OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, October 2, 2009 · 44 Townhouses for Rent Townhouses for Rent Townhouses for Rent BURLINGTON NORTH. Executive 2-bedroom townhouse condo. Gorgeous d e c o r. O p e n c o n c e p t . Ensuite. Attached garage with interior access. $1300/mo. plus utilities. A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. 905-332-7093. BURLINGTON- NORTH of Brant/ QEW. Beautifully landscaped 2 & 3 bedroom townhouse available November 1. Large, bright and clean unit. Families welcome, enjoy your own fenced in backyard. From $985/mo. plus utilities. Please call 905-319-9104. BURLINGTON- NORTH of Brant/ QEW. Don't Miss Out! Beautifully landscaped 1 b e d ro o m t o w n h o u s e a v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. Bright and clean unit. Enjoy your own fenced in backyard. $830/mo. plus utilities. Please call 905319-9769 or for an appointment. CAPRI CRES- Dundas/ Appleby (Burlington- Alton Village) new townhouse, ravine lot, 2-bdrm available f o r re n t a t $ 1 3 5 0 / m o . Convenient location, close to all amenities. For appointment please call: 905-825-1436. Townhouses for Rent SOUTH WEST Burlington~ Spacious 3-bedroom townhomes w/garage, appliances. Walking distance to all amenities, including GO. $1300/mo. plus utilities Available November 1. 905-693-8525 ext.224. Shared Accommodations OAKVILLE, RIVER Oaks, 2-bedrooms in house, fridge/ stove, washer/ dryer, A/C, fenced yard. 15min walk to Sheridan College. Suit student or professional person. A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. 647-501-3700. Nannies/ Live In/ Out QUALIFIED BRITISH Nannie with 23 years experience seeks live-out position. Please call 905-331-0493. Articles Wanted Articles for Sale FOR SALE- Free range organic beef. No drugs or pesticides. Grass feed only. Contains Omega-3. One side left. Call 905-659-3088. HOME OFFICE: Lateral file, 5-drawer, $200 (cost $700); L-shaped desk; ergonomic office chair; Samsung colour laser printer; Fax/TAD; elect. portable typewriter. 905-844-8095 HOT TUB/ Spa- Brand new 2009 model w/all options, and cover. Still i n w r a p p e r. C o s t $8995., Sacrifice $ 4 7 5 0 . C a l l 905-971-1777 HOT TUB (Spa) Covers best price, Best quality. All shapes & colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca KITCHEN CABINET doors. Complete face-lift for the older kitchen or bathroom. JF Restorations. Call 905-631-9151 KITCHEN CABINETS50% discount, designer showcase, custom woodworking, all finishes, decorative wood hoods, islands, counters included. More savings, granite, tiling, wall units, bars, vanities. 905-930-9618. LANDSCAPE MULCH and wood chips, $20/yard. Delivery available. Call Millg ro v e Wo o d P ro d u c t s , 905-659-9666. Articles for Sale SNOOKER TABLE (6' x 12") ebony inlaid, for sale. Completely refurbished, cloth, pockets and rails. Call 905-829- 5100. Motorcycles/ Offroad SCOOTER, ELECTRIC, mauve, new batteries, great summer transportation. $650. 905-634-5144 CumberlandVillage 3-bdrm Townhome from $1075/mo. Close to Burlington Mall, Schools & Transit ·4 appls.·Eat-in Kitchen·Basement·Parking Rooms for Rent and Wanted 3270 Prospect Street Burlington 905 632-2601 3 BRM TOWNHOMES ING START M O FR $895/month 2418 Glenwood School Drive Guelph Line and Queensway Call Today For Manager's Special BURLINGTON. LARGE room w/sitting area, priv a t e b a t h ro o m , ( f a m i l y home), microwave, fridge, Travel & Vacations parking. Cable, internet. $650/mo. Immediate. 