OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, July 26, 2008 79 Cumberland Village 3-bdrm Townhome from $1075/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking CHILDCARE wanted for school age children, approx 1hr before, 1hr after school, start September. Charles Beaudoin School area. May suit responsible student. 905-3363970 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M $ FRO COUCH (Debour's), burgandy/ green stripe, black demask, 92"L, Excellent Condition! $350; Silver- ALL Best Ca$h$ Paidplate coffee/tea set $30. Coins, Jewellery, Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Chi647-224-1998 n a , C r y s t a l , S i l v e r, Figurines, Royal DoulDESK, double pedestal t o n , S w a r o v s k i , A l l oak, $200; recroom easy a n t i q u e f u r n i s h i n g s , PA R T / F u l l - Ti m e S i t t e r Art, Collectibles, etc. Required immediately for c h a i r s , $ 5 0 / e a ; M a p l e Estate Specialists, Top 6 & 12y.o. in our North twin headboard; station- Cash. Call John/ Patti Burlington home, week- a r y e x e r c i s e b i k e $ 3 0 . 905-331-2477 days. Non-smoking, car 905-845-5718 ***AAATTENTION Buyan asset, Sept. start. 905-335-5446 FRIDGES, Stoves, Wash- ing fur coats, jewelery, ers, Dryers, full/apt. size, g o l d a n d s i l v e r c o i n s . 1 year warranty parts & Coin Collections, sterling labour, delivery available. silver. Moorcroft pottery 905-633-7531 905-458-8808 SWIMMING LESSONSFully qualified 19 yr. old swim instructor, lifeguard offering backyard swimming lessons. Lifesaving Society Authorized Provider. Southeast Oakville. 30 mins $20, 1 hr $35. Britt 905-849-1540 H O T Tu b / S p a - B r a n d new 2008 model w/all options, and cover. Still in w r a p p e r. C o s t $ 8 6 9 5 . , LOVEABLE girl Pug born Sacrifice $4250. Call 905- 03/08. 2 set shots, dewormed, house/crate 971-1777 trained. Comes with crate & extras for perfect home! HOT Tub (Spa) Covers 600.00$ Serious enquirbest price, Best quality. i e s o n l y. P h 9 0 5 - 6 3 0 All shapes & colours. Call 9053 btwn 6-9 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca Y O R K S H I R E Te r r i e r 8 year old Female CKC papers not spayed. $450 KIDS items for sale: Um- call 905-827-9632 brella stroller $10, Little Tikes picnic table $15, car seat $5, Little Tikes green car $15, Kids desk $10, White glider chair $90. Please call Karen 1986 Pontiac Parisienne 905-257-1580 excellent body & interior, as is, $600 obo. 905-637MATTRESS, new, never 6253 used, still in plastic, Queen mattress & box- 1 9 9 2 B M W - S o l i d c a r, spring, $400. Call 905- w e l l m a i n t a i n e d , b o d y need work, asking $800. 849-8573. Call 905-637-4392 or work 905-825-0015. MOVING Sale- New black leather couch and 1 9 9 3 G E O M e t r o 3 c y l , l o v e s e a t , c o ff e e t a b l e , standard transmission, diningroom table and 6 runs well asking $500 as chairs, dresser drawers, is 905-637-5935 kids picnic table, outdoor fireplace, elliptical ma- 1 9 9 6 H o n d a C i v i c , 2 door, manual, certified, echine. 905-808-4111. tested, ac, reliable, vgc, 156,500km, $4000, ofMOVING- Washer/ Dryer, fers. 416-824-9112 Fridge/ Stove, built-in dishwasher. Will separ- 1996 Honda Civic, 4cyl. ate, excellent condition. a u t o , 1 9 5 , 0 0 0 k m , A / C , 905-335-2059. very clean, certified and e-tested, $3900. 