42 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, January 12, 2007 BURLINGTON 1 room furnished apartment c/a, cable, no parking, separate entrance. Uppermiddle and Brant. 905-319-3002 BURLINGTON 1-bedroom apt. Cedar Springs Road. separate entrance, walkout, spacious, appliances $850/mo includes utilities Available Feb.1st 905-3362386 BURLINGTON~ bright, clean and spacious 2 bedroom suite in lowrise building. 27ft living room, $825/mob +hydro. parking included, prefer no dogs. 905635-2491 CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront buildi n g . Ve r y s p a c i o u s 1 & 2 bedrooms available Dec e m b e r / J a n u a r y. 5 2 2 0 Lakeshore, Burlington. $895/mo. 905-632-5486 (No dogs preferred) CONTROL your own Heat! Enormous 1 & 2 bedrooms w i t h d e n f r o m $ 11 7 0 . Sunken living rooms, indoor pool, hot tub. Close to GO station & shopping. Best Suites in Oakville! 1297 Marlborough Court. Call 905-815-1628. DOWNTOWN Burlington, 1&2 bedroom apt. w/patio. Dishwasher, a/c, parking included. Available immediately. 905-842-9275 DOWNTOWN Oakville~ 2-bdrm from $1250/mo. Close to all amenities, park setting. No lease or last month deposit required. Non-smokers. 905-3302770/ 905-330-1566. FACING Burlington Mall. Marble lobby. Lovely 1&2 bedroom suites in quiet buildings. Hydro included. Regency 905-681-8115 or Princess 905-639-8009 O A K V I L L E - Tr a f a l g a r / Glenashton. Bachelor apartment. Separate entrance, kitchenette, bathroom $750/mo. includes utilities, internet, parking. Near transit. Available Feb.1st Call 416-8168978 or 416-712-3061 OAKVILLERENTERS.COM 1/2/3 bdrms from $845. 1265 6-line: 905-842-8960. 190 Kerr 905-845-1777. 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 2-BEDROOM~ Open concept livingroom, diningroom, kitchen, ensuite laundry, garage, close to Burlington mall. Available Feb/1st $1250/mo +utilities. Call Ed Cooper Broker J.M Edwards Associate Inc Brokerage 905-631-6363 ABSOLUTELY Excellent! Huge 1-bedroom condo, newer building, convenient first floor, neutral decor, spotless, 5 appliances, underground pkg, fitness, storage. $995/mo+ Feb.1. No dogs. 905-815-7906 BURLINGTON. Walkers/ Upper Middle, 1-bedroom, 5 a p p l i a n c e s , C / V, C / A . Open concept. Available i m m e d i a t e l y. $ 9 7 5 / m o . 905-575-3227. CENTRAL Dundas- 2 bedroom condo for rent in quaint Dundas Location. Recently renovated throughout w/ modern cabinetry & flooring. Includes 5 appliance's, parking. Available Feb1st. $1050/mo +hydro. Call Davies real estate for more information 905-333-4347 CUMBERLAND/ Fairview, Luxury 2-bedroom condo, a/c, appliances, garage. No pets preferred 416-255-2085 OAKVILLE, Pilgrims way, close to all amenities, Newly renovated 2-bedroom condo for immediate occupancy. Call Mark for details 416-678-2306 OAKVILLE~ "The Granary" beautiful newly renovated 1-bdrm, fully furnished & equipped. Immediate. $2500/mo. 905-8426968 STUNNING 2-bedroom, 2-baths condo in The Baxter downtown Burlington. $1650/mo inclusive call 905-719-0123 OAKVILLE place mall, main floor $1395/mo +utilities, 4-bedrooms renovated. Large yard, immediate occupancy. 905827-2015 OAKVILLE Place, 3-bedroom main floor bungalow, renovated, hardwood, large deck and yard, laundry, A/C, parking, (no dogs p r e f e r r e d ) , $ 11 2 5 / m o +utilities. Feb.1st. 905825-0154. OAKVILLE, Coronation Park. Executive fully renovated bungalow. Furnished/ unfurnished. Fireplace, hardwood floors, granite. 