www.oakvillebeaver.com The Oakville Beaver, Friday July 28, 2006 - 43 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ONLY$ 1014/ month OAKVILLE- On bus route, c l o s e t o G O, a n d a l l amenities. Renovated +furnished upper scale $575/mo. inclusive. 416910-5002 OAKVILLE- share home with responsible male. Large bedroom. Share kitchen, bathroom. Bronte a r e a . N o n - s m o ke r. 9 0 5 825-8122. OAKVILLE. Master bedr o o m i n c o n d o, w a l k - i n closet, close to Sheridan & Go. Professional or student. All utilities included. $500/mo. Available Immediately. 905-691-2034 SEEKING female to share 3-bedroom home. Guelph Line/ QEW, from $500/mo. inclusive. Must like dogs. 289-242-6308. SHARE 2-bedroom luxury c o n d o, " T h e B a x t e r " , downtown Burlington, prefer female. Sauna, terra c e, + m o r e. I m m e d i a t e. 905-635-4468 WATERDOWN- furnished or unfur nished. Seeking mature, quiet, non-smoker professional female. Must like dogs. Rent negotiable for dog sitting. 905-6901623. 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway WASHER & DRYER INCLUDED FILIPINO nannies ~ MHK Abroad International provides trained live-in careg i ve r s fo r s h o r t o r l o n g term care giving needs for childcare, special needs or an aging parent. All of our caregivers are highly qualified. Caregivers are interviewed, referenced / checked. 905-315-9309 HOUSEKEEPER/ Nanny required from 8am-2pm, Mon-Fri (Millcroft, Burlingt o n ) . L a u n d r y, m e a l s , must be able to swim. 905-331-0161. LIVE-IN/ Live-out. Experienced Nannies, elder care available. Please call 905469-6053 or e-mail: info@magnusresources.ca FULL-TIME Caregiver needed for 15 month old girl, my home, N.Burlingt o n . Tr a n q u i l , s p a c i o u s country setting. ECE qualification a bonus. 905331-3281. 3 2 " S o ny Ve g a T V, f l a t screen, 18 months old, Call Peter, evenings only 905-842-0121. A bargain! Bed, luxury pillowtop mattress, boxspring, new still in wrap. Cost $1200, must sell $ 3 7 5 . C a n d e l i ve r. 9 0 5 923-1434. A diningroom, cherrywood, double pedestal table, 8 chairs, buffet, hutch, dovetail construction. New still in boxes. Cost $11,000. Sacrifice $2,600. 905-5679459 A King pillow-top mattress set. New in plastic. Cost $1600. Sacrifice $450. 905-567-9459. Can deliver A1 Beds! New Orthopedic s e t s, 2 0 - ye a r Wa r r a n t y, Double $240.; Queen $260. Pillowtop Platinum Queen $385. Futons +Waterbed par ts. Deliver y Available. 905-847-2020; 905-563-6903 ALMOST New Whir lpool gold fridge, GE profile ove n , M ay t a g d i s h w a s h e r Jetclean plus, GE Microwave 905-741-1194 FOR all your gift basket needs in all price ranges, call 905-637-3635 FOR Sale; Home gym/ treadmill, tons of weight and hardware. All in great shape. $500. 905-6318076 FREE Estimates Got wobbl y c h a i r s, t i r e d l o o k i n g wood finishes? Fields Custom Weed Refinishing and Furniture Repairs. 9-9. 905-632-9090 FRENCH country bedroom suite, desk, chair, computer table, dresser, night tabl e. $ 6 0 0 o b o. C e l l 4 1 6 899-2867 F R I G I DA I R E Wa s h e r & Dryer- $500 for the pair, freezer $75. 905-5235783 F U TO N - Fr a m e a n d 8 " m a t t r e s s , b r a n d n e w. $160. 905-319-9032 GE white freezer, 7-8 cubic ft, under warranty, 1 Panasonic stainless steel microwave, mid-sized, Brother fax machine, household paper shredder. 