Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 17 Sep 2008, p. 37

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OAKVILLE BEAVER, Wednesday, September 17, 2008 37 **A1 Mattress Factory direct, delivery available. All sizes incl u d i n g c u s t o m S p l i t boxsprings, Or thopedic 20yr sets starting $240. 30yr tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop and 'Crown' series, Eurotop sets from $ 3 9 0 . Wa t e r b e d s , F u tons, End of line/ discontinued items available . 905-8472020; 905-681-9496 1955 Wurlitzer Jute Box Model 1800. Complete with 50's- 60's records, excellent condition, asking $2800. Trimline electric walking machine, excellent condition, asking $400. Call 416-768-3530. 2 0 0 7 To r o P o w e r M a x Snowblower, 10h.p., 28" cut, barely used, $1500; A r i e n s l aw n m ow e r, 6 months, 6h.p. Kawasaki engine, paid $880, $500 Firm, must sell. Jeff 905331-6085 OAK table and 4 chairs, 48" round, single pedestal, medium stained. $250 905-634-7850 PIANO (Wur litzer) for sale. Apar tment size. $1000. Please call:905689-7129 POOL Table, Brand New, still in box. Solid Wood, 1"Slate, All Accessories. Cost $6,700, Sell $1,950. 905-304-9994 R E E B OX ' S S t e p - U p / Stackable exercise stepp e r, p a i d $ 1 3 0 , a s k i n g $59. Solid stationary exe r c i s e b i ke, p a i d $ 3 2 5 asking $85. Weight lifting bench with accessories $ 1 3 5 , o b o fo r a l l . 9 0 5 842-7404. R E T R A C TA B L E p a t i o aw n i n g fo r s a l e . W h i t e with navy and gray stripes. Size 22 ft wide x 11 ft 6inches deep. Asking $1,099. Call 905.336.9810 1999 Ford Escort 4-door, auto., air, keyless entry, 53K., $5,000. Call Days, 416-815-2031; evgs 905257-8292 1968 Camaro Conver tible, $19,500. 1964 Ford Thunderbird, $9,500. Call Steve 905464-8001 Branch Manager St. John Ambulance Council for Ontario is a voluntary agency dedicated to improving the health, safety and quality of life of Ontarians through training and community service. We are currently seeking a confident, energetic Branch Manager to join our Hamilton Branch. Applicants must possess proven management, marketing & sales skills, and experience in financial management. Strong community affiliation and experience in the volunteer sector is an asset; excellent communication, supervisory and MS Office skills are required. Please forward resume to: Human Resources St. John Council for Ontario By September 19, 2008 E-mail:panglin@on.sja.ca Fax: (416) 923-2696 1 9 9 9 V W J e t t a Wo l f s bu rg , b l a ck o n b l a ck , 196,000km, AS IS, $3500. Call 416-7287217. SELF Storage 6- Indoor/ O u t d o o r u n i t s / RV ' s / 2000 Honda Civic EXG boats. Call 905-689-1665. g o l d , 1 5 0 K . , a u t o. , a i r, p/brakes, p/windows, heated mirrors, new Sony AM/FM/ CD, super clean, no rust, will certify/ e-test, a l m o s t n e w To y o t i r e s DO You Have a Disability 160 rating, $6,400. Call and would love to work? 905-633-9793; 905-466- We will train and place 8140. you in: Office / Medical / IT / Hospitality / Retail / 2001 Honda Civic 2-door, Financial environments. 5-speed, air, p/windows, Call Business Education p / l o c k s , 4 3 K . , $ 9 , 0 0 0 . College today - 905-631D a y s 4 1 6 - 8 1 5 - 2 0 3 1 ; 1206 evgs. 905-257-8292 COME on BOARD Ontariio's argest privately Ontario's llargest priivatelly owned ' d School Busing Company Ideal Part-time Employment Free Training, Excellent Wages Extra Earning with charter work SUPERINTENDENT Couples Wanted for apartment buildings in Burlington and Bronte. Experience in landlord/ tenant relations, leasing and building maintenance will be an asset. Attractive compensation and benefit package and regularly scheduled relief time. Fax resumes to: 416-364-6087 or e-mail: info@ontim.com NOW HAS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR LARGE BUS RUNS & MINI BUS RUNS Avg $18.50 + /hr 9 OPENINGS Must be motivated Team environment NO EXP NEEDED Orientation class provided. Excellent bonus structures and incentives. 