905-5822439. OLDE Oakville, 3-bedr o o m , Wa l k D o w n t o w n / GO, Appliances included. Finished basement. $1600/mo +utilities. Mar.1. 905-844-1119 OWN your own home! Rent to own. 100% Financing. No Money down. Self-employed. Need credit restructuring. Choose your program. Call Napoleon Wilson or David Baiton Sales Rep. Sutton Group Innovative Realty Inc. 905-681-2800 Cumberland Village 3-bdrm Townhome from $1050/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking BRONTE Harbour penthouse~ furnished, equipped, parking, long distance, internet, mature professional male. First/ last, references, $650/mo. 905-825-8355. QEW/ Brant Fully Furnished Large Bedroom in townhouse. $475./mo. Inclusive. First/ Last. Suit very quiet non-smoking working person. 905-315-8989. ROOM for rent (townhome), 1.5 baths, sports bar/ rec. room, near Burlington Mall. $450/mo. 905-407-7381 SHARE 2-bedroom luxury condo, facing Lake. "The Baxter", downtown Burlington. Sauna, terrace, +more. $600/mo. Immediate. 905-635-4468. SHARE 3-Bdrm furnished bungalow w/1 male near Sheridan College. Incl parking, utilities, phone, cable & web. $625/month 905-580-7158 MOTHER'S Helper wanted, Upper Middle/ Ford, Oakville. Must have licence. Competitive wage, flexible hours. 905-3393383. 3270 Prospect Street Burlington SENIOR & DISABLED Care /housing, provided through My Special Nanny & Personnal. Fully licensed. Get care during the day for parent/ special needs loved one. In providers home; varies $35$41. per/day. includes care/ meals. Provider in your home: $16/day. Residential care with a family setting only $68/daily, includes meals, snack, room monitored care. 905-849-3878 Marlene, or Lila. D AY C A R E a v a i l a b l e ~ Mother of 2 has openings, any age. F/T & P/T in Burlington home. Between Appleby and Walkers (Fairview). Receipts available Call 905-6337459, 905-407-8463 D AY C A R E space available my Aldershot home. Nutritious food, CPR Cert., References available. Start Feb. 905333-9875 ECE mom provides child care. Guelph Line/ Prospect. Lunch, receipts, and references. Laura 905633-8232 EXPERIENCED caregiver: Daycare available in my home full-time, meals and receipts provided. Near Appleby & Fairview. Call Nina, 905-639-4449. I N T E R N AT I O N A L C h i l dren's care offers on-line sign up to get nannies/ sitters. www.internataional childrenscare.com Call 905-849-3878 LITTLE Petals Daycare has 2 spots available for infants/ toddlers. Oakville, 8th Line/ Dundas. 905257-5851. LITTLE scholar preschool is expanding we are welcoming 16 new children into our 1/2 day or extended day programs Great prices, warm environment, mention this ad & we will waiver the registrat i o n f e e ! Vo t e d B e s t i n Oakville, 186 Morrison Rd. Oakville 905-849-3878 MAKE lots of $$$ from home, doing childcare through My Special Nanny A g e n c y. N a n n i e s a l s o needed 905-849-3878 Q U A L I T Y, l o v i n g c h i l d c a r e . F - T / P - T, D o r v a l / Upper Middle, nutritious meals, all ages, First Aid, CPR. 905-847-8407. THE Crystal children home daycare spots available for children 3mo- 5yrs old. arts/ crafts, story time. healthy lunches/ snacks. CPR/ first aid. Security clearance. receipts. Call Laura 905-901-0049. BURLINGTON 3020 Glencrest Rd. 1&2 bedrooms available January/ February/ March. Starting $795/mo. Upscale quiet building close to major shopping 905-632-0129 BURLINGTON Downtown, 700 Ross. Spacious 2-bedroom. Includes hydro, heat, parking, clean, quiet. Near schools, park, GO. $828/mo 905-635-4894; 905-616-9433. BURLINGTON Downtown. Quiet 2-bedroom apartment. Balcony, elevator, $875/mo. (+$30 parking). 