Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 14 Mar 2009, p. 18

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OAKVILLE BEAVER Saturday, March 14, 2009 · 18 live in/out 270 nannies/ AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY; Dazzling 3 bedroom townhouse; 2.5 baths; open concept; gas fireplace; large master bedroom with French doors, 4pc ensuite, walkin closet; upstairs laundry; finished basement; garage. Walk to parks, downtown. North Shore Boulevard; $1,500+; 905-630-8495. BURLINGTON, MILLCROFT area, "Tansley Gard e n s " , 4 t h f l o o r. 1 bedroom w/den, private balcony overlooking greenspace, underground parking. $1100/mo. plus u t i l i t i e s . A p r. 1 s t . 905-336-9241. BURLINGTON SPECTACULAR view, 1-bdrm +solarium, & 3-bdrm +solarium. 24hr security, great ammenities/ location. Philoria Lau, Salesperson, Sutton Group Results. 905-332-4111 philorialau@cogeco.ca 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M $ RO F 1050/month 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway CALL TODAY! FULL-TIME LIVE-IN Caregiver, southeast Oakville home, 4 children, $9.25/hr. Room/ board $369.42/mo. Private room/ bathroom. Education equivalent Canadian secondary. Minimum 1yr. full-time experience within last 3 years. Sim, 647-237-7209. TWO CHILDREN, 7 & 3 in Oakville, requires f-t live in Nannie with CPR & First Aid. $9.25/hr. Must also s p e a k F r e n c h . 905-469-4747 M I C R O W A V E S TA N D large butcher block top 4 shelves 71"Hx24"dx30"W, solid wood, $99. 905-631-1286 R O Y A L D O U LT O N Figurine. Mint condition. C u p o f Te a 1 9 6 3 $95 905-802-3027 SELLING OFFICE Desk with Hutch. Solid wood, black, good condition. $90. 905-257-1327. STEEL SHELVES (unit) 3 adjustable shelves, 4' high by 38" wide, very good condition. $35.00. Phone 905-842-0029. SWING-O-MATIC HIGHCHAIR, 3 speed, 2 tray's, Fisher Price, clean, mint condition. $80.00. 905-842-0029. MOVING: WASHER, drye r, f r i d g e , s t o v e , a l s o apartment size dryer, Excellent condition, will separate. 289-337-1328 905-639-9212 ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burlington Mall 3 Bdrms $1050/mo 4 Bdrms $1165/mo 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST Rental Value IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Management BURLINGTON: HOME D e p o t , 2 - s t o re y 3 - b e d room, 1.5 bath, garage, $1085/mo. 4-bedroom, 1.5 bath, recroom, garage, $1120/mo; Palmer Dr, 3-bedroom 1.5 bath, re c ro o m , g a r a g e , p o o l $1120/mo; Near Burloak, 2-storey, 3-bedroom, 1.5 b a t h , re c ro o m g a r a g e , $1140/mo; 905-632-5690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage. BURLINGTON. LARGE 2 & 3 b e d ro o m s , M a r. / Apr., appliances, hardwood floors, garage, quiet parklike setting. 905-681-0070. www.rentaltownhouses.ca. BURLINGTON, PINEDALE, 3-bdrm, 1 1/2 bath, finished basement, garage, C/A, appliances, $1275plus, April 1st, (905)634-6889 DORVAL/ UPPER Middle Room for rent in a quiet townhouse, bathroom, small kitchen and parking $500/mo includes cable, internet,laundry, utilities. Female preferred. 905-617-0106 ATTENTION TEACHERS and those only requiring September to June care. Experienced Mom has spot available Upper Middle/ Burloak. Sandra 905-331-9728 3-BEDROOM +DEN bungalow, 1.5 bath, recroom, $1195/mo; Large ranch double garage, fireplace c/a $1450/mo; Downtown Burlington, Bungalow, 2bed, 2-bath, recroom $1065/mo; Waterdown area, 2-storey 3-bedroom, double garage, $1220/mo; 905-632-5690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. RealEstate Brokerage. ALDERSHOT (BURLINGTON) near GO. 2-bedroom bungalow. Suits professional person. $1260/mo. plus utilities. Non-smoking. 905-632-0697. AVAIL MAY 1st, West Oakville 3-bdrm bungalow with lg 1 bdrm basement apt, newly updated, ample parking, bus route, qew, all amenities. 