Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 22 May 2009, p. 50

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OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, May 22, 2009 · 50 ALDERSHOT EXECUTIVE Large 2Bdr 2 Bath AC appliances insuite laundry storage area parking for 2 terrace July 1 $1500. 905-945-3124 BRONTE/ LAKESHORE Renovated 1-bedroom, 6 new appliances, 24 hour security, ensuite laundry. 905-827-2110. BURLINGTON 1-BEDROOM +den condo. 4 app l i a n c e s A / C , b a l c o n y, storage and parking. $950/mo +utilities June15th Call after 5pm 905-335-1086 B U R L I N G T O N P E N THOUSE- Few blocks from Lake. Spacious 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 6 appliances, parking, locker. Luxury building, loads of amenities, 24 hour security. Flex possession. $1695/mo. or offer all inclusive, no pets preferred. Call Anne Cecil (Broker) 905-975-0526. CUTE DETACHED house, Central Oakville, 3 bedrooms, hardwood, updated k i t c h e n & b a t h , l a rg e fenced yard, $1375/mo. Immediate. 905-845-0660. E A S T W AT E R D O W N , large modern executive 4bedroom 2 storey semi, A/C, familyroom, 2 car, $1453/mo plus utilities. Immediate. Bill 905-632-6260 GLEN ABBEY executive 5bedrooms, 3-baths, close to schools and rec. center, shopping. $3100/mo + utilities 905-510-7144 GLEN ABBEY, Spotless: owner occupied, 3 bedroom, 2.1/2 baths, garage, available June- July. 1 year or longer preferred. $1,750/mo. Call 905-469-8923 CumberlandVillage 3-bdrm Townhome from $1075/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking OAKVILLE, THIRD Line/ Lakeshore area. Furnished room, cable, utilities, laundry, non-smoker, no parking, working male preferred. $390/mo. First/last. 905-825-0789. ROOMS FOR rent. Near Oakville Place, Sheridan College and bus stop. Laundry, kitchen, parking. From $430/mo. Available immediately. Nancy 905467-1638. EXPERIENCED LOVING Mom w/ECE training has spaces available in her home daycare Belvenia/ L o n g m o o r, B u r l i n g t o n . 905-681-7028. GLEN ABBEY Grandma & Mum team. 12 years experience. Nutritious meals, snacks, ABC's and 123's. Storytime. Crafts and outdoor activities. Receipts given. Please call 905-825-1811 HOME DAYCARE provided Brant/ Upper Middle area over 35 years experience. If interested please call 905-635-9547 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M $ FRO OAKVILLE Executive/ furnished rental. Bungalows on Coronation Park, steps to lake. $1100/ $2200/ $2900/mo. ImmeF U R N I S H E D C O N D O diate. 905-469-8373. Downtown Burlington: 2bedrooms plus den in core O A K V I L L E P L A C E - 4 location. Includes 2-parking bedrooms, 2 baths, den & a n d 1 - l o c k e r . F u l l y playroom, 4 appliances, equipped including 3-large fenced yard. $1445/mo. screen TV's plus plus plus. 905-847-0841. 1000sq.ft. terrace with OAKVILLE, RIVER Oaks. BBQ. Available immediate- Rent or Buy. Executive 4ly. $2500/mo. inclusive. bedroom, 2.5 baths, separ905-333-4347 for info on ate diningroom, double gart h i s a n d o t h e r re n t a l s : age, c/air, near transit, www.daviescondos.ca $1850/mo. 905-702-2240 MILTON NEW 1-bdrm plus den, vaulted ceilings, top floor, 5 new appl., underground parking, gym. Maple Ave. $1150/mo. plus utilities. Available June. 905-630-1644. P I N E D A L E E S TAT E S ~ Luxury gated 2-bedroom, 2 bath, solarium, balcony, 5 appliances, Ravine View, ind o o r p o o l , re c c e n t re . $1395/mo. plus utilities. June 1. 