1059 EX-DAYCARE worker off- ers private homecare. Re- beccalrhlrd Line. All child- rsean1 gvelcome. Call Sue 827- . area. Cali Marisa Custom ' EIIIWMP aortic...” auricular: midi-Impenetr- muclrildcarsavaw. FULL time room for two children .9 months to 5 cars in my home. Hot unches. fenced back ard. 6:30 am-6 pm. River aks area. 257â€"1461. lNTRODUCING Centur Childcare. Half and ful days. es2 to 6. Montes- sori A and ECE teachers. Located In Century home on quiet court in west Oak- ville between Third and Fourth Lines. Large indoor and outdoor play areas. Limited spaces. 349-3614 LOVING reliable daycare in m home. Monda to Friday. al a $3.1 River aks area. MOTHER available for childcare. or home. E.C.E. backgroun . Glenashtonl Grosvener area, Call Karen 844-4376. MOTHER of 3 to babysit In my home. Hot meals. walks a fun. Near Holy Family School. 338â€"7963. . CHILDCARE. Region ap- roved. Babies welcome. eierences and receipts. 827-9307 DAYCARE available in In home. Experienced, rel - able. references. Full or rt- tlme.RiverOaks.B49â€"7 7 FULL or Part-time. 12 years experience, references . available. north. 842â€"4772. E BAgYSITa'EHR needefi It; In ome is an spea n aéays a week. Tuesdag. Friday and Saturda . Bron e 47-9653 or 339-7759. CHILDCARE needed. Thursdays. 9 am- 5:30 pm.. for three children. lunch time pickup at Holy Family. Your home or mine. 644-5123. FULL TIME daycare for teacher with 7 month old. Starting March. 8th Line/Upper Middle. 338-1281. LOOKING for experienced nanny or stay at home mom to care for 8 month old baby. flexible hours 2-3 days weekly, your home. River Oaks area. 338-9487. MATURE responsible woman required ASAP to care for our 3 children (1 at school all day). Flexible hoops, 1 - aggys per week. In ome. Abbey area. 7â€"3107 PART TIME NANNY/Pro- vider, live-out (Bronte area) 4 days per week. Looklnp for mature. caring, ex er- enoed person to care or 7 month old. References re- quired. Call 347-1277 after 8pm. rmnles WM. W WE ARE seeking a kind. loving, creative. fun live-in nanny for our 2 young boys. Mary Poppins or Wendy from Peter Pan would be perfect. Refer- ences 6 experience re- quired. 333-6813 EXPERIENCED nanny re- quired lmmedlatel for 9- month old. 5-year od. Uve- in. must and write fiu- ent English. References es- sential. 869â€"3707 days. LIVE-IN. mature respon- sible nanny wanted for 2 1l2 year old boy. prefer drlvi . relerences re ulred. Cal 416)343 126 (days; or 905)829-J 199 (evenings . NANNY needed 4 or 5 days per week for 2 chll - ran. live out position. nort - east Oakville. 849-0451 MATURE. reliable and re- sponsibie woman to live out and care for four children (3.7,2-1/2 twins) in my home starting February 2BIh. Hours am-4:30pm. U fer Middiel 8th L ne. A’ter 4:300m 344-9317. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR Y CARY S. OLYNIK CERTIFIED MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT RESUMES: professionall designed. laser rinte . cover letters. labe 5. lists. Worcbro- It inc. 847-2710 0 Bookkeeping - Accounting 0 GST 995-925-3992 SECRETARIALIDItI Pro- cessing Services. Letters. . reports. resumes. mailing lists a invoices. Quality work at reasonable rates. Please call 878-5108. COMMUNITY NOTICES lT'S A BOY BURTON - Scott and Barb (nee Elliott) are pleased to announce the birth of their first chIId Elliott James born at OTMH on Janua 3. 