905-469-3543. GO-KART 125 Rotax Max, Biesse Kart Chassis, very well maintained. Complete w i t h A l fa n o, g e a r s, c a r t stand and extras. Call Steven 905-847-2816. GOLF Clubs, Callaway X16's, irons, 4-sw (used) $ 1 9 9 . 9 9 ; D F X p u t t e r, (new), $79.99 obo. 905333-2776 G R AV E LY 5 6 6 5 1 2 H . P. 24 x44 cutting deck & snow blower. Mint condit i o n , 5 6 h r s . Ya r d w o r k s f r o n t w h e e l d r i ve, l aw n mover 6.25 HP mint condition paid $9,700, asking $4,300 obo 905-465-1022. H O T Tu b ( S p a ) C o v e r s best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca H O T Tu b / S p a 2 0 0 6 6-seater, 2-motors, every upgrade, waterfall, cover. N ew, s t i l l i n w r a p. C o s t $11,500 sacrifice $4,950. 519-722-4077. HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand new w/all options, including cover, 2006 model. Still in w r a p p e r. C o s t $ 1 0 9 0 0 . , Sacrifice $5,500. Call 905971-1777 INDUSTRIAL sewing machine (with light), excellent condition, $550. as is. 905-331-7434 KAYAKS for sale in Oakville: Red-yellow Sun Velocity; $700.00; yellow Rascal, $450.00. Call 289-242-1868 KING sized brass bed, frame included, great cond., $250. Rowing Machine, great cond., $350. 905-335-4624 KITCHEN set, 5-pce. wrought iron, square glass t o p, 4 - c r e a m c u s h i o n s , purchased at Pier 1, asking $500. 905-315-7173. LA-Z-BOY rocker/ recliner1 yr old, like brand new, r ich olive green tones, $ 4 0 0 o b o. 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 0 5 6287 (work) or 905-6318539 after 5 LEATHER couch, $150, 2 ye a r s o l d , c a l l R i ck y a t 905-466-8966. LEATHER sofa w/matching loveseat, blue, $600; solid pine 4-poster bed, double/ Queen $400. All excellent condition. 905847-5188. LEATHER! 3 piece Italian set. Sofa, loveseat and c h a i r. N e w, i n p l a s t i c . Cost $6900. Sell $2500. 905-304-4873. MOVING Sale: Diningroom Suite, wood $900; Sofa, Tw o l o v e s e a t s $ 2 0 0 o r $350/both; Kitchen Dining Set, glass $500. Glass brass coffee 2 side tables $95. Flower Pots: Three large, two medium claylike $ 1 5 0 . B e s t o f fe r s . S e e w w w. m y o a k v i l l e . n e t fo r photos. 905-333-1537. MOVING! dressers, entertainment unit (with doors), couch, pooltable, wooden outdoor play centre, with playhouse, 905-465-0166. NEW Furniture; Sofabeds 2 +3 seaters, hutches, tables +cabinets maple, teak call for pr icing 905-6341666 OAK Curio Cabinet $400.; B l e a c h e d O a k Wa l l U n i t $75; Navy str ipe couch $250; Green stripe couch $200; Wedding dress (7) $300; Air hockey table $40. 905-630-5628 OA K d i n e t t e , 2 l e a v e s , c a r ve d d o u bl e p e d e s t a l base, two armchairs and 4 chairs. $600. Bedroom set. $400. 905-825-3286. OFFICE furniture: art pr ints, executive desk & chair, computer workstation, side chairs, ergonomi c c h a i r s, f i l i n g c a b i n e t . 905-845-1917. OVERHEAD florescent fixtures ,used, 4 feet long, bulbs included. $25.00/each. 24 available. 905-847-3539. PIANO upright, original finish. approx. 75 yrs old, in good condition. $400/obo. Call 905-332-0140 P I A N O, G e r m a n - m a d e , upright, excellent condition, recently tuned, shiny with matching bench, $1800. Call 905-869-6968. PLAY centre, new, wooden, with fort, rope ladder, r o ck wa l l , sw i n g s, s l i d e, monkey ladder $475. 905-319-9032. POOL Table, Professional Ser ies, Solid Wood, 1"Slate, All Accessories. N e w, S t i l l B o x e d , C o s t $6,200, Sell $1,950. 