905-802-8454 or 289-337-9867. FORT MYERS Beach, Florida, ocean front, 1-bedB U R L I N G T O N M A L L / room condo fully furnished Woodward. Quiet home, and full kitchen with dishprivate bath, includes TV, washer. Available October J u n e C a l l fridge, microwave, Private t o entrance. On bus route. 905-257-5876. Internet available. Vacant/ November 1. $450Accounting/ $475/mo. 905-632-1333. ***A BEST Ca$h$ PaidCoins, Jewellery, Gold, Silver, Diamonds, China, C r y s t a l , S i l v e r, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, All Antique furnishings, Art, Child Care Available Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Patti FULL TIME daycare in 905-331-2477 ROOM FOR rent in luxury River Oaks, educational www.tjtraders.com home, suitable for professional. Own bedroom/ programs, spacious play b a t h . L rg . d r i v e w a y. a r e a s , h o m e m a d e LICENSED COLLECTOR meals, snacks, TLC. will purchase German $975/mo. 289-260-7556. re f e re n c e s , re c e i p t s . 9 m m p i s t o l s . C a l l Dee 905-849-6258. 905-634-0995. BEFORE AND After School. The Crystal Childrens Home Daycare provides experienced B&A c a r e . Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n available. Third Line and Pine Glen area. CPR/ First Aid, smoke free environment. Please call Laura 905-901-0049. Articles for Sale **A1 MATTRESS Factory direct, delivery available. All sizes including custom Split boxsprings, Orthopedic 20yr sets starting $240. 30yr tight-top sets starting $340. Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop &'Crown' series, Eurot o p s e t s f ro m $ 3 9 0 . New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontinued items available. 905-847-2020; 905-681-9496 CALL 905-639-9212 TODAY! 2-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE for rent bright, clean and quiet building. Laundry, parking, fenced yard Oct.1st $1050/mo Call Janice 905-635-4022 AVAILABLE NOV/1, 2009. QEW/Guelph Line a re a . 4 - b e d ro o m t o w n house. 2 bathrooms. 5 appliances. Plenty of storage shelving. Shed in back y a rd . N o n - s m o k e r s / n o pets preferred. $1350/mo (includes water), utilities extra. First/Last, references r e q u i r e d . C a l l 905-315-9368 for viewing appointment, or more information FURNISHED QUEEN-SIZE r o o m , i n l a rg e h o m e . Clean, responsible individua l p re f e r re d . S h e r i d a n College/ Upper Middle Rd. 905-338-6444. QEW/GUELPH LINE 2 - s t o r e y 4 - b e d ro o m , garage. deck recroom $1135/mo; Appleby Mall 3-bedroom condo, garage, 1.5 bath, pool, $1150/mo; Burlington Home Depot 2-storey, 3bedroom, 1.5 bath, garage, $1085/mo; Appleb y / N e w 2 - s t o r e y, 2 bedroom condo, recroom, $1045/mo. 905-632-5690 Alber t McDonagh Ltd. Real Estate Brokerage. Shared Accommodations COMFORTABLE LIVING i n a m a t u re B u r l i n g t o n neighbourhood. Would suit non-smoking professional person. Parking, utilities, satellite, internet, no-pets. 905-635-1864. LARGE HOME, beautiful yard, utilities, washer and dryer included. $650/mo. Call 905-635- 9129. H A R D W O O D , FIREWOOD, Special, save $10. per cord while s u p p l i e s l a s t , 1 0 c o rd $750. 