1700 + utilites, 1st, last, refs req (905)465-3017, (647)280-5410, pics avail AVAILABLE APR.15 3bedroom house, Burlington. South of Lakeshore on private road. 1.5 baths, $1850/mo. +utilities. 905-681-8837 2 ROOMS for the price of 1. Dundas/ 6th Line second floor bedroom w/ensuite, private room on main floor. Suit male professional or student. No parking/smoking $600/mo. 905-257-7285. BURLINGTON, NEAR Mapleview Mall. Furnished Bachelorette. Senior/ quiet lady. Kitchen, spa bath, bedroom w/familyroom. 905-631-0778. ROOM AVAILABLE parking cable laundry facilities quiet neighborhood Oakville, Dorval /Rebecca close to amenities 905-338-3909 TIRES 4 LT215/8 5R16, Load Range D, $100. for all 4 tires only 52,000kms. E X P E R I E N C E D D AY- 905-335-8001. CARE available in my Burlington home. Security clearance. First Aid. Healthy meals/ snacks. Sonia, 905-635-9198. **A1 MATTRESS FactoEXPERIENCED LOVING r y d i r e c t , d e l i v e r y Mom w/ECE training has available. All sizes includspaces available in her i n g c u s t o m S p l i t b o x home daycare Belvenia/ springs, Orthopedic 20yr L o n g m o o r, B u r l i n g t o n . sets starting $240. 30yr 905-681-7028. tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip PilFUN, SAFE home daycare lowtop &'Crown' series, available. $25/day. Apple- Eurotop sets from $390. by/ New area, Burlington. New Waterbeds, Futons, 10yrs experience. CPR, End-of-line/ discontinued First Aid. Babies welcome. i t e m s a v a i l a b l e . 905-681-3541. 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; 905-681-9496 HOME DAYCARE has 2 openings for infant and toddler, Joshua Creek area. A N T I Q U E S ~ B O U D O I R chair (1890's), 2 sidechairs Call 905-257-5851. (1920's), solid oak desk & filing cabinets (1940's) 905-464-8860 BLACK SHINY Buffet, $100.; Antique (circa 1800) oak dresser, hand carved $350.obo.; Organ $50, computer table $30. 905-633-9799 2003 NISSAN Altima 2.5 SL 4cyl., Lady-driven, silver w/charcoal leather, p/sunroof, FWD 112,500kms., w/7500kms. left on extended warranty, immacuM O V I N G : B E D R O O M late, certified/ e-tested. (Queen); dining table, 6 $ 8 , 8 0 0 o b o . c h a i r s ; s o f a , l o v e s e a t ; 905-331-2268 more; all excellent condition. 905-580-7105; 2004 CHEVROLET Impala 905-257-7795. 4 dr automatic 6cyl asking M O V I N G S A L E , s o f a s , $5,000. 118,000 km one TV's, BBQ, 18 ft. pool, lots owner. Silver ext/grey int; more items, everything AMFM CD player; power must go. 905-815-0807, w i n d o w s , l o c k s , s e a t s ; cruise control; tilt steering 905-808-0100. wheel anti-theft. Call PA R T Y O F 1 8 a n t i q u e 905-338-5440 Egyptian shutter windows, p u r c h a s e d f r o m ' D o o r 2004 NISSAN Maxima, S t o r e ' , T o r o n t o . loaded, low km's, great 6 4 . 5 " H x 1 1 . 5 " W, m o s t car, great price, $16,500. w/antique glass. Original 905-467-8976. hardware, functional. $3600. 905-338-0717 2008 FORD Escape Exc. P O O L TA B L E , B r a n d Cond. 4cyl auto loaded. New, still in box. Solid 67000km. bal of warranty. o b o Wood, 1"Slate, All Ac- $ 1 6 9 0 0 cessories. C o s t 905-521-0835 $6,700, Sell $1,950. 905-304-9994 REEBOX'S STEP-UP/ Stackable exercise stepper, paid $130, asking $59. Solid stationary exercise bike, paid $325 aski n g $ 8 5 . We i g h t l i f t i n g bench with accessories $135, obo for all. 905-842-1212. S U M M E R E M P L O YMENT, South West Oakv i l l e p ro p e r t y, re q u i re s student 30-40 hrs/week. Responsibilities, lawncare, pool maintenance, garden c a re , $ 1 1 / h r. F l e x i b l e hours/ days. Email resume marknewnham@ sympatico.ca TOTAL LANDSCAPING~ Burlington based~ requires Landscape Maintenance Foreman (minimum 2years exp.), Landscape Maintenance Crew Members (min. 1yr exp.) Competitive wages, 50+ hours, Potential for year round. Responsible, reliable, mature need only apply. Own transportation. Email resume with cover letter: totallandscaping@sympatico.ca UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY Become part of a once-in-alife-time experience. A leading organization in our industry, we are looking for quality people. Be part of our success this year, all it takes is a winning attitude. Phone 905-631-7633 Fax resume 905-631-7822 BUSY 4-PHYSICIAN office requires Medical Office Assistant (4 days/week) to cover May/June 2009 Potential for future job sharing. Duties involve secretarial and patient care aspects. Adaptability essential. Fax re s u m e w / h a n d w r i t t e n cover letter 905-842-8001. Only successful applicants will be contacted. LICENSED PLUMBER s e m i re t i re d a v a i l a b l e . B a t h ro o m i n s t a l l a t i o n s , washer dryer connected, taps repaired, replaced etc. Quality work, honest, reliable. Estimates free, c a l l S t e p h e n 905-630-2527 MAXX MOVERS. Professional/ Reliable. Residential, office, piano movers. Local/ long distance. From SUNLIGHT GRILL~ now $62/ hour. 416-823-9705. hiring Servers full & parttime. 649 Fourth Line, Oakville. Call 905-339-5545 Say You Saw the ad in the Oakville Beaver. Classifieds Get Results! ECE/ SUPERVISOR required, must have experienced for Oakville daycare. April start. Call 905-338-9019, email Glenashton@live.com Planning A trip to Florida? On your next Florida vacation do not be satisfied with a hotel room when you can rent your own Private Va c a t i o n H o m e ! Search from 100s of Florida's top vacation rentals. All Regions of Florida from 2-8bdrm homes. Cond o s , V i l l a s , Po o l Homes-- we have them all! Rates starting as low as $89/night. Visit us: www.myholiday homerental.com BURLINGTON, UNIQUE park-setting backing onto Tyandaga Golf Course. 3bedrooms, finished basement, laundry room, 5 appliances, hardwood throughout, storage. Ideal for executive or business couple. 2-bedroom apartBRONTE, BUNGALOW, 2- ment. Both w/fireplaces. bedrooms +, large lot, 905-336-6379. near harbour, $1300/mo +utilities. Immediate. Tony GEORGIAN Court Estates, King/ Plains Road, 905-844-0659 Burlington. Immaculate BRONTE CLEAN 3 bed- l a rg e 2 & 3 b e d r o o m r o o m b u n g a l o w. Q u i e t t o w n h o u s e s , f u l l b a s e s t re e t , 1 . 5 b a t h ro o m s , ments. Utilities included. A/C, 5 appliances. No Call 1-888-372-1984. smoking. Available April 1. www.realstar.ca $1400/mo plus utilities. NEW EXECUTIVE town905-829-4912. house in Bronte, view of BRONTE ROAD Gorgeous lake, 3 bedrooms, roof top 3-bedroom, finished base- patio, elevator, garage, ment, garage, walk-out to $2300/mo. 416-550-5198 creek, near transit/ hwy. STUNNING 3-BEDROOM Immediate. 905-334-4628 2.5 bath. Rent To Own B U R L I N G T O N , O A K - freehold townhome. FinV I L L E , M i l t o n , R e n t t o i s h e d b a s e m e n t , l a rg e Own, Free Down payment, fenced backyard. Burloak/ Good Credits Required, Mi- New area. 24hr message chael Wan Realty, 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 1 5 - 9 9 2 7 c re d i t Brokerage,905-574-8882 problems okay RIVEROAKS SEMI, 3-bedroom, 2 car DW, CA, CV, N o - s m o k i n g , d o g s p re ferred, $1450/mo+, May 1st 905-257-3580 SOUTH EAST Burlington, 3-bdrm, large upper level. C/A, fireplace, ravine lot, storage, parking. $1500/mth plus utilities. 905-333-4562. UPDATED 3-BEDROOM, 1.5 baths, finished basement, single garage, south Central Burlington. A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. 905-634-5690. CARPET 100's of styles ready for same week installation. Let me give you free measurement/ estimate. Laminate/ Hardwood available. 905-510-0589 SENIOR HOMECARE By Eric. Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to CARPET I have several 2 4 h o u r I n - h o m e c a re . 1,000 yards of new Stain Master & 100% nylon car905-634-2400. pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 y a r d s ) S t e v e , 905-633-8192 3 POT Lites, max, 75 watt bulb, complete all wiring CARPETS/ FLOORING. b o x , b a f f e l & h a n g e r. Wholesaler, direct. Up to $ 1 4 . 