905304-9994 S N O W B L O W E R , To r o , 6 . 5 h p, 3 ye a r s o l d , i m maculate condition. Call 905-257-1198; 647-8368339. SOFA set, 5-yr. old burgundy "pleather" $450; wood rocker w/chair pad $100; 5-pce. wood kitchen table set $150; large entertainment centre w/glass stereo enclosure $200; smaller entertainment centre $75; pine quilt stand $50. 905-609-2858 evenings 6-10 S O FA , l o v e s e a t , g r e e n l e a t h e r, $ 1 5 0 / b o t h ; G E Profile gas dr yer, $250; s m a l l c h e s t f r e e z e r. A l l good condition. 905-8425562. SPEAKERS: Cerwin Vega VS Series (set of five) includes 2- 12" Front speakers; 2- 8" Rear Speakers; 1- 5.5" Centre Speaker. Excellent condition. $600 905-334-6436 TWO electric golf caddies1-Lectronic and Kangaroo. Both complete w/ battery and charger. $500 Each 905-659-5517 TWO La-Z-Boy wingback recliners. $200/each or $250 pair. 905-827-4006 UTILITY trailer 4x8 good condition, $250 obo. Call 905-681-9101. WA S H E R & d r y e r, H o t point, full size, excellent condition, $500./pair. Call 905-331-5879. WASHER & Dryer, Miele, compact, excellent condit i o n , d i r e c t d r i ve m o t o r, front loading, $750/ pair. Call 905-469-4712. WAT E R B E D, k i n g - s i z e , solid wood, colonial style frame, 6 drawers, new mot i o n l e s s b l a d d e r, $ 3 0 0 , obo. Please call 905-8493669. WHIRLPOOL washer, dryer and stove $175/ each; M i c r owave Pa n a s o n i c $100 905-465-0396 B E S T C a $ h $ Pa i d - A r t , Antiques, Collectibles, Chin a , C r y s t a l , S i l ve r, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Glass, Pottery, E t c, E s t a t e S p e c i a l i s t s, Top Cash. Call John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! BABYSITTER required for m o r n i n g . Fo r 1 1 / 2 - 2 hours daily. Must be responsible. Call 905-4692840 B RO N T E ~ Pa r t - t i m e, 10-15 hrs/week, for 2 great kids, ages 7 +1, in our home, after noons/ eveni n g s S e p t e m b e r. R e fe r ences. 905-825-1807 WEBSITE design, Graphic design, Photography Simple, Professional, Affordable. Huge por tfolio, 905-845-7258, www.ConcordDesign.ca Cumberland Village 3-bdrm Townhome from $1050/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 FULL-TIME Mother's Helper wanted, Upper Middle & Fo r d D r i v e . M u s t h a v e c a r. C o m p e t i t i v e w a g e , flexible hours. 905-3393383 M AT H Tu t o r , s t u d e n t teacher available. At your house, my house or the lib ra r y. 9 0 5 - 3 2 0 - 7 5 6 9 o r karinwithani@alumni.uwa terloo.ca C AT S i t t e r, ava i l a bl e t o take care of your pets in your own home, while you are away. Telephone 905337-9534. DIVA doggies dog grooming. Great Specials, Professional Ser vice and Beautiful Results. Easy access from highway 6 to Yo r k Rd. Dundas ( 1 0 m i n s ) . 2 1 1 Yo r k r d Dundas. 905-627-8867 FREE Cats, 9 Yr old declawed white male, 2 yr old black male. Both fixed and vaccinated. Ver y friendly and separate homes ok. 905-507-9998 GOLDEN Retr iever : The most gentle faithful and caring friend a human can h ave. A p u p py t o b r i n g many years of unconditional love. 905-827-1921 or 905-845-9262. LABRADOODLES F1B pups, low/ non-shedding. First vaccine/ microc h i p p e d . Fa m i l y r a i s e d . Ready Aug. 905-692-5925 www.macleoddoodles.com BURLOAK SHORES 2-Bdrm~4 Appl. Lake front property at Reasonable Rent 5370 Lakeshore Rd., APPLEBY/ N e w, Burlington~ Near GO, on bus route. Kitchen/ laundry facilities. $450/mo. First/ last. Non-smoker, no parking. 