905-634-4070 Q E W / N . T R A FA L G A R upper level, all hardwood, newly renovated, fenced yard, laundry, immediate. $1250/mo plus. 905-467-8302 TOTALLY RENOVATED 3bedrooms, 2-baths. Burlington Home fully finished all 3 levels. Big backyard w/shed. New everything. $1450/mo. plus utilities. Phone Peter Maj, 905-638-0483. W AT E R D O W N - 3 - B E D ROOM detached backsplit, private yard, garage, 1.5 bath, 5 appliances, near school/ amenities. $1325/mo +utilities. July.1. 905-319-8984 W AT E R D O W N , B R A N D new 3-bdrm home, 5-appl. $1600/mth, +heat/ hydro. No pets preferred, Immediate. call Val 905-878-2068. S. BURLINGTON Large Detached Home Big, big brick, 2 storey, fireplace, central air, 2.5 baths, 4 bedrooms. 2 car garage. Freshly painted, new carpeting. $1795/mo. $1425/MO. BEAUTIFUL updated 3-bedroom end unit, North Burlington, fin$1450/MONTH TO own ished basement, appliancyour own home with noth- es, designer decor, near all ing down. Call Napoleon a m e n i t i e s . J u n e 1 . N o Wilson, Sales Rep, Sutton smokers! Don 905-339Group Results Realty Inc., 7744. Brokerage.for details 9 0 5 - 3 3 2 - 4 1 1 1 o r v i s i t 2-BEDROOM TOWN- , off Appleby, South of QEW. www.stoprentinghalton.com $1200/mo. +utilities. Hardwood flooring, stainless 2-BEDROOM NEAR Alder- s t e e l a p p l i a n c e s . shot GO. Suits profes- 905-745-8853 sional/couple, C/air, lawn maintenance included. Non- 3 - B E D R O O M T O W N smoking. $1275/mo. plus HOUSE for rent. Oakville/ utilities. 905-632-0697. 3rd Line, Dundas. June1st $1350/mo + utilities non3-BEDROOM +DEN bun- smoker/ no pets preferred g a l o w, 1 . 5 b a t h , r e - 4 1 6 - 5 2 8 - 7 6 4 5 , c r o o m , $ 1 1 9 5 / m o ; 905-825-8775 Large ranch double gara g e , f i r e p l a c e c / a AMAZING RENT to own, $1450/mo; Downtown large open concept, 3Burlington, Bungalow, 2- bdrm, 4-bathrooms, hardbed, 2-bath, recroom wood floors, finished bsmt $1065/mo; Waterdown with walk-out to yard. All area, 2-storey 3-bed- credit okay, 24hr mesroom, double garage, sage. 1-800-626-4153. $ 1 2 2 0 / m o ; BURLINGTON: HOME 905-632-5690 Alber t Depot, 2-storey 3-bedMcDonagh Ltd. RealEsroom, 1.5 bath, garage, tate Brokerage. $1085/mo. 4-bedroom, 1.5 bath, recroom, garB U R L I N G T O N - 3 - B E D - age, $1120/mo; Palmer ROOMS plus den, 2 baths, Dr, 3-bedroom 1.5 bath, p o o l , d o u b l e g a r a g e , recroom, garage, pool non-smoking. $1300/mo. $1140/mo; Near Burp l u s u t i l i t i e s . S t e p h e n loak, 2-storey, 3-bed289-259-1815. room, 1.5 bath, recroom garage, BURLINGTON EAST 4- $ 1 1 4 0 / m o ; bedroom, 2 storey, 2 cars, 905-632-5690 Alber t air gas, Available June 16th McDonagh Ltd. Real Es$ 1 4 9 9 / m o + u t i l i t i e s tate Brokerage. 