905-637-5139 or www.smar.ca BURLINGTON Downtown. Spacious 2-bedroom, convenient to buses, GO, shopping. New appliances, laminate/ ceramic. Includes parking, laundry, backyard. 905-681-9678. BURLINGTON downtown~ Trendy 1-bedroom, Brant St. Immaculate, quiet, balc o n y, l a u n d r y, p a r k i n g , $700/mo. Feb. 905-3367207 BURLINGTON lakefront! Large 2-bedroom. Quiet building. Laundry on each f l o o r. 2 3 3 8 L a k e s h o r e . 905-637-3447 BURLINGTON large bright beautiful renovated 2-bedroom in desirable Tyandaga, $1030/mo. Quiet, conveniesnt, secure. Details/ photos: http://tinyurl.com/ylzev3 905-5921488 BURLINGTON, RBG area. 2-bedrooms, Immediate. $725/mo. includes fridge, stove, parking. Clean building. 905-5171754; www.getapartment.net BURLINGTON- 2&3 bedroom apartment in excellently maintained building, fully renovated, new appliances, utilities & cable included. From $950/mo. 905-639-1960 BURLINGTON- Brant St. Large 2-bedroom, parking, Immediate, $800/mo +hydro. Immediate. Near GO. After 6pm 905-6371708. BURLINGTON- Lakeshore & Maple. Lakefront views! Exceptional value, spacious 1&2 bedrooms. Utilities included. Pool sauna. Near all amenities. 905-632-5258 BURLINGTON- Large 2bedroom. Apartment, excellent location in small quiet building, completely renovated. Available now. Suits older couple. Reasonable rent, everything included. Call between 3pm & 8pm. 905-3323118 BURLINGTON- Large, 2bedroom (825sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near downtown. $795/mo. includes parking Call Annie, 905634-5885 BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom, $860/mo. inclusive. Well located, quiet building near downtown, buses, highway, lake. 905333-0869. www.smar.ca BURLINGTON. 384 St. Paul Street. 1-bdrm available immediately/Feb., $794/mo. 1&3 bedrooms available Feb/1st. starting at $820/mo to $975/mo. Utilities/ parking included. Quiet, well maintained, on cul-de-sac. Call 5pm-9pm, 905-639-7072. BURLINGTON. Guelph L i n e / N e w. 1 - b e d r o o m . Quiet low rise, parking. Feb.1st $785/mo +hydro. 905-631-1119. B U R L I N G TO N ~ G u e l p h Line/ New St., (1) Large 3bedroom; (1) 1-bedroom, laundry, parking, Available i m m e d i a t e l y. 6 4 7 - 3 3 3 2665 OAKVILLE~ Bronte/ Lakeshore. Close to schools/ bus route, 2 bedroom a p a r t m e n t , m a i n f l o o r, Immediate. $875/mo. 416-540-1219; 905-8473564. OAKVILLE~ Ontario St.~ Beautiful location. 1 bedroom and 1bedroom + den in quiet excellently maintained building. Fully renovated. Utilities included. 905-469-9330 OLDE Oakville beautiful building shops at your door step, 1-bdrm from $1050/mo. 2-bdrm, facing lovely treed street all upgrades, e.g....dishwasher, from $1375/mo. No lease, no last month deposit. available January. 905339-4645 PRIME Downtown Burlington. Upgraded suites 1&2 bedroom. New windows. Modernized elevators. Scenic views. 478 Pearl, 477 Elizabeth; 905634-9374, 905-632-1643 S TA R T N e w Ye a r 's i n a n e w a p t - F r e e M o n t h 's Rent! Bach, 1 & 2 bdrm from $799. Close to restaurant, groceries, malls, QEW and amenities. On site laundry, controlled entry. Call 1-888-310-7000. www.GOtransglobe.com STUDIO apartment, in Aldershot, Burlington, full kitchen, private entrance, parking, available immediately. $595+ hydro, first/ last. No pets. 905-6347484 WATERDOWN #1 2-bdrm Main Floor Apt in house. $1,200/month incl. heat, hydro, 2 appliances. #2Loft