905-632NEW Harvest House King 7361 or 905-630-7593. FOR Sale: 1999 Honda O d y s s e y. G o o d C o n d i tion. E-tested. 190,000 km. $5200 or Best Offer. 905-844-3259. DRIVER wanted for bulk drops in Burlington/ Oakville area. Must have van. Call Robbie @ 416903-1700 2004 Nissan Maxima3.5L, maroon with tan leather, auto, 55,000kms, certified and e-tested. $12,500. Call 905-921- BODY Shaping Fitness Studio for Women re4535. quires Evening Receptionist, 2pm-10pm and 2004 Saab 9-3 Aero Con- Kinesiologist/ Personal vertible. Immaculate con- Trainer. Must be experidition. Black with black enced, fitness minded, leather interior, low mile- well groomed, Fax rea g e , 6 4 , 0 0 0 k m s . L a d y sume 905-849-1913. 183 owner, $23,000. Call 905- L a k e s h o r e R d W. O a k 582-7820. ville. 2005 Crossover Ford Freestyle- Silver on grey, very clean car, 46,000km, must sell. $15,000 obo. Call 905-825-3894 or 905-466-3729. 2005 Kia Sedona LX Like New! Black, fully loaded, e-tested certified 4800Km, $10,000 obo 289-259-4782 DRIVER to pull trailers for Burlington area roofing company. Clean driving record. Heavy lifting involved. Call 905-3190880. EARN $1000-$1200 or more per month delivering the National Post 6 days/week, early mornings (2-6am) in Burlington/ Oakville. Reliable vehicle a must. No Collections. Gas allowance. 905-339-7583 1030/month 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway Call Today For Manager Special CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! 191 housing wanted FOUND: Sunglasses w/case, July 22nd, Montrose Abbey Drive, Oakville. 905-827-0864. LOST: Stihl Blower and S t i h l Tr i m m e r n e a r 3 r d Line/ Upper Middle/ West Oak Trails. Reward. 905338-5478. SENIOR Homecare By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 24 hour In-home care. 905-634-2400. COUPLE semi-retired non smoking seeks 1-2 bedroom apartment. Private accommodation, prefer furnished but flexible, top references, ASAP 905-464-7922 COMPUTER table, new, paid $350, asking $90. Call 905-845-6328. DEEP Freezer, working, 22x50", $50. 905-9013691 FREE Firewood in the Burlington/ Hamilton and surrounding areas call B e s w i c k Tr e e S e r v i c e 905-529-5612 FREE~ Clean rubble from block brick building in Oakville. Call office: 866217-5430 WA S H E R - K e n m o r e , 3 years old, $90. 905-6310032, leave message. WHIRLPOOL white stove, excellent condition, $100. Call 905-632-4864. BURLINGTON Central Library area. Room nannies/ a v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y, live in/out $125/wk., includes heat/ hydro/ cable, first/ last. L I V E - O U T N a n n y r e 905-912-4971 quired. September start. Monday- Thursday from 8am- 6pm. Aldershot area. Please contact 905-635-3794, O A K V I L L E S h a r e d A c - saramudie@hotmail.com commodation, Off Kerr, Room, August 1st NANNY live-in (prefer $500/mo. includes util, Filipina) required for 2 share kitch, bath, lvg rm, children, North Burlingpkg, close to Go,YMCA. ton. Call 905-336-1637 Female, non-smok, no p e t s p r e f e r. F i r s t , l a s t , NANNY needed, car pre905-842-4036 ferred. Bronte/ Upper rentaroom119@yahoo.ca Middle, approx. 30hrs/wk. ROOM available to rent for 2 children (ages 6&4). in 2-bedroom apartment. 