5 cord $425. delivMOVING SALE~ High-end ered. Mobile sandblasting Canadian made solid ash available. Ben Marissink contemporary furniture i.e. 519-425-1036. bedroom, dining room, wall unit. Glass end tables, a Computer/Internet large custom made futon, dinnerware, crystal 905-336-9511 WANTED: RELIABLE, M O V I N G S A L E : S i n g l e knowledgeable and patient bed with linens, 2 love- computer person to give seats, piano, oak dining ta- p r i v a t e l e s s o n s i n o u r ble & 6 chairs, exercise home. Can be student or bike, electric fireplace, otherwise. References recomputer desk, etc. Milton quired. Good pay. Please call 905-634-1947. 905-878-0474 N E W 1 0 0 % p u re I n d i a Pet Supplies/ wool rug, 9x12, never Boarding/Service used. Neutral taupe, s e r i o u s b u y e r s o n l y. $1500. 905-257-3657 BEAUTIFUL PUREBRED Golden Retriever pups. Vet leave message. checked, shot/dewormed. PAT I O H E AT E R , s o l i d Best family pet. Call for Apw o o d d i n i n g t a b l e a n d pointment 905-628-5280 6 chairs, Dandy freezer. Call 905-631-5229. Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Place your FREE ADS one of these three easy ways Visit BurlingtonPost.com OR Visit OakvilleBeaver.com Cars or just fill out this coupon 1. Mail to: Free Ads, 1-5040 Mainway, Burlington , ON L7L 7G5, or 2. Drop this coupon off at: The Burlington Post, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mon. to Fri. 3. Fax this coupon to: (905) 632-8165 NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE P R I C E D T O Sell- 2 fur coats, sized 12-14. 1 grey fur swing coat, 1 black fur wooly. Both as new. Sister retired back to Philippians, just out of storage. $3650 n e w, a s k i n g $ 8 5 0 f o r both. Hardly worn. Call 905-827-9412. 1993 CHRYSLER Dynasty. 88,500 kms. $1000. Good condition. Please call 905-639-1564. 2000 HONDA Civic Sedan- Excellent condition, 4 doors, original owner, automatic, A/C, power steering, power brakes, keyless entry, intermittent wipers 125,000km, snow tires, duel airbags, CD, AM/ FM radio, silver colour, $5500. Call 905-827-4855. *15 WORDS, 1 DAY( THURSDAY) ITEMS $100 & UNDER Private party only. Ads published at first available opportunity, publication dates not guaranteed. You can only run 1 item per ad and a max. of 3 ads per client, per week. You must be over 18 to place an ad. AD COPY $ PRICE NAME ADDRESS POSTAL CODE CITY HOME # this number must appear in ad. PLEASE PRINT. ADS WILL BE SORTED BY ITEM. PHONE NO. REEBOX'S STEP-UP/ Stackable exercise stepper, paid $130, asking $59. Solid stationary exercise bike, paid $325 aski n g $ 8 5 . S o l i d ro w i n g exercise machine, paid $385, asking $90. Weight lifting multi-position workout exercise bench with 2 0 0 2 TA U R U S Wa g o n accessories, $135, obo SEL, loaded, 120,000Km, super condition, 1 owner for all. 905-842-4302. since new. Cer tified ROUND KITCHEN table, $ 6 5 0 0 o b o , C a l l D a v e 4 - c h a i r s , n a t u r a l l i g h t 905-689-4678 w o o d . $ 2 0 0 . 905-845-2997. 2005 MUSTANG, 2 door convertible, deluxe V6, AuSCOOTER, ELECTRIC, to, loaded, balance warranm a u v e , n e w b a t t e r i e s , ty. 92,000km. Power roof, great summer transporta- Excellent condition, grey, tion. $650. 905-634-5144 certified. $14,995. SHREDDER/ CHIPPER- 905-827-6343 Tecumseh 4 cycle engine, c h i p s u p t o 2 i n c h e s , 2005 TOYOTA Corolla, Excellent condition, Silver, $500. Call 905-827-3011. A/C, AM/FM/CD, power SOLID OAK 10 seater har- w i n d o w s , p o w e r l o c k s , vest table includes leaves p o w e r m i r r o r s , 1 3 5 , and 10 chairs. $800 OBO 000km, $8,500. 905-825905-616-7910 9289 Say You Saw the ad in the Oakville Beaver. Classifieds Get Results! 