0 0 e a c h . 50% off! Thousands of carpets in stock. Many below 905-842-0029. manufacturers cost. ProBED- DOUBLE, futon with fessional next day installaslip cover, 1yr. new, not tion. 905-281-1722. used, dark wood, $75. CUSTOM RIMS, high pol905-335-8400 ished alloy, like new; 4 F U N N I G H T i n . . . Ta ro t CHOPPER STYLE bicycle tires 215/60R/16 from Card readings for group or per fect for older child 2005 Altima 4cyl, will fit individuals. Call h a r d l y u s e d other cars, $450/all. 905-906-5661 905-825-2196. $50 905-634-6832 CRAFTSMAN METRIC socket set, 55pces in plastic case, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2 ratchets etc, $30. 905-333-5248 ENTERTAINMENT UNIT, "DeBoers", with glass display cases, black/ gray lacquer finish, 115"lx82" hx22"w, $1250. 905-829-4733. FREE WEBKINZ. 183 styles in stock. Call store daily 9am- 6pm. for details. 905-332-7945. FRIDGES, STOVES, Washers, Dryers, full/apt. size, 1 year warranty parts & labour, delivery available. 905-458-8808. HOT TUB/ Spa- Brand new 2008 model w/all options, and cover. Still i n w r a p p e r. C o s t $8995., Sacrifice $ 4 7 5 0 . C a l l 905-971-1777 BEFORE SCHOOL Childcare required. Southeast Oakville. 3 children 10-15 hrs/wk. Must have car. Great for young adult/ stayat-home Mom. Call Liz 416-388-3676. C A S H PA I D - $ 5 0 - 5 0 0 (mention this ad for additional $10) for any complete car or truck driven in (comparable prices for cars picked up) Scrap Cars & Tr u c k s w a n t e d . F r e e TREADMILL IS motorized/ pick-up. 702 Bronte Rd, electric, it tells your time, Oakville (just South of speed, distance, calories, Q E W ) 9 0 5 - 8 2 7 - 8 0 1 5 , heartrate, incline. In new 1-877-655-0755 condition. Asking $295. Call 905-814-1415 C A S H PA I D f o r S c r a p WHIRLPOOL GOLD Appli- Cars and Trucks. Same P i c k U p . ances. Three years old. Re- D a y frigerator with ice maker 905-693-5355 and water dispenser, range with ceramic cooking surface, over the counter microwave oven, dishwasher. White. Excellent Condition. $ 7 5 0 f o r a l l . C a l l DO YOU Have a Disability 905-639-4335. and would love to work? We will train and place you in: Office / Medical / IT / Hospitality / Retail / Financ i a l e n v i ro n m e n t s . C a l l Business Education College ALL BEST Ca$h$ Paid- today- 905-631-1206. Coins, Jewellery, Gold, Silv e r, D i a m o n d s , C h i n a , Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, All antique furnishings, Art, Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call ADULT FLYER Delivery, must enjoy walking in outJohn/ Patti 905-331-2477 doors, all weather, must WE BUY appliances if you k e e p r y t h m o f 2 h o u s are moving, upgrading or e s / m i n u t e ( y o u w i l l b e renovating. We pick-up. monitored) F/T, 8hrs/day. R o n Call Antony at $ 1 0 / h o u r. 905-580-6371 905-339-8017 HOMEWORKERS NEEDED!!! To Assemble Products, Stuffing Envelopes, Mailing/ Processing Circu1995 CHEVY Monte Carlo lars, On-Line Computer auto., 2-door, good body Wo r k A v a i l a b l e . U p To condition, good bargain, as $1500/week. No Experiis $1,100. 905-808-1875 ence Needed! Free information at www. 1 9 9 9 T O Y O TA C a m r y Jobs-WorkConnection.com 4-door, automatic, black, Reference 3-103 6cyl., 211K., sunroof, snow/ summer tires. Excellent condition. Certified. 1- H O U S E C L E A N E R S , o w n e r $ 6 0 0 0 . E R R A N D S and friendly visiting. Join our growing 905-337-7857 Greenly Clean team, 2000 AUDI A4 2.8 Quat- successful candidates will tro, manual,black on tan experience and share our leather, sunroof, CDchang- environmentally "green" er, all options, 209,000 vision. Send Applications km,needs clutch, one rear t o H u m a n R e s o u r c e s : bearing,possible steering jobs@closingthegap.ca or work, $2300 as is.Burling- fax to: 705-726-5310 ton. 905-315-8537 LANDSCAPE COMPANY 2000 FORD Focus SE, ful- requires full-time Landly loaded, all options, 4 cyl- scape Personal. Wages inder, automatic, 4-door, pending on experience, certified, e-tested, warran- benefits available. Please ty, asking $2,900. OBO. call 905-257-3009 905-299-0111. 