905-637-7485; 905407-0622. BURLINGTON Mall, pr ivate entrance, pr ivate bath, quiet home, close to ever ything, fur nished $425/mo all utilities/ cable/ internet included. Aug 1st. 905-481-1171, 905-6321333. FURNISHED room, share bath/ kitchen, $130/wk. H a r ve s t e r / G u e l p h L i n e near GO, Burlington. 905639-3598; 905-870-8811. FURNISHED rooms for rent, Sheridan college n e a r by, s h o r t t e r m w e l come. Parking and cooking facilities. 905-842-5374 LARGE room, separate entrance A/C, heat/ hydro, Burlington, YMCA area. S h a r e k i t c h e n , l a u n d r y, bath. Suit single female. Prefer no smoking/ pets. 1-year lease o n l y. $450/mo. 905-634-8724. OAKVILLE East. Private entrance, furnished bedroom. C/A, pool, parking, cable, laundry. Non-smoking. Immediate. $500/mo inclusive. First/ Last. 416262-7394 OA K V I L L E T h i r d L i n e / U p p e r M i d d l e. S e p e ra t e entrance. 2 private rooms, Bath livingroom, laundry, cable. $695/mo First/ last No pets 905-825-2941 OA K V I L L E , ( We s t ) f u r nished room, cable, u t i l i t i e s , l a u n d r y, n o n smoker/ pets, employed p e r s o n . $ 3 7 5 / m o, f i r s t / last, 905-825-0789. ROOM for rent, $450/mo, includes heat, hydro, parking, high-speed inter net, telephone, laundry. Near Appleby/ New. Immediate 905-637-1552. BRANT/ Mt. Forest. Fulltime space available. Hot m e a l s, e d u c a t i o n a l p r o grams, all ages, ECE/ registered. Lots of T.L.C. Call 905-331-9147. CHILDCARE. Mom of 4yr old has time for other, 1+ yr old. Flexible hours. Bronte/ Dundas area. 905582-2741. HOME childcare, Headon Forest area. Nutr itious meals, crafts, story-time, CPR/ First Aid. Affordable rates. 905-331-3151. Park Royal Medical Centre Family Practice 2425 Truscott Dr. Mississauga, L5J 2B4 (Mississauga/Oakville border) Announces the arrival of Burlington 905-681-0259 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall BLUE Mountain Luxury Cottage- sleeps 2-19 people, 6-bedrooms, pool, beaches, hot-tub, hiking. www.bluenorthchalet.com 905-453-8517 AN Estate Sale: bedroom set, double bed, 1 end, 2 l a r g e d r e s s e r s , m i r r o r, Dining set, circa 1960, table (leaf), chairs, hutch, large buffet. Coffee table, 2 end tables, high gloss. All excellent condition, soli d wo o d . C a l l 9 0 5 - 4 6 6 8285. ANTIQUE diningroom table w/leaf, 6-chairs, buffet, china cabinet, circa 1928, excellent condition, $3,500 obo. 905-331-7372. BABY double stroller ; small outdoor Jungle gym; car bed; single beds. All good condition. 905-2574640. BABY items: Peg Stroller/ car seat/ high chair , Baby B j o r n , B u m p e r Ju m p e r ExerSaucer Ultra, swing,. large dog crate . Call 905-257-2113. BED Queen set. Guest room just like new. Split box for easy move. $300 289-260-2765. B E D, a m a z i n g b a r g a i n , queen or thopedic pillow top set, new in plastic warr a n t y. $ 2 5 0 . 9 0 5 - 5 6 7 4042 BEDROOM set, cherr y wood. Bed, chest, d r e s s e r, m i r r o r, 2 n i g h t stands. Dovetail construction. Never opened. Cost $8000. Sacrifice $1900. 905-567-4042 B O AT M o t o r + Tr a i l e r . 14ft, great condition, cust o m c o ve r, p l a s t i c g a s tank, $1600. Must sell! 905-257-3852 B OY ' S Tr e k B i ke ~ g o o d condition, best offer. 