The two teachers in the above photo are Miss Campbell (Principal) and Miss Luck. The latter became Mrs. Len Hope, wife of the Rexal Drug Store owner (one of three drug stores in town at the time, Byer’s Drug Store and Dunn’s Drug Store being the others). Three of my siblings are in the photo: Margaret (2nd from left front row), Jim (right end second row) and Ilene (second from left back row).
I started at the school the following year and had Miss Luck as my teacher.
It was the custom for teachers to give each student a small gift at Christmas. I still cherish the framed copy of Henry Raeburn’s “The Boy and The Rabbit” with the inscription on the back: “To Bobby Hughes from Miss Luck, Christmas 1932”
With students standing on both sides of the school, we would throw a ball over the roof shouting "Andy, Andy, Over".
The school was surrounded by Ryrie's apple orchards. At harvest time the pickers were generous with apples they dumped through the fence at recess time. What a scramble!
This picture was taken a few years ago. It shows how the one room school house was blended into the design of the new Maple Grove School.
Bob Hughes