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Oakville Beaver, 9 Sep 2010, p. 47

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47 ?Thursda y , September 9, 2010 OAKVILLE BE A VER ?ww w .oakvillebeave r.co m NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Claims against the Estate of Wallace John Rockwell, late of the Town of Oakville, who died on June 11, 2010 must be in our hands by October 1, 2010, after which the Estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims then filed. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, Estate Trustee 5515 North Service Road, Suite 400 Burlington, Ontario L7L 6G4 GRUNER, Christopher James Joseph Christopher James Joseph Gruner passed away peacefully on September 2nd 2010, surrounded by his family at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. He was well loved and loved well. Born in 1935 in Montreal, Quebec he was third of seven children, played hockey, loved music, known to pick up the trumpet, flute and banjo. He developed a career as a Chartered Accountant, explored the skies with his ultralight plane and contemplated life's meaning with those close to him. He took on life's adventures and struggles with charm, wit, humour, and gentleness. He leaves behind his beloved wife Ruth, children Doug (Holly), Tim, and Sheila, three grandchildren, Quinn, Skyler and Nicolas, 4 brothers Michael (Violet), Peter (Gay), Anthony (Wendy), Father Nicholas and 2 sisters Lela (Dick) and Jenni (John), along with many warm, faithful and giving friends and relatives. A special thanks to the ICU staff at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, the staff at S.E.N.A.C.A., Paramed staff and Chris' Care-a-Van drivers. In lieu of flowers, please send donations in Chris' name to Canadian Food for Children, S.E.N.A.C.A. Seniors Day Program Halton, Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, or a charity of your choice. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr, 905-844-2600), Oakville from 2-4 & 7-9 pm Tuesday. Funeral Mass at Saint Dominic Parish, 2415 Rebecca Street, Oakville, on Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at 11 am. Email condolences may be made through www.koprivataylor.com Our beloved Chris, now soaring to new heights. Budds Group of Companies is currently seeking to fi ll a full-time position of Accounts Payable Clerk for a fast-paced environment. A/P Knowledge & Experience is a MUST. Reynolds, MS, Excel, Outlook experience an asset. Only serious candidates need apply. Salary will depend upon applicants experience. Mail or Fax Resumes to: Budds Group of Companies Attn: Julie Hope 2454 South Service Road West, Oakville, ON L6L 5M9 Fax: (905) 845-0591 ~ NO CALLS PLEASE! Carguide ?World of Wheels ? Canadian AutoWorld ?Boatguide ? Boating Business ?Ports ? West of the City ?Ideal Home One of Canada's leading publishers of consumer and business magazines, and a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd., has immediate openings for: ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVES Carguide & Boatguide In this role, you will be customer focused and will build strong relationships with new and existing clients by ensuring that their advertising needs are met for either Carguide Magazine and Trade Shows or Boat ing Publications, Boating Trade Shows, and websites. You will understand the importance of actively prospecting for new business and presenting advertising opportunities at both the client and agency level. You are goal oriented, resourceful and dr iving in meeting and exceeding regular publication sales targets. To qualify for this position, you need to be motivated, independent, and a self-starter. In addition, you will possess excellent written and verbal communication skills and be familiar with Microsoft computer applications. If you would like to work for a leader in the media industry this opportunity may be right for you. We offer a competitive compensation and benefi t package as well as opportunities for fu- ture career growth. If interested please forward your resume citing Formula Media Group Carguide or Formula Media Group Boatguide in subject line, no later than September 11th, 2010 to: laurelle.maharaj@metroland.com We appreciate the interest of all applicants however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls or agencies please. MANDARIN RESTAURANT BURLINGTON LOCATION EXPAND & RELOCATE TO NEW LOCATION at Fairview/ Brant in Burlington ALL POSITIONS WANTED Full/Part-time No experience necessary Photo ID required Please apply in person Sept 11th-13th 10am-4pm Mandarin Burlington ( Existing location) 1235 Fairview Street, Burlington (Fairview/E of Maple) For any inquiries, please feel free to call 905-632-6000 HOLIDAY INN OAKVILLE