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Oakville Beaver, 18 Aug 2010, p. 31

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G R O G A N , J o a n R u t h - F o u n d i n g member o f t he Oakv i l l e B r anch o f t h e A s s o c i a t i o n f o r C h i l d r e n w i t h Learning Disabilities and Incorporating Secretary of the Oakville Soccer Club. Joan was an act ive member of many other community organizat ions. I t is with great sadness that we announce t h e p a s s i n g o f o u r b e l o v e d w i f e , mother and grandmother Joan Ruth Yo u n g o n We d n e s d a y, A u g u s t 1 1 , 2010, at 78 years young. Surrounded by the embrace of her loving family p a s s e d w i t h g r a c e a n d e a s e . H e r warm smile, fantastic sense of humour and "Hi sweetie, How are you?" wi l l be forever in our hearts. Wife of 54 years of Michael , chi ldren Geraldine ( T o m ) , C a t h e r i n e , K e v i n , T i m (Marilena) Christopher: Grand-children Emily, Maggie, Char les, Gessica and M i c h a e l a , B r o t h e r J o h n ( S u e ) a n d extended family. Predeceased by her l o v i n g u n c l e J o h n a n d A u n t P u d M c C a r t h y a n d h e r s i s t e r J e r r y Badeski . A specia l thank you to the kind and caring staff of the ICU Team of OTMH, who treated Joan with such dignity. Family and Fr iends gathered t o c e l e b r a t e h e r l i f e a t t h e Wa r d F u n e r a l H o m e " O a k v i l l e C h a p e l " , 1 0 9 R e y n o l d s S t r e e t , O a k v i l l e (905-844-3221 on Sunday, August 15, 2010. A Funera l Mass was he ld on Monday, August 16, 2010 at 11a.m. a t S t . A n d r e w ' s R o m a n C a t h o l i c Church, 47 Reynolds Street, Oakvil le. Cremation followed. In lieu of flowers, t he f am i l y wou ld app rec i a t e as an expression of sympathy, donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Alzheimers Society of Canada. A Book of Memories may be s igned at www.wardfuneralhome.com KING, George Edward- September 7, 1915 - August 10, 2010. George died in the Oakvi l le Hospita l af ter a br ief illness. His wife, Essie and daughters, J o a n a n d S h i r l e y w e r e w i t h h i m . H e i s s u r v i v e d a l s o b y h i s l o v i n g grandchi ldren Morgan, Harr ison and E l i z a b e t h , b r o t h e r, D o u g l a s , l o y a l nephew Bob MacKenzie, and son- in- laws Ar thur and Bruce. George was born and raised in Truro, Nova Scotia, b u t c a m e t o O a k v i l l e , O n t a r i o i n 1952 establishing himself as a house bui lder breaking ground in emerging neighborhoods in Oakvi l le. George, a W.W. I I Ve te ran , se r ved four years w i th the 23rd F i e ld Company RCE . George is prof i led in the book "The Storm Boat Kings", a chronicle of the siege and rescue of Operation Market Garden a t A rnhem, 1944 . To those who knew George he was a humble man who took great pride in his work as a master carpenter and lending a willing hand, using his talent and skills there was never a p rob lem tha t he would not tack le . Morgan, Harr ison and Elizabeth knew him as Poppa and w i l l a l w a y s c h e r i s h h i s q u i c k d r y h u m o r. E s s i e , J o a n a n d S h i r l e y intered George's cremated remains at t h e Tr u r o , C e m e t e r y, Tr u r o , N o v a Scotia on Monday, August 16, 2010. Expressions of appreciation for gentle, respectful palliative care are extended to the Nurses of 4 West and "Nurse Next Door" . Thank you to h is d i rect caregivers at Wyndham Manor. He will be m issed g rea t l y, he was a good m a n . O n l i n e c o n d o l e n c e s m a y b e made at www.oakviewfuneral.ca L I N H A R E S , To m a s - P a s s e d a w a y suddenly at home on August 16, 2010, a t the age o f 82 . Be loved husband and best f r iend of Mar ia do Carmo. Loving father of Nellie (Rick) Linhares, M a r i a ( L u i s ) R a p o s o , T h o m a s ( S u z a n n e ) L i n h a r e s a n d L u c y L inhares . Cher i shed grand fa ther o f M o n i k a , J e s s y e , A a r o n , R