1994 _wei hing 8 lbs. 14 1/2 ozs. SevenIh randchIid or proud grandparents Joan and Ichard_ Burton of Oakville and seventeenth grandchild for deceased grandparents Graham and Mabel Elliott of Mississauga. a CHAPPLE - Gordon and Fay are delighted to announce the birth of their first son, John (Jack) Frederick James, on Tuesda y. January ‘4, 1994 at 1:54 pm.. weighing 8 lbs. 13 ozs.. at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. A warm thanks to Dr. Walsh and staff, for their special care. Mother and son arrived home to a special welcome from sister. Spenser Paige (F00 F00), grandparents. Dewy and Ba Ba Kazia and Papa and Nana Chapple. GORDON-DALGLEISH â€" Susan and Bill Daigleish of Kingston. Ontario are delighted to announce the safe arrival of their dau hter Jamie Alexandra. Jamie was born at 6:1 am- on Thursday January 6. 1994 weighing 6 lbs. 9 ozs. First grandchild to Mr. and Mrs. James Alexander Gordon of Oakville and sixth grandchild to Jayne Daigleish of Napean. Su- san, Bill and Jamie would like to thank friends and family for their loving support. t COMMUNITY NOTICES LASKARIS â€" Theresa (nee Zaffiro) and Char- lie are thrilled to announce the bIrth of their second child Michael Nicholas Dimitri born on December 28. 1993 at 9:39 a.m., wei hin 8 Ibs.'15 ozs. A Hab linemate for big rot or Christopher. Second grandchild for roud grandma Anna Laskaris of Toronto an sixth fiandchlid for Nicholas Zaffiro of Hamilton. any thanks to Drs. House and Eftimescu and the excellent nursing staff at the Oakville-Tra- falgar Memorial Hospital. WATSON â€" Pauline and Bob are announce the arrival of Kevin's baby sister An- drea Rose on Thursday, December 9. 1993 at 9:21 pm. Special thanks to the nurses in la- bour and delIvery at Oakville-Trafalgar Memo- nal Hospital and to Dr. Eftumescu. O'DROWSKY - KROEGER Helen and John O'Drowsky of Acton. formerly of Oakville, are pleased to announce the mar- riage of their son David John to An ela Teresa Kroeger of Waterloo.daughter of ifrieda and Klaus Kroeger of Bowmanviile. The ceremony was held on December 18. 1993 at St. Geor e's Anglican Church. Lowviile. The cou- ple w I reside in Acton where Angela teaches. BARRETT. Monica Esters - Peacefully. alter a brief illness at her home on January 7. 1994. Monica came to Canada in 1946 as a three duca- tion. She will be fondly remembered by her students for her work with choirs and o erot- war bride. She was a teacher for twen years with The Scarborough Board of tas. as well as her love of the arts. orely missed by her children Greg and Vivienne, her daughter-in-law Anneli. her grandchildren Mer- ike and Annike and her sister Robin Wilson. Funeral Service was held at St. Jude's Angli- can Church. 160 William St. (at Thomas) Oak- ville. 4 o'clock Monday afternoon, January 10. 1994. For those who wish. donations may be made to The Canadian Cancer Society. Ar- rangements entnIsted to The Oakview uneral Home (905) 842â€"2252. BYRAMJEE. Dhun â€" On Monday January 10. 1994 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Dhun in her 9151 year. Beloved wife of the late Jamshed Byram ee. Dear mother of ‘ Meheroo (Mrs. T. Age) and arzi. Loved grand- mother 0 Roshni, Myleta, Deenah. Shayaan and Cyrus. Funeral service 3:30 pm. Tuesday at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West. Oakville. Cremation. Those who wish may make memo- rial contributions to the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. CLARK. Margaret (Midge) â€" Peacefully at Hamilton General Hospita on Saturda Janu- ary 8th. 1994 in her 73rd year. Belov wife _of John Jack) Clark. Dear sister of John Daniel of 0a ville. Fondly remembered by several nieces and nephews. Friends will be received at the Ward Funeral Home 'Oakville Chapei'. 