905-632-6260 BURLINGTON ALTON Vil- 905-520-5543 8TH LINE/ Dundas~ Room for rent, shared facilities, laundry, parking, in- LOVING MOTHER of two ternet utilities included. has full-time space. Indoor/ outdoor activities, great $460/mo 416-949-6086 play area, healthy meals! BURLINGTON PROFES- G l e n A b b e y, O a k v i l l e . S I O N A L f e m a l e s e e k s 905-847-4683. same, to share 2-bdrm 2bath luxury furnished con- S PA C E S A V A I L A B L E . do, all inclusive. $550. Full-time daycare. Great A v a i l a b l e J u n e . 1 . play area. Activities, nutritious lunches. Many years 905-333-6845. experience. River Oaks. CALL TODAY! F U R N I S H E D R O O M S Call "Dee" 905-849-6258. available, share common area, student or working S U M M E R D A Y C A R E person. Female preferred, available. Mom of 2, fluent OAKVILLE, GLEN Abbey, Upper Middle/ Walkers. i n A m e r i c a n S i g n L a n Family Friendly Upper Middle/ Third Line, $ 5 0 0 / m o . n e g o t i a b l e guage. FT or PT. Call Kim 905-319-2201. 3-bedroom furnished town- 905-635-4050 Community in house, 2 parking spaces. LARGE ESTATE Home in Great location near schools Burlington mature residential and Go train $1550/mo Waterdown. Large property, lots of options. Private area within walking 905-808-0689 room and ensuite. Close to distance to malls, OAKVILLE, NEW Mattamy all amenities. Professional OAKVILLE FAMILY in Glen 5-min. to QEW, 403 townhouse, Upper Glen Person/ Female preferred. Abbey seeks after school childcare/ housekeeper for 2-bedroom, & 4 0 7 2 & 3 b d r m Abbey, appliances, 2 2.5 Non-smoker. Price nego- children ages 7 and 9. bath, 6 bal- tiable. Daycare opportunity t o w n h o m e s f r o m c o n y ' s , C / A , C / V available. Available imme- Mon-Fri 3pm-6pm. Starting $1135 $ 1 3 5 0 / m o i n c l u s i v e . diately. Call 905-599-5221 Sept. 5th. Childcare exp. preferred, car required. for details. June.1. 416-451-0433 1420 Tyandaga Pk 905-847-8495. Dr. Unit 1C ROOMS FOR rent, 6th ROSELAND GREEN Town905-335-3001 home $1500/mo. Beauti- line & Upper Middle Road. f u l l y m a i n t a i n e d & Oakville Place area, Kingswww.caprent.com upgraded executive rental. way/ Ford Dr. furnished & 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. unfurnished rooms for rent, C/A. Avail. immediately. Mi- $525. 1st/last req. ImmeROUNDTREE chael O'Sullivan, Sales Rep. diate. 416-779-4899 MANOR Royal LePage Burloak T W O F U R N I S H E D bedTOWNHOMES 905-634-7755 rooms, fragrance/ smoke Across from free, parking, internet, P I A N O S U M M E R F u n S.E. BURLINGTON, 3-bedcable, phone, share fa- Camp for beginners, all Burlington Mall room, 1.5 bath, garage, preferred, 3 Bdrms $1050/mo near GO, fenced yard, cilities, femaleGO, $500/ ages 6+. Highly qualified near Appleby experienced instruction, 4 Bdrms $1165/mo patio walk-out, $1150/mo $550. 905-631-9896. small groups of 6 (maxi+utilities. July.1. 795 Dynes Road mum). Free parent partici905-827-3582 pation. Free materials. Tel: 905-639-1748 Register now for July/ AuSEMI-DETACHED OFF of BEST Rental Value gust. Shireen Moos Burloak. Available June 7, IN BURLINGTON! 