2002 Kia Spectra standard 5-speed, 1.8L., silv e r, 2 3 5 K . , a i r, p / w i n dows, cruise, CD/ AM/FM $3,000. Call 905-331SOFA and Loveseat, ex- 3048; 416-558-8874. B U F F E T, h u t c h , t a b l e cellent condition, Sklar and 4 chairs, $150 obo. Pe p p l e r, $ 4 0 0 . 1 p i n k 2 0 0 2 M a z d a P r o t e g e Chesterfield and chair, loveseat, $75. 2 end ta- Economy, 4cyl, 5 speed, $100 obo. Loveseat, $50 b l e s , $ 1 0 0 . S u n r o o m 4 door, very clean, runs obo. 905-336-7194. b a m b o o f u r n i t u r e , 3 excellent, approx 229,000 CARPET I have several chairs, $300. White steel highway kilometers, sil1,000 yards of new Stain table, 42" x 28", glass ta- v e r , c e r t i f i e d a n d e Master & 100% nylon car- bl e, 4 m a t c h i n g c h a i r s tested. Reduced to sell, pet. Will do livingroom & with cushions, $125. Call $ 3 5 0 0 o b o. P h o n e M r. Watt 905-829-8020 ext. h a l l fo r $ 3 8 9 . I n c l u d e s 905-637-6087. 110 carpet, pad & installation ( 3 0 ya r d s ) S t eve, 9 0 5 - SOLID pine bunkbed with matching dresser. Rarely 2 0 0 2 S a t u r n L 1 0 0 633-8192 used, paid $1500 asking E c o n o m y, 4 c y l , a u t o , loaded, 4 door, original F U R N I T U R E f o r S a l e : $1000.obo. 289-895-9014 124,400km, clean, silver, Hand made replica of an antique farmers Harvest VINTAGE Koken porce- c e r t i f i e d a n d e - t e s t e d . Table, Sideboard, Hutch lain barber chair w/childs R e a d y t o g o . $ 4 9 9 5 . and 8 chairs. Excellent booster stool. Re-uphol- Phone Mr. Watt 905-829condition 2 years old. Any stered & in excellent con- 8020 ext. 110 reasonable offer enter- dition. Chair raises, lowtained.; Oriental wool car- ers & reclines. Asking 2 0 0 3 J a g u a r S - Ty p e pet 8'x10' clean and in $600 - or best offer. Con- 48K., silver exterior, black excellent condition. 905- t a c t P a u l o r J e a n leather interior, excellent 905 592-1111. 407-8900 condition, $15,995 obo. 647-408-3348 DININGROOM, solid oak " JA M E S R e i d " a n t i q u e table, medium stain, 2 ex- solid walnut dining room 2004 Lexus RX-330 pearl tensions, 4 mate, 2 cap- table, 45"w x 52 " l x 29" w h i t e e x t e r i o r , b e i g e t a i n c h a i r s . M a t c h i n g h, 2 leaves. Call 905-317- l e a t h e r i n t e r i o r , f u l l y 4-door, 4 drawer buffet 3279. loaded, 80K., $24,000 w/4 door leaded window obo. 647-408-3348. hutch $1550. Matching solid oak corner unit, 2004 Silver Sunfire only leaded window $475. 39,000km's, ver y clean, 905-637-8460 lady driven, asking $8500 or OBO. Please call 905FIVE piece bedroom set, 632-6664 all pieces Sklar Peppler. ALL Best Ca$h$ PaidMatching set. Queen size Coins, Jewellery, Gold, F O R D E x p l o r e r, 2 0 0 3 . b e d . C h e s t o f d r a w e r s Silver, Diamonds, ChiOnly 97,000km. Good w i t h d e t a c h a bl e m i r r o r n a , C r y s t a l , S i l v e r , condition, ford serviced, (72inches long). Armoire Figurines, Royal Doulleather, sunroof, 3rd row (37wx60h). Two night ta- t o n , S w a r o v s k i , A l l s e a t . Tr a i l e r p a c k a g e . bles (26wx16dx25h). Ask- a n t i q u e f u r n i s h i n g s , A r t , C o l l e c t i bl e s , e t c . Must sell by September ing $1,250. Call 905-336Estate Specialists, Top 1 4 , s o o p e n t o o f f e r s . 9810 Cash. Call John/ Patti $ 9 5 0 0 . C a l l C h r i s 9 0 5 464-3891 or 905-339FOR sale 2 LaZBoy re- 905-331-2477 1535. cliners, one taupe, one WE buy appliances if you sage green, approx 6 yrs are moving, upgrading or LEASE Takeover opporold. Excellent condition. 2007 GMC $ 7 5 0 fo r t h e p a i r. 9 0 5 - renovating. We pick-up. t u n i t y. C a l l A n t o n y 9 0 5 - 3 3 9 - Acadia SLT Details on: 845-6942. 8017 w w w. l e a s e bu s t e r s. c o m Search with ID#58342 FURNITURE For Call 416-508-1043. Sale~Dining Room Suite: Like new! 6 chairs, double pedestal table with 2 f t l e a f , c h i n a c a b i - FREE: Jug (JACKxPUG) n e t / h u t c h . $ 1 2 0 0 . 