905-827-6586 Located in Oakville close to amenities (Rebecca/Dorval) parking 905338-3909 270 CARED for 2002 Buick Regal GS all options including heated seats/ sunroof, black w/gray GENERAL position l e a t h e r, s u p e r c h a r g e d available in busy dental 3.8 V6 only 130K., $7495. lab. Job requires deliv905-315-7112 after 6pm. ery, light office duties, basic dental technology apLEASE Takeover oppor- plications. Will train. Must t u n i t y. 2007 G M C have car. Send resume to Acadia SLT Details on: ceramartdental@aol.com w w w. l e a s e b u s t e r s . c o m S e a r c h w i t h I D # 5 8 3 4 2 HANDYMAN, Part-Time. Call 416-508-1043. 1-3 days/ week, flexible hours. Must be reliable and used to power tools. Seasonal work. 1 page o n l y, email to: ron.sims12@sympatico.ca COOKSVILLE Auto W r e c k e r s , s c r a p c a r s , JOB Fair Dollar Thrifty truck removal, cash, flat C a r R e n t a l ( H a m i l t o n / bed service, 1-800-433- Burlington/ Oakville) this 7359. Ownerships pro- J u l y 3 1 s t 2 0 0 8 , 3 p m 7pm, Staybridge Suites, cessed properly 118 Market St. Hamilton. Resume, valid drivers licence and good abstract. LAWN Maintenance company requires 1 Full-Time Ye a r R o u n d E m p l o y e e (clean drivers abstract), 1 P a r t - Ti m e S e a s o n a l . Burlington 905-681-3582. KINESIOLOGIST or Physiotherapy Assistant needed for a multidisciplinary rehabilitation clinic in Burlington Medical Building (experience an asset). ESTHETICIAN- Full-Time J u s t M i n u t e s f r o m 4 0 7 f o r a n e s t a b l i s h e d D a y ETR and QEW, full-time Spa. Medical Esthetics an hours (including evenings a s s e t . F a x r e s u m e t o : until 7pm). Please fax re905-634-7144. sume to: 905-681-7598 or e-mail to: rehab@ H A I R S T Y L I S T - F u l l - haltonfamilyhealth.com time, experienced. Guaranteed plus com- P T O H I P b i l l i n g c l e r k mission. Possible Part- needed for a busy family nership. Established practice in Burlington. Oakville Salon. Domen- Please send resume to ic 905-844-8772. burlingtonmedicaljob @gmail.com HAIRSTYLISTS needed for Melonhead Children's Hair Salon in Burlington Call 905-731-6280 or email: careers@melon FULL-TIME/ Part-time head.ca housekeeper & Guest Service Agent needed at Motel 6 in Burlington. 4345 North Service Rd. Please apply in person. E X P E R I E N C E D H o u s e 905-331-1955 P a i n t e r s N e e d e d - To p Pay to $20/hr, must have H O U S E K E E P I N G , a n d t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , t o o l s , Laundry person required quality references. 905- p a r t - t i m e / F u l l - t i m e . 631-6424 Weekday and weekend hours. Apply in person F O R K L I F T O p e r a t o r , with resume: Best WestWarehouse & Yard req'd. ern Hotel, 2412 Queensby building supply co. way Drive, Burlington, F/T $13.00/hr. plus bene- L7R-3T3 fits. Apply in person at 2212 Wyecroft Road, Unit #8 (west of 3rd line). LEAD Carpenter- FullTime, Oakville Construction company. Organized, self motivated w/experience in framing and general carpentry. Start imm e d i a t e l y. M u s t h a v e own tools/ transportation. A l s o r e q u i r e L a b o u r e r. Call 905-484-3018, email perfectsolutionscontracting BUSY Hair Salon in Burlington requires Full/ PartTime Receptionist. Must have some computer skills. Call 905-634-6651. OAKVILLE ECE's or High 5 trained wanted. Full-Time and after school hours in