905-639-1803 3 b e d r o o m s , f i n i s h e d W A T E R F R O N T L A K E summerpiano6@bell.net Amelin Property b a s e m e n t , f i r e p l a c e , Consecon, beautiful 3-bdrm Management b a c k y a r d , $ 1 6 5 0 / m o cottage. Great fishing, 905-407-0668. swimming, beaches, boat BURLINGTON (DUNDAS/ & motor available 1.5 hrs Walkers) New Executive up- SOUTH WEST Burlington~ east of TO. $1000/week, scale end-unit, wrap around Spacious 2-bedroom town- n o s m o k i n g . SENIOR HOMECARE By porch, 2-bedroom +den, homes w/garage, applianc- 9 0 5 - 8 2 4 - 4 1 3 3 o r Angels. Experienced Care2.5 bath, Master w/en- e s . F i n i s h e d b a s e m e n t 416-414-2739. givers will provide up to suite, walk-in, 5 appliances, Walking distance to all 2 4 h o u r I n - h o m e c a re . A/C, non-smoking, no pets amenities. Including GO. 905-634-2400. preferred $1500/mo $1300/mo + utilities +utilities. 416-522-1464 Available June 1st, 905-693-8525 ext.224 FOUND: BEIGE and brown BURLINGTON- LARGE 3 cat Guelph Line and New bedrooms, available immeSt. We call Hailey. Please diate through September call 905-637-7325. 1. Also large 2 bedroom, July 1/ September 1. 1 - L A R G E B E D R O O M , FOUND: HAPPY Birthday Appliances, hardwood f l o o r s , q u i e t p a r k l i k e Washroom, Closet. Nice, Garrett, call evenings to setting. 905-681-0070. Clean, Close to Bus, GO, describe the present that QEW / Burloak. Full use of you lost. 905-681-7779. www.rentaltownhouses.ca house, laundry, internet, c a b l e , p a r k i n g . D a v e FOUND: SHORT-HAIRED B U R L I N G T O N 905-802-9222. orange male cat with RENT2OWN end unit, bands on tail, unneutered, 6202 WALKERS LINE, BURLINGTON 1650s.f., like new, 3 bed- B U R L I N G T O N W AT E R - in Headon Forest area. Call 905-335-2515 rooms, ensuite, near GO/ F R O N T. S p o t l e s s f u r - 905-319-8707. QEW/ T.O., all appliances, nished room. Hardwood, A/C, new carpet & hard- cable included. Bus Stop. wood,1-888-522-6691 Suit professional female. 24hr msg $500/mo. 905-399-2410. 1050/month 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway 905-639-9212 2000 CHRYSLER IntrepidV6, auto, power locks, windows, A/C, certified and e-tested. AM/ FM/ CD, new tires, brakes, low 93,976km. $3000. MOVING SALE: livingroom Call 905-582-9965. APPLIANCES- SCRATCH and diningroom furniture, N Dent and quality used French country chester- 2 0 0 1 D O D G E N e o n Fridges, Stoves, Washers, fields, 2 Bergere chairs, 129,000Km, silver, well Dryers. Full/ apar tment glass top dining room table maintained. $2,500 s i z e , 1 y e a r w a r r a n t y 4 / c h a i r s , c a b i n e t s . 905-616-3624 parts & labour. Delivery 905-631-6099 available. 905-458-8808. 2004 FORD Focus SE, NEXUS WALKER, brand l i k e n e w , g r e e n , new, complete with large 27,000kms, 4 door, auto, basket, brakes. $160.obo. A / C , p o w e r w i n d o w s , 905-332-5162 locks, cruise. $7900. CANOE MANUFACTUR905-339-0053. ER Fiberglass and Kevlar R E E B O X ' S S T E P - U P / 46lbs Up to 50% off! Just Stackable exercise step- 2 0 0 4 N I S S A N S e n t r a past Burlington Lift Bridge. per, paid $130, asking 4DR. 1.8L, fully loaded, $59. Solid stationary exer905-545-4745 cise bike, paid $325 ask- beige, power window, p. mirror, p. locks, A/C, very CARPET 100's of styles i n g $ 8 5 . We i g h t l i f t i n g c l e a n c a r, 9 2 , 0 0 0 k m s . ready for same week instal- multi-position work-out ex- Asking price $7900. Certilation. Let me give you free ercise bench with acces- fied, e-tested. Call Jimmy measurement/ estimate. sories, $135, obo for all. 416-737-4490, Deals on L a m i n a t e / H a r d w o o d 905-842-7447. Wheels Auto, 1155 Speers available. 