34 OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, July 20, 2007 BURLINGTON- Large, 2bedroom (825sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near downtown. $785/mo. includes parking Call Gabe, 905634-5885 OAKVILLE 2-bedroom basement apartment, separate entrance. $975/mo including utilities. No pets preferred/ no smoking. Available July/ 31 905829-1721 OAKVILLE Dorval/ Speers, spacious 2-bedroom basement apartment. Separate entrance, l a u n d r y, c a b l e , p a r k i n g . $900/mo. Available August 1. 905-842-7452 OAKVILLE, near Downtown. 1&2 bedroom apartments, newly renovated, balcony. Clean quiet building. Laundry facilities. $ 8 5 0 - 9 5 0 / m o . Av a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. 9 0 5 - 3 3 9 3997. OAKVILLE- Gorgeous, clean quiet, 1bedroom apartment in lower level of house. With walkout to patio and garden. Seperate entrance, parking, gas fireplace. All included. $845/mo no pets/smoking. 905-845-6164 OAKVILLE. 2-bedroom, second floor. Small buildi n g . Ve r y c l e a n , C / A i r, fridge, stove, washer, drye r, p a r k i n g . $ 8 7 5 / m o . + utilities. September 1. 905466-3728; 905-827-0197 OAKVILLE. Two bedroom apartment for rent. $940/mo. Available August 1. Call 905-339-2437 between 9am-8pm 415 Kerr OAKVILLERENTERS.COM 1/2/3 bdrms from $845. 1265 6-line: 905-842-8960. 190 Kerr 905-845-1777. 392 Pine: 905-337-0910 S H O R T- T E R M C l e a n , spacious 1&2 bedroom furnished suites at much desired location... Burlington Towers. 905639-8583 www.corporatesuites.ca BURLINGTON. 1-bedroom basement apartment, separate entrance, fireplace, cable, high-speed internet, $795/mo. inclusive. Prefer non-smokers/ no pets. Suits single. August. 905-332-9545. BURLINGTON. Guelph Line/ New. Newly renovated 1-bedroom in Quiet low rise, parking. $850/mo. +hydro. 416-453-5954. BURLINGTON. Plains/ Q E W. B a s e m e n t A p a r t ment. Spacious, well kept 1-bedroom. Quiet neighbourhood. Furnished or unfurinshed. Laundry facilities, parking, A/C., private entrance, patio. $650/unfurnished, $750/furnihsed. Nonsmoker. Aug.1. 905-6324042. BURLINGTON~ 2+1 bedroom, freshly painted, new carpet, hardwood floors, south of QEW off Brant in tri-plex, C/A, parking. Close to GO $900/mo +hydro, Sept.1. 905-6319915 CANADIANA. Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront buildi n g . Ve r y s p a c i o u s 2 & 3 bedrooms available April/ M a y. 5 2 2 0 L a k e s h o r e , B u r l i n g t o n . $ 11 0 0 / m o . 905-632-5486 (No dogs preferred) CORE Burlington~ Large 1-bedroom basement apartment, recently renovated, private entrance, 1 parking, Natural gas fireplace. Immediate. $750/mo. +hydro. References, no pets preferred. 905-981-3246 DEMANDING lifestyle~ accommodating suites Bach, 1 & 2 bdrm from $799 on Prospect. Close to restaurant, groceries, malls, QEW and amenities. On site laundry, controlled entry. Call 1-888-310-7000. www.GOtransglobe.com FACING Burlington Mall. Brand new kitchens. Large suites in quiet, mature buildings. Hydro included Regency 905-681-8115 or Princess 905-639-8009 GUELPH Line/ Prospect, across from Burlington Mall. 1-bedroom, $837/mo. Very quiet and clean building. 905-333-1525 GUELPH Line/ Woodward. 2-bedroom available July, and August. from $845/mo. Utilities included. Clean, quiet building. Burlington. 905-632-4265 LAKEFRONT- on the lake, Bronte, Oakville- extra large open concept living area. 1 bdrm +large loft, large patio, spotless. Prefer single, hydro/ cable/ parking $1350/mo. Evening 905-827-2266 LAKESHORE & Bronte. 2 bedroom from $1065/mo. utilities included. Immediate. Close to Bronte Harbour and all amenities. 905-825-0816 LAKEVIEW high rise, ideal location, balcony, security, 1-bdrm starting $850/mo.; 2-bdrm starting $1050/mo. 905-632-1427 LARGE 1&2 bdrm, available August 1st, $790-$850/mo. 2022 Prospect St., Burlington. (Brant/ Prospect) 905-6812650 9am-9pm LARGE, clean, 1 bedroom apartment, Bronte Village. Available September 15 $1010/mo. Call 905-4653428. BURLINGTON. 