reggio based quality first centres. Send resume by email: apodgorska@hotmail.com @hotmail.com CRYSTAL Clean- Complete household cleaning, low hourly rates with 12 CAMPORESE Sullivan Di years exp. For quotes or Gregorio is seeking a liti- inquiry call 905-599-7588 gation assistant. You are E c o f r i e n d l y c l e a n e r s able to work independent- used. ly, manage multiple tasks and are committed to pro- H O U S E C L E A N I N G d u c i n g q u a l i t y w o r k . available. Chemical and Please forward resumes toxin free products. Comin confidence to reschl- petitive rates. Please call L o r i a t C o m p l e t e We l l boeck@csdlawyers.ca ness, 905-864-9228. EXECUTIVE Administrative Assistant for growing research company. Pharmaceutical background preferred with proficiency in computer applications. BEST European QualityStrong verbal and written F r o m D e c k s t o B a s e communication skills re- ments, Plumbing, Electriquired. Email resume to c a l a n d m u c h m o r e ! Please call 905-616-2207 lcole@cmxres.com. for a free estimate. FULL-TIME Receptionist/ Legal Assistant needed for busy Oakville law office. Excellent organizational, communication 1-877-JUNK-TWO-GO. and multi-tasking skills re- 1 - 8 7 7 - 5 8 6 - 5 8 9 6 S a m e quired. Experience in a day junk removal serl a w f i r m p r e f e r r e d . vice Senior discount. Email resume t o : Call & get it done! russellallegra@hotmail.com CHILDCARE Full-Time. Certified science teacher. Mother of two. Library BEAUTIFUL housekeep- t r i p s , w a l k s t o p a r k . ing cottages- Quiet family Fenced yard. Nutritious oriented, for rent, sandy snacks & meals. Dundas/ beach, good fishing. Doe Trafalgar. 905-338-2598. Lake, Huntsville 705382-0310 b a y - EXPERIENCED Caregivviewted19@aol.com er available in my home full-time. ECE/ First Aid. Meals/ receipts provided. mobile homes Near Appleby/ Fairview. & parks Call Nina 905-639-4449. SUMMER Retreat Gulliver's Lake Resort immacu- EXPERIENCED daycare l a t e f u r n i s h e d m o b i l e available in your home. home. 40'x12', porch Downtown Burlington. 20ft. Secluded, fully land- Call Michelle (905) 681scaped, laundry, scuba, 1278 activities galore, campfires. 905-659-4954 GUELPH Line/ Woodward, experienced ECE, first aid/ CPR, CRC, healthy meals/ snacks, structured activities. FOR Sale 1996 Polaris 6 a m - 5 : 3 0 p m . W e n d y Wa t e r c r a f t w i t h t r a i l e r. 416-910-6616 Tune up in June 2008. 3 cylinder 2 stroke power. Extra side sponsons,big HOME Daycare available m o u t h e x t e n s i o n p u m p in Glen Abbey. Experifor top performance. Cov- enced childcare provider er and life jacket in- with CPR & First Aid. cluded. $3299. 905-319- M e a l p l a n , o u t d o o r a c tivities, and educational 2495 programs. Have your child learn and have fun while preparing for school. References available. Reciepts. Call FOUND brown tabby cat Patricia 905-847-1632. Brittania Rd and Cedar Springs Rd area. We call C a d b u r y. P l e a s e c a l l LITTLE Feet Big Dream quality home based child905-637-7325. care in West Oak Trails/ FOUND- Silver earring on Third Line area, Oakville. Lakeshore Rd., Oakville A c c e p t i n g r e g i s t r a t i o n during midnight madness. n o w . Q u a l i f i e d E C E P l e a s e c a l l t o i d e n t i f y teacher, structured programming