bdrm., country Coach House- large main level kitchen/living room, 4 appliances. $800/month plus hydro. Call Donna 905689-4516 WAT E R D O W N ~ C e n t r a l location, walk everywhere 1 & 2 bedrooms $785/mo.; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; waterdownrenters.com 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ONLY$ 1014/ month 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway Call Today For Manager Special on 1 Month FREE Rent CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! OPEN HOUSE Mon-Wed-Fri~ 10-4 & Sat-Sun~ 11-2 Ask about our Move-In Incentive GEORGIAN COURT ESTATES 611 Surrey Lane,Burl. Immaculate 2&3 BRs with full basements! Utilities included SUNNY, beautiful, 3-bedroom townhouse with partial view of lake, close to shopping and Shell Park. Freshly painted with new floors. Enjoy walk to lake $1500/mo. Available Immediately Call Joan 905845-2712 FREE IPOD with 1-Bdrm Rental! Best Value for your dollar~ 1 Bedrooms includes heat/ hydro, a/c, 1 parking and window coverings. Available Feb./March 905-639-8583; burlingtontowers.com GUELPH Line/ Woodward. 2 bedrooms available January/ February/ March. $845/mo. Utilities included. Clean, quiet building. Burlington. 905-632-4265 KERR/ Speers- Large, open concept, recently renovated 1-bedroom apartment. New appliances, renovated bathroom, close to GO transit and shopping. Laundry facilities on site. Minutes fo Downtown Oakville. Call Mike 416-918-5391 LAKESHORE & Bronte. 1&2 bedroom from $925$1045/mo. utilities included. Immediate. Close to Bronte Harbour and all amenities. 905-825-0816 LARGE Clean 2 bedrooms, Bronte Village, $ 11 2 5 / m o . i n c l u s i v e , available Feb.1st. Call 905-465-3428. OAKVILLE Bronte~ Loft 2bedroom, 2 full baths, skylights, walk to lake, private entrance, gas F/P, Jacuzzi, 5 appliances, A/C, parking. Non-smoking/ No pets preferred. Immediate. 416-993-1622 OAKVILLE Downtown 1bedroom loft, heritage building $1250/mo., includes parking/ utilities. No smokers/ No pets preferred Feb.1. 905-8448581 9am-5pm OAKVILLE Downtown. Renovated 1 or 2-bedrooms, low rise quiet building. Hardwood floors. Large bright units. $740840/mo. (parking included). Feb/ March. 905277-4728. OAKVILLE, 1-bedroom basement apartment, private entrance, laundry & parking, prefer lady or couple/ non-smoker/ no pets. 905-338-7823 OAKVILLE, Kerr/ Elmwood. Spacious 2-bedroom apartments. 1 parking. Available immediately. $999/mo. includes utilities. 905-338-0491; 905-8250987 OAKVILLE, Kerr/ Rebecca, 1 & 2-bedroom apartment. close to shopping. Immediate. $800/mo., 1 car parking. 905-5640134; 905-842-5432. OAKVILLE, Upper Middle/ Oxford. Basement (1-bedroom +) laundry, parking, a/c, quiet crescent, nonsmoking, no pets preferred. $750/mo. utilities included. 905-845-2287. OAKVILLE, Upper Middle/ Tr a f a l g a r. Available Feb1st, spotless 3-bedroom mainfloor, 5 appliances, $1350/mo +utilities Call after 6pm. 905-6171808 ALDERSHOT- 3 bedroom townhouse for rent. (End unit) Ideal for commuters with easy highway access. Finished basement, A/C, 6 appliances, walk-out to fenced yard, single garage. Available immediately. $1495/mo. Call Davies real estate for more information 905-333-4347 A P P L E B Y / F a i r v i e w. Large, new, 3 level, 2 bedroom, 1.5 baths, walkout basement, c/a, c/v, new appliances, very close to GO and QEW. $1300/mo + utilities. Available March 1st. 905-580-1765 or 905331-9206 BRAND new townhouse's in Burlington and Oakville, 3 bedrooms, 5 