384 St. Paul Street. 1-bedroom, Aug.1st. $831/mo.; 2 bedrooms available Sept.1., $893/mo; Utilities/ parking included. Quiet, well maintained, on cul-de-sac. Call 5pm-9pm, 905-6397072. N O R T H S H O R E To w e r s . Walk to downtown Burlington, lake, parks, JBMH. 1 bedroom available October 1 (+$35. parking). Utilities included. No pets preferred. Quiet building. Diane, 9am-6pm, 905-6811307 GALWAY Dr., Burlington, 4-bedroom, 3 baths, recroom w/fireplace, A/C, eat-in kitchen, fin. basement, garage, separte diningroom, 4 appliances, Immediate. $1300/mo +utilites. 905-639-1748 GLEN Abbey- spotless 4bdrm, 5 appliances, 2.5 baths prefer no pets/ nonsmokers Immediate. $1650/mo. 905-844-9022 GLEN Abby 2 storey, 3bedroom, excellent location, newly renovated, 4 appliances A/C. $1400/mo. Immediate. 905-844-9380 NORTH Burlington- 3bdrm, large lot, double car garage w/long driveway. $1450/mo. +Util. 905-3352075 OAKVILLE Near Sheridan, 4-bedroom semi, 2baths, playroom, familyroom, fenced yard, 4 appliances, $1495/mo. +utilities. Available August. 905-847-0841. OAKVILLE, Dorval area, 3-bedroom, 2 kitchens, separate entrance to basement. Garage, Sept.1 $1500/mo. +utilities. 416610-9229 OAKVILLE, near Sheridan College. Newly renovated 3-bedroom bungalow, finished basement, $1650/mo. +utilities. Sept.1st. 416-409-3618. OAKVILLE- immaculate 3-bedroom, 2.5 baths, finished basement, garage, 5 appliances + A/C, gas Fireplace. Immediate, $1750/mo. + utilities. 416268-5821 OAKVILLE/ Burlington. 4bedrooms, 3-baths, full basement, c/air, mainfloor den/ familyroom/ laundry, double garage. Immediate. 905-842-4328. SEMI-DETACHED, 5 bedroom, 2 baths, Near Sheridan/ Oakville Place, a v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. 905-699-3182 Cumberland Village 3-bdrm Townhome from $1050/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking FURNISHED bedroom w i t h b a l c o n y, b r i g h t T V area. Female preferred. Trafalgar/ Dundas, $475/ mo. inclusive. 905-4667623 FURNISHED RoomShare kitchen/ washroom. High speed internet, laundry, parking, cable. Immediately. Creditview/ Rivergrove Mississauga. 905820-3847 OAKVILLE. Quiet upscale executive home. Separate entrance to large, bright, clean basement bedroom w/lots of cupboard space. Private 3-piece ensuite and private livingroom. Cable, internet, parking included. Prefer non-smoking/ pets. $690/mo. 905257-7285. ROOMS for rent. Appleby/ New, Burlington. Shared accommodations. From $450/mo. Utilities/ Internet included. 905-681-6049 leave message. WALKERS Line. Wedgewood complex, 4th floor condo, extra clean, parking, A/C, gym, BBQ. $550/mo. Call 416-7022109 EXPERIENCED Live-in/ Live-out Caregivers available. Care for child r e n a n d e l d e r l y. C a l l 905-469-6053 or e-mail: info@magnusresources .ca GUJARATI or East Indian cook needed P/T MondayThursday, in Joshua creek area Oakville. Light house keeping optional, F/T or livein also optional. Contact Mamta 905-338-8468 LIVE-OUT Nanny required. Energetic, patient, loving non-smoker. September start. Tuesdays, Wednesdays. 2 children (2&5). South Burlington. 905-681-6319. NANNIES Live-in/ out required August for 3 year old twins. Must be available to work flexible hours. References required. 905-335-5182 GIFTED Psychic has the answers you are searching for. Please call 905-6390557 TRAVELSUITES.NET... Log on!!.... Fully furnished Corporate Residences! D a i l y, We e k l y, M o n t h l y ! Business, Family, Travel Visits! Unbelievable From.... $49.95*/night! M/Card- Visa- Diner's Page Us at 905-681-7355 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ONLY$ * M AT T R E S S E S + + + + New Orthopedic Double $235, Orthopedic Queen $255., King $455. Automatic Adjustable Beds Available. 