Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 19 Jul 2008, p. 31

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OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, July 19, 2008 31 There will be music in the air & dancing everywhere... Interested in providing Home Childcare? If you would like to provide care in your home for infants and children and work with a great licensed agency, which offers: training and CPR/First Aid certification; regular pay including payment for stat holidays and children's sick days; major equipment supplied; ongoing agency support, please call Mississauga/ Oakville 905-823-2625 Burlington/Waterdown 905.632.0551 www.weewatch.com HI my name is Coco, I'm a 5 1/2 year old male dog, I'm quite large, Heinz 57, very handsome. I need a good home and loving family. A $40 donation will be made to the Humane Society. 905-827-7909. SMALL, fun and fast growing software company located in Oakville looking for smart, energetic administrative assistant. Duties include office administration, reception, light bookkeeping and marketing support. Must have excellent verbal and written communiJ A PA N E S E S p a n i e l , 2003 Ford Explorer Sport m a l e p u p p y, ( t o y s i z e ) X LT - H e a t e d l e a t h e r O A K V I L L E N e w C a r cation. Full benefits.Visit Dealership requires Ser- www.kminnovations.com black/white, very outgoing seats, sunroof, loaded, v i c e A s s i s t a n t , 5 H r s / for more information non-barker, vaccinated/ 185K., e-tested, $5900. Day, will train, Call Rob microchipped. CKC regis- Frank, 905-466-4967. @ 905-469-2429 tered. Non-breeding $850 403-208-8499 RELIABLE person with o w n v e h i c l e & s a f e t y EXPERIENCED Female 2 0 0 2 F o r d W i n d s t a r shoes to monitor site lo- PSW required, Winston Sport, 3.8L, green, fully cated @ Westover Rd & Churchill/ Britannia area. O A K V I L L E W e d d i n g loaded, 145,000km., E- Con 6. contact 905-893- Must be able to transfer, Video and Photography tested, certified. $5,500. 4900 private home. MondayCompany specializing in 905-690-9366 F r i d a y, 1 p m - 5 p m . F a x creating movies of your resume: 905-286-9141. s p e c i a l d a y ! 9 0 5 - 5 1 0 - 2 0 0 5 G M C J i m m y, 2 SERVERS/ Housekeep9 5 3 3 w w w. s e a n k b e r r y - door, 4 WD, mint, loaded, ers needed for Burlington GET Paid to Volunteer! weddings.com black, 170,000km hwy, Garden Retirement Com- Av a i l a b l e S e n i o r ' s a n d 4300 V6, autotrac, ABS, munity. Please call 905- PSW's needed to make a 521-0888. alloy wheels, on/off road difference in the lives of w/outside mounted carrier the elderly. Provide nonand full spare, keyless SITE Foreman/ Labour- medical companionship SAVE $200. on WestJet e n t r y, t i n t e d w i n d o w s , ers required for Geother- and in-home help for the airfare, $850 credit for trailer hitch, tow hooks, mal Installations in the elderly. Flexible hours, power tilted sliding sun- G TA , f u l l - t i m e . E x p e r i - serving the Halton & Peel $650. 905-689-7395 r o o f $ 7 , 9 5 0 . 4 1 6 - 7 0 6 - e n c e w i t h M e c h P i p i n g a r e a s . A p p l y To d a y 3897 preferred. Fax resume to: www.homeinstead. COOKSVILLE Auto Wreckers, scrap cars, truck removal, cash, flat bed service, 1-800-4337359. Ownerships processed properly M O L LY M a i d r e q u i r e s energetic, dependable people. Full-time MonF r i d a y, N o e v e n i n g o r weekends! Paid training, benefits, car provided. Not suitable for students. 905-681-7484 (Burl./ Oak) 1-877-JUNK-TWO-GO. 1-877-586-5896 Same day junk removal service Senior discount. Call & get it done! JUNK & rubbish removal. Great rates. We do all the heavy lifting. 