2000 HYUNDAI Elantra wagon, 4cyl., auto., 168K., certified, e-tested, $1,995 Firm! View in Oakville. 905-271-6846. LANDSCAPE FOREMAN needed for Landscape C o n s t r u c t i o n C o m p a n y. Call 905-512-9236. PART-TIME P.O.S. Operator/ Cashier for busy Burlington Store. Saturday, Sunday plus some Week hours. Send resume to: yboutin@sescolite.com REDSTONE FINE Meats & Specialty Foods, located in Carlisle, is looking for a Store Manager. Responsibility will be to oversee the operation, and work closely with the owner to provide a superior customer experience. Please send your resume to redstone@cogeco.ca. NEW CHILDCARE Centre opening in Oakville, across Bronte GO station. Currently seeking for F/T enthusiastic and motivated ECEs, ECAs, kitchen/floatSALON IN Oakville looking er, Before/After, Summer f o r a n u p b e a t a n d camp and Supply staff. p o s i t i v e H a i r S t y l i s t t o Email resume: join our team. Ongoing slcdaycare@gmail.com education available. Please e m a i l r e s u m e to: oakville@fortelli.com or call 905-847-0706 for interview. EUROPEAN CLEANING lady, 12 years in residential cleaning. Good cleaning job guaranteed every time. Call 905-847-0696 after 3pm. FLOWSET BALANCING or leave message. Air Hydronic Balancing Co. Servicing Hamilton Sur- LIVE- IN caregiver. 14 & rounding Areas Currently 15 year old teenagers for Seeking: Motivated Full- buys household. Oakville. Time Balancing Technician $9.25/ hr. FT with CPR/ Minimum 5 Years Experi- First Aid Training. Fax Reence. Competitive Wages - s u m e a t t e n t i o n R a b a b : Mileage or Service Vehicle 416-265-3939 to Qualified Applicant Fax: 416-410-9793 METICULOUS CLEANH I G H - E N D PA I N T I N G ING. A career of expericompany offering top pay ence w/fastidious clientele. t o w e l l g r o o m e d , Custom service- weekly/ bim e t i c u l o u s l y d e t a i l e d weekly. Small offices too. painters. Others need not Louha, 905-634-4871 apply. Vehicle a must. Call OFFICE/ HOUSE cleaning for details 905-631-6424. services by experienced P H A R M A C Y T E C H N I - European Cleaning Lady. CIAN, Experience is re- G o o d R e f e r e n c e s . quired in a busy pharmacy Thursdays available. 905Downtown Burlington. Fax: 847-9977. 416-740-6467 E-mail: humbergreen POLISH CLEANING Lady pharmacy@rogers.com will clean your house, apartment/ office, Oakville/ Burlington/ Georgetown. Experienced. References. Anna 905-320-9843. PERSONNEL CONSULTANT to contact clients landscaping and recruit technical personnel. Ideal for retired HR Professional. Commission income. R e s u m e : LAWN MAINTENANCE Reliable, good rates, resijtrain@trans-united.net dential & commercial, please call Robert 905-634-6369. 620 3-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE, 4 appliances, garage. Central Burlington near shopping and schools. Available April 1. 226-339-8035. 3-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE. Plains Road/ Francis. Open concept, hardwood floors, finished basement with laundryroom, parking. $1175/mo. plus utilities. Call 905-975-2676 N.E. BURLINGTON- Executive New Townhouse, 3-bedroom, 2.5 bath, new appliances, many upgrades, 1300 sq.ft., Immediate. $1350/mo. 905-335-5446 P R I V AT E C O T TA G E on Beautiful lake, 2 hours from Toronto. Call Wayne CUISINART COFFEE makSmith 289-888-1779, er, brews & grinds, rarely email pictures available, used, $30. 905-639-7039 WATERDOWN. IMMACU- wsmith@meadowmills.com LATE 3-bedroom end unit DARK BLUE couch $50, 2 townhouse, located in Ikea-style desks $40/each, prime area close to kitchen table $25, schools, shopping and 905 510 4521 parks. Finished basement, treed backyard, garage FOUND: PARTIAL Denand good neighbours. No ture, Morrison House, Oak- FOR SALE- Set of four dinsmoking, prefer no pets. v i l l e . P l e a s e c a l l ette chairs. Excellent condition. Best of fer, $100. A v a i l a b l e A p r i l 1 s t 905-849-1822 905-257-1327. $1275/mo. plus utilities. 