www.oakvillebeaver.com · OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, June 25, 2010 · 44 Veterinary Help MODERN, GROWING Veterinary Clinic in Waterdown looking for mature individual(s) to fill a full time position. Candidate must have strong people skills and is able to work evenings and weekends. Please fax resume to 905-690-0050, attention Erin Domestic Help Available TWO EUROPEAN Ladies can clean your home or office. 905-633-8719. Moving & Storage GOING TO Move? Call Move Right Moving. Best service in the area. Call Thomas, 905-847-0178. Restaurants/ Hospitality Restaurants/ Hospitality Small retirement home is currently looking for a The successful candidate must have a genuine love for seniors, be able to work in a team atmosphere and cook to seniors preferences. We provide a clean, well organized work environment as well as a friendly atmosphere. We are willing to train someone who has limited cooking experience but feels they are up to the challenge! Please fax resumes to Pat Smart at: 905.333.0468 SUNSET GRILL, all positions: Sunset Grill, Derry Heights, Milton, is now hiring all positions. For experienced line cooks, waitstaff, dishwashers, hosts. Day s h i f t s o n l y, n o e v e n i n g work, excellent work life balance. Apply today: sun setgrill.derry@me.com THE BLACK Bull requires experienced cooks Apply in person w/resume 1124 Guelph Line. garage sales OAKVILLE S/W OAKVILLE OAKVILLE OAKVILLE OAKVILLE Garage Sale Sat. June 26 8am 1282 Hollyfield Cres. (8th Line/Up. Middle) Antique tea wagon, furniture, housewares, tons of children's toys & clothing Raindate June 27 OAKVILLE Sat. June 26 9am-1pm 1245 Sixth Line Skates, lamps, small furniture, camping equip, & much more. OLDE OAKVILLE YARD SALE Moving Sale Sat. June 26 8:30-1pm 417 Scarsdale Cres. Teak wall unit, household items, quality power tools, much more OAKVILLE P/T Weekend Cook OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Sat. June 26 8am - 1pm 1072 & 1081 Runnymead Crescent Large variety of items, books, furniture, clothes & more! OAKVILLE Moving & Storage GARAGE SALE Sat. June 26 8am - Noon 195 Beechtree Crescent Furniture, housewares, electronics, etc! Rain or shine! NORTH OAKVILLE Packed House Quality Merchandise Sale includes dining room, living room, bedroom, kitchen, family room, den, office & outdoor furniture, TV's, electronics, cameras, books, art, linens, carpets, Waterford crystal, china, sterling, large selection of high-end jewelry. Tons of kitchenware, shop and garden tools. Many fine accessories COMPLETE CONTENTS Sat. June 26th 8am 1162 Creekside Dr Ford & Upper Middle area, follow signs www.thenextmove.ca GARAGE SALE Saturday June 26 9am - 1pm 3012 Riverview Street Rain or Shine! OAKVILLE GARAGE & MOVING SALE Saturday June 26 8am-11am 344 & 345 Maple Ave Fine furniture, antiques, home decor 2 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat June 26 7:30am-1pm 1332 Saddler Circle 2 strollers, crib mattress, books, decor, kids clothes (2-4) OAKVILLE Garage Sale for the Cure All Proceeds to be donated to the Peel Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Teaching Opportunities JP MOVERS- Short notice OK, Free Estimates, 24/7, $30/hour and up. Insured, Bonded, Professional, A f f o r d a b l e 1-800-408-7010. Multi-Unit Yard Sale Sat. June 26 8am-Noon 350 Kerr St. at Heritage Square OAKVILLE Moving Sale Sat. June 26 8am-1pm 14 The Greenery Books, household items, small electronics, CD's & much more OAKVILLE Saturday, June 26, 2010 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM 222 Sandwell Drive, Oakville (between 3rd & 4th Line and Rebecca & Lakeshore) Toys · Books · Clothes · CDs/DVD's · furniture · art work · Lemonade and much more Rain Date: Sunday, June 27, 2010 OAKVILLE HUGE Moving Sale Sat June 26th 8am-12pm 145 Stevenson Rd 100"s of household items electronics, furniture, toys, many brand new items art work, collectibles and more Oakville OAKVILLE Concrete & Paving CONCRETE- INTERLOCKING Complete home renovations, additions, basements, custom homes. Fully insured and bonded. 647-869-2976, 416-823-4516. ECE's Required for Milton Program. APARTMENT SALE Saturday June 26 7am-Noon 155 Navy Street Apt 402 Everything from furniture to tea cups OAKVILLE Bunkbed, toys, plants, books and electronics OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Saturday June 26 8am-2pm 318 Spruce St Please fax or email resumes to: 905-876-5156 msm@bellnet.ca Domestic Help Available 100% PROFESSIONAL house & office cleaning, 20 years experience. References. Reasonable Rates. Reliable. Avail Mon-Fri. 2 8 9 - 3 3 9 - 8 7 8 0 , 905-807-0952. Flooring & Carpeting PRIMEWOOD FLOORINGHardwood, laminate floors and box stairs. "Clean, precise and fast, company you can trust." Les 416-419-3687. Handy Person Large Garage Sale Sat June 26 8am-1pm 2009 Westmount Drive (corner 3rd Line) Children's clothes, shoes & toys, books, videos, DVDs, etc. OAKVILLE Garage Sale Sat. June 26 8am-2pm 2447 Stefi Trail Don't miss out! You name it, we've got it! Early