3 BEDROOMS, Southeast B u r l i n g t o n , F o re s t w o o d Crescent, near GO. Partially finished basement, 1.5 bathrooms, C/A, 4-appliances, fireplace, attached garage. Non-smoking, $1350/mo. plus utilities. N o v e m b e r 1 . P e t e BRAND NEW, 3-bedroom, 2.5 bath, brick townhouse, 905-339-9324. hardwood, stainless steel appliances, granite. 3-BEDROOM MAISON- 3 r d L i n e / D u n d a s . ETTE near QEW/ Guelph $1860/mo. plus utilities. Line. Appliances included. Call 905-827-8682. $1200/mo plus hydro Available Nov1st BURLINGTON, DUN905-825-0294 CASTER- Executive 1400 sq.ft. c/air, gas fireplace, 3 - B E D R O O M S , 1 . 5 - 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, BATHS, 4 appliances, g a r a g e . $ 1 5 5 0 / m o . carpet (upstairs), hard- Includes cable/ appliances. wood (ground-level). Full Prefer no pets/ non-smokbasement and attached ers. Immediate. 905-335garage/ driveway. Small 6172. well maintained complex, Tyandaga area. BURLINGTON- LARGE 3 Call 905-336-0015 or bedrooms, available imme905-336-0016. d i a t e l y. A l s o l a rg e 2 b e d ro o m , i m m e d i a t e l y. ALDERSHOT, PLAINES A p p l i a n c e s , h a r d w o o d Road- Brand new luxury f l o o r s , q u i e t p a r k l i k e townhouse, 3 bedrooms, setting. 905-681-0070. 2.5 bathrooms, close to www.rentaltownhouses.ca GO and shops. No smokers and no pets preferred. MILTON. NEW 3-Bedroom I m m e d i a t e p o s s e s s i o n . townhouse, 4 appliances, $1300/mo. plus utilities. c / a i r, $ 1 2 5 0 / m o . p l u s C a l l 9 0 5 - 6 1 6 - 8 8 3 5 o r utilities. Immediate Call 905-634-3927. 905-848-1417. KNOTTY PINE room in ranch style house. $105/wk. Near Mapleview Mall. Private entrance. FeDOWNTOWN BURLING- male tenant responsible TON, 2 BR apartment, plus one friend. All utilities, $1250 + hydro, complete- parking, laundry, phone, air ly updated, balcony, quiet conditioned, digital box/ older building, walk to GO cable. Act Fast- Won't Last! train. Karen Paul Royal 905-690-3975. Lepage Burloak Real Est a t e S e r v i c e s LARGE BEDROOM, 905.634.7755 905.634.2 internet, parking, cable, pool, ravine, quite non334 s m o k e r. N e a r O a k v i l l e Place. No pets preferred. O A K P A R K , 3 - B E D - Immediate, $475/mo. 905ROOMS, 1.5 bathrooms, 337-7387. open concept livingroom, eat-in kitchen, A/C, hard- MILTON- ROOM to rent, w o o d o n m a i n f l o o r , close to amenities, separd o u b l e g a r a g e , n e a r ate entrance, own ensuite parks/ schools. Immediate. bathroom, utilities included, $1500/mo. plus. 416-565- $450/mo. first/ last in ad9161. vance, references. Call 905-878-4571. *DAYCARE AVAILABLE (3rd Line, Upper Middle). Stimulating, child friendly environment. Experienced PART TIME bookkeeper registered provider,first Over 13 years' experience. aid, police check, referencMy office or yours. No job es. Veronika 905-4690612 is too small. Free consultat i o n . V i s i t m y w e b s i t e EXPERIENCED LOVING http://accuratebooks.wee- Mom w/ECE training has bly.com for more info. Call full-time spaces available in ALL NEW Beds! Plus/ 416-559-9407. her home daycare Belve- pillowtops, 10-15" thick, nia/ Longmoor, Burlington. new in plastic, Double 905-681-7028. $250., Queen $275., Lost & Found King $500. Visco MemoNEED DAYCARE? Halton ry-foam mattress with Child Care Providers (Bur- c o v e r, Q u e e n $ 7 5 0 . , FOUND: GREY with white lington) offers Free referral tabby, male cat. Found service connecting Parents King $950. Can Deliver, Country Club Drive and w/Home Daycare Provid- 905-730-5849 Walkers Line in Burlington. ers. New Providers always ANTIQUE DINING table & We call Carey. Please call: welcome. 