9 0 5 - 9 4 5 - 3 6 4 4 ; F O U N D : C A T, y o u n g male, brown tabby with FREE~ RCA 25" console 905-689-6774 white. Found at Prospect TV. Good condition. Still *WHITE OAKS Blvd. Off and Brant. We call Dana. works. You must pick up. 905-338-7880 Tr a f a l g a r a n d Q E W. Please call: 905-637-7523. 3-bedroom townhouse. Private drive, gar- LOST: CAT, 6mos., medi- F R E E Z E R C H E S T a g e . 5 a p p l i a n c e s . um length black fur, gold 34"wx21"Lx35"H, excellent M a y. 1 N e a r O a k v i l l e eyes, Brookfield/ Pomona, working condition, $99. P l a c e , G O , S h e r i d a n Burlington, Mar.4th. Re- 905-631-1286 College. 905-842-0254. ward. 905-639-0647 GAS FURNACE, six feet LOST LAKESHORE Down- tall, $100. 905-639-4691 town Oakville. Dominican blue stone silver bracelet. C E D A R L I N E D h o p e $ 1 0 0 . Sentimental Value. c h e s t , 905-580-1811 BURLINGTON, OFF Walk- 905-844-0659 REWARD. ers. Furnished room w/kitchen facilities, park- SMALL BLACK cat found L A U N D RY T U B , pump, ing, suit mature non-smok- at Mainway and Walkers motor, 24" copper 1 1/2" er. Quiet home. Immediate. l i n e . W e c a l l P u p p y. pipe brass - check valve. $80.00. 905-842-0029. 905-333-3540. Please call 905-637-7325. FITNESS DEPOT is looking for a full-time, motivated sales associate for a fun, high paced, and rewarding atmosphere. Interested candidates please forward resume to Chris at chriscam@fitnessdepot.ca or fax 905-815-9670 CAMLAN GENERAL Contracting. Licensed, Insured, Basement's, Kitchen's Bathroom's, Painting, Floors, Deck's, Patio's, Free Estimates. 416-879-Work(9675) 2001 NISSAN Sentra GXE 4-door, auto., fully loaded, leather, touring HOT TUB (Spa) Covers package, 78K., lady-driven, best price, Best quality. All i m m a c u l a t e , $ 7 , 5 0 0 . shapes & colours. Call 905-847-6995. 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca 2001 TOYOTA Corolla, 4 c y l i n d e r, n a v y b l u e , K I T C H E N C A B I N E T S - 119,000kms, excellent 50% discount, designer c o n d i t i o n . $7,800. showcase, customized, up- 905-847-6895. grades, all finishes, decorative wood hoods, islands, 2003 BUICK Century 6 counters included. More cyl., 4-door, air, 38,000 savings/granite. kms., excellent condition, W a l l & b a r u n i t s . $8,500. Owned by me905-930-9618. chanic Call 905-637-9318. DREAMWORKS CONTRACTING Complete Home Renovations Kitchen, L O O K I N G F O R a n e w Bathrooms, Basements. Challenge? Investors Group C a l l Fernando@ Financial Services Inc. of- 647-678-9007 *Free Estifers competitive compen- mates *Quality Workmans a t i o n , b e n e f i t s , a n d ship *20 Years Experience complete training to become a Financial Consul- HOME RENOVATIONS t a n t . S e n d re s u m e t o : How would you like a qualilaurie.leeming fied Home Builder of 10 @investorsgroup.com years for your home renovations? Call Mike SALES PROFESSIONAL 905-638-5080. Tired of promises of huge income only to be disappointed? We are looking for HOMEWORKS BY Design. 3 motivated sales profes- Reno Specialists. Roofssionals (closers). Base Basements & everything in P l u s C o m m i s s i o n . between! Lic. Insured. Registered. We'd love your 905-901-3196 business. We know you'll jobs@lightyearmedia.com love ours. 289-208-0027. SALES/ SUPERVISOR Position for Retail Home WESLEY RENO'S. A-Z. Decor Store. Customer Kitchens, bathrooms, baseS e r v i c e e x p e r i e n c e re - ments, additions, flooring, quired, possible advance- plumbing, electrical, decks, ment. Send resume to: & m o r e . S t e v e , margaret@marchfield.com 416-505-3002

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