416655-8260 1-888-8junkb o y s CHILDCARE wanted for school age children, approx 1hr before, 1hr after school, start September. Charles Beaudoin School area. May suit responsible student. 905-3363970 HOT Tub (Spa) Covers best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca JOHNSON 15h.p. outb o a r d m o t o r, e x c e l l e n t condition, 12 y.o., $600. ; Kann electric organ Free, you pick up. 905-6392300 HANDYMAN for hire in the Oakville, Burlington area. All jobs including electrical, carpentry, tiling, painting, plumbing,assemblies, etc. Van deliveries or pick up's. Contact Dan the Handyman with the Van. contact 905847-5689 Cell: 416-9173384 Promoting Special Interest Opportunities for Children & Adults Publishing 5 consecutive Wednesdays: August 6, 13, 20, 27 & September 3 Music Instruction · Dance Classes · Dancewear Arts & Crafts & Supplies · Theatre Recreational Interests · Skill Upgrading Career Training · Personal Development · So much more! We offer optional advertisement sizes and rates to accommodate all needs. I look forward to assisting you with your advertising requirements this year. MAXX Movers. Professional/ Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. Local/ long distance. From $62/ hour. 416-823-9705. SENIOR Homecare By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 24 hour In-home care. 905-634-2400. LEATHER, Furniture and Entertainment Unit. Sofa, chair and ottoman, lane leather, $2500 obo and entertainment unit, 5 p i e c e s , m a p l e , $ 2 5 0 0 1981 Ford Mustang, origiobo. 905-627-6925. n a l o w n e r, w e l l m a i n tained, 59,000 miles, new LOST red and black LG paint job, classic car, red FREE: Red patio bricks, Telus cellphone in black with white card top, red approx area of 12' x 24'. carry case at Mapleview leather interior, price subPaving slabs (38), 60cm x mall. Reward for its re- ject to negotiation. 90575cm. You remove. 905- turn. Call 905-634-5512. 634-0768 827-7353. MATCHING Couch and 1 9 9 2 B M W - S o l i d c a r, LAWNMOWER, Electric Loveseat. $1000 for both w e l l m a i n t a i n e d , b o d y 18" Mulching Mower used or best offer. Must move need work, asking $800. minimally last year $75, yourself. Call 905-637- C a l l 9 0 5 - 6 3 7 - 4 3 9 2 o r 3879. work 905-825-0015. 905-582-9236 MAYTAG Fridge & Gas Stove, 3 y.o., Fridge full size 35"W; $900/pair obo. 905-399-0739 M AY TA G W a s h e r a n d Dryer, white, $500/ pair obo. Kenmore built-in microwave over range, $250. Stove with cooktop, $500. 905-639-4067. MOVING- Washer/ Dryer, Fridge/ Stove, will separate, excellent condition. 905-335-2059. 1994 Mazda MPV, auto, 6 cyl, green, 219,000km, good condition, $1500. as is. 905-319-2506 1994 Nissan Sentra, auto, A/C, burg., e-tested, runs great, last of it's kind $1500.obo 905-336-5270 1996 Honda Civic EXFully loaded, 4 cyl, white, good condition, certified and e-tested. $3200. Call 905-484-1947 or 905592-9679. 1 9 8 6 Ya m a h a S c o o t e r, Red, 2 seater, 125c.c., 4 stroke engine, full automatic with electric starter, excellent condition, only 8300km, 905-845-3940 2006 Pertutti Alto Scooter- 4 stroke, 150cc, 1 , 2 0 0 k m , n e w b a t t e r y, electric start, excellent condition. Rick 905-8454936. MURPHY bed- Its a beautiful pc. of furniture, white. Dining room set, table on pedestal, china cabinet & 6 chairs. Kitch*MATTRESS Discounter! en set, maple, round ta50-60% off Retail! Featur- b l e o n p e d e s t a l & 4 ing thick, cushy Eurotops chairs. 905-627-3145 by Sealy, Serta! Orthopedic beds Twin $175, POOL Table, Brand New, D o u b l e $ 2 3 5 , Q u e e n still in box. Solid Wood, $295, King $455. Frames, pillows, delivery 1"Slate, All Accessories. available. 