905-616-1700, 905-632-BEDS themattressdiscounter.com www.memoryopedic.com 1 new hot tub, 7 persons, 1 w e e k o l d $ 8 5 0 0 n e w. $5000 905-719-7777 A King or Queen. Orthopedic mattress set. New in plastic. Warranty. cost $1600. Sacrifice King $550. Queen $295. 905567-9459 A1-BEDS! Free Delivery!!! New Orthopedic sets, 20-year Warranty, Double $240.; Queen $260. Deluxe Pillowtop Platinum Queen $385. Special No-Flip Pillowtop $425. Futons + Waterbeds. 905-847-2020; 905-681-9496 ALMOST new Jones New Yo r k , N y g a r d , c l o t h i n g sizes 18-20. Pants, jackets, tops 1X-2X. Reasonable. 905-631-2341 ANTIQUE French Provincial couch and matching chair. Excellent condition $300 905-637-4875 ANTIQUE Clawfoot cast iron bath tub (rare 6' model) $2000 obo., other sizes available. 905-522-5728 ANTIQUE Pine larder, excellent condition, 80"Lx77"Hx22"D, Original hardware. $1800. For details 905-829-0396 ANTIQUES: Library desk, W i n d s o r c h a i r, r o c k i n g c h a i r, t r u n k , M e d a l t a crocks, flatware, grain s c a l e , c h a n d e l i e r. 9 0 5 469-6663. BABY items for sale. White "Andrea" crib, gently used, includes mattress and extra headboard, $125. Wall/ stair mountable safety gates (2), $25/ each. White wooden change table, includes mattress and sheets, $30. Evenflo highchair, $40. 905-331-5461 BEAUTIFUL new honey beige Rowe slipper chairs $500/ea.; solid pine armoire, 7 - d r a w e r d r e s s e r, n i g h t stand, well-made, good condition $700/all. 905-3377863. BEDROOM Cherrywood. B e d , d r e s s e r, m i r r o r, chest, nightstand, new, in boxes. Dovetail construction. Cost $7000, Sell $ 1 5 0 0 . D i n i n g r o o m 11 piece Cherry. New. Cost $8000. Sell $1900. 905567-4042 BEDROOM set, white, $400; Diningroom suite table, hutch, server, 6chairs $500; White dresser $50; Coffee tables $40; Lifecycle Stepper $400. 905639-9647 BEDROOM- Cherry, solid wood 7pc gorgeous sleigh bed, bureau, mirror, chest & nites $7500 sell $2999. Dinette 5pc California Parchment wrought iron & bevelled glass $3000 sell $799. Matching Bakers rack $199. New from model home. 905-3360786 CALIFORNIA Shutters for Monarch (Seaton Bungalow); Barracuda pool cleaner; 5x8 area rug; $150.ea. Millcroft 905-3359740 CANOE manufacturer clear-out! High quality, low prices, pay wholesale only. Just past Burlington Lift Bridge. 905-545-4745 CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-6338192 DININGROOM suite, Oak, pecan finish, table w/6 chairs, 2-leaves, buffet, hutch, server. Good Condition. $1000. 905-6890931after 6pm COTTAGE for rent, fully equipped 2-bedroom on quiet lake near Cardiff. 3 hours from Oakville. Canoe, paddle boat, BBQ, DVD. Large deck & dock. No smoking. Provide own linens. Available Aug.10-17th. $950.00 905338-9316 leave message. 1014/ month 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway Call Today For Manager Special on 1 Month FREE Rent CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall GORGEOUS brand new 2+1 bdrm, stainless steel appl., hardwood/ ceramic, c/a, garage, near Appleby GO. $1400/mo. Available Sept.1. Call Donna 905332-4111 HOME Depot, 4-bedroom, 1.5 baths, recroom, garage, $1095/mo. Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage, 905-6325690 NEWLY built townhouse, new appliances. 3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, Dundas/ Walkers. $1550/mo. + utilities. 416-818-5750 NORTH Burlington- 1&3 bdrm family oriented townhouse maisonette, outside parking, close to shopping & schools. $740/mo. +util. August. Call Annie 905-319-9769 OAKVILLE, Upper Middle/ Sixth Line. 4+1 bedroom townhouse, 1.5 baths, available Sept.1st. $1500/mo. +utilities. 