4 - The Oakville Beaver, Friday February 27, 2009 www.oakvillebeaver.com It will soon be time to turn off the lights L This year, it is going for 10 reach, since Oakville actualper cent. ly reduced its energy conThe new goal is within sumption by 8.2 per cent -- or 14,550 kWh last year. The new goal was affirmed during a meeting of the Oakville Community Services Committee, Tuesday night, with counFor parents & children newborn - 6 years cillors voting to double the town's previous commitIf you are new to the community, or you would like to see one ment. of our locations, then come on out to one of these events! Earth Hour, created by the World Wildlife Fund Thursday, March 12th @ NSR-Main Schedule of Events (WWF), is a global climate and NSR-Satellite 6:00 to 7:45 p.m. change initiative, which Friday, March 6th @ Florence calls on individuals, busi3:00 to 5:00 p.m. 481 North Service Rd. W., Unit 25 nesses and entire cities to 74 Florence Drive Applefun Puppetry shows: 6:15-6:45 and · Come & play turn off the lights for one 7:00-7:30 p.m. for children 2-6 yrs · Special guest appearance by hour. Mother Goose The initiative began in 461 North Service Rd. W., Unit 17 · Story time at 4:00 p.m. Sydney, Australia in 2007 · Circle times @ 6:30 p.m. & 7:15 p.m. with approximately 2.3 mil· Parenting Info Wednesday, March 11th @ Sixth Line lion people and 2,100 busi· Auction items 4:45 to 6:45 p.m. nesses turning off their · St. Patrick's Day themed craft 1500 Sixth Line lights. · Teddy Bears Picnic - bring your Wednesday, March 25th @ Kingsway In 2008, Earth Hour favourite stuffed animal to play 5:00-7:00 p.m. went global with 35 coun· Special story time at 6:15 p.m. 2828 Kingsway Drive · Beach party! · Music circle & play ast year, the Town of Oakville set a goal of reducing energy consumption by five per cent during the global conservation initiative known as Earth Hour. at Oakville Parent-Child Centre Community Days tries, 370 towns and cities and 60 million people participating. Last year, around 1,000 Oakville residents, six schools and 40 businesses signed up to participate in the event. So far, more than 70 countries and 170 cities have signed up to participate in this year's Earth Hour, which will take place on Saturday, March 28 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Town staff said energy reduction strategies will be implemented during Earth Hour without compromising public safety or Town services. Town Hall, Central Operations, the southeast depot, the greenhouse, community centres, libraries, the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts and arenas will reduce lighting and turn off marquee signage at the appropriate time. The three war memorials in Oakville including the George's Square Cenotaph and Memorial, the Trafalgar Memorial and the Bronte Memorial will also go dark during the hour. The trend is continuing to gain steam with more than 900 residents already signed up to participate in this year's Earth Hour, along with five schools and 29 local businesses. In addition, four restaurants will feature candlelight dinners during the Earth Hour period. The Oakville Fire Department is also supporting Earth Hour, but is reminding residents to take care if they are using candles. These Earth Hour initiatives will come before Town council on Monday for final approval. For more information about Earth Hour visit the Town's website at www.oakville.ca/earthhour.htm. Cash donations will be graciously accepted at the door QUALITY INTEGRITY VALUE 905-849-6366 · www.op-cc.ca At Closet and Storage Concepts, we don't just sell you a storage cabinet, we provide creative ideas for complete home space management. Our professional designers will assess your needs and design effective custom solutions to give you and your family more living space. With our attention to detail and lifetime warranty, clients are guaranteed quality workmanship and top-of-theline materials. So whether you're doing a single closet or your entire home, Closet & Storage Concepts will be there from concept to completion. Be the Change screening here A free screening of the documentary, Be The Change, a film about real people living lightly on Earth, will be held on Friday, March 6. The screening will be at 7 p.m. at CJ's Café, 2416 Lakeshore Rd. W. Producer and sustainability advocate, David Chernushenko will be on hand for discussion following the film made in the Ottawa region. The event is co-sponsored by Halton Green Screens and CJ's Café. Halton Green Screens, a new ecofilm series, is a partnership between Encore Cinemas and a group of local environmentalists. The schedule of upcoming films, shown on the fourth Thursday of each month, is at www.haltongreenscreens.ca. Quality Custom closet and storage solutions since 1987 QUALIFY FOR A HOME RENOVATION TAX CREDIT Organized ... for piece of mind LIFETIME WARRANTY SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY! 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