355 Plains.E, Cost $6,700, Sell $1,950. B u r l i n g t o n S a t 1 0 a m - 905-304-9994 6pm; Sunday Noon-3, W e d - F r i N o o n - 6 p m . P O O L Ta b l e - B e a u t i f u l Mon/Tues call. 905-616- brand new mission style 1700, 9 0 5 - 6 3 2 - C o n n e l l y P o o l Ta b l e . beds(2337) Solid oak, 4 x 8, worth themattressdiscounter.com $8,000. Sell for $3,500 or best offer. Call Fred 905A N T I Q U E B a b y G r a n d 854-3985. Piano, walnut, beautiful condition, Welmar, manu- STEEL Chainsaw $300; f a c t u r e d i n B r i t a i n . Microwave $30. HumidifiP l e a s e c a l l 9 0 5 - 5 1 0 - er $25. Baby Crib w/mattress $100, Fridge $250, 6812. Freezer chest $250; Bamboo Sofabed BOSCH 3 cycle dish(antique) $150; 905-690washer. White, four years 9366 old. $400 OBO. Maytag self cleaning, ceramic top UNIQUE bleached ash/ range. White, eight years black wall unit with glass o l d . $ 3 5 0 O B O . C a l l hutch. will fit a 36" TV 905-630-3519. $400.00, matching dark. b r o w n s q . c o ff e e t a b l e with ends & lamps $75.00, 3 seat Sante Fe sofa. soft cream & moss green - $400.00. must see!. 416-569-9710 **A1 Mattress Factory*Free Delivery* Orthopedic sets starting at $240, Deluxe Pillow-top $445, no flip Pillow-top $395. Euro-top $445. Futons available. Waterbeds Black leather soft, super single & queen. Complete w/frame, mattress, heater. Starting $395. 905-847-2020; 905-6819496 DRIVER needed to transport 5 students from Burlington to Sheppard/ Keele and back. Mon-Fri, Sept.2 to June.26 excl holidays. 7:30am. depart 5pm return. Must have own Minivan- all fuel expenses will be covered. Call 416-398-7322 CANOE manufacturer Fiberglass and Kevlar 46lbs Up to 50% off! Just past B u r l i n g t o n L i f t B r i d g e . WASHER & Dryer (Frigidaire)- 1 year used, top905-545-4745 loading, $400 for the pair. CARPET I have several Call 905-827-2608. 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905633-8192 ALL Best Ca$h$ PaidCoins, Jewellery, Gold, CAST iron patio set. Ta- Silver, Diamonds, Chible/ 6 chairs/ chair pads/ n a , C r y s t a l , S i l v e r , u m b r e l l a / s t a n d . L i k e Figurines, Royal Doulnew. Paid $1700, asking t o n , S w a r o v s k i , A l l antique furnishings, $1000. 905-639-2224 Art, Collectibles, etc. DININGROOM set, couch Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Patti set, bed set, cabinet and 905-331-2477 many other items. Call 905-334-1695. ***AAATTENTION Buying fur coats, jewelery, FRIDGES, Stoves, Wash- g o l d a n d s i l v e r c o i n s . ers, Dryers, full/apt. size, Coin Collections, sterling 1 year warranty parts & silver. Moorcroft pottery labour, delivery available. 905-633-7531 905-458-8808 H O T Tu b / S p a - B r a n d new 2008 model w/all options, and cover. Still in w r a p p e r. C o s t $ 8 6 9 5 . , Sacrifice $4250. Call 905971-1777 BEFORE you buy a puppy call us at 519-2737917 or check us out at superioraquariums.ca. 1996 Honda Civic, 2 door, manual, certified, e- BRICKLAYERS, Labourtested, ac, reliable, vgc, ers, needed immediately. 1 5 6 , 5 0 0 k m , $ 4 0 0 0 , o f - Call 905-679-3555 fers. 416-824-9112 WA N T E D W i n d o w a n d 1 9 9 8 M a z d a P r o t é g é , Door Installer. Experience save on gas, certified, e- required. Salary depentested, 135,000kms, AC, d a n t u p o n e x p e r i e n c e . 5speed, $2,900. Call 905- West Windows & Doors 827-8206. Ltd. 3325-B Mainway Burlington, Ontario. 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix- P h o n e : 9 0 5 - 3 3 5 - 3 7 5 1 . 