905634-8210 CALIFORNIA Shutters, Top of the line Excellent condition 905-849-3858. Dr. Asma Iftikhar, MD, CCFP New Patients Welcome 3 & 4 Bedrooms from $850 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management PORTS Cruising Guides is expanding the dealer network for Trent-Severn Waterway & Lake Simcoe cruising guide (new edition May 2006); Lake Ontario & Thousand Islands; Georgian Bay, the North Channel & Lake Huron. Interested dealers/ retailers call 416-691-0488; email orders@portsbooks.com. 905.823.5020 H O M E away f r o m h o m e fo r yo u r c h i l d , a n d yo u r peace of mind is all that matters. River Oaks. References. 16yrs experience. 905-844-7108 LOOKING for individualize c h i l d c a r e fo r y o u r l i t t l e one? ECE provider has spaces available in Falgarwo o d a r e a . R e fe r e n c e s / r e c e i p t s ava i l a bl e. 9 0 5 338-8730 LOVING Reliable home daycare, 13 yrs. exp. Nutritious food, structured activities, lots of TLC, ages 6 mos+ References, receipts. Liverpool /Third Line. 905-465-1169 OA K V I L L E , 8 t h L i n e / D u n d a s, o f f N o r t h r i d g e Tr a i l . ECE provider available. Infants & toddlers only. 905-257-5851. ORGANIC Daycare opening. Nurturing, stimulating environment. Quality individualized lear ning programs. Large/ small motor s k i l l a c t i v i t i e s. S c i e n c e, crafts, sensory, dramatic, circle time. Organic foods fo r 2 m e a l s / s n a ck s. I n fants and up. Limited fulltime spaces. CPR, police check. Receipts. 905-5822646 keepsakesfor kids@yahoo.ca PROFESSIONAL ECE t e a c h e r, 1 0 y r s. ex p e r i ence, offer ing in home daycare. Flexible drop off & pick-up times, Central Burlington. 905-634-1201 Q UA L I T Y childcare available in my home (Upper Middle/ Trafalgar) for children 2+, full/ parttime, before and after schoolcare. Smoke-free, indoor/ outdoor activities. Nutritious meals/ snacks. CPR/ First-Aid. Security Clearance. Receipts. References. Space available for August & September. 905-338-6226. RELIABLE caring daycare available, 15 years experience. References/ receipts available. Eighth Line/ Glenashton area. 905-8443146. W E S T O a k Tr a i l s ( e a s t side) near schools. Flexible, reliable and very experienced. Call Pat 905847-3587 Book your directory ad Today! Sept. issue - 250,000 copies Deadline: Aug. 31, 2006 Max 25 words. Only $79. Email: advertising@live-it.ca 1987 Volkswagen Jetta in good shape and running order. $800, obo. 905689-6475 1990 Honda Accord LX 4-door, auto., cruise, upgraded sound system, certified, e-tested, 260K., $2200. 905-335-3186. 1991 Honda Civic DX, 5spd, B16 motor, e-tested, asking $3500 OBO, 647280-5476 1993 Ford Aerostar van, Eddie Bauer edition. Runs well, needs a little work. $ 1 , 0 0 0 a s i s. 9 0 5 - 6 9 3 0071 1 9 9 3 P l y m - G r. Voya g e r, f u l l y l o a d e d $ 7 5 0 a s i s. 905-339-7532 1993 Tempo 4-door auto., excellent condition, certified, e-tested, only 102K., a s k i n g $ 2 2 0 0 o b o. 6 4 7 290-4694. 1995 Buick Regal 3.8L., 124K., clean, air, cruise, p/dlocks, p/windows, great condition, $3900 obo. 905632-4170. 1995 Honda Civic sedan. Excellent condition. Stand a r d . We l l - m a i n t a i n e d . A/C. As is $2,650. 905864-7104. 