birds welcome! OAKVILLE Quality items at bargain prices. Furniture, china cabinets, d.r. tables, valued collectables, paintings, designer items, many other household items. ALL need good homes. Great Opportunities Multi-Family Sale Sat. June 26 8am 2304 Woodfield Rd MOVING SALE Saturday June 26th 9am-12pm 3360 Petrie Way FURNITURE AND MORE OAKVILLE A HANDYMAN for all your needs. Kitchen and bath installations, ceramic tile, deck and fence repairs, carpentry, quality workmanship, reasonable rates. Call A L I N A ' S C L E A N I N G anytime 905-335-5341 Ask Services, who has time to for John or leave message clean? Let us change your life by taking care of your Home Renovations home & leave it sparkling everytime. Fully insured business, trained ladies, all supplies & equipment. Bur- BRICKLAYER~ STONES, lington and surrounding f l a g s t o n e s , i n t e r l o c k , area. Alina 905-689-5696, bricks, plus sub-contract 905-630-7148. e t c . . . F re e e s t i m a t e s . Matthew 905-315-8173, EUROPEAN LADY excel- 416-705-2989. lent quality cleaning service ebaczynska@cogeco.ca available for apartments, houses and offices. Good GARAGE DOOR repairs. rates. Please call Maria Broken springs, cables, 905-849-9549. rollers. Automatic openers installed $49. Tune ups, EUROPEAN CLEANING welding. 647-379-8892. LADY 9 years experience. Drapes & Excellent references. Looking for new clients in Upholstery Oakville/ Burlington/ Waterdown area. Wednesday, C U S T O M D R A P E R I E S , Thursday, Friday openings. valance's, sheers, bed & 9 0 5 - 3 2 0 - 3 5 8 2 , table coverings, color 905-637-8482. consultation: 19 years exp. Sherry 905-630-2267. * E U R O P E A N L A D Y, A smorganinteriors professional cleaning ser- @cogeco.ca vice available. References. Good rates, excellent Waste Removal quality. Please call Olga 416-994-7090 EXPERIENCED CLEANING lady available. Honest, h a rd w o r k i n g , re l i a b l e . Competitive prices. One service or regular schedu l e . P l e a s e c a l l L i l y, 905-617-8099 1/2 PRICE Junk Removal. Cheap. Fast Service. All loading/ cleanup. Free Estim a t e s . J o h n , 905-310-5865 (local) Fundraising All proceeds to women's cancer research OLDE OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Sat June 26 8am - Noon 1481 Willowdown Rd. GARAGE SALE Sat June 26 8am 1008 Oak Meadow Rd (Glen Abbey) Games & electronics, young women's clothing and purses OAKVILLE OAKVILLE Street Sale Sat. June 26 8am-2pm Honeysuckle Cres (Falgarwood area) Furniture, lighting fixtures, electronics, vintage LP records, clothing, great books, art, etc. Terrific Bargains...... come & enjoy our friendly street. Lakeshore/Burloak OAKVILLE Garage & New Clothing Sale Sat. June 26 Sun. June 27 9am-5pm 249 Sable St. Esthetic supplies less than 1 yr old, household items, new brand name golf shirts, socks, shoes, ladies T's & more Oakville GARAGE SALE Saturday June 26 8am-Noon 63 Mississauga Street (South of Lakeshore) OAKVILLE MOVING SALE Sat June 26 Furniture, toys, household items and so much more!! OAKVILLE 8am-Noon 2376 Gladacres Lane GARAGE SALE Saturday June 26th 8am 314 Maurice Dr Bikes, random household goods and more OAKVILLE (Parking on Hixon) OAKVILLE GARAGE SALE Saturday June 26 9am-Noon 219 Bronte Road GARAGE SALE Sat June 26 Jewelry, movies, home decor and designer clothing OAKVILLE 8am-1pm 2058 Seafare Drive Contents Sale Sat. June 26 8am-Noon 323 MacDonald Rd Shabby Sheik furniture, antiques, bedroom furniture, livingroom furniutre, flatware, big screen TV & more MOVING GARAGE SALE Sat. July 26 8am 371 Rosegate Way Rain or Shine HUGE Moving Sale Sat June 26th 8am-12pm 145 Stevenson Rd 100"s of household items electronics, furniture, toys, many brand new items art work, collectibles and more HUGE GARAGE SALE 478 Tipperton Cr. -New & Old. Furniture, Household, Books, Toys, Barbie, Video Games. Moving - no reasonable offer refused. Rain or shine Sat. Jun. 26 7:30 am Moving Sale Sat. June 26 9am-Noon 544 Lakeshore Rd. E. (driveway on S.W. corner of Chartwell) Furniture, antique china, art, household items, patio furniture, & more GIANT CONDO GARAGE SALE Sat. June 26 8am - Noon 1359 White Oaks Blvd Rain Date: Sat. July 3 Moving Sale Sat. June 26 8am-1pm 2268 Barrister Pl. Furniture, electronics, home & garden, kid & baby items, small appliances, pool floats, books, clothes, & more 1/2 PRICE Junk Removal. Cheap. Fast Service. All loading/ cleanup. Free EstiJ o h n , EXPERIENCED EUROPE- m a t e s . AN house cleaner seeking 905-310-5865 (local) work in Mississauga, Oakville, Milton. Organic Tree/ Stump p ro d u c t s u s e d . M a g g i e Service 905-785-0926 AESTHETIC TREE Experts HOUSE CLEANING ser- Tr e e / S h r u b P r u n i n g . vice available, fast de- Hazardous tree removal. pendable & experienced. F r i e n d l y p r i c i n g . F r e e Excellent references. Call estimates. 289-244-1617. www.AestheticTreeExperts.com Janina 905-272-7275. Ask Us About... call 905-632-4440 Book your Recruitment ad today & receive 2 weeks on Workopolis for only $125.00