109 Reynolds St. Oakville on Wednesday (to- day) from 2-5 pm. and 6-8 pm. A complete fu- neral service will be held in the-chapel ate p.m. followed by cremation. In lieu of flowers. memorial donations ma be made to the Oak- ville Trafalgar Memorial ospital Building Fund. DERRICK. Audrey Jean - Peacefully after a courageous stru le with cancer at the Ottawa Civic Hospital. n Monday January 10, 1994 Audre Jean Derrick in her .661h ear, beloved wife 0 the late Michael Derrick. ear mother of Sandra and her husband Bill. Caro- line and her husband Wayne. and her son Frank. Loving grandmother to Amy. Michael. Daniel, Christopher, Tami. and Teri. Jeffrey. lan. Travis. Ryan. and Sean. Friends are inVIt- ed to join the family at a memorial service on Janua 14th at 11:00 am. at the Glen Oaks Memorial Gardens Cemetery Chapel. at Dun- das and Ninth Line. Oakville. Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreci- ated by the family. ___________ HINTON. H.H. (Bert) - At University Hos- plital. Edmonton on Sunday January 9, 1994 erbert Hu h Hinton of Acton aged 81 ears. Husband c the late Mary Jackson. Fa er of Robert and his wife Lyse of Beaconsfield, Que- bec. John of Edmonton and Catherine Hinton of Oakville. Grandfather of David, Karine, Frederick. and Andrew; Jackson and Ma Eliz- abeth Hinton and John Runham. Brot er of Henry and Norman Hinton and Edna Byrnes. Friends will be received at the Shoemaker Fu- neral Home, Acton (H 7. two blocks east of Hwy 25, (519)-353-0353 on Thursday 7-9 pm. an Frida 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Funeral Service will be he d at St. Alban's Church. Acton on Saturday at 1 .m. Interment Fairview Ce- metery, Acton. emembrances may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. HONGISTO, Joyce â€" (Past President of Auxiliary to Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital). On Tuesday, January 11. 1994 at the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Joyce in her 69th year. Daughter of the late Clare and Elsie Belyea. Survived by husband Helge. son David and wife Barbara. daughters Carol Owen. Susan and husband Laird Thurston, Brenda and husband Paul Branscombe. Sister Aileen Grieves. Cremation arrangements by the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home. Oakville. No visiting. Memorial service 3:00 .m. Sunday, January 16, 1994 at Walton nited Church, Oakville. Those who wish may make memorial contributions to the Hospital Auxiliary. Oakville or to Walton Church. HUGHES. A.L. (Bert) - (Retired Sergeant to R.C.H.A. 1941â€"1972). Suddenl at his home on Monday. January to. 1994. art Hughes of Burlin ton formerly of Oakville, in his 72nd ear. eioved husband of Doris Hu hes, loving ather of We no Hughes and his wi e Elizabeth of Oakville, andice Weatherbed of Burlington. ,Kelly Visconti and her husband Carmen of Toronto. Devoted grandad of Matthew, Alexis, ' Brandon and Joseph. Brother of Grace Gooderidge and Esther Schott. both of Manitoba. Visitation at Smith's Funeral Home, 485 Brant Street, (one block north of City Hall) BurlingFton (632-3333) on Thursday 3-5 and 7-9 pm. uneral service will be held at the Salvation Army Burlington Citadel Corps, 2090 Prospect Street. Burlington on Friday, January 14, 1994 at 1 pm. Major Harry Lacey officiating; interment Halton Hills Memorial Gardens, Burlington. if desired expressions of sympathy to the Salvation Army Burlington would be sincerely appreciated. - KNIGHTS, William E. â€" Peacefuily at home on Friday. January 7, 1994. Loving husband of Me , father of Carol Ann and her husband Louis rDeBeau and Stephen Blair Knights and grandfather of Patricia, Nicole and Louis De- eau. Will be sadly missed by his brothers and sisters Ed and his wife Hazel, Wayne and his wife Joyce and George Chambers and his wife Thelma. Diane and her husband Vernon Biancher, Helen and her husband Don Petrie. Jeanette and her husband Ed Sears and Don- na, Linda and Sharon. Friends were received at the Ward Funeral Home “Oakville Chapel'. 