905618-0202. OAKVILLE~ 2,3&4 bedroom townhouses available immediately through September 1st. 4 appliances, Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management 905-876-3336 Spectacular New Execut i v e Tr e n d y L i f e s t y l e w / l a k e f r o n t v i e w, R o o f top garden, boasts soaring 14' ceilings. Featuring hardwood, pot lighting, huge terrace +2 balconies, C/A, 5 appl, 2bdrm. 2.5 spa baths, 1780sqft, minutes to QEW/ 407/ 403. $1,950/mth. Aug.1. Pearl Street. Marcella 905 544 9949. TOWNHOUSE for rent, P i n e d a l e & A p p l e b y. 3 bedrooms, 2-bathrooms, gas fireplace, air conditioning, family room, hardwood floors in dining & living room, 5 appliances. Avail. Aug.1/07 $1400/mo + utilities. Call 905-685-0688 or 905-651-8857 BEAUTIFUL South view of lake, 2-bedroom, 2 bath, suite, new appliances, gas fireplace, freshly painted, indoor pool, short walk to GO, 1 locker, 1 parking, $1350/mo. Call Nancy Festarini Sales representative for Royal Le Page services Ltd. 905-338-3737 BRONTE and Lakeshore, 24hr security, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, laundry, renovated, 6 new appliances, magnificent view, Sept.1st. 905827-2110. BURLINGTON~ Luxury 2bedroom, 2 bath, 24hr s e c u r i t y. G r e a t l o c a t i o n +amenities. $1450/mo. Philoria Lau, Salesperson, Sutton Group Results Realty Inc. Brokerage 905332-4111 philorialau@cogeco.ca MAPLEVIEW Mall, Burlington. 1-bedroom +sunroom, 1-level open concept, 5 appliances. Newly renovated. Suit couple/ seniors. $950/mo. +utilities. Aug.1st. 905319-3307. OAKVILLE/ Bronte~ Exquisite Large 1-bedroom, 6 appliances, lakeview, rec centre w/indoor pool/jacuzzi, A/C. $1295/mo. 905681-7355 3 Bdrms $900/mo 4 Bdrms $975/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management "SPECIAL Place" designed for your special child. Caring, nurturing environment. Mature teacher w/assistants. Nutritious meals/ snacks. New/ Drury, Burlington. 905-6813276. EXPERIENCED, loving daycare in my smoke-free home, River Oaks, 905510-0770 NEW/ Burloak area. Nutritious meals, activity's and flexible hours. Call Julie 905-637-0369 MOBILE Park Home, 4 season, 2006, 12x42, Cathedral ceiling, fireplace, A/C, sound system. 2 bedroom, full bath, skylight, 31 windows. 12x14 stained deck appliances included $55,000. 905-630-2422. OAKVILLE~ Affordable Rent! Large 1 & 2 spacious bedroom hardwood floor suites w/balcony now available. Newer appliances, laundry facilities on site. Quiet, clean, close to transit, schools and shops. Call today- live in Oakville tomorrow! Affordable prices. 905-339-3245 OAKVILLE~ Hospital shops, downtown & GO. 3bedroom basement, bright 1090sq.ft, 5-appliances, 2 parking, separate entrance, $1300/mo. inclusive. Aug/15th 905-8498259. OAKVILLE~ Large, 1 & 2bedrooms, loft like, high ceilings, newly renovated. From $885-985/mo all inclusive. 416-898-5966. PRIME Downtown Burlington. Upgraded suites 1&2 bedroom. New windows. Modernized elevators. Scenic views. 478 Pearl, 477 Elizabeth; 905-634-9374, 905-6321643 S PA C I O U S O a k v i l l e 1 bedroom basement apartment, private entrance, 3-pce. bath, heat/ hydro/ water/ cable/ parking, a/c, fireplace. Walking distance all amenities/ college. $900/mo. 905-849-5560. STUDIO apartment, in Aldershot, Burlington, full kitchen, private entrance, parking, available immediately. $625 +hydro, first/ last. No pets. August 1st. 905-634-7484 WATERDOWN~ Specials 2 bedrooms from $885/mo walk everywhere; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; waterdownrenters.com ON THE LAKE 2-Bdrm units w/4 appliances 5370 Lakeshore Rd., ORDER YOUR POOL NOW Custom Sizes Available! Immediate Delivery Burlington 905-681-0259 Conveniently located across from Lakeside Plaza A PARK LIKE SETTING! 