and daily foot 905-844-2515 notes so you don't miss FOUND: Black and white anything! Call 905-582cat Brant and Upper Mid- 1606 dle. We call Lucas. Please call 905-637Reliable & Quality child7325. care available in my FOUND: Black cat, small home (Upper Middle/ Traamount white on # 5 Hwy. falgar) for children 2+, We call Ritz. Please call f u l l / p a r t - t i m e , b e f o r e / after schoolcare. Smoke905-637-7325. free, indoor/ outdoor acFOUND: Brown tabby cat tivities. Nutritious meals/ found at Brant and Upper snacks. CPR/ First Aid. Middle. We call Hunter. Security Clearance. ReP l e a s e c a l l 9 0 5 - 6 3 7 - ceipts. References. 9057325. 338-6226. **A1 Mattress Factory*Free Delivery* Orthopedic sets starting at $240, Deluxe Pillow-top $445, no flip Pillow-top $395. Euro-top $445. Futons available. Waterbeds Black leather soft, super single & queen. Complete w/frame, mattress, heater. Starting $395. 905-847-2020; 905-6819496 2008 GMC Canyon SL pick up regular cab, 2.9L., 4cyl., 4-speed auto., Bed and 3-drawer night 1997 Red Sunfire GT 5 AM/FM, air, full warranty, t a b l e f r o m Tr a d e W i n d 1,000kms., speed. Reliable, great u n d e r collection. Solid cherry. condition, too many new $19,499 obo. 905-646Seally Posturepedic mat2368. parts to list, $2,500 or tress set. $6,000. Retail best offer. Call Mark 905Va l u e $ 8 , 8 0 0 . C a l l 464-6852 or 905-635416 878-9595. 3455. N O R D I C Tr a c k P r o f e s sional Exercise Ski Machine, paid $699, asking $160. Solid stationary exercise bike, paid $325 asking $85. Weight lifting bench with accessories $135, obo for all. 905842-7404. 1998 Mazda Protégé, save on gas, certified, etested, 135,000kms, AC, 5speed, $2,900. Call 905827-8206. 210 *MATTRESS Discounter! 50-60% off Retail! Featuring thick, cushy Eurotops by Sealy, Serta! Orthopedic beds Twin $175, Double $235, Queen $295, King $455. Frames, pillows, delivery available. 355 Plains.E, Burlington Sat 10am6pm; Sunday Noon-3, Wed-Fri Noon-6pm. Mon/Tues call. 905-6161700, 905-632beds(2337) 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix4 door, auto, silver with grey interior, V6, 3.1L, AM/ FM/ Cassette. Traction control. Duel airbags. PALMA Brava Elta Col- A / C , A B S . N e w s e t o f lection: $975. Black rat- triple tred Goodyear tires t a n : 4 E l t a D / R s i d e (P215/ 65 R17). Excellent chairs (palmabrava.com), running condition. $3000 round glass table, 3 seat- obo. Call 416-726-6113 e r c o u c h , s o f a t a b l e , (can leave message). hexagon end table. Valued over $5,000! Serious 1998 Saturn standard SI, inquiries only. Price firm. green. Excellent condi416-255-9452. tion. Must Go! $2000 905-684-8392 or 905-246-3701 PIANO- Upright, antique, built in 1918. Good condi- 1 9 9 9 F o r d E x p l o r e r tion, $700. Call 905-631- S p o r t - B l a c k , 2 d o o r s , 5858. auto, 223,000km, e- tested, $3900. Call Nathemattressdiscounter.com PICNIC table all cedar, jeeb 905-580-1956. trestle leg, 94x40 top, 5 seater sectional (Bau- seats 10, unbolts for easy 1999 Suzuki Grand Vitah a u s ) i n c l u d i n g c h a i r, s t o r a g e $ 1 2 0 o b o 9 0 5 - ra- Auto, 4 x 4, V6, 187K p l u m c o l o u r, e x c e l l e n t 634-4834 silver, as is, $1,900. 905condition, asking $550. 