19 · OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, September 18, 2009 If you'd like to adver tise your place of worship in this feature please call JAMESIN ROSSBOROUGH 905-845-3824 ex t.278 BAPTIST UNITED PRESBYTERIAN ANGLICAN U n i t e d C h u r c h Rooted in Faith, Growing our Future KNOX PRESBYTERIAN children SIXTEEN (Dundas Rd. W. & Lions Valley Park Rd.) 905-257-2770 Rev. G. Walter Read 0 The Little hurch With The Big Welcome September 20th, 2009 www.chartwellchurch.org g 905-844-2801 Sunday Worship Gatherings 228 Chartwell -8:45 WELL -11:00 a.m. L 228 Chartwell Road Chartwell @ King's King's Christian Collegiate 528 Burnhamthorpe Road West 10:00 a.m. Nursery, children and youth programs through high school TWO SERVICES 9:00 am and 10:30am Children's LIGHT Connection at 10:30am Sermon: "The Secret of the Wise" Preaching is our Senior Minister: The Rev. Dr. Morar Murray-Hayes Minister of Christian Education and Pastoral Care: The Rev. Amy Persons Parkes Associate Minister: The Rev. Dr. K. James Campbell Music Director: Katie Kirkup Notice of MGUC Annual General Meeting Sunday, Oct. 4/09 at 9:30am in the Sanctuary. ONE SERVICE ONLY SUNDAY AT 10:30AM connecting here Young people are warmly welcomed at Knox Presbyterian Church, in the heart of Old Oakville. Services at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. this Sunday . . . . . . . . 10am Sunday, September 20th Shepparding Psalm Series: Chartwell @ Kerr 484 Kerr Street 10:30 a.m. Chartwell Baptist Church 1880 Lakeshore Rd. West, Mississauga "Anointed and Healed" w w w . k n o x 16 . c o m Lakeshore & Dunn 905.844.3472 KnoxOakville.com ALL ARE WELCOME Free childcare plus programs for children & youth . . . Sun. 8:00am, 9:30am & 11:00am 346 Maple Grove Drive (south of Devon) 905-845-5721 www.maplegroveunitedchurch.org 454 Rebecca St. (beside YMCA) 905-845-3427 ...8:30am visit our website at www.sthildaoakville.ca September 20th, 2009 1415 Trafalgar Road (across from Sheridan College) www.oakvilleanglicans.ca PENTECOSTAL BIBLE CHAPEL HAPEL NTECOSTAL (905) 842-0938 Sunday, Sept. 20th, 2009 10:30 am It's Time To Seek God For Revival Pastor Toews Speaking A Warm Welcome Awaits You at St. Paul's United Church GOD'S V.I.P. Worship Service at 10:15am Nursery Care Provided www.stpaulsoakville.com p email: spunited@bellnet.ca p OAKVILLE POSTOLIC CENTER 6:30 pm Church Bible Study Doctrine of Salvation How Are We Saved with Pastor Derik Fuller www.faithbaptist-oakville.com 2489 Lakeshore Rd. W. 905-827-1643 Corner of Bronte & Lakeshore Rd. W. WALTON UNITED Return to Two Services 9:30am Family Service Sunday Bible Teaching & Worship y Service, 12:30-2:30pm (NORTH RIDGE ROOM) www.waltonmemorial.com UNITED Walton Welcomes You Sunday, September 20th Sunday School and Nursery Care IROQUOIS RIDGE COMMUNITY CENTRE Glenashton & Eighth Line GLEN ABBEY UNITED Sunday Service 9:30am Minister: Reverend Jeff Crittenden HOPEDALE PRESBYTERIAN 156 Third Line, Oakville 905-827-3851 churchoffice@hopedalechurch.ca The Reverend Sean J. Foster-English Ministry The Reverend Wan Tae Oh-Korean Ministry COMMUNITY CHURCH Thursday Bible Teaching 7:00-8:00pm y Call for location 416-623-5003 416-995-6325 fax: 1-866-281-5983 10:30am Usher Information Session 11:00am Traditional Service Outreach Spaghetti Dinner Tues, Sept. 22 5-7pm Checkout Walton's Display Bronte Harvest Festival Sat., Sept. 26 Walton Wellness Walk Sunday, Sept. 27 at 10:30am CHECK OUT: WWW.WALTONMEMORIAL.COM real people. living life. seeking truth. JESUS IS LORD BIBLE CHAPEL Sunday, September 20th y, p Guest Preacher: Neil Ellis "The Lord's Prayer: Prayer in Action" Our vision is to be a centre of biblical excellence in Oakville, teaching, guiding and supporting each other to be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ Please join us after worship for friendly conversation, tea, coffee or a cold beverage. 1469 Nottinghill Gate (905) 825-5292 glenabbeyunitedchurch.com g y 10:30am Korean Worship Service 10:30am church without walls 10:00 am: Coffee & Tea 10:30 am: Sunday Service Nursery, children's and youth programs 2250 Eighth Line Oakville 905 849-0567 www.oakridgebiblechapel.org office@oakridgebiblechapel.org forestview church.ca Nursery & Church School www.hopedalechurch.ca Inviting All To Be Alive In Christ Praise and Worship Communion / Message g