4 door, auto, silver with F a x o r e m a i l r e s u m e : grey interior, V6, 3.1L, 905-335-6411, AM/ FM/ Cassette. Trac- info@westwindows.on.ca tion control. Duel airbags. A/C, ABS. New set of CASH paid daily $12triple tred Goodyear tires 20/per hour. 3rd party (P215/ 65 R17). Excellent fundraising group needs running condition. $3000 people to help fundraise obo. Call 416-726-6113 for Habitat for Humanity, (can leave message). Halton. Call Chery 905617-8363. 1999 Ford Explorer S p o r t - B l a c k , 2 d o o r s , CLEANING/ Restorationa u t o , 2 2 3 , 0 0 0 k m , e - Te c h n i c i a n f o r g r o w i n g tested, $3900. Call Na- restoration contractor. Exjeeb 905-580-1956. cellent wages, benefits and training. Must be 1999 Pontiac Grand Am self-reliant, service orientSE, 2 door coupe, original ed with strong attention to owner, 98,000km, 6 cyl, detail. Occasional on-call 3.4L., loaded, power seat/ duties. Valid driver's liwindows,/ locks/ mirror, cense required. Forward Keyless entry, upgraded responses: lorimckibbon interior, aluminum spoke @ w i n m a r. c a o r f a x t o rims, A/C, A B S , 905-822-1081 CD/AM/FM, tinted windows, new tires, certified, D O G w a l k i n g c o m p a n y e-tested. $3750. 905-335- expanding again! Posi4487 tions available for occasional evening and week2001 Chevrolet Malibu- ends and permanent fullBlack, auto, tinted win- t i m e Ve h i c l e r e q u i r e d . d o w s , 1 9 7 , 0 0 0 k m , e - 905-815-9564. tested, $3900. Call Najeeb 905-580-1956. GENERAL labourer required for low rise condo2002 Ford Taurus SEL- minium development in L o a d e d , s p r u c e g r e e n , Burlington. Experience 117K, retiree, Certified. R e q u i r e d . P l e a s e c a l l 1 3 4 7 S t e p h e n s o n D r. , 905-479-5448. Burlington $5500. Peter 905-637-3452 HOTEL in Oakville is looking for Full-Time 2003 Dodge Dakota V6 Housekeepers. We have blue, 4-door 135,327KM, 2- 3 openings for Houseautomatic, A/C, $10,000 k e e p e r s t h a t n e e d s t o obo 905-334-7430 filled. Please apply in person at: 374 South Service 2 0 0 4 B l a c k S a t u r n I o n Rd. E. or fax your resume C o u p e $ 8 , 5 0 0 o b o , to: 905-849-6405 or call: 11 0 K m , 5 s p e e d s t a n - 905-849-9500. dard, A/C, good Condition 905-331-9590 LANDSCAPE Construction Labourers required. 2 0 0 5 K i a S e d o n a L X Experience necessary in L i k e N e w ! B l a c k , f u l l y inter-lock and retaining loaded, e-tested certified w a l l s . O a k v i l l e . C a l l 4 8 0 0 K m , $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 o b o 905-827-8158. 289-259-4782 L AW N M a i n t e n a n c e 96 Honda Civic- 186,000 Company requires Emkm auto, runs well, asking ployees. No experience $ 2 5 0 0 C a l l 4 1 6 - 4 6 0 - n e c e s s a r y. B u r l i n g t o n area. 905-541-3473. 3844. C U S TO M d r e s s m a k i n g 866-381-1714 or call Eric com/3014 for women, alterations, 905-603-4339. cushion covers, and LEVEL 2 Dental Assist- some leather work. Call ant required for a Burling- Sylvia, 905-617-7472. SUPERINTENDENT AsTo reserve space in this s i s t a n t c o u p l e , e x p e r i - ton office. Please fax reenced required for Hamil- sume to 905-332-1931 ton/ Dundas building $ 2 7 , 0 0 0 s a l a r y p l u s NURSES needed, RN'S apartment plus benefits. $31, RPN's $23, Everest G A R D E N S b y H e a r t ' s C a l l 4 1 6 - 4 8 7 - 4 4 6 1 e x t Home Health Care. Fax: Content. Beautiful garden 905-270-9604, email: 401 designs, planting, maintehr@everesthhc.com nance, interlocking stone. www.everesthhc.com Lindsay 416-258-6359, ZELLERS Burlington Mall lindsayr@cogeco.ca Now Hiring Cooks, CashOAKVILLEFamily iers, Floor Associates and Stock Clerks. Please fill physician's office requires out an application in-store energetic Doctor's Assistor visit Wednesday July ant starting in September. 