827-6179. Call 905-634-3327. POOL Table, Brand New, 2001 Chevrolet MalibuA N T I Q U E w i n g b a c k still in box. Solid Wood, Black, auto, tinted winc h a i r s , r e u p h o l s t e r e d 1"Slate, All Accessories. d o w s , 1 9 7 , 0 0 0 k m , e blue/ green/ purple. Ma- Cost $6,700, Sell $1,950. tested, $3900. Call Nahogany frame. $1200/pr.; 905-304-9994 jeeb 905-580-1956. Armoire w/mirror, matching side table, white, 2001 Ford Taurus, new swivel tires cold A/C, tinted $125/ both; 32" Sanyo R E C L I N I N G T. V. , $ 1 5 0 . ; 2 8 9 - 3 3 7 - chairs. Dark green vel- b l a c k , w e l l m a i n t a i n e d vety fabric, excellent con- 1 4 7 k , o n l y $ 3 0 0 0 . C a l l 1541, 915-320-8023 dition. 2 for $200 or $115 905-878-8000. APPLIANCES~ 3 each. Pick up only. Call Fridges, 1 Washer, 1 Dry- (905) 330-5874. 2001 Silver Mustang er, 1 Stove, $50/each, all Convertible. Leather for $200. 647-242-0752 UNIQUE bleached ash/ s e a t s , a u t o , 6 C D d i s c black wall unit with glass c h a n g e r, f u l l y l o a d e d , hutch. will fit a 36" TV - A / C . $ 6 9 9 9 . C a l l 9 0 5 $400.00, matching dark. 829-0671. b r o w n s q . c o ff e e t a b l e CANOE manufacturer Fi- w i t h e n d s & l a m p s - 2003 Acura MDX- Origiberglass and Kevlar 46lbs $75.00, 3 seat Sante Fe nal owner, excellent conUp to 50% off! Just past sofa. soft cream & moss dition, new tires, leather, B u r l i n g t o n L i f t B r i d g e . g r e e n - $ 4 0 0 . 0 0 . m u s t certified, 117K, $18,000 obo. 905-845-6252 905-545-4745 see!. 416-569-9710 CARPET I have several 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905633-8192 WALL unit. Palliser, Espresso finish, base, hutch, lighting, glass s h e l v e s , f i t s 3 7 + " T V, books, electronics, etc. $375.; pair IKEA display cabinets, natural wood finish, white doors, glass MEN'S Raleigh Sentinel inserts/ shelves, drawers, bicycle. Highly upgraded. $325/pr. 289-337-1541$125 905-845-8777 905-320-8023 LOT Attendant: F/T Inventory management position for dependable, energetic, organized, applicant who likes outdoors. Min. 2 years driving expe1 9 9 7 F o r d E x p e d i t i o n rience and clean record XLT, very good condition, req'd. Permanent posi3rd row s e a t i n g , tion with benefits. Apply 2 5 3 , 0 0 0 k m , r u n s w e l l . Haltonhonda.com or fax certified, e-tested. $3500. 905-632-7604 905-901-3691 M O L LY M a i d r e q u i r e s energetic, dependable 1 9 9 9 I n f i n i t i Q X 4 , 4 x 4 , people. Full-time MonS i l v e r, l e a t h e r i n t e r i o r, F r i d a y, N o e v e n i n g o r l o a d e d , k e y l e s s e n t r y, weekends! Paid training, automatic starter, 178,Km benefits, car provided. $8500 905-638-7624 Not suitable for students. 905-681-7484 (Burl./ 2 0 0 2 F o r d W i n d s t a r Oak) Sport, 3.8L, green, fully loaded, 145,000km., E- POOL Service Companytested, certified. $5,500. I m m e d i a t e P o s i t i o n s a v a i l a b l e f o r F u l l - Ti m e 905-690-9366 Seasonal Work. Fax: 2 0 0 5 G M C J i m m y, 2 905-633-7265, service@aquadampools.ca door, 4 WD, mint, loaded, black, 170,000km hwy, 4300 V6, autotrac, ABS, REQUIRED immediately alloy wheels, on/off road year round experienced w/outside mounted carrier Landscape professionals. and full spare, keyless D r i v e r s L i c . R e q u i r e d . e n t r y, t i n t e d w i n d o w s , Call 905-630-2737 trailer hitch, tow hooks, power tilted sliding sun- S H I P P E R / R e c e i v e r r o o f $ 7 , 9 5 0 . 