905-510-0589 STOVE AND Fridge, $250. Rd. Eric. Shoppers Walker, $75. All 2005 COROLLA CE, 4DR, CARPET I have several in excellent condition. Call auto, loaded, red, 1,000 yards of new Stain 905-632-2163. 86,000kms, asking Master & 100% nylon car$9,700. very clean car, pet. Will do livingroom & S U N B E A M W R O U G H T iron patio set~ glass top, cer tified, e-tested, call hall for $389. Includes carAzam 416-833-5155, pet, pad & installation (30 oval table, 4 arm chairs, Deals on Wheels Auto, y a r d s ) S t e v e , matching glider, umbrella, stand, highback seat cush- 1155 Speers Rd. 905-633-8192 ions $350 905-639-5473 2005 HONDA Element, CONTENTS: OAK Dinnette sets (2) 9pc; Queen SUPER SPRING Sale! Cus- auto, 4 cylinder, grey, autom upholstering. Dining- to, fully loaded, power winsize bedroom set; Couch; Leather couch, coffee ta- room seats from $19.95 dows, p. mirrors, p. locks, bles, exercise bike, fridge, Accent chairs from $195 A/C. Only 65,000kms. s t o v e , m o r e . L o v e s e a t s f r o m $ 5 9 5 Asking $13,900. Call JimGreat savings on many my, 416-737-4490. Deals 905-815-0717 decorator fabrics. Seniors o n W h e e l s A u t o , 1 1 5 5 discount. Field's 9am-8pm Speers Rd. D I N I N G R O O M S U I T E 905-632-9090 w/welsh dresser; oriental 2005 LEXUS ES 330, carpet; crystal chandalier, premium package, no NAV. brass tables. All excellent 89,000kms, black with condition, B/O t a n i n t e r i o r, $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 . 905-873-7789(days) 905-633-8327. ***A BEST Ca$h$ PaidD I N I N G R O O M TA B L E Coins, Jewellery, Gold, Sil96"Lx40"W, 6 highback v e r, D i a m o n d s , C h i n a , 2 0 0 7 T O Y O TA Ya r i s , chairs, solid wood, tapes- Crystal, Silver, Figurines, 4DR, auto, fully loaded, try seats, wood hutch & Royal Doulton, Swarovski, black, A/C, power winb u f f e t . $ 4 0 0 / a l l All antique furnishings, Art, dows, locks, mirrors, re905-829-3959 Collectibles, etc. Estate m o t e e n t r y, 1 . 6 L , o n l y Asking Specialists, Top Cash. Call 3 7 , 0 0 0 k m s . $11,500. Call Jimmy FITNESS GYM HoistV3, John/ Patti 905-331-2477 416-737-4490. Deals on never used, $900. Leather www.tjtraders.com Wheels Auto. 1155 sofa &love seat, sage colour (must see!), 3yrs. old, ***AAATTENTION BUY- Speers Rd. p a i d $ 4 2 0 0 , a s k i n g ING fur coats, jewelery, $2200. 905-332-6684 gold and silver coins. Coin 95 SATURN one owner Collections, sterling silver. less than 195K As is make HOT TUB/ Spa- Brand M o o r c r o f t p o t t e r y a n o f f e r phone new 2008 model w/all 905-633-7531 905-637-0856 options, and cover. Still i n w r a p p e r . C o s t WANTED~ ALL appliances M E R C E D E S C 2 3 0 Ele$ 8 9 9 5 . , S a c r i f i c e must be reasonable call gance Kompressor- In ser$ 4 7 5 0 . C a l l anytime 905-525-9904 vice date September 905-971-1777 2000. Silver on black. This WE BUY Antiques and Col- car has been lovingly mainHOT TUB (Spa) Covers lectables. Single or com- tained by the original owner best price, Best quality. All plete collections, furniture, a n d O a k v i l l e M e rc e d e s shapes & colours. Call c h i n a , e t c . C a l l K a re n Benz. All service records 1 - 8 6 6 - 5 8 5 - 0 0 5 6 905-467-9120 Your call available. $8500 obo. Call www.thecoverguy.ca will be kept confidential. 