905-633-7008 6 chairs $650, Floor 905-637-7325. Lamp $40, Antique HeintzPARAMEDIC MOM, TLC man Piano $2500, Antique F O U N D : W H I T E w i t h Daycare, health/ police rocking chair $150, Living orange and dark patches check, daily activities, nutri- R m c o u c h & 2 c h a i r s cat Burloak and New St. tious snacks. meals. rea- $650, Living Rm Carpet apWe call Calypso. Please sonable rates. Prospect prox 7'x5' $50, Pictures call 905-637-7325. Street. C o n n i e avail. 905-825-1069 / 905-333-2764. glendaparkin@hotmail.com FOUND: WHITE with orange and dark patches PRIVATE HOME Daycare, APPLIANCES- SCRATCH c a t . W e c a l l C a l y p s o . R e b e c c a a n d 3 rd L i n e . N Dent and quality used Friendly stimulating environ- Fridges, Stoves, Washers, Please call 905-637-7325. ment. Hot meals, snacks, Dryers. Full/ apar tment FOUND: YOUNG, black references. 416-569-3052. size, 1 year warranty male cat at Appleby and parts & labour. Delivery Upper Middle Road in Bur- QUALITY LOVING child- available. 905-458-8808. lington. We call Haydan. care. All ages indoor/ outdoor activities. First Aid/ B AT T E R Y O P E R AT E D Please cal 905-637-7325. CPR. Police check. Meals/ Golf Cart, Good condition, LOST SEPT/25TH Neya- Snacks. West Oak Trails/ paid $900, asking $350.; M i d d l e , Ikea TV chairs, wood gawa/ Riverglen Oakville. U p p e r f r a m e s , c re a m l e a t h e r Last seen around Metro 905-847-8407. pads, $175 ea, used only plaza Dundas/Neyagawa. 3 months. 905-332-3430 Redish Brown Poodle/Retriever. 3yr old, spayed, CARPET 100's of styles micro-chipped female. She ready for same week instalwasn't wearing her collar. lation. Let me give you free Name is Maddy. Please call W E E B E A R D a y c a r e , measurement/ estimate. 905-582-1704 if you have North Burlington, Educa- L a m i n a t e / H a r d w o o d seen her/ have any infortional & Fun, certified available. 905-510-0589 mation. REWARD offered. teacher, CPR/First Aid, Eric. Receipts. Elizabeth MISSING: CHASE, large 905-315-7165 CARPET I have several m a l e c a t w i t h o r a n g e e.ward12@hotmail.com 1,000 yards of new Stain stripes and white tummy, Master & 100% nylon carblue collar, at Fairview and pet. Will do livingroom & Child Care Wanted Appleby, near bicycle path. hall for $389. Includes carPlease, please call pet, pad & installation (30 905-681-0866. Reward ofS t e v e , fered. P/T HOUSEKEEPER/ y a r d s ) Cook/ Afterschool care/ 905-633-8192 Driver, Mon-Fri (approx. Personals/ 2:00-6:30pm) in S/E OAK - CONTENTS SALE of Glen Companions 2 girls (12/15)- must have Abbey home. Diningroom own car. Good salary. Call set (oak), 6 chairs 2ASHLEY KILLINS, Mother 416-576-6042. leaves, matching hutch/ Amy or anyone knowing buffet $1000; livingroom her whearabouts, please set; sofa, loveseat, beige, Tutoring contact L. McIntyre tables, lamps, $500; Of905-271-4949 fice desk, 3-drawer cabinet, credenza, 2 of fice M A N Y T H A N K S t o CARING TUTORING for chairs, $700; Washer/dryS t . J u d e f o r f a v o u r s your Child. Soft-spoken, ex- er $200; plus misc. items perienced, certified Teach- 905-825-2381 received. L.E.G. er, will Tutor your child (Grades 1-9) in your home Nannies/ Live In/ o r m i n e . $ 3 5 - $ 4 5 . DININGROOM SET- table, Out 9 0 5 - 3 3 2 - 6 6 9 5 ; 4 chairs and china cabinet, 416-659-7848. $200. Call 905-208-0828. EXPERIENCED LIVE-IN Nanny required for 2 CERTIFIED TEACHER c h i l d r e n , $ 1 2 / h o u r. available to Tutor students E L E C T R I C B E D ( t w i n Mandarin speaking. Call i n g r a d e s 1 - 1 0 . C a l l size), bedding included Lauren 905-635-7358. 