CENTRE Now Accepting Applications For: Restaurant Servers Banquet Porters/ Servers, Line Cook, Dishwasher Room Attendant Maintenance Person House Person Guest Service Agent Fax: (905) 842-5123 E- mail to: hr@hioakville.com P/T Shipping/Receiving Position Hours: 10am to 3pm (Flexible), Paid Hourly Reports to: Logistics Manager Duties: Order Picking & preparation; Stock handling and inventory control; Unpack goods received and verify them against internal documents; Verify parcels received & put away stock; Maintain warehouse in clean order and help out with the warehouse general tasks. Qualifications: Ability to communicate both verbal and written; Organized and able to keep records; Experience with MS Office, Knowl- edge of Computerized UPS Courier System. E-mail resume to admin@iscar.ca Iscar Tools thanks all applicants, but will only contact those we are interested in meeting. No Agencies or Phone calls accepted F/T HOME CLEANERS Required Experienced maids preferred. Must have car. Paid top dollar. Hiring: Oakville, Burlington & Milton 1-888-624-3329 info@maidday.ca Office/ Administration Sales Opportunities Health Care/ Medical DENTAL HYGIENE Assist- ant needed exclusively for hygiene team. Burlington Periodontal practice. New grads only. Monday-Friday approx. 30hrs/week. Fax resume to 905-634-5953 DIETARY AIDE Enrolled or completed FSW course for LTC Home in Oakville Fax resume to 905-849-4825 MEDICAL SECRETARY Oakville, part-time 25-28 h r s / w k , n o w e e k e n d s /evenings Excellent com- mun icat ion /computer skills, experience in OHIP billing /EMR. resumes to dryalpc@gmail.com RPNS/ RECEPTIONISTS for beautiful new medical centre in Oakville. Caring, ha rdwork i ng . Jo i n ou r growing team dedicated to compassionate family cen- t e red ca re . Ca l l J ody 416-898-4055 or jmangiardi@sympatico.ca Restaurants/ Hospitality EXPERIENCED COOK & Server (will train) required for Busy Burlington Sports Complex, Must be outgo- ing. Call 905-335-8520 Office/ Administration Sales Opportunities THE STOUT Monk is hir- ing experienced Cooks and Apprentice, full & pa r t - t ime pos i t i o n s ava i lab le . App ly in person w/resume to Executive Chef Chris; Also accepting applica- tions for full & part-time energetic Servers, ap- ply w/resume to Kevin. 478 Dundas S t . W. , Oakville. Restaurants/ Hospitality Part-time Opportunities Cleaning/ Janitorial Teaching Opportunities OAKVILLE- ECE required Full -Time (or split shift). P r e s c h o o l R o o m a n d schoo l aged ch i l d ren . Unique, high quality Reggio Environment. Fax resume to: 905-827-7845 or email: apodgorska@hotmail.com OAKVILLE- NURSERY School E.C.E. Assistant, part-time (3 - 6pm), needed immediate ly for Reggio b a s e d S c h o o l f o r a Maternity Leave (January 2011). Send resume to: apodgorska@hotmail.com Domestic Help Available ADDED TOUCH Domestic Services. Weekly, bi-weekly Oakville house cleaning. Ex- cellent references. Please call Angela 905-334-9866. CLEANING HOME or Of- fice. Oakville, Burlington, F lamborough, Re l iab le . 17yrs experience. Guaran- teed. Reasonable Rates. 905-690-7778 C L E A N I N G L A D Y Available for Oakville and Bu r l i ng ton a rea . Good cleaning experience. Call Mary 905-829-5311 MAID MARY houseclean- i n g w i t h a p e r s o n a l touch, reliable with great r e f e re n c e s a n d f e e s . 519-853-9730. REASONABLE AND re- liable full-time cleaning lady with many years of experi- ence has some opening c o m i n g u p . C a l l 905-822-8622 Restaurants/ Hospitality Part-time Opportunities Domestic Help Available SPOTLESS CLEANING. I don't cut corners, I clean t h e m . R e s i d e n t i a l & Commercial. Call Karlene 289-208-2251 YOYO CLEANING Ser - vice. Thorough House or offi ce cleaning, Move-in/out cleaning, Windows Clean- i n g , P l e a s e C a l l 9 0 5 - 6 3 5 - 6 7 1 2 , 905-599-1888 Moving & Storage JP MOVERS- Short notice OK, Free Estimates, 24/7, $30/hour and up. Insured, Bonded , P ro f ess i ona l , A f f o r d a b l e 1-800-408-7010. Painting & Decorating PALERMO PA INT ING- Interior & exterior painting. Friendly and courteous. No job too small. For a free es- t i m a t e c a l l P a u l 905-580-2474. Handy Person TOTAL HOME Renova - t ions- Kitchen and bath- room renovations. Finished basements , hard wood flooring and painting. Call Matt 416-917-4706. laviola70@gmail.com Home Renovations REDWIN CONSTRUC- TION: Kitchen renova- tions our Specialty! All interior, ceramics, trim, bathrooms; Licensed & I n s u r e d . R a n d y 905-966-4446 WE TEACH you to Do-It- Yourself! Build It Yourself Learning Centers teaches you home improvement & renovation skills. Fall work- shops are filling up fast- register today at www.bi- y w o r k s h o p s . c o m o r 1-866-964-7188. Restaurants/ Hospitality DOLLING/HOGAN - Jen and Mark are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of their son Bryce Fionn Hogan in Toronto on August 24, 2010, weighing 9 lbs. 4 oz. Bryce is welcomed by proud grandparents Frank and Margaret Dolling of Oakville and Jim and Marie Hogan of Ottawa. Many thanks to Drs. Baratz, Zaltz, Cohen and the staff at Womens College Hospital. LITTLE, E. William Bill P a s s e d a w a y p e a c e f u l l y o n September 7th, 2010 five days before h is 82nd B i r thday. Lov ing husband and bes t f r i end o f Chr ys ta l f o r 52 y e a r s . F a t h e r o f I a n , C a r o l y n a n d husband Cra ig Sanders , B ruce and wife Carolyn, and Doug. Grandfather of Meaghan, Courtney, Matthew and Emilly. Great-Grandfather of Brayden. Bill, originally from Inverness, Quebec, was a ret i ree of Sun Li fe of Canada a n d a l o n g - t i m e m e m b e r o f S t . Simons Angl ican Church in Oakvi l le. A Celebration of Bills life will be held on Saturday, September 11th, 2010 at S t . S imon s Ang l i can Church , 1450 Litchfield Road, Oakvi l le at 3:00 pm. In l ieu of f lowers, the fami ly would appreciate contr ibut ions be made to S t . S imon s Corners tone Campa ign (www.sts imon.ca) . Funera l a r range- ments have been entrusted to Ward Fune ra l Home (905 ) 844 -3221 . A book of memories can be s igned at www.wardfuneralhome.com. HERROLD, Irene (nee Ripley) It is with deep sadness that the family conveys the passing of Irene Herrold (R ip l ey ) on Sa tu rday, Sep tember 4 , 2010 a t Oakv i l l e -Tra fa lga r Memor ia l Hospital. Brave ly and wi th grace , she s l ipped away peace fu l l y, on her own te rms. Her strength and kindness wil l always be remembered with much fondness. Cherishing her memory is her devoted husband Pau l , he r be loved ch i ld ren Michele Ripley, Robert (Sapna) Ripley and James Ripley and her four grand- c h i l d r e n , w h o m s h e a d o r e d , L i a n e and Rache l Meyer ink and O l iv ia and Graham Ripley. Funeral arrangements entrusted to J.S. Jones Fune ra l Home l oca t ed 11582 Trafa lgar Road, Georgetown, Ontar io. V i s i t a t i on Thursday Sep tember 9 th , 1 2 - 1 p m w i t h s e r v i c e i m m e d i a t e l y t o f o l l o w . I n t e r n m e n t G r e e n w o o d Cemetery, Georgetown. D o n a t i o n s t o t h e C a n a d i a n C a n c e r Society are welcomed and appreciated. YERKIE, Terri Lynn It is with much love and sorrow in our hearts that we announce her untimely passing, Sunday, September 5, 2010 at Ross Memorial Hospital in Lyndsay, Ontario. Much loved and devoted soul mate, Vern Nash, as a lways, by her side. So very sadly missed by Sister Dena (Gray) , her husband Paul and Family. Jaclyn wi l l a lways remember her beaut i fu l and happy Aunt Terr i . P r e d e c e a s e d b y M o t h e r- L o r r a i n e , Dad-Gord and Brother- Franky. Fondly missed and loved by Lynn. A service to ce lebrate her l i fe has been made a t Monk Funera l Se r v i ces , 6 He len S t r e e t , B o b c a y g e o n , O n t a r i o o n Friday, September 10th at 11:00 a.m. Cremat ion . I f des i red , donat ions to The Canad ian D iabe tes Assoc ia t ion would be appreciated by the Family. R.I.P. "Little Bear". HAMILTON COIN SHOW Sheraton Hotel 116 King St. West Sat. Sept 11 10am-5pm Sun. Sept 12 10am-4pm tlcoinshow.com l Birth Notices l Obituaries l Obituaries NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of Christopher Jon Thompson, late of the Town of Oakville in the Regional Municipality of Halton, who died on or about the 2nd day of April, 2010, must be filed with the undersigned Estate Trustees on or before the September 30; thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then fi led. DATED at Halton Hills this 9th day of September, 2010 PAUL ALEXANDER THOMPSON & ANGELA MARIE SAVO, ESTATE TRUSTEES, By their Solicitors, HELSON KOGON ASHBEE SCHALJO & ASSOCIATES LLP, Barristers & Solicitors, 132 Mill Street, Georgetown, Ontario, L7G 2C6 Attn: Mark T.Rush 905-877-5206 PROFESSIONAL DENTAL CLEANING $99 JUDY DENTAL HYGIENE CARE 5112 NEW ST BURLINGTON (between Burloak and Appleby) Judy Ganis RDH, since 1997 (905)599-4867 info@jdhc.ca/www.jdhc.ca BLOWOUT MOVING SALE!! Fri. Sept. 10 - Sun. Oct. 3 Save up to 50% OFF our already low prices! Shop ReStore for your home renovation projects & Pay Less while helping a great cause. 1800 Appleby Line, Burlington 905-637-4446 x 229 www.habitathalton.ca MAINWAY SPORTS INDOOR BEACH VOLLEYBALL LEAGUES Fun for all levels Team or Individual entry ?6 on 6 Co-ed Leagues Starts Sept. 13 Call 905-335-8520 www.mainwaysports.com l Lifetimes / Milestonesegal Notices l Lifetimes / MilestonesDental Services l Lifetimes / MilestonesUpco ing Events

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