2 Female, Spayed, 12mos, D r e s s e r s $ 5 0 . e a c h . social, lots of energy & C O O K S V I L L E Auto Beautiful white wicker set p e r s o n a l i t y. J a c k - l i k e W r e c k e r s , s c r a p c a r s , with cushions- 2 chairs, looks. Needs good home truck removal, cash, flat love seat and coffee table that can give her lots of bed service, 1-800-433$150. Call 905-699-7293 exercise & attention. 289- 7 3 5 9 . O w n e r s h i p s p r o and we'll email pictures. 313-0670 Burlington cessed properly GOLF clubs, men's complete set with bag, Hogan irons, Powa caddy, excellent condition. 905-6396683. Classified Gets Results!! Retirees, Stay at Home Parents, Homemakers No Babysitters Needed, Children ride with you! CALL NOW: PERFECT FOR: 1-888-749-1515 905-333-4047 1-866-421-2727 Customer Support required for Sun Shades Window Fashions in Oakville. 15-20 hours/ week. Must be flexible. Email resume to: admin@sun shadesblinds.ca Call: 416-994-4400 Your Community Newspaper in print + = Your Total Recruitment Solution! call 905-632-4440 DRIVER Needed Established Grocer y deliver y company looking for F/T driver, flexible hours with competitive pay, moderate lifting, G licence required. Experience an asset. call Dave 905-3310112 or email dave@northernprovincial. com 021(< (;(5&,6( ,1'(3(1'(1&( 3DSHU URXWHV DUH QR ORQJHU MXVW NLG¶V VWXII ([FHOOHQW RSSRUWXQLW\ LQ 2DNYLOOH IRU VHUYLFHPLQGHG FRQVFLHQWLRXV DGXOWV 3DUWWLPH :HGQHVGD\V )ULGD\V 6DWXUGD\V <RX SLFN \RXU KRXUV ,QWHUHVWHG DGXOWV PD\ FRQWDFW %RE # PRODUCTION Burlington manufact u r e r l o o k i n g fo r motivated individuals to join our team. Full-Time, day shift position, opportunity fo r a d va n c e m e n t with a successful a n d gr ow i n g 5 0 + year old company. Star t at $11/ hour with medical benefits. Apply in Person ONLY: 930 Sheldon Court Burlington Ph: 905-634-7751 Independent Distributors MARKETING~ I need someone to learn my business. Must have leadership ability and strong desire for above average income. Call Nestor 905-333-6986 LIVE in Superintendent for high-rise apt. building in Oakville. Contact Dennis @905-453-3841. $500- $3000 US/ week. Fr e e R o o m & B o a r d . Cruise The World @ 613834-4456/ 613-764-6209. A N I M A L C a r e Wo r ke r Par t-Time at Burlington Humane. Fax resume to: 950-637-7391 or email: burlingtonhumane@ bellnet.ca ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT. Couple preferred, live-in, busy high r ise, Guelph Line/ New Street area. Cleaning experience, minor repairs, fluent in English. Must be flexible, be on duty every o t h e r we e ke n d . P l e a s e fax resume: 905-8551853. DELIVERY Person P/Tl u n c h e s fo r s c h o o l , r e liable, car, police check required. Contract position. Homemakers welc o m e. We e k d ay s. 9 0 5 803-1118. DRESSMAKER: Oakville c l o t h i n g a l t e ra t i o n a n d dressmaking business req u i r e s a n ex p e r i e n c e d dressmaker to work full time. Please contact Connie at 905-842-6234 GREETER- Budds' BMW seeks Guest Services team member. Greet clients, co-ordinate with Service Advisors. Clean a p p e a ra n c e, a b i l i t y t o interface with clients in customer service e nv i r o n m e n t e s s e n t i a l . Full-Time. Bondable. jonhall@buddsbmw.com H O U S E c l e a n i n g bu s i ness requires full/ par ttime mature, responsible person. Contact Ms. Russo 905-580-0784 THE TORONTO STAR A permanent 7 Day route is becoming available in Oakville. Reliable candidates with own vehicle should contact the District manager: SAEED AHMED 8:30am - 3:00pm (Mon-Thu) 1-888-748-4388 Ext: 6804 sahmed@m-o.com for early morning home delivery of BURLINGTON! WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH AN EXTRA $800 EACH MONTH? Get plenty of exercise with early morning door-to-door delivery of The Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Star! Profit Potentials may vary, depending on the size of the route. Must have reliable vehicle. 