appliances, garage, fenced yard starting at $1600 905-333-5506 x37 BRONTE Harbour Executive 3-bedroom townhome, 4 bathrooms, hardwood in livingroom/ diningroom, 2 balconies, attached garage, 4 appliances. Close to schools, shops, Lake. $1500/mo. Feb/1st Call Leslie, 905-847-6030. BURLINGTON 1st block Northshore. Renovated 3bedrooms, 1.5 baths, finished basement, fenced yard. Highway access, near all amenities. $1100/mo. +utilities. Immediate 905-639-0354. BURLINGTON Mall 3-bedroom condo 1.5 bath, recroom, $1075/mo; Home Depot, 4-bedroom, 1.5 baths, recroom, garage, $1095/mo; Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor,905-6325690 B U R L I N G TO N O r c h a r d Large 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, A/C, Starting $1450/mo+ 905335-2075 BURLINGTON QEW/ Guelph Line. Newly Renovated 2-bedroom, 4 new appliances. $950/mo. +utilities, Immediate Quiet residential area. No pets preferred 416-399-4832, 905-332-0689 B U R L I N G TO N , Ta n s l e y Woods. Large new 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 6 appliances, walk-in closet, ensuite, backing on greenspace/ pond, a/c/ deck. Near QEW/ 407/ GO. $1575/mo. +utilities. 905336-8894. BURLINGTON- executive townhome, 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, central vac, a/c, all appliances, garage, great condition, beautifully decorated, great location, $1,500 + utilities, 905-8651423 or 905-570-5269. BURLINGTON: South sharp newer 3-bedroom, 3 baths, master ensuite, gas fireplace, fully fenced, near GO, Immediate. $1350/mo. Non-smoker/ No pets preferred. 905845-4326 BURLINGTON~ very large 2,3&4 bedroom, $1085/mo. Available March 1st. www.rentaltown houses.ca 905-681-0070 BEACH front property on Georgian bay. Year round home (1400sqft) 20 min. to base lodge at blue Mountain, 15 mins to beach area 1 Wasaga Beach. $429,000 No Agents. 905-312-9296 Tel: 905-592-9168 www.realstar.ca ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall A P P L E B Y / N e w. F u r nished room. Internet, parking, laundry, phone. Shared kitchen/ bath. Near amenites. $425/ $475. (905)855-3622. BRONTE- beautiful furnished bachelor in executive home. W/D, internet, Tv, nonsmoking, no pets preferred. $800/mo 905-510-2904 FURNISHED rooms for rent, Sheridan college n e a r b y, s h o r t - t e r m w e l come. Parking and cooking facilities. $650/mo. 905-842-5374 LARGE bright furnished r o o m , 2 n d f l o o r, s h a r e d bath & kitchen, separate entrance, parking, Olde Oakville, ladies preferred. Call Heather 905-338-7492 LARGE furnished bedroom near Oakville Place. Parking. Ravine. Suit quiet, working non-smoker. $475/mo. 905-337-7387. OAKVILLE Third Line/ Lakeshore. Furnished room, cable, utilities, laundry, non-smoker, no parking. $375/mo. First/Last. 905-825-0789. OAKVILLE Third Line/ Upper Middle. Seperate entrance. 2 private rooms, Bath, livingroom, laundry, cable. $695/mo First/ last No pets preferred. 905-825-2941 OAKVILLE Unfurnished room, $550/mo. Use of kitchen/ laundry facilities. Non-smoking. 905-399-2050. OAKVILLE, $450/mo, includes utilities, laundry, phone, cable, mature male preferred. Immediate. 905-815-9100. OAKVILLE~ 1-bedroom, Near GO/ Downtown, S h a r e k i t c h e n , l a u n d r y, parking. Non-smoker, no pets preferred. Female preferred. $388/mo. +utilites, Feb/1 905-842-4036 Email rentaroom119@yahoo.ca RIVIERA Motel located in downtown Burlington. Weekly rates starting from $205 +Tax. Call 905-637-2338 ROSELAND, Burlington~ Beautiful Master Bedroom, character home, large backyard, shared entrance, parking. Computer/ phone in room. Immediate. $550/mo inclusive. 