2&3 bdrm townhomes Available Aug/Sept 1bdrm apt. also available Excellent Staff! Close to shopping & QEW. 1420 Tyandaga Park. Dr., Burl. 905-335-3001 Burlington- Executive end unit townhome, backs onto spectacular ravine, immaculate 2bdrm +office, vaulted ceilings, eat-in kitchen, 5 appl, c/a, hardwood, FP, fully maintained, garage, private grounds. $1475/mo. 3480 #45 Upper Middle, Available immediately. Marcella 905-544-9949 B U R L I N G TO N - L a r g e 2 bedroom Maisonette, North Brant St., parking included, private backyard. Laundry, $795/mo. +util. July 1. 905-335-3474 B U R L I N G TO N - L a r g e 2 bedroom Maisonette, North Brant St., parking included, private backyard. Laundry, $795/mo. +util. July 1. 905-332-8236 BURLINGTON. Spacious 2&3 bedrooms. Across from Sobey's Power Centre, easy access to highways. Starting $850/mo. +utilities. 905-336-9842. BURLINGTON. Renovated 2-bedroom townhouse, full basement, parking. Nottingham Avenue. Close to parks. $995/mo. 905574-9180. FOR Lease 4 Bed TH in East Burl., $1295/mo. inclusive. Ref's & Credit check required. Ian McSporran, Broker Coldwell Banker Burnhill Realty 905-639-3355. GEORGIAN Court Estates, King /Plains Rd., Burlington. Immaculate large 2&3 bedroom townhouses, full basements. Utilities included. Call 905592-9168 www.realstar.ca From $4,999 1.800.668.7564 905.955.4624 www.kayakpools.ca 3-bdrm, 1.5 baths, 4 appliances, new kitchen cupboards, freshly painted, attached garage, full basement. Located in Tyandaga area in small well maintained complex. Rent discount available. Call 905336-0015, 905-336-0016 3-BEDROOMS, 1.5 baths, garage. Available Aug.1s., $1100/mo. +utilities. 8th Line/ Upper Middle, Oakville. Chris, 905-849-1072. 3-BEDROOMS- Family complex, 1 parking. $1055/mo. +hydro/ heat, available August 1st. Centennial Drive, Burlington. 905-319-1869. BURLINGTON Headon Forest $1,600/mo +utilities 3-bedroom, 2 baths end unit. Finished lower level, 5 appliances No pets/ nonsmokers. Immediate possession. Barbara Beers, Broker Royal LePage Burloak R.E.S. Brokerage 905-634-2335 or 905-6347755 B U R L I N G TO N O r c h a r d Large 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 5 appliances, A/C. asking $1650/mo.+ 905335-2075 gottarent.com BURLINGTON, Brant/ Plains. 3-bedroom semi detatched, private backyard, garage, laundry facilities. $1225/mo all utilities included, Sept 1st. 416-435-8280 BURLINGTON, Duncaster. Executive 1400sq.ft. c/air, gas fireplace, 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, garage. $1500/mo. Includes cable/ appliances. Prefer no pets/ smokers. Immediate. 905335-6172. BURLINGTON, Maple Crossing, 2+ bedroom executive townhouse, 2.5 bath, 4 appliances, airconditioning, patio, 2 parking, no pets preferred, no smoking, walk to downtown, lakeshore and shopping. $1350/mo +utilities 905-634-0382 BURLINGTON- 3 bedrooms, full basement, parking, near Burlington Mall, 996 Brenda Cres. $998/mo. + utilities. August 1. 905-336-7187 FOUND Black and White cat near Brant and Upper Middle we named Albert Please call 905-637-7325 FOUND black cat found Guelph Line and New St. We call Susie. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND cat near Guelph Line and New St. we named Rosey please call 905-637-7325 FOUND orange tabby cat Plains Rd and Waterdown Rd. We call Martin. Please call 905-637-7325. FOUND: Domestic birds, call to identify. Oakville & d i s t r i c t H u m a n S o c i e t y. 905-845-1551 LOST: Cat female calico, grey/ tan/ white. Last seen Fri. July13. Thornwood/ Rexway, Burlington. Answers to "Chloe". Miss her! Reward. 905-333-0413 LOST~ A set of 3 gold wedding rings on July 13/ 2007. Please call 905-3316474 GLEN Abbey Grandma & Mum team. Nutritious meals, snacks, ABC's and 123's, Storytime. Crafts and outdoor activities. Receipts given. Please call 905-825-1811 MOTHER of two provides c h i l d c a r e , G l e n A b b e y, Oakville. From 2-yrs. Full/ part-time. Healthy meals, indoor/ outdoor fun! Call Mariela 905-847-4683. $1350/MO. to own your own home with nothing down even if you are self employed. Call Napoleon Wilson for details Sutton Group Results Realty Inc., Brokerage 905-332-4111 AVAILABLE, 3-bedroom house in Burlington. South of Lakeshore on private road. 1.5 baths, $1850/mo. +utilities. 