7 Days a week. '03 Mitsubishi OutlanderAWD, 55,000km, 1 ownH OT Tu b / S p a - B r a n d er, full ser vice records, new 2008 model w/all op- certified, excellent conditions, and cover. Still in tion. Asking $12,300. Call w r a p p e r. C o s t $ 8 6 9 5 . , 905-336-0714. Sacrifice $4250. Call 9051990 Mazda Miata: good 971-1777 condition; red; automatic; H OT Tu b ( S p a ) C ove r s Incl. Hard top; one owner; best price, Best quality. a s i s ; $ 3 5 0 0 o b o. 9 0 5 All shapes & colours. Call 825-1439 1-866-585-0056 1992 Acura Integra, 5 www.thecoverguy.ca speed, 4 door, power winLIFT chair/ recliner, like dows, power locks, power new, $490. Excellent for sunroof, Runs well, new person with poor mobility. muffler, new gas tank, as Call John, 905-681-1927. is. $800.obo. 905-6357042 M AY TA G s t a c k a b l e , h e a v y d u t y 2 2 0 w a s h - 1992 Jeep Cherokee Ltd er/dryer (large capacity). 4 x 4 - 1 7 " c h r o m e $ 4 0 0 O . B . O P l e a s e mags/tires, snow tires, phone 905-659-5432 leather, black, Great Condition! Good for snow MEN'S 18" Diamondback plow vehicle. $3,300 Mountain Bike. 21 Speed, OBO (905) 331-1344 Grip Shifters, Rock Shocks. $350 obo. 9051997 Volvo 850 for sale!!! 582-7402. Silver, great condition, M O V I N G S a l e : A p p l i - new breaks. 290,000km. a n c e s, b e d r o o m , s n ow Asking $1500 obo. Need blower, computer, lawn to sell fast!!! Call Daniela m o w e r . S e p t . 1 5 t h t o at 905-808-0761. Sept.20th 1pm-8pm. Oak1998 Nissan Maxima SE ville. 905-257-6799. 160,000 km, manual, all MOVING- Washer/ Dry- r e c o r d s , d e a l e r m a i n e r, Fr i d g e / S t ove ; a l s o tained, great winter car, gas dryer. Excellent con- v e r y g o o d c o n d i t i o n , dition. Will separate. 905- $ 4 , 7 0 0 . c a l l 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 6219 335-2059 1997 Plymouth Voyager p/windows, p/door locks, p/seats, p/steering, cruise control, air, AM/FM cassette, bucket seats, hitch, roof rack, new tires/ battery, 230K., $1,400 obo. Wa t e r d ow n . 9 0 5 - 6 9 0 3832; 905-719-3832 2 0 0 0 C h e v y Ve n t u r e , 194,000km, beige, A/C, Powe r w i n d ow s, p owe r locks, CD, E-tested, certified, well maintained, no rust, $2800. 905-9019470, cell 647-828-9469 2001 Toyota Sienna CE, senior's Florida van 98,000 kms., maintained and cer tified by Toyota, full record, rustproofed, s i l v e r, V 6 , a u t o. , A / C , cruise, ABS, audio w/disc, tape and wheel c o n t r o l s, s p o t l e s s, p r i va t e, $ 9 , 0 0 0 . O a k v i l l e. 905-844-8095. 2002 Dodge Caravan Sport auto, air, power options, 137,000 kms., well maintained, ver y clean $ 5 4 9 9 o b o. 9 0 5 - 2 9 9 0502. 2005 Caravan SXT 48,000kms. Mint. 1 owner. CD/ DVD. Warranty till 2010. No accidents, certified. E-tested. Like new! $10,900. 416-858-7673 Hunting for a Great Part-time Job? Become a School Bus Driver for the largest bus company in the world Hiring incentives of up to $ For complete details on the route nearest you, please call 905-526-3377 or simply fill out the online application form at www.thespec.com and a Hamilton Spectator representative will contact you. 1048 100000* *conditions apply FREE TRAINING Apply between Sept 1 - Oct 10, 2008 to be eligible for this special offer. Bring this flyer with you. For information, please call 1-877-914-KIDS An Equal Opportunity Employer www.firststudentcanada.com A leading Ontario Road Maintenance company has an immediate requirement for the following winter positions: Snow Plow/Spreader Operators. Work will be within the Region of Peel and will be based out of the following yard: Victoria Yard (Hwy 10 & King St.) Please fax resume to - 416-233-1043 Applicants must have a minimum DZ driver's license and a clean driver's abstract. TRAINING WILL BE PROVIDED CARILLION is an equal opportunity employer.

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