23, 1pm- 4pm for an No experience necess a r y. 2 d a y s p e r w e e k interview. preferred (3 days possible). Flexible for vacation periods. Escort/ setClassified Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm up patients in exam rooms. Fax cover letter COLOUR Tech./ Mens Hair and resume to: 905-845Stylist required for high 8133. profile premier Barber Shop in Oakville. Please OPHTHALMIC Assistant/ call 905-719-1506 Technician needed for 1 year maternity leave comMon-Fri 8:30-3:30 mencing September HAIRDRESSER required 2008. Please fax resume Serving Halton for over 15 years by busy Waterdown Sa- w i t h e x p e c t e d s a l a r y · Ball Hockey Rinks lon. Call 905-320-2979 range and qualifications · Batting Cages to: 905-469-3171. Please · Indoor Beach Volleyball note that only successful ROOMS available in well· Dodgeball & More candidates will be conness centre/ spa in DunSupervised & Organized Games & Activities das. Perfect for Homeo- tacted for interviews. No Pre-registration - Drop Off Program path, Osteopath, NaturoCall 905-335-8520 path, RMT, Aesthetician. OPTICAL Lab Technician Call Sue 905-627-7381 (Experienced) needed for www.mainwaysports.com busy Burlington Optical Birthday & Team Party Specialists Lab. Familiar with finishing and surfacing applications. Fax resume to: 905-319-0131. CARPENTER for growing r e s t o r a t i o n c o n t r a c t o r. WALK-IN & F/P Clinic~ Steady, year-round emEASTWOOD, Colin - (Veteran WWII ­ Part-time Nursing Reployment. Excellent quired, Flexibility an AsCanadian Corp Engineers). Unexpectedly wages, benefits and vehiset. Fax: 905-849-7883 after a brief hospital stay, at the Oakvillecle privileges. Both framTrafalgar Memorial Hospital on Thursday ing and finish carpentry required. Must be caJuly 17, 2008. Colin Eastwood, beloved pable of independent field husband of Agnes Eastwood. Dear father work. Occasional afterof Sandy Moshenko (Fred), Sue Brownell hours work. Forward re- J A K E ' S G r i l l & O y s t e r (Greg). Loved brother of Marjorie Beattie, sponses to lorimckibbon House- Join The Crew! @ w i n m a r. c a o r f a x t o F u l l - Ti m e L i n e & P r e p Hazel Holbrook (Bill). Pre-deceased by 905-822-1081 Cooks, evenings & weekFred and Reg Eastwood. Loving ends. Earn Top Wages, grandfather of Nicholas Moshenko uniforms & gratuities. L E A D C a r p e n t e r - F u l l - Please bring resume to (Zuzanna), Courtney Brownell and greatTi m e f o r O a k v i l l e C o n - 9 5 0 W a l k e r s L i n e , grandfather of Nyla and Petra Moshenko. struction company. Orga- beside Travelodge. 905Visitation will be held at Kopriva Taylor nized, self motivated with 639-4084. Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore experience in framing and general carpentry. Start Road West (one block east of Kerr Street, RUDE Native Bistro hiring immediately. Must have 905-844-2600) Oakville on Sunday from 2experienced Sous Chef own tools and transporta4 p.m. A service celebrating the life of tion. Also hiring a Labour- and Line Cooks. Apply in Colin will be held 11 a.m. Monday July 21, er. Please fax or email re- p e r s o n w i t h r e s u m e : 2008 at St. Aidan's Anglican Church, 318 sume to: 905-338-5169, 1 4 2 L a k e s h o r e R o a d East, Oakville or email: gdavies4@cogeco.ca Queen Mary Drive, Oakville. In lieu of nazarethcraig flowers, donations to C.N.I.B. or Credit @hotmail.com Spot Colour and Process Colour Available! feature contact your