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Oakville Beaver, 26 Feb 2010, p. 53

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53 · Friday, February 26, 2010 OAKVILLE BEAVER · www.oakvillebeaver.com Townhouses for Rent BURLINGTON 3-BEDROOM townhouse. Guelph Line/ Woodward. Garage, l a u n d r y, f e n c e d y a r d . A v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. $1350/mo. plus utilities. 905-537-0944. Shared Accommodations Tutoring SUMMIT TUTORING Individualized programs support the Ontario curriculum. -Qualified teachers target your child's unique learning style. Flexible scheduling and payment options with no contracts to sign. -Free academic assessment. Location: Summit Learning Centre, 760 Brant St, Suite 424, Burlington 905-631-7506, Articles for Sale KITCHEN CABINETS50% discount, designer showcase, custom woodworking, all finishes, decorative wood hoods, islands, counters included. More savings, granite, tiling, wall units, bars, vanities. 905-930-9618. MOVING: APPLIANCES Washer, dryer, fridge, self cleaning gas stove, and apt size dryer. All Excellent condition. Burlington 289-337-1328 Dogs LARGE ESTATE Home in Waterdown. Large property, lots of options. Private room and ensuite. Close to all amenities. Professional Person/ Female preferred. Non-smoker. Price negotiable. Daycare opportunity B U R L I N G T O N - L A R G E available. Available immedi3 bedroom maisonette, ately. Call 905-599-5221 QEW/ Brant, near Fairview for details. G O . P a r k i n g , l a u n d r y. $895/mo. plus utilities. ImTravel & Vacations mediate. 905-331-6022 GEORGIAN COURT Estates- 611 Surrey lane. large bright 2&3 bed townhouses w/full basement and utilities included. Park like setting w/seasonal pool, splash pad, tennis and basketball courts. O p e n H o u s e : M o n d a y, We d n e s d a y, F r i d a y, 10am-4pm and weekends, 11am-2pm. 905-632-8547 www.realstar.ca SPACIOUS NORTH Burlington, Guelph/ Upper Middle. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 5 appliances, central air, garage. $1300/mo. Plus Utilities. Available April 1. Call 905-331-7482. Career Development Career Development Careers Careers Careers Articles Wanted $ Best Cash Paid $ FLORIDA GULFVIEW condo, 1-bedroom, Maderia Beach, near John's Pass, beautifully decorated, weekly/ monthly. 905-388-1364 tropicbreezescondo.com ST. MARTIN Ocean-view Condo, Sleeps 4 ppl, Pelican Bay $200.us/night. Available Apr.4th on. 905-510-9129 Krista@jpmotors.com We make housecalls Jewellery, Coins, Gold, Silver, Diamonds, China, Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, All Antique furnishings, Art, Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Insurance Rooms for Rent and Wanted 2 - R O O M S F O R rent in condo, $450/each utilities, cable, internet included. Inhouse laundry, Near Oakville Place, Go, Sheridan, F e m a l e p re f e r re d J e n n 6 4 7 - 8 6 5 - 4 8 2 7 / jcastillo_3@yahoo.com BURLINGTON- FURN I S H E D ro o m . M a t u re male preferred, non-smoker, $440/mo. First/ Last. 905-681-8016. Call John/ Patti 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com MILK BOTTLES wanted for Oakville Collector. Also other Oakville Dairy items. Includes Oakville Dairy, Gilbrae/ Gilbrea Dairy, Kipling. To p P r i c e s P a i d . 905-847-0831, dhawkins59@cogeco.ca Auto Insurance All drivers insured regardless your record. Young/Old drivers, DUIs, Tickets, No problem. Call for a free quote Articles for Sale 2 SLEIGH beds with mattresses, 2 years new. Esthetics bed. Workout equipment. Call 905299-2840. 8 PIECE solid wood bedroom suite. Includes, d re s s e r, m i r ro r, c h e s t , night stands, bed. Dovetail drawers, dark mocha finish. $1675 new. 647-286-1079. 