23 Friday , January 7, 2011 O A KVILLE BEA V ER w w w .o akvillebeaver .co m Community Update BULLETIN Winter Owl Prowls at Mountsberg Conservation Area, Jan. 14 and Jan. 28 for for advanced adult prowlers; Jan. 15 and 29, all ages and families welcome. Advance registration only online at www.conservationhalton.ca. Call Mountsberg at 905-854- 2276 for information; adults $15, seniors (ages 65 and older) $10; children ages five to 14 years $10. Mountsberg is on Milburough Line, 5 km west of Campbellville, between Hwy. 6 South and Guelph Line. Winners of the Front Row Centre 2010 Christmas Raffle, drawn Thursday December 23, 2010 at The Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts were: First Draw: Ticket #1622 Carol Allan, Oakville; Second Draw: Ticket #495 Rob Dionne, Oakville; Third Draw: Ticket #1566 Carol Mielke, Burlington; Fourth Draw: Ticket #948 Jeff Powell, Oakville; Fifth Draw: Ticket #1444 Angela Rickett, Toronto. Butt Out program for smokers who want to quit, free winter session begins Jan. 11, 6-7 p.m., Oakville- Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, 327 Reynolds St., Learning Resource Centre (basement level), call 905- Forward announcements of non-profit local events for Community Update to the Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4; e- mail ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com or call 905- 337-5560. Free. 338-4691. FRIDAY JANUARY 7 Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Mississauga Centre meets at 8 p.m., University of Toronto at Mississauga, Room. SE2082, South Building, free, all welcome, park in Lot 4, con- tact www.mississauga.rasc.ca. Northern Praise Ministries monthly worship gathering, doors open at 7:30 p.m., Oakville Italian Club Hall, 467 Speers Rd., back right, watch for flash- ing green light. Offering taken. SATURDAY JANUARY 8 Taoist Tai Chi Club Beginner Session, Open House, 9-10 a.m., 2464 Lakeshore Rd. W., contact 905- 825-0514 or oakville@taoist.org. Antiquing at Oakville Place, Trafalgar Road/Leighland Avenue, during mall hours, mul- tiple vendors, wide selection, visit www.oakvilleplace.com or call 905-842-2140. SUNDAY JANUARY 9 Antiquing at Oakville Place, Trafalgar Road/Leighland Avenue, during mall hours, multiple vendors, wide selec- tion, visit www.oakvilleplace.com or call 905-842-2140. MONDAY JANUARY 10 Oakville Literacy Council Information session for those who want to be volunteer adult literacy tutors, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Woodside Branch Library, lower level, 1274 Rebecca St. Register at 905-469-8528, info@oakvil- leliteracy.ca or www.oakvillelit- eracy.ca. Deadline for tickets to Breakfast with the Hon. John Wilkinson, Ontario Minister of the Environment Jan. 14 to address Oakville's Environmental Climate, registration at 7:30 a.m., event at 8-9:30 a.m., Oakville Conference & Banquet Centre, 2515 Wyecroft Rd., $30/members, $40/non-members, contact Nesrene Salem at nesrene@oakvil- lechamber.com or 905-845-6613, ext. 28. Tots and Us for Moms, Dads and grandparents caring for a preschooler. Free, 10-11 a.m., St. Pauls United Church, 454 Rebecca St., call 905-845-3427. YogaThrive...yoga for cancer survivors and their supporters at St. Jude's Church. 8 week ses- sion begins today from noon-1 p.m. Drop-ins welcome. No yoga experience necessary. Contact Lynn at 905-599-3568 or calm- posure@cogeco.ca. TUESDAY JANUARY 11 Developmental Early Identification Prevention Program (DEIPP CLINIC) for parents concerned about a child under age fives hearing, speech, behaviour or development. Free, Oakville Parent-Child Centre, 1500 Sixth Line, 9-11 a.m., con- sultations are first come, first- served, contact 905-849-6366. Colborne Computer Club meets at Sir John Colborne Centre for Seniors, Lakeshore Road/Third Line, $5, 7 p.m. questions, 7:30-9 p.m. Linux and Other Free Software, visit www.colbornecomputerclub.ca. Oakville Choral Society reg- istration for spring session (January to May), new members welcome, no audition required, some musical knowledge help- ful. St. Aidans Anglican Church, 318 Queen Mary Dr., 7 p.m., fol- lowed by the first rehearsal at 7:45 p.m., $75, contact 905-827- 6129, 905-339-0682, or visit www.oakvillechoral.com. Alzheimer Support Group meets 7-9 p.m. at Sunrise Assisted Living in Oakville. Call 905-847-9559. Correction An incorrect date was included in a brief Choral Society welcomes singers in the Wednesday, Jan. 5 edi- tion of The Oakville Beaver. The correct date for new sea- son registration is Tuesday, Jan. 11, at St. Aidans Anglican Church, 318 Queen Mary Dr., 7 p.m., fol- lowed by the first rehearsal at 7:45 p.m. Fee is $75, all music loaned to choristers free from the choirs library. Contact 905-827-6129 or 905-339-0682, or visit www.oakvillechoral.com. The Oakville Beaver regrets the error and any inconven- ience it may have caused. February 5 - 28th in Downtown Oakville! Winter Sale FURS LEATHERS SHEARLINGS CLOTH COATS ACCESSORIES 30-50%OFF Entire Winter Inventory No price adjustments on previous purchases. 209 LAKESHORE ROAD EAST Downtown Oakville (905)845-2031 www.barringtons.ca Monday-Friday 9-6 Saturday 9-5 Sunday 12-5 www.footsolutions.com 213 Lakeshore Road East Downtown Oakville (905) 339-FOOT (3668) Worth it. The Original Available in Brown or Black Thats what people say. The only problemwith Blundstone boots is that they never seem to wear out. Oh, people try. But after a few years of kicking the bejeez out of them, theyre morecomfortable than ever and still going strong. Expensive? Nope, they get cheaper by the day. Open Tuesday to Sunday. Closed Monday. visit www.downtownoakville.com for more information - - - - CLIP AND S AV E CLIP AND S AV E Showroom open 10:00-5:00 Tuesday-Saturday #1A-1254 Plains Rd. East, Burlington 905-631-REDO(7336) www.paintitlikenew.com AS SEEN ON CITYLINEIN KITCHEN CUPBOARD DOOR SPECIAL $25OFFwith this ad and with $250 minimum order