4 1 6 - 7 0 6 - req'd for manufacturing plant (Oakville area). Fax 3897 resume 905-336-0272. 2005 Honda Element A u t o , AW D , 4 c y l S U V, Black/Black, sunroof, fuel economy + carry capacity. exc condition, 1 owner, ~37k $22,000.00 Burlington 416-731-0490 LICENSED Real Estate Assistant for high energy team environment who's comfortable reacting on short notice, willing to embrace real estate as a lifestyle and not a job. Send resume: The Post 5040 Mainway Unit#1 Burlington ON, L7L 7G5 Box 2090 JUNK & rubbish removal. Great rates. We do all the heavy lifting. 416655-8260 1-888-8junkboys w w w. t h e j u n k boys.com DECKS and Fences at affordable prices. For free estimates Call Chris @ DecksAppeal 905-3394626 421 off road 2004 Honda Four Trax4 wheel drive, auto, 350cc, oil cooler, heated grips, 6,000km. Snowblade optional. $3800. 2003 Nissan Altima- 3.5L, Call 905-639-8348. silver with black leather, sunroof, auto, 98,000 kms, certified and etested. $10,700. Call 905921-4535. 2006 Pertutti Alto Scoot2004 Black Saturn Ion e r - 4 s t r o k e , 1 5 0 c c , C o u p e $ 8 , 5 0 0 o b o , 1 , 2 0 0 k m , n e w b a t t e r y, 11 0 K m , 5 s p e e d s t a n - electric start, excellent dard, A/C, good Condition condition. Rick 905-8454936. 905-331-9590 TELEMARKETERS required by printing compan y. 2 4 K b a s i c p l u s commission and benefits. SITE Foreman/ Labour- F a x : 9 0 5 - 3 3 6 - 5 4 6 5 , MAXX Movers. Profesers required for Geother- email: sional/ Reliable. Residenmal Installations in the rais@theprintmachine.com tial, office, piano movers. G TA , f u l l - t i m e . E x p e r i Local/ long distance. ence with Mech Piping From $62/ hour. 416-823preferred. Fax resume to: 9705. 866-381-1714 or call Eric 905-603-4339. PART-TIME retail sales SPOTLESS Dry Cleaners help required for weekseeking Full and Part- days and weekends in T i m e C o u n t e r C l e r k s . Burlington. Suit mature C U S TO M d r e s s m a k i n g A l s o F u l l - T i m e S e a m - person w/experience. Fax for women, alterations, stress and Pant Presser. resumes 905-319-185,6 c u s h i o n c o v e r s , a n d some leather work. Call B u r l i n g t o n & O a k v i l l e email kids@savvykids.ca Sylvia, 905-617-7472. locations. Call 905-3336210 or e m a i l : PROFESSIONAL Sales associate w/experience, kathyv@ house required for ladies highspotlessdrycleaners.com & pet sitting end retail store, downS T U C C O c o m p a n y r e - town Oakville. Full & Part- H O U S E S I T T E R S q u i r e s f u l l & p a r t - t i m e Time. Please email re- Av a i l a b l e . E x c e p t i o n a l workers for the Burling- sume gj@jensentrade.ca Home and Pet care when ton, Oakville, Hamilton you can't be there. Reaarea., English not necessonable rate, excellent sary. $12/hr start. 905references. Call 905-337220-3583 3476 or 416-709-1514. HYGIENIST Part-Time. W I N D O W a n d D o o r Tuesday/ Wednesday, 4c o m p a n y l o o k i n g f o r 8pm, alternating Saturpart-time appointment d a y s , 1 0 a m - 4 p m , w i t h setters $10.00 hourly possible alternating Fri+bonus, flexible hours, days, 8am- 1pm. ExperiBurlington area. Email ence preferred. Please resume: karen@ email resume to: qsiwindows.com riverglendental@bellnet.ca 751 call 905.632.4440 ieds assif Cl work!