905-331-2441. WE BUY appliances if you are moving, upgrading or renovating. We pick-up. Call Antony at 905-339-8017 C A S H PA I D f o r S c r a p Cars and Trucks. Same D a y P i c k U p . 905-693-5355 SHELTIE PUPPIES! CKC breeder. Health guarantees, 1st shots, dewormed. Great temperaments. Raised around other animals and kids. 2 boys left! $800 For more info, call 905-659-6527. SPRING PUPPIES 2 month old Cross BijonFrise/ Shi Tzu puppies, black/ white, male/ female, $425. 905-631-0297. APPLIANCES FOR Sale: Washer, dryer, stove, also apartment size dryer and full size gas dryer. Excellent condition, will separate. 289-337-1328 LANDSCAPE MULCH and wood chips, $18/yard. Delivery available. Call Millg ro v e W o o d P ro d u c t s , 905-659-9666. C A S H PA I D - $ 5 0 - 5 0 0 (mention this ad for additional $10) for any complete car or truck driven in (comparable prices for cars picked up) Scrap Cars & Tr u c k s w a n t e d . F r e e pick-up. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW) 905-827-8015, 1-877-655-0755 1999 GMC Safari Van, 4.3 litre V6, 4 speed automatic, excellent condition. 158,000kms, ABS, cruise control, power mirrors, brakes, steering, windows & locks. Tow package, A/C, AM/FM/CD player, well maintained & e-tested etc. $3395. or best offer. 905-336-5315. TRIUMPH TR7. 1980 convertible 5 speed, British racing green, low mileage, very little to safety, appraised at $6k, asking $5k. Call Tim 905-4837611. 2002 HONDA 1800 VTX mint condition, $9500 or will trade for car of equal value. Call 905-483-6027. CLEAN DRIVING Record? Grey Power could save you up to $400 on your car ins u r a n c e . C a l l 1-866-473-9817 for no-obligation quote. Open weekends For classified ads. If you can't afford to be tied up on the phone, save time. Use the Burlington Post, Oakville Beaver and Milton Champion News fax line. Indicate ad size, classification and the days and newspapers you would like it to run in. We will take it from there! If you have any questions about faxing your ads, call us at 632-4440 today! FAST service, FAX your 632-8165 FAX: Classifieds WORK CORNER TOWNHOUSE, Bronte/ Dundas, renting 2-bedrooms and private bathroom, all utilities, cable and satellite incl. Garage parking avail. Washer/ Dryer/ Dishwasher. $600. Email: glenn_ryan03@hotGEORGIAN Court Estates, mail.com King/ Plains Road, B u r l i n g t o n . I m m a c u l a t e FURNISHED QUEEN size l a rg e 2 & 3 b e d r o o m master bedroom in large t o w n h o u s e s , f u l l b a s e - home w/inground pool, ments. Utilities included. Trafalgar/ Upper Middle, C a l l 1 - 8 8 8 - 3 7 2 - 1 9 8 4 . Oakville. Responsible individual need only apply. www.realstar.ca $550/mo. 905-338-6444. BURLINGTON SOUTH (Appleby/ Fairview) newer 3-bedrooms, 3 baths, master ensuite, gas fireplace, near GO, Immediate. $1350/mo. Non-smoker/ No pets preferred. 