905-681-8837 BRONTE Walk to harbour from this newly renovated/ updated 3-bdrm, 2.5 bath. Features incl. new hdwd, SS appl. Fin. basement, fenced yard, garage. Avail. Immed. References $1900/mth++. 416-3462773 BRONTE and Britannia~ 5-bedrooms, 3 bath, secluded Country Estate on 20 acres. References required. $1695/mo +utilities Av a i l a b l e S e p t / 1 s t 9 0 5 333-5506 ext37 BRONTE for rent, bungal o w, l a r g e l o t , s t e p s t o lake. $1450/mo. + utilities. Available August 1. Call To n y o r M a r i e 9 0 5 - 8 4 4 0659 BURLINGTON: Burlington Mall, 2-storey 3-bedroom semi 1.5 baths, recroom, $1135/mo..; Downtown 2-bedroom bungalow, 2 baths, $1050/mo.; Executive capecod, 4+bedrooms, 2.5 baths, fireplace, C/A, garage, $1500/mo; 905-632-5690, Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage EXECUTIVE home, Upper Glen Abbey, 3-bedrooms, 4 baths, finished basement, all appliances, double garage. $2900/mo. + utilities, September 1. 416543-2046,905-847-0144 LOOKING for before school care for two children ages 6 and 10 in my home, Headon Forest area. Please call 905-3368862 BRONTE~ Large room (ground floor of townhouse) with wood fireplace, private back yard with BBQ, own kitchenette, b a t h r o o m a n d s h o w e r. Washer/dryer, cable, TV included. Private entrance $750/mo~ $700 w/o parking. Available August/1st 905-484-3915 O A K V I L L E Tr a f a l g a r & Upper Middle. Separate entrance. $475/mth parking included, all inclusive including cable, laundry and A/C. Call Bob 905844-8033. OAKVILLE. Room available, private home, mainfloor, will do laundry, smoker allowed, available i m m e d i a t e l y. $ 4 5 0 / m o . 905-842-4604. QUALIFIED Language Teacher can review your French-English program. Money used for charities. 905-460-8412 TUTOR. Certified teacher, 25 years experience. Math: Grades 1-9; English: Grades 1-12. New curriculum specialist. References available. I get results! 905-815-1582. http://home.cogeco.ca/~ stronachtutoring/ * * * FA B U L O U S G r a n d Regency*** 2-bedroom, 2 bath, rec centre, jacuzzi, 2 4 h r s e c u r i t y. F r o m $59.95*/day Immediate. 905-681-7355 FURNISHED Garden apartment. 1 bedroom, A/C, parking, near GO and QEW, utilities included. No smoking/ no pets preferred. $1000/mo. 905336-3103 OAKVILLE, QEW/ Third Line. Spacious 1-bedroom, fully furnished, freshly renovated basement. Separate entrance washer/ dryer, parking, A/C, suits non-smokers, no pets preferred, Available immediately $890/mo. +1/3 hydro, e n e r g y, g a s . 9 0 5 - 4 6 9 8344. JOIN DateRite introduction, established 1993, ranked #2 in Ontario, All ages seeking LTRS, 100's of couples created, priced well below all others because it's our passion, It shouldin't cost an arm and a leg to fill a heart. Ruth 905-827-5912 www.daterite.ca MISTY River Introductions has been serving all of Ontario for 12 years. Life's too short to live alone. Choose today to make a change. We have 1000's of singles of every age. Call for you're free consultation. (416) 777-6302 www.mistyriverintros.com E L D E R LY w o m a n r e quires assistance for Light duties, some meal prep. C a l l 9 0 5 - 5 1 0 - 0 0 11 b e tween 5pm-9pm SENIOR Homecare By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 24 hr. In-home care. 905-6342400. B U R L I N G TO N , Wa l k e r s a n d M a i n w a y, r o o m f o r rent $500-600 all inclusive, AC, satelite, internet, utilities, laundry, parking. Beautiful Condo-townhome end unit near bus. Please call Juan @ 905617-5826 ARE you a business offering services of any kind to seniors in Halton? Please contact me to be part of a database representing the for-profit sector. Matt Jackson, 905-741-8408, matt@jacksonservices.ca