a q u e l , Nycole, Jordan, Jillian, Amanda, Julia, Hazel & Hailey. Tomas will be missed by extended family and friends, both in C a n a d a , U . S . a n d h i s b i r t h p l a c e Terceira, Acores, Portugal. His family will greatly miss his laughter and his practical jokes. Visitation was held at t h e O a k v i e w F u n e r a l H o m e , 5 6 Lakeshore Rd. W., Oakvil le (905-842- 2252) on Tuesday, August 17th, 2010 from 2-4 & 6-9, with prayers held at 7:30 p.m. Funeral Mass will be held at St. Joseph Portuguese R. C. Church, 2 4 5 1 B r o n t e R d . , O a k v i l l e , o n Wednesday, August 18 at 10 a.m, with interment to fol low at the Glen Oaks Memoria l Gardens. Donat ions to the Heart & Stroke Foundat ion would be a p p r e c i a t e d b y t h e f a m i l y. O n l i n e c o n d o l e n c e s m a y b e m a d e a t oakviewfuneral.ca ONEIL, DArcy Leo, 79 - Peaceful ly at The Carpenter Hospice, Burl ington on Sunday August 15, 2010. A retired F o r d o f C a n a d a e m p l o y e e f r o m 1950-1987, he will be sadly missed by h i s w i f e o f 5 4 y e a r s , J o a n ( n e e Seaward), sister, Marg Edgar (Bill) of Halifax, Nova Scotia, son, Jim (Terri) o f Oakv i l l e and daughter, Jan ice o f Burl ington. Cherished grandfather to Mike, Jennifer, Jeff, Tim, Kristen and Michel le. He wil l be missed by many g r e a t f r i e n d s a n d f a m i l y. S p e c i a l thanks to Dr. Gee and staff at the JB Cancer Clinic, staff and volunteers at the Carpenter Hosp ice , Dr. Ka thr yn Swan for a l l o f the lov ing care and support given to DArcy and his family. V i s i t a t i o n a t S M I T H S F U N E R A L HOME, 1167 Guelph Line, (one stop- l i g h t n o r t h o f Q E W ) B U R L I N G T O N (905-632-3333) on Friday August 20, 2 0 1 0 f r o m 1 2 n o o n u n t i l t i m e o f Memorial Prayers at 1 p.m. Reception to follow at the funeral home. In lieu of f lowers , memor ia l donat ions to the Carpenter Hospice would be sincerely appreciated by the family. www.smithsfh.com WINZER, Ethel Violet (Recipient of the Order of Niagara) - On Thursday A u g u s t 1 2 , 2 0 1 0 a t h e r h o m e i n Oakville, Ethel in her 89th year. Dear s i s te r o f Doro thy and her husband R a l p h F e a t h e r s t o n a n d t h e l a t e Margare t Morcom and her husband Albert . Loving aunt to Jack and his w i f e H e a t h e r, To m a n d h i s w i f e Sharon and the l a te Gar y. Wi l l be sadly missed by her loving companion Victor Boswell. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West (one b lock eas t o f Ker r, 905-844-2600) , Oakville from 2-4 & 7-9 pm Saturday. Funeral service was held 1:30 pm on S u n d a y, A u g u s t 1 5 , 2 0 1 0 a t S t . Aidans Angl ican Church, 318 Queen Mary Dr ive, Oakvi l le . Interment St . Judes Cemetery. For those who wish memorial contributions to St. Aidans Angl ican Church would be appreciat- ed. Email condolences may be made through www.koprivataylor.com ELKIN, Arnelda Rebecca (Dermott)- Passed away peacefu l ly surrounded by dear friends on August 11, 2010 at the age of 84 after a lengthy struggle. P r e d e c e a s e d b y h e r d e v o t e d husband Geo rge De r r i c k E l k i n and her sister Jean Buckingham. Arnelda i s r e m e m b e r e d b y h e r l o v i n g n iece Caro lyn Pau lo f f and husband Alexander of Oakvi l le . Specia l thank y o u t o D r . L a u a n d t h e s t a f f a t E x t e n d i c a r e B a y v i e w . S p e c i a l b l ess ings to a l l o f he r ca reg i ve rs . O n l i n e c o n d o l e n c e s m a y b e m a d e at www.oakviewfuneral.ca l Obituariesl Obituariesl Obituaries 31 ? W ednesda y , August 18, 2010 OAKVILLE BE A VER ? ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m TECHNICAL SUPPORT & CUSTOMER SERVICE In a high volume 24/7 contact centre, Full-time, availability 7am-11pm, includes weekends, $12 per hour + monthly performance incentives. Responsible for delivery of front-line customer service and technical phone support; assisting clients with computer troubleshooting including internet connectivity issues, virus removal, email and antivirus problems and operating system errors. Candidates must have excellent customer service skills, along with 2-3 years practical experience. A+ certifi cation an asset. Dependable HomeTech is located in Burlington on a bus route that is easily accessible from Hamilton Please send your resume to resumes@dependablehometech.com or fax to: (905) 634-2145 Prof. Waterdown Industrial Service Co. Requires Inside Sales Support/ Executive Assistant with strong written/verbal comm. skills, detail & results orientated. 5 years + current Business & Customer Service experience is required. Reply: accounting@ airsolutions hamilton.com Technical/Skilled Trades Salon & Spa EXPERIENCED ESTHETI- CIAN, and nail technician, for busy spa in Oakville, E m a i l : s p a i n o a k - v i l l e @ g m a i l . c o m f a x : 289-291-0170 Technical/Skilled Trades AUTO APPRENTICE; Re- quired, 3rd or 4th year, must have good diagnos- tics, mechanical, electri- cal and good customer service skills. jsalmini@rog- ers.blackberry.net EXPERIENCED WINDOW and Door Installer needed. Knowledge of capping an asset. Email resume to: careers@thedoordudes.ca TILE SETTER needed for F/T nights to start immedi- ately. Please email resume t o a p p l y w i t h i n 9 4 @ hotmail.com Office/ Administration OFFICE ADMINISTRA- TOR/ Manager required for dental lab in Oakville. Excellent communication and computer ski l ls re - quired. Responsibilities in- clude: Invoicing, shipping, s a l e s s u p p o r t , o f f i c e management . Con tac t : vipdentallab@bellnet.ca or f a x r e s u m e t o : 905-465-2236. RECEPTIONIST / Legal Asst Haber & Associates Lawyers require a full time receptionist / legal assist- ant with excel knowledge, strong keyboarding and ex- cellent interpersonal skills. Send resume to : shar - on@haber-lawyer.com or fax: 905 639-0459 RECEPTIONIST/ ADMIN assistant for busy med. s ize arch i tect 's o f f ice. Great phone & computer skills. Various duties.Pls. submit handwritten note with resume: oakvillearchitect@ hotmail.com RECEPTIONIST. EXPERI- ENCE in Microsoft office. E-mail resume to dcorner@ tamaracklumber.ca or Fax 905-332-7900. Attn: Don Corner. FULL TIME RECEPTIONIST Required for our family oriented small animal veterinary hospital in Oakville. We are looking for a friendly, enthusiastic, outgoing, positive team player with exceptional interpersonal and organizational skills. Animal holding & handling is required. All of the above skills are essential & only those candidates considered for the position will be contacted for an interview. Please email your cover letter & resume to vetclinicjob@bellnet.ca ACCOUNTING CLERK Busy independent school requires a junior accounting clerk to assist with payables and collections. Must have some training or expe- rience. This is a part-time position with fl exible hours easily accommodating family and/or other needs. Email resume with "Accounting Clerk" as the title by Aug. 27th to: hr@chisholmcentre.com No phone calls please. SALES PERSON Hardwood Flooring store in Oakville. Weekends required, Fork Lift License an asset, Wage & benefi ts available Email: robert@ kulturfl ooring.com Technical/Skilled Trades Office/ Administration Sales Opportunities BAKERY SALES Person for the Burlington and Mil- ton farmers market. Friday 7:30-4, Saturday 7-12:30. 905-659-4545. MECHANICAL SEALS Field Sales Representative, Reliability Engineer/ Techni- cian, Seal Repair Techni- cian, & Customer Service/ Inside Sales, required for Toronto/ Calgary/ Edmon- ton/ Northern Alberta. We offer competitive salary/ benefits Send resumes to: careers@ca.eag leburg - mann.com Health Care/ Medical F - T R E C E P T I O N I S T required for Oakville Dental Offi ce, experience & knowl- e d g e o f A B E L D E N T necessary. P lease fax resume to: 905-842-3335 PHARMACY TECHN I - CIAN position available FT or PT in Oakvi l le. Pr ior pharmacy experience and s t rong commun i ca t i on skills are