1 9 9 5 Toyo t a C a m r y L E , 234K, 1-owner (Oakville resident) excellent condition, new tires, cer tified, $4000 obo. 416-575-9553 (cell) 1996 Mercury Mystique- 4cyl., auto. w/air, 4-door, 196K., certified & e-tested. $ 2 4 0 0 O B O. 9 0 5 - 3 9 9 5621 1997 Chrysler Cirrus LXI~ leather seats, good condition, 178K, $2975. 905592-0329 1997 Mercury Grand Marquis LS. Fully loaded, V8 leather interior, dark green exterior, light grey interior, new tires, safety & etested. $4995.00. 905876-3331. 1999 Chrysler Cirrus LX, 4-door, auto,Power Everything, A/C, E-test, safety. 115,000km, Excellent. $5800.obo. 905-679-0818 1999 Mercur y Sable- ETested, 3-litre, 6 cyl., power doors/ steering, leather seats, 65,000km, genuine reason for sale. $6200. 905-331-1912 2000 BMW 328i, 5 speed, Rare spor ts package, loaded++, Very well maintained. $20,000. Moving to USA. 905-315-7365 GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES 611 Surrey Lane, Burl Immaculate 2 & 3 bedrooms with full basements! Utilities included FOUND gold wedding band on Lakeshore Rd. at B u r l i n g t o n Av e . C a l l t o identify 647-299-7994 FOUND- Men's reading glasses in case, on Cedar Springs Road at #1 Sider o a d l a s t we e k . C a l l t o Identify 905-335-8815 FOUND: Black & White cat found walkers line / Riley st. We call Riley. Please Call 905-637-7325 FOUND: Black cat found on Brittania Rd. Near Milton, we call lucky. Please call 905-637-7325 FOUND: Buff & White catBrant & Prospect st. We c a l l L e s l i e. P l e a s e c a l l 905-637-7325 FOUND: Children's Bicycle. Found in Ford Dr ive area. Call to Identify 905339-3131 FOUND: on Paisley long haired black and white cat with black noise and chin. Call Grace 905-637-9594 F O U N D : O r a n g e & B l a ck cat. Prospect/ Drury Lane. We call Samantha. Please Call 905-637-7325 F O U N D : S e t o f key s o n keychain with silver horse imprinted on black ribbon with yellow happy faces. 905-637-9830 L O S T- Key s, l a r g e s e t o f keys on blue ring in Burlington 905-515-9391 L O S T: L a d i e s w a t c h a t Pa l e t t a l a ke f r o n t p a r k . Lost Monday night. Sentim e n t a l Va l u e . c a l l 9 0 5 631-7616 Tel: 905-592-9168 www.realstar.ca OA K V I L L E exe c u t i ve townhome by the lake2400sq+, spectacular roof top gardens +huge terrace/ Juliet balconies, over the top w/luxury, granite, hardw o o d , F P, 2 . 5 b a t h s, 2 bdr m, 5 stainless appl., for mal dining, massive kitchen/great room, garage. S e p t e m b e r. $ 2 6 0 0 / m o. a l l i n c l u s i ve Marcella 905-544-9949 HOLLYHOCK Caregivers requires experienced live-in caregiver for Senior in Oakville. Call 905689-1399 LIVE It ! New health & wellness magazine. 250,000 copies. Cost-effective directory ads, word ads. Call today to book for the next issue. 416-4931300 ext. 288 OA K V I L L E D ow n t ow n Gorgeous townhouse for rent. New appliances, windows, hardwood. Steps to p a r k , m a r i n a , a n d l a ke. N e a r G O / M a l l s. 3 - b e d r o o m . O n l y $ 1 5 0 0 / m o. 647-400-3707. OA K V I L L E ~ 3 b e d r o o m townhouses available Immediately through September 1st. 4 appliances, Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management 905876-3336 UPTOWN Oakville, Leda's Personal Training Studio offers safe and effective one-to-one strength training and weight loss programs, top of the line equipment, request your free session. 