905-781-1024 CLEAN DRIVING Record? Grey Power could save you up to $400 on car insur a n c e . C a l l 1-866-473-9817 for a noobligation quote. Open weekends. BURLINGTON MALL/ GO. Fully furnished room in clean quiet friendly home includes: TV, utilities, some parking, private entrance, internet available. Vacant $450/mo 905632-1333 9056394489 Lost & Found FOUND: BLACK and white cat Lakeshore and Appleby 9 PIECE Pub Style dining L i n e . W e c a l l D o m i n o . set, espresso finish with FURNISHED QUEEN-SIZE Please call 905-637-7325. 18" butterfly leaf. $775 room in large executive brand new. 647-286-1079. home, clean quiet with inground pool, many extras. FOUND: REMOTE car key **A1 MATTRESS FactoResponsible individual. Tra- on Lakeshore Road/ Pomo- r y d i r e c t , d e l i v e r y f a l g a r / U p p e r M i d d l e . na on February 21. Please available. All sizes incall 905-681-8992. $500/mo. 905-338-6444. cluding custom Split boxsprings, Orthopedic OAKVILLE- UPPER Mid- FOUND: SET of car keys 2 0 y r s e t s s t a r t i n g dle/ Trafalgar, furnished p l u s h o u s e k e y s o n $ 2 4 0 . 3 0 y r t i g h t - t o p room in a clean house with Woburn Cres and Trevor sets starting $340. Deinternet and cable. On bus o n F e b r u a r y 1 9 . C a l l luxe no-flip Pillowtop r o u t e , c l o s e t o a l l 905-825-2239. &'Crown' series, Euroamenities. Suitable for nont o p s e t s f ro m $ 3 9 0 . smoking professional or New Waterbeds, Futons, Personals/ student. $450/mo. incluEnd-of-line/ discontinCompanions sive. Call 647-899-5402. ued items available. 905-847-2020; RIVIERA MOTEL located A L O N E O N t h e c o u c h 905-681-9496 in downtown Burlington. again? Put down the reMonthly rentals starting mote and call Misty River APPLIANCES- SCRATCH from $550. and up No Introductions Ontario's N Dent and quality used lease, no LMR required. largest matchmaking ser- Fridges, Stoves, Washers, vice with 15 years experi- Dryers. Full/ apar tment Call 905-517-6627 ence in bringing singles s i z e , 1 y e a r w a r r a n t y UPPER MIDDLE Rd/ 6th together with their life part- parts & labour. Delivery Line. Spacious furnished n e r s w w w. m i s t y r i v e r i n - available. 905-458-8808. rooms for rent. Available tros.com 519-658-4204 immediately $550/mo. Call CARPET I have several 416-779-4899 1,000 yards of new Stain Nannies/ Live In/ Master & 100% nylon carOut W AT E R D O W N - B R A N D pet. Will do livingroom & new room- furnishedhall for $389. Includes carbroadloom- all utilities/ LIVE-IN CAREGIVER (F/T) pet, pad & installation (30 A/C, phone, cable, inter- for 2 children ages 5 and y a r d s ) S t e v e , n e t , p r i v a t e 4 p i e c e 6. Must have at least 1 905-633-8192 b a t h ro o m , $ 1 2 5 / w e e k . year experience in last 3 years. Please mail your DINING ROOM Suite- chi905-690-3975. resume to: Gerry, 4687 na cabinet, table and 6 WATERDOWN- Furnished Cortina Road, Burlington, chairs $350. Matching D.R. room, fridge, $400/mo. L7M 0G3. ceiling fixture $50. Bedsuit working female, nonroom suite- includes queen smoker. Use of Kitchen/ headboard, 2 night tables, Child Care Available Laundry. March 1. lady's dresser with 2 mir905-690-1428. rors and man's armoire $575. Call 905-634-4160. DAYCARE AVAILABLE, Shared 3rd Line/ West Oak. Excel- DININGROOM TABLE, 6 Accommodations lent care, nutritious meals, c h a i r s , c h i n a c a b i n e t 2 supervisors, 5 children $1500.; sofa & loveseat APPLEBY/ NEW, Burling- maximum. Call Anna at $600.; Oak kitchen set, 6 ton. Quiet, non-smoking 905-330-7654. chairs $300; antique solid male house w/dog to oak office chair $60. share. Parking, $450/mo. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in 905-569-1499 inclusive. 905-637-0414 We s t B u r l i n g t o n . H o t meals, lovely and edu- D J E Q U I P M E N T- (new) C O U N T R Y H O M E t o cational environment. for sale, package deal. s h a re . 1 o r 2 p e o p l e . Patty 905-632-4638. 