905632-4200 SHARED accommodation, all inclusive. Brant/ Upper middle $450/mo. 905-844-8033 WA L K E R ' S L i n e / N e w St.~ Large room w/walk-in closet, comes with fridge, cable, some furniture. Share bath/ kitchen/ laund r y, $ 5 5 0 / m o , f i r s t / l a s t . 905-333-0067 WA L K E R S L i n e / N e w Street bedroom for rent in very clean townhouse with mother and daughter and cat. Female only. 525/mth 905-681-8338 1972 Ski-Doo 399 twin. E x c e l l e n t r u n n e r, n e w seals, trac, cover, needs e x h a u s t c a n n i s t e r. We l l maintained, $600. Call 905-630-3821 4-BEDROOM new home for rent $1850/mo +utilities. Also Brand new 1-bedroom furnished basement apartment, Oakville, Private Entrance. Immediate. Utilities/ Cable included. $750/mo. 905-4696799 BEAUTIFUL Executive Luxury 4-bedroom w/4 appliances, new upgrades, a v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. Winston Churchill/ QEW. 905-829-3997 BEAUTIFUL new Church St. Downtown Oakville, 3bdrm, 3 baths, professionally decorated, fully furnished, turn key, walk to shops, restaurants, long/ short term, available Immediate. $3500/mo. Call 905-842-6968 BURLINGTON Executive capecod, 4+bedrooms, 2.5 baths, recroom, fireplace, C/A, garage, $1500/mo; Headon Forest 2 Storey, 3-bedrooms, 3 baths, garage, deck $1385/mo.; Pearson High, large 3-bedroom, den, 1.5 garage, $1230/mo. 905-6325690, Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor. BURLINGTON Core- 2 bedroom house in quiet residential area. Fully updated throughout. Includes 6 appliances, hardwood throughout, extra long driveway, fully fenced in backyard. Available imm e d i a t e l y. $ 1 4 0 0 / m o +hydro. Call Davies real estate for more information 905-333-4347 BURLINGTON Orchard. 3bedroom Mattamy det a c h e d , a / c , c / v, a p p l i ances, garage, private backyard. $1400/mo. +utilities. Immediate. 905631-8821; 289-259-0829. BURLINGTON~ close to B u r l o a k / Q E W, 3 - b e d room, appliances, C/A, $1500/mo +utilities Available Feb.1. 905-8447467 OAKVILLE Glen Abbey/ We s t o a k Tr a i l s . 3 - b e d room, 2.5 baths, fireplace, c/a, garage, finished basement, 5 appliances, nopets preferred, $1450/mo +utilities. 905-829-0289. OAKVILLE North. Charming 3-bedroom bungalow, 2 baths, 6 appliances, C/A, finished basement, large yard, $1450/mo. +utilities. No pets preferred. Nonsmoking. Immediate. 905338-7296. 3 Bdrms $900/mo 4 Bdrms $975/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management VALENTINE Day Dinner and Dance Fusion 2007 Feb/17th , 7pm Knights of Columbus in Oakville. Tickets $50/per person, Couples $95. East Indian food and music. To book call 905-338-3016 or 416471-1047 Indian costumes available at 1200 Speers Rd unit 31 BURLOAK SHORES 2-Bdrm~4 Appl. Lake front property at FOUND Cat Plains/ Brant/ Leighland area Jan 6th Call to identify 905-681-7779 FOUND: Grey tabby cat found Burloak and Upper Middle. We call Chris. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: Joe Boxer Wallet, Brant Hills Burlington, call 905-336-1034 F O U N D : L a d i e s Wa t c h , Richview area, Call to identify. 905-407-5232 FOUND: Martha @ bicycle path, set of keys, please identify. 