905-3372605 C A R P E T I h ave s eve ra l 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 y a r d s ) S t eve , 9 0 5 - 6 3 3 8192 DIAMOND engagement r i n g / we d d i n g b a n d s e t . Recently cer tified & appraised at $3250, asking $1900/obo. Call Sam 905220-1425 DINING set oak round table 4 chairs extends 42x60, Large Oak China cabinet, crown molding. $1700 new, 4yrs old Asking $800 for set. 905-3354595 DININGROOM Oak table w/6 chairs, $200; hutch & buffet $250; kitchen table w/4 chairs $150. 905-3332808 FA N TA S T I C S u m m e r Sale- Custom upholstering, no GST or PST. We pay the taxes on sofas and matching chairs, sofas from $788. Chairs from $249, D/R Seats from $19.95. Field's Furniture a n d Fa b r i c s 9 a m - 9 p m . 905-632-9090 FITNESS. Brand New 2 stack, multi-station, home gym. Commercial quality for serious fitness. $2500. ( r e t a i l s fo r $ 4 3 0 0 ) 9 0 5 829-0200 1 gorgeous furnished room to rent with own bathroom in shared custom built home on Millcroft golf course. All utilities inc l u d e d . N o n - s m o ke r. $600/mo. 905-335-6334 APPLEBY GO - 5 min. walk, N/S working female to share new lux. T.H. with same. Pkg., W/D, cable, int., util. incl. $600. 905635-4873 BU R L I N G TO N . R o o m available. Walkers Line/ New Street. Share use of house, parking, all utilities included along with cable. Immediate. 905-631-9353 E X E C U T I V E t ow n h o m e, own room/bath. Share with p r o fe s s i o n a l l a d y, n o n s m o k e r. C l e a n a n d r e sponsible a must. Parking. $600/mo inclusive. Glen Abbey, Oakville. 905-2578742. FEMALE Seeks career woman (preferred) to share upscale spotless apartment with Lakeview. Lakeshore East Burlington. 905-637-8444 H AV I N G a p o o l p a r t y ? Need super vision? Ver y responsible student with Bronze Cross and CPR/First Aid. Call Jordan 905-825-2116 cell 905510-6792 TRAFALGAR & McCraney Well appointed 3-bedroom townhome. $1400/mo. Call Konrad Maier, Broker, Sutton Group 416-236-6000 WATERDOWN- 3-bdr m, modified 3-bdrm $1014/mo. +util (cable included) August/ September. Beautiful ravine location, close to schools/ stores. Call 905-689-7341 FREEZER Chest type 43 by 24" $100. 905-6320707 * * * * * S TA R A c c o m m o d a t i o n s i n l a r g e exe c u t i ve home private backyard w/ pool and many extras. Trafalgar/ Upper Middle, $480. 905-338-6444. DATERITE introductions is representing a handsome intelligent 26yr old engineer. He is family oriented, would love to meet a lady who enjoys travel, dancing and outdoors. If this guy sounds like he may be the one for you call 905-8275912 BABYSITTER required for S e p t . Tw i n s a g e 2 0 months. Par t-time, early afternoon hours needed. Oakville. 905-844-4645 "BISQUE" Coloured range w/regular burner rings 30", very good condition, $150 obo. Small drawer/ computer desk (Cherry) draw/ computer ledge included, 31"Wx26Dx30H, $50. Desk hutch w/cupboard/ shelve, c h e r r y, 50"Wx12"Dx39"H, $100. Safe "Gardall" combination can be installed in-ground, 24"Hx14"Wx14"D, $150. 905-681-9351 MATTRESSES++++ New Or thopedic Double $235, Orthopedic Queen $255., King $400. Memory-Foam Beds Available. Free local delivery. 905-616-1700 905-632-BEDS(2337) MOVING sale- Kenmore Wa s h e r & Dr yer ( s t a c k a b l e ) , a n d s t o ve . Great condition. $600 for all. 905-332-3173 Anita MOVING! 2 Victorian loveseats and ar moire, oak desk, bookshelves, bedroom furniture, lots more! 905-845-7623. A fur coat, silver dollars .50 cent pieces, gold/silver coins and collections. Unwanted gold/ silver jewelry. 905-633-7531