905-616-7847 $175 obo. Call 905-637-9202. FULL-TIME NANNY re- E.C.E, ECE Student. Highquired ASAP. Burlington. scope, APA typing. Great Days with flexibility. Child- pay. Reply 1235 Fairview care experience neces- St., Suite 229 Burlington E L E C T R O N I C S , TV,DVD,VCR, Speakers, sary. Please send cover L7S 2K9 brackets Furniture, oak letter with resume to FRENCH TUTOR- Certi- q u e e n b e d , D i n i n g O a k michelle@ f a m i l y c a r e n a n n y . c o m , fied Teacher. Grades 1- dining table and 4 chairs, 12. Core and Immersion. books, household items. 905-481-1717 Grammar, conversation Make an offer 2608 Castle and test preparation. H i l l C r . O a k v i l l e . LIVE-IN FULL-TIME Care- Please call 905-639-0132. 905-257-4531 giver, Oakville private home for 9 year old boy with allergies. Experience and references required. $10.00/hour, 48hr/week. Room and board provided. High school, CPR, English, Tagalog, Kapampangan. Includes light housework. Contact Brian 905-3999644 or e-mail resume nanny.search@hotmail.com Bookeeping Vehicles Wanted/ SOFA/ SOFABED, custom Wrecking upholstery, beautiful condition, cream tones, $450.; 2 c u s t o m m a d e w i n g - ***ALWAYS CASH*** chairs, floral, and lamp ta- P a i d f o r u s a b l e a n d scrap vehicles. Free bles. $600. 905-335-9744 pick up. 905-320-3287 STEREO CABINET- Black, pedder@rogers. $ 2 5 . L u x m a n c a s s e t t e blackberry.net deck, $60. Duel turntable, needs repair, $40. Raleigh CASH PAID- $100+ for (woman's) bike, 12 speed, a n y c o m p l e t e c a r o r $75, Men's CCM bike, 12 truck driven in/picked s p e e d , $ 5 0 . B o o m b o x , up. Scrap Cars & Trucks needs repair, $20. Call wanted. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of 905-827-4015. QEW) MOT legal transSUPER SALE! Custom up- f e r s . 9 0 5 - 8 2 7 - 8 0 1 5 , h o l s t e r i n g . D i n i n g ro o m 1-877-655-0755 seats from $19.95 Accent chairs from $195 Love- C A S H PA I D f o r S c r a p seats from $595 Great Cars and Trucks. Same P i c k U p . savings on many decorator D a y fabrics. Seniors discount. 905-693-5355 Field's 9am-8pm 905-632-9090 Insurance WASHER, MAYTAG, extra large capacity. Inglis dryer, natural gas. Sold separate- CLEAN DRIVING Record? ly or set. $200 each obo. Grey Power could save you up to $400 on your car in289-837-0316. s u r a n c e . C a l l 1-866-473-9817 for no-obligation quote. Open weekHealth & Home ends Care SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 2 4 h o u r I n - h o m e c a re . 905-634-2400. Health & Wellness LOSE WEIGHT eating chocolate. susiesgoldmine @cogeco.ca Firewood LIKE NEW white bed Chesterfield, Antique Chesterfield 100 years old, white Ikea loveseat with 2 chairs FIREWOOD. MIXED hardblue floral, 2 chest of draw- wood, 5 cords minimum ers. 905-827-5273. $90/cord delivered. Call 519-582-4628. MOVING: APPLIANCES Washer, dryer, dishwasher, FIREWOOD SOURCE Seaalso stove, apartment size soned Dry Hardwood Delivdryer and full size gas dry- e r e d - f r o m $ 1 6 5 er. Excellent condition, Will 416-659-8541 separate. 289-337-1328 www.firewoodsource.ca