905-635-2605. Smokers ok, pets ok. L a r g e h o m e a n d l o t . EXPERIENCED CAREGIV- HOT TUB (Spa) Covers 905-689-1296. ER. Infant/ preschooler, best price, Best quality. All fulltime. Hot breakfast/ shapes & colours. Call lunches. Lots of backyard 1 - 8 6 6 - 5 8 5 - 0 0 5 6 CLASSIFIED E-MAIL fun. References. Receipts. www.thecoverguy.ca classified@haltonsearch.com 905-825-9689. KITCHEN CABINET doors. Complete face-lift INTERNET: for the older kitchen or www.burlingtonpost.com bathroom. JF Restorations. www.oakvillebeaver.com Call 905-466-6196. HI! I'M Gracie, and I'm looking for some kids to live with. I'm a perfect 16 pound, 7 month pup with all my 'treatments,' toys and accessories. I'm MOVING- Couch, 2 love available to the right home seats, antiques coffee f o r $ 4 5 0 . L e t ' s m e e t . table, mirrors, stereo, 905-635-4384. lawn furniture, walnut cabinet w/glass doors, L A B P U P S ~ P u re b re d , any other items Excel- black and yellow puppies, lent c o n d i t i o n vet checked, first shots, 905-827-2518. dewormed, ready to go $500 firm. Call NEW YEAR Sale! Savings 905-547-0802 f ro m 4 0 - 8 0 % o n m a n y fabulous fabrics. Custom upholstering. Chairs from Cars $ 1 9 5 . L o v e s e a t ' s f ro m $595. Senior discount. Field's 905-632-9090, 9am-8pm. 2000 HONDA Accord, automatic, Gold with tan inTREADMILL $295, Ellipti- t e r i o r, 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 k m , 4 cal $275.00 Pac Home snows incl., ABS, Power Stereo $150.00 Exercise windows, power locks, CD, Bike $99.00 28" color TV certified, e-tested, service $100.00, V ibration Ma- records, excellent condichine 905 814-1415 t i o n . $ 3 , 5 0 0 . 905-466-6301 WEIGHT LIFTING multi-position work-out exercise bench with accessories, 2 0 0 6 F O R D E s c a p e . $135. Reebox's Step-Up/ Sports Utility XLT model. Stackable exercise step- Automatic, excellent condiper, paid $130, asking tion, 73,000km, 4WD, sun$12,500. $59. Solid stationary exer- r o o f . cise bike, paid $325 ask- 416-605-8014. i n g $ 8 5 . S o l i d ro w i n g exercise machine, paid $385, asking $90. OBO for 2006 NISSAN Murano SLWhite, beige interior, 6cyl, all. 905-842-4302. AWD, 5-door, very clean. AM/FM/CD/cassette, CD Vendors Wanted c h a n g e r, A B S , d u e l a i r bags,fog lights, keyless, power; brakes, mirrors, seats, windows. Roof rack, cruise, heated seats. Reverse backup camera, Certified, e-tested. ExcelVENDORS WANTED for lent condition. $19,990. 2010 Spring Bridal Show, 905-639-2984. March 6 & 7 at Club Italia. All of Niagara's best wedTrucks & SUVs ding professionals under one roof! Call Kelly for more info at 877-688-2444 ext 252. E S T A T E S A L E 22,000kms, warranty Aug 2011, p/t 5 yrs/160kms, Health & Home 7 passenger second row Care captains, remote star t, cruise, stab/trac control, SENIOR HOMECARE By Maroon with Grey interior, Angels. Experienced Care- Dealer serviced, safety, Imgivers will provide up to maculate condition. Won't 2 4 h o u r I n - h o m e c a re . l a s t l o n g ! J o h n 905-634-2400. 905-339-8588 NEED HELP GETTING IN TO A TRADE? NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Pre-Apprenticeship Training as a Truck & Coach Mechanic Call the YMCA Career Development & Learning Centre 905-681-1140 to register today! www.mydreamjob.ca This Pre-apprenticeship Training Program is funded by the Government of Ontario. Are you unemployed? job training? EARN A DIPLOMA Do you need · Office Administration · Accounting/Payroll Practitioner · Medical Office Assistant · Inventory Management · Police Foundations · Financial Aid may be available to those eligible ENROL NOW! 460 Brant Street, Burlington www.hbicollege.com Careers Careers 905-637-3415 Intermediate Accountant and General Help ARE YOU 16-24? Looking for a job? Job Connect in Burlington helps find employment and/or training oppor tunities. Call the YMCA at 905-681-1140. General Help Receptionist needed for growing IT Company. Previous experience a must in both positions. Email resume to hr@itxchange.com "PLAN B" do you have one? Looking