905-845-4326 R O YA L C A N A D I A N Legion Br.60, 2009 Convention Draw (Lic. #M605436) winner for the Plasma TV: Ticket #0390. live in/out 270 nannies/ LIVE-IN FULL-TIME evenings, long term Nanny needed for 11 year old. Experienced and references required, non-smoker. Please fax resume: 905-385-3040, attn. Maria. MS IU RAN GE , nal c Zo Exoti & Ivy www.hutchinsonfarm.ca Are you unemployed? job training? EARN A DIPLOMA · Office Administration · Accounting/Payroll Practitioner · Medical Office Assistant · Dental Reception · Supply Chain & Inventory Mgt. · POLICE FOUNDATIONS · Second Career Strategy · Placement Assistance · Financial Aid may be available ies iet ses r Va ou 73 eenh r 9G Do you need BURLINGTON, NELSON H i g h a re a . 4 p l u s b e d rooms, 1.5 baths, ground floor familyroom, finished basement, double garage. Prefer non-smokers. $1650/mo. plus utilities. 905-332-3356. M I L L C R O F T- 3 - B E D ROOMS, 2.5 bathrooms, California shutters, double garage, 7 appliances, deck, private yard. lage- Brand new, 2 bed- $1700/mo. 905-632-4166 r o o m s , 2 . 5 b a t h s , or 905-315-1728. 1400sq.ft. 5 appliances, A/C, single car garage. NEW/ APPLEBY 3-bed1350/mo. plus utilities. 1 room, 2baths, A/C, finmonth free to qualified. i s h e d r e c r o o m , O p e n Non-smokers. 905-332- H o u s e o n M a y 2 3 rd A M 0479 or 905-842-4452. $ 1 2 5 0 / m o J u l y 1 s t Available Immediately. 905-333-2710 NANNY, LIVE-IN, Oakville, Full-time, for 2 school aged OAKVILLE NORTH. Spa- girls, light housekeeping. cious room, separate en- 905-827-7744 trance, share kitchen/ bath, includes cable/ internet, phone. Prefer no pets/ non-smoking. $425/mo. 905-616-3298. DAYCARE AVAILABLE for OAKVILLE- (QEW/ 3rd before and after school Only 3 spots Line). Room available, suit c a r e . working person/ student, available, in centre, Oak$650/mo, Parking. Imme- ville. 905-849-3811 (leave d i a t e . 9 0 5 - 4 6 5 - 1 5 9 4 ; message). Will transport to all local schools. 905-580-4784. I.H. CADET 149 lawntractor $125; Large antique soaker tub $1800; Moffat 1972 CHEVELLE, red, **A1 MATTRESS Facto- fridge $40. 905-337-2072 great condition, $9500. ry direct, delivery Call Paul 416-999-7462. available. All sizes inc l u d i n g c u s t o m S p l i t JVC 26" colour TV. Excel- 1989 TOYOTA Corolla, 4 boxsprings, Orthopedic l e n t c o n d i t i o n . O n l y door, auto, $1000 obo. 2 0 y r s e t s s t a r t i n g $95 905-639-6710 Call Paul 905-637-3535. $240. 30yr tight-top sets starting $340. De- K I T C H E N C A B I N E T S - 1997 CHEV Monte Carlo luxe no-flip Pillowtop 50% discount, designer Excellent. Condition Origi&'Crown' series, Euro- showcase, customized, up- nal Owner. Olive Green. t o p s e t s f ro m $ 3 9 0 . grades, all finishes, decora- Asking $2500. or best ofNew Waterbeds, Futons, tive wood hoods, islands, f e r . M u s t b e s e e n . End-of-line/ discontin- counters included. More 1 4 1 , 0 0 0 k m s . u e d i t e m s a v a i l a b l e . savings/granite. 905-332-1252, photos 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; W a l l & b a r u n i t s . available 905-681-9496 caberiault@yahoo.com 905-930-9618. 1960 LINCOLN Mark V, Vintage 4 door, solid, original family ownership, all original parts, 96,000 original miles, needs some T L C , $ 5 5 0 0 . 905-337-2072 460 Brant Street, Burlington www.hbicollege.com 905-637-3415

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