mandatory. Com- pet i t i ve wages. P lease email resume to pharmacypros@gmail.com. Restaurants/ Hospitality BURLINGTON RESTAU- RANT now hiring exp front of house and kitchen staff send resume to applyres- taurant @gmail.com SYMPOSIUM CAFE i s looking for experienced line cooks in Burlington & Mil- ton. Please fax resume to: 905-336-3357 VISTAMERE RETIREMENT RESIDENCE requires: P/T Wait Staff for evenings & weekends Competitive wages, excellent benefi ts. Will train. Fax resume to: 905-847-1765 Come Grow with Us! Rapidly expanding Childcare Centres in Milton seeking CERTIFIED ECES ONLY Advancement oppor- tunities, paid profes- sional development. Competitive benefi ts. Apply at: www. peekabookid.com Fax: 905-814-0068 ECE Teacher For FT position at Burlington Childcare for Preschool Room. .E.C.E. proof req. September start. Call 905-332-3971 or fax 905-332-9844 Restaurants/ Hospitality TIN CUP Sports Grill now h i r i ng L i ne Cooks f o r Bur l ington and Oakv i l le locations. Experience pre- ferred. Email Chef Paola at: paola@tincupsportsgrill.ca or apply within. Office/ Administration Restaurants/ Hospitality DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE Eatery presently interview- ing Kitchen/ Serving/ Coun- ter Staff. No evening or Sunday shifts. Full and part time positions available. 905-845-2202 b i temetwice@mai l .com. Resumes can a l so be dropped of f at Bi te Me twice, 107 Dunn Street, Oakville. K I T C H E N M A N G E R needed a t Joe Dog ' s , 531 Brant Street, Burling- ton. Experience necessary. Email resume: mcoles@joedogs.com LINE COOK tunisian, Mo- roccan cu is ine needed 905-465-9993 Teaching Opportunities Teaching Opportunities EXPERIENCED MONTES- SORI Teachers required at Oakville/ Burlington Pre- S c h o o l . C a l l 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 1 1 6 5 ; F a x : 905-825-5266, Email: sana.rizki@ hopedalemontessori.ca Domestic Help Available A B O V E A N D B e y o n d Home Cleaning. Thorough, dependable and guaran- t e e d c l e a n i n g . C a l l 289-208-4596. A L I N A ' S C L E A N I N G Services, who has time to clean? Experienced, Euro- pean team will take care of your home & leave it spark- ling. Fully insured, trained ladies, all supplies. Halton. Alina 905-689-5696 lv.msg S PA R K L I N G C L E A N h o u s e b y E l i z a b e t h . Professional house clean- ing. Excellent references. Weekly/ bi-weekly. Friday o p e n i n g a v a i l a b l e . 905-545-3280. Moving & Storage JP MOVERS- Short notice OK, Free Estimates, 24/7, $30/hour and up. Insured, Bonded , P ro f ess i ona l , A f f o r d a b l e 1-800-408-7010. SELF STORAGE 6 - I n - door/ Outdoor units/ RV's/ boats. Call 905-689-1665. WHEN DECIDING on a moving company, you may decide to see if the compa- ny is bonded, insured and certified. The Better Busi- ness Bureau and/or the Ca- nad i an Assoc i a t i o n o f Movers may also provide more in format ion on a company. Flooring & Carpeting CARPET, HARDWOOD, laminate, vinyl. Large se- lection. Will do livingroom and diningroom for $379. Call 905-977-7546. Home Renovations BRICKLAYER~ STONES, f l a g s t o n e s , i n t e r l o c k , bricks, plus sub-contract e tc . . . F ree es t ima tes . Matthew 905-315-8173, 416-705-2989. We pay the HST. CONCRETE PATTERNS/ Walk-ways, Curbs, Patios, Driveways, Light up your staircase. Free Estimates. Mario 905-301-1382 w w w . m m p a t t e r n c o n - crete.com. WE TEACH you to Do-It- Yourself! Build It Yourself Learning Centers teaches you home improvement & renovation skills. Register by August 31st to receive a $100 Stanley tool kit ! www.biyworkshops.com, 1-866-964-7188. Waste Removal 1/2 PRICE Junk Removal. Cheap. Fast Service. All loading/ cleanup. Free Esti- m a t e s . J o h n , 905-310-5865 (local) Get Results CLASSIFIED E-MAIL INTERNET! Place your Engagement Announcement or Anniversary Celebration here. Call 905.632.4440 The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones.

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