for person t o s p e a k i n f ro n t o f small groups, must have own car and be online. Call 905-901-3152 WING'S UP! 730 Guelph Line, Burlington. Now Hiring: 1 Assistant Manager, Restaurant and Supervisor experience required. Full-Time evening shifts with flexible scheduling. To apply email resume to: kat@wingsup.com. To inquire call Katerina 905-730-6284. FULL TIME RETAIL SALESPEOPLE You must enjoy serving and satisfying customers, exhibit work ethic values and integrity, and also be confident in your abilities. Massage Services Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking 1 1 0 - 8 0 8 B R I TA N N I A Road. West of Mavis. Grand Opening. Asian Massage $39.95. Reflexology $35.95 905-817-1500. LONG TERM CAREER Base Salary, Commissions, Bonuses, Extensive Benefits, Horses PADDOCKS, LAND, available for horses. 2 miles from 401/ Hwy.25. Ve r y R e a s o n a b l e . C a l l 416-537-4264. ***ALWAYS CASH*** Paid for usable and scrap vehicles. Free pick up. 905-320-3287 pedder@ rogers.blackberry.net CASH PAID- $200.00+ for any Complete vehicles driven in/ $150+ for vehicles picked up. S c r a p C a r s & Tr u c k s wanted. 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW). MOT legal transfers. 905-827-8015. C A S H PA I D f o r S c r a p Cars and Trucks. Same D a y P i c k U p . 905-693-5355 (manufacturer's points program & trips), SPIFFS,Management Training. 2431 Trafalgar Road, Oakville Luke-Phone@ (905) 257-5701 Fax@(905)-257-4326 Heartland Centre Britannia /Mavis Road Sandro-Phone@ (905)567-7001 Fax@(905)-567-9299 Burloak and QEW 3715 Wyecroft Road,Oakville Sunny or Sandro-Phone(905) 469-2210 Fax@(905)-469-0661 hrdept@2001audiovideo.com Drivers MISSISSAUGA TANKER Company requires Company Drivers and Owner Operators with tanker experience. Hwy US/ local lanes. Excellent pay package/ benefit package and late model equipment. Call 416-230-2949. Dogs BEAUTIFUL PUREBRED Golden Retriever pups. Vet checked, shot/ dewormed. Ready to go. Call 905-628-5280. General Help POOLSIDE FINE Swimming Pools. Help needed for swimming pool construction. Experience with concrete, patio finishing and forming an asset. Must have clean valid drivers BUSY OFFICE looking for licence, must be willing mature, reliable individual to work Saturdays. Fax: who thrives on diversity. 9 0 5 - 8 7 6 - 2 2 4 0 . E m a i l : Work 9­16 hours a week, info@poolside.ca flexible hours, evenings & weekends. Send cover letter & resume to inSPRING RECRUITMENTfo@reame.com. Landscape company reCAREER OPPORTUNITY, quires Labourers, Lead Financial Services, Training Hands, Maintenance ForeProvided. Contact Brian man, Skid Steer, experiPerry 905-510-4261 ence an asset. Only brp.pfs@cogeco.ca motivated people need apply. Own transportation HANDYMAN WANTED for a must. Wages based on renovation. Vehicle not e x p e r i e n c e . P l e a s e f a x required. Call 905-639- resume to: 905-690-8597 4308. or email: letsyard@cogeco.net OFFICE COFFEE & Vending company seeks experienced Full-Time Route Driver. Must have fantastic TELEMARKETERS- (EXcustomer service skills, PERIENCED, and profesflexible schedule and a sional) set up meetings for clean abstract. Must have Financial Advisors in OakOffice Coffee and/or Vend- ville. $10/hr + Bonus Call ing experience. $35K per Simon 905-399-1629 year to start. Please submit resume: neil@ecscoffee.com, fax: WEEDMAN REQUIRES 905-633-8518. L a w n c a re Te c h n i c i a n s / S U P E R I N T E N D E N T Quoters for upcoming lawnC O U P L E - E x p e r i e n c e d care season. All applicants Bldg. Mgrs for upscale must submit drivers abprime dwntn Burlington stract with resume. Fax bldg. Maint-admin & ren- 9 0 5 - 8 2 7 1 4 9 9 , c a l l tals. Benefits + apt + op- 905-827-1441, email p o r t u n i t y. F a x oakville@weedmancanada. 416-482-1059 com Auto Leasing & Rentals Auto Leasing & Rentals

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