109 Reynolds St.. Oakville (parking off Church St.. east of Reynolds) on Sunday from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. A Funeral Service was held in the Chapel on Monday at 11 am. Interment Tra- falgar Lawn Cemetery. Donations to the On- tano Heart and Stroke Foundation would be ap- preciated by the family. He has gone fishing with our Lord Jesus. pleased to. O'BOYLE. Loretto A.T.C.M. â€" (Retired teacher from St. Peter and Paul Roman Cathol- ic School, Hamilton; former member of St. Cha- rles Parish. Hamilton; and a life ion member of the Catholic Women's League). eaceful at her residence at Christopher errace. Burl ng- ton. Ontario on Sunday, January 9. 1994.'Lor- etto O‘Boyle (nee Flynn). formerly of Hamilton, born December 9, 1900 in Hespeler. Beloved wife of the late Brian O‘Boyle. Lovin mother of John, Patrick. Martina and their amilies. Fondly remembered by ten grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Dear sister-In-iaw of Hilda Flynn. Predeceased by her children, Brian, Loretto, Martin. six brothers and one sister, and recently by her sister-in-Iaw. Florence. Visitation was at Smith's Funeral Home. 485 Brent Street, Burlington (632-3333) on Monda and Tuesday. Funeral Mass was celebrate at St. Raphael's Roman Catholic Church. Burlington on Wednesday.'January 12, 1994. interment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. Oakville. If desired donations to the Sisters of the Precious Blood. P.O. Box 1046. Station A. Hamilton, L8N 3R4 or to Martha House. 20 Emerald Street South. Hamilton, LBN 2V2 would be sincerely appreciated. THORNTON. Audra - (A member of St. John's United Churc Choir . On Monday, January 10. 1994 at the De ille Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Audrey Garrett. wife of Ken- neth W. Thornton. Dear mother of Laura Mrs. Peter Head). Jo-Ann (Mrs. John Dell). Icky (Mrs. Jim Matthews), Bill (and his wife Heath- er). Loved by eleven grandchildren. Sister of Mrs. Bemice Beaman and Mr. Murray Garrett. Wsitation at the Kopriva Taylor Communl Fu- neral Home, 64 Lakeshore Rd. West. 0 lie from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Wednesda . Funeral service 1:00 o'clock Thursday at t. John's United ChurC'h (Dunn at Randall St.) Oakville. lnterrnent Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. COMMUNITY FUNERAL HOME 64 Lakeshore Road West. Oakville , OAKVILLE'S lNDEPENDENT FUNERAL HOME 844-2600 .:p 058ka g; funnel £93m: - -Long established locally operated by caring communlfy minded people. 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST, ' OAKVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Terry Cooke Don Clarke Shaun Webb Shannon Gowrlc 842-2252 IIIISII©© m Since l9“ , ll ardl'uncrali'iomc _ canine Chapel IMRcyuoIdsStrect 044-3211 Mead theneedeofthoseweeerveby receptivelleidbieandmponelve. “the charity of your choice” Give to the United Way of Oakville. in memory of a loved one or friend. , 84 Chisholm St. Oakville, Ont. L6K 3H7 845-5571 *4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY C M CONTRACTING Specialists in renovations. additions and home improvements. Free consultation and written estimates. Call Charley or Mark 820-5898 e For Professional MASON and LTD. Courteous Service - Brick - Fireplaces - Block - Ceramic Tile Stone - Marble Over 30 Years Emm’ I - 878-8636 DON'T MOVE IMPROVE PEI 7 Quality trades- men for all your alterations and renovations. Free advice and estimates. Call Paul Fray 847-2468 LICENSED PLUMBER - Renovations Repairs Good Rates Free Estimates Call Dale at: 1-905â€"609-7297 or pa er 1 -41 6-55 -001 1 toll free R.M. HOME IMPROVEMENTS REPAIR SERVICE ~Batthitchens -Ceramics o'AK PAINTING - painting 0 wallpapering 0 ceramic tries Call Wail 847-03 4 Bob 336-6092

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