905-632-9001 Reasonable Rent 5370 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington 905-681-0259 OAKVILLE Available Immediately Beautiful Executive Townhome- 3-bdrm, 2.5 bath in Lakeshore Woods Community. Less than 1yr old, lovely unit equipped w/stainless appliances, gas fireplace, whirlpool bath in ensuite, many other upgrades. ideally located close to the lake/parks, easy access to transit/QEW. $1750/mo. 905-847-3168 OAKVILLE Glen Abbey~ Free hold executive townhouse, 4 large bedrooms, double garage, ravine, pond, C/A, 5 appliances, $1700/mo. No pets pref e r r e d . Va c a n t . R e f e r ences 905-815-2666 OAKVILLE, Stunning 3bedroom exec. townhouse West Harbour, $2700/mo +utilities. No-smokers/ no pets preferred. Feb.1. Helen Arthur, Sales Rep, Royal LePage Burloak Real Estate Services Brokerage 905-844-2022 OAKVILLE~ 2,3&4 bedroom townhouses available immediately through March 1st. 4 appliances, Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management 905-876-3336 OAKVILLE~ Glen Abbey, 3-bedroom, near Go, schools, hwys, large eat-in kitchen, $1350/mo +utilities, Feb.1. 905-6397887 SOUTH West Burlington~ Spacious 2-bedroom townhome w/garage, appliances. Walking distance to all amenities. Including GO. Just seconds from QEW. Available January. 905-693-8525 ext.224 DOWNTOWN Oakville furnished executive suite, short term available. $1895/mo everything included. Call 905-330-2770 S H O R T- T E R M C l e a n , spacious 1&2 bedroom furnished suites at much desired location... Burlington To w e r s . 9 0 5 - 6 3 9 - 8 5 8 3 www.corporatesuites.ca TRAVELSUITES.NET... Log on!!.... Fully furnished Corporate Residences! D a i l y, We e k l y, M o n t h l y ! Business, Family, Travel Visits! Unbelieveable From.... $49.95*/night! M/Card- Visa- Diner's Page Us at 905-681-7355 WWW.PREMIERESUITES.COM Furnished 1-3 bedroom condominiums and townhouses throughout Mississauga, Oakville and Burlington. Rates staring at $99/per night, minimum 30 nights 905-469-3330 LOVING Married couple seeks compassionate egg donor. Please email us at wishwishbaby@ hotmail.com EXPERIENCED Live-in/ Live-out Caregivers available. Care for children and elderly. Call 905469-6053 or e-mail: info@magnusresources.ca EXPERIENCED nanny (Live-in or out) required April 2007 for 2 boys ages 3 & 1 0 m o . Wa t e r d o w n core. 905-690-4019 LIVE-OUT caregiver wanted. Part-time, Monday to Friday mornings, 7am to noon. 2 children, 3 yrs and 1 yr. Please call 905827-0701 CHILDCARE needed in my home, approx 9 hrs/week. Angela, 905339-3294. Oakville B U R L I N G TO N P r e s t i g ious locale near lake $2,600/mo +utilities. 4bedroom, 2.5bth, Furnished. No pets preferred/ non-smokers. Long term preferred. Barbara Beers Broker Royal LePage Burloak R.E.S. Brokerage 905634-2335 or 905-634-7755 BABYSITTER requiredOne child, Mon, Wed, Fri. Pine Glen/ 3rd Line Light housekeeping. Fax resume w/ references 905874-9590 or email: mon alisa247@sympatico.ca BURLINGTON family requires Part-time mother's h e l p e r, 3 a f t e r n o o n s o r evenings per/wk. Flexible hours, light housekeeping, non-smokers only. Christine 905-315-8516 MOTHER'S helper required, afternoons 2-7pm, light housekeeping, cooking, 2 children (10 & 6), downtown Oakville, Car required. 416-671-3456 ALL The Advantages of Condo Living 2-Bdrm available now! Rec. facilities, 24hr security & more. Mapleview area! 905-315-8993 ESL Tutor Certified (English as a second Language)- Conversational, b e g i n n e r, i n t e r m e d i a t e , written, oral, family & group classes. Oakville, Burlington, Mississauga. 905-849-3838 or www.esl mobileteacher.com M AT H t u t o r i n g G r a d e 9 - 1 2 . C a l c u l u s t e a c h e r. Call 905-469-8171