Classified Sales Representative T: 905-632-4444 · F: 905-632-8165 classified@haltonsearch.com Community Notices E-mail: classified@haltonsearch.com Announcement Play All Day for $20. Obituary KID'S BORED??? Obituaries PART-TIME Personal Assistant required for Real Estate Office. Must be technically inclined. Serious/ professional/ qualified candidates only. Please call 905-4077747. PART-TIME position required for small rental business: paying accounts, filing & general office duties. Must have good knowledge of computers. Person must be honest therefore bondable. Salary paid in cash/ week. Fax resume with salary expectations 905-845-7096 Oakville R E C E P T I O N I S T- $ 1 0 14/hour. New Oakville office. We will train. Enthusiastic, organized, positive attitude. Call 416-628-5019. www.intelligentoffice.com THE Boston Manor requires a full-time server. Please apply in person at 4460 Fairview Street or call 905-637-1984. Valley Hospital would be appreciated. Email condolences may be sent through www.koprivataylor.com. OAKVILLE ECE's or High 5 trained wanted. Full-Time and after school hours in reggio based quality first centres. Send resume by email: karen.chaplin@ forestgrove.ca WA N T E D E C E ' s / S u p plies/ for a busy South Oakville Daycare Centre. Fax 905-849-5901 CLEANERS wanted part time full time. Must be bondable experience a plus. Call (905)337-0069 KING, Edith (nee Reid)- Peacefully at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on Friday, July 11, 2008 at age 90. Edith, beloved wife of the late Alexander King. Loving mother of Sandra Dunfield of Calgary, Yvonne Hansen of Oakville and Ross King of London, Ontario. Proud grandma of Kari Dunfield, Kristen Hansen, Andrea Wessinger, Amy Komierowski, and Seth King and great-grandma of Alexis, Riley, Reese, Cooper, Jack, and Isabella. Dear mother in-law of Wayne Dunfield, and Lynn King and grandmother in-law of Gary Sanderson, Jeff Harrison, Kevin Wessinger, Rafi Komierowski. A private family service will be held at a later date. If desired, a donation to the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital would be appreciated by the family. Online condolences may be left at www.oakviewfuneral.ca DAVID ROLAND McKAY May 2, 1939 - July 16, 2008 Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland and having emigrated to Canada in 1966, David spent his entire career at Metro Works in Toronto. Dearly missed by wife Ruth and sister Marie (Danny and nephews Paul, Peter and Mike). Loved by his children David (Caryn), James (Carrie), Kelly (Hamish), Ryan (Ashly); dearly missed by stepchildren Ken (Laurie), Kim (Gord) and Kris (Dawn); and adored by his twelve grandchildren. Many thanks to the friends and loved ones who supported David through his three-year battle with cancer. A special thanks to the staff at Joseph Brant Hospital and the Carpenter Hospice in Burlington for the gentle care and compassion provided during his final days with us. David's playful spirit will be missed by everyone he touched. A brief visitation, followed by a celebration of his life will be held in his memory at Appleby United Church, at 10:00 a.m. (Service at 11:00 am) on Monday, July 21, 2008; reception to follow in the church hall. In lieu of flowers, David would appreciate that donations be directed to the Carpenter Hospice or the Canadian Cancer Society. and you will receive a voucher for of your baby's precious hand or footprint ($25.00 value) compliments of: Tel: 905-825-8731 · Email: oakville@weepiggies.com www.WeePiggies.com Call 905-632-4440 to place your announcement

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