Howl like a coyote for Chinese New Year at Bronte CreekIf you thought New Years Eve and the coyote The park naturalist will lead evening hikes coyote.Outdoor skating rink hours are 9:30hike howling was over at Bronte Creek Provincial where visitors will learn to howl like coyotes Then everyone will be invited to gather a.m. to 9:30 p.m. (weather permit-Park, think again theres still time.and then gather round the bonfire for the around the bonfire at 8:30 p.m. to welcome in ting).Tonight, on Wednesday, Feb. 2, the park will Countdown for Kids.the New Year during the Countdown for Kids. The Park Store will be serving upcelebrate the Chinese New Year with coyote Residents are invited to join the naturalist Theres no additional fee to participate in the hot food and non-alcoholic drinks.howl hikes and a Countdown for Kids around for a guided public coyote howl and uncover alcohol-free New Years Eve program. Hike The store also offers skate rentals inthe bonfire.some secrets about the largely misunderstood times are at 7 p.m., 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. an assortment of sizes for both chil-dren and adults. The parks Childrens Farm andPlaybarn are also open daily from 9a.m. to 4 p.m. throughout the win-ter.For more information on ice con-ditions, park events and facilities,call 905-827-6911.There is no additional fee for useof the skating rink or playbarn afterobtaining a daily vehicle permit.Reduced rates for seniors and dis-abled permits.The ice rink is located in theparks Day Use area that is accessibleoff Burloak Drive just north of theQEW. Nuclear speaker in town Feb. 17The Canadian Club of HaltonPeel will feature Dr. Neil Alexander,past-president of the Organization of CANDU Industries (OCI) Feb. 17.Alexander is now president of Bucephalus Consulting and willspeak at the Harbour Conference &Banquet Centre at 2340 Ontario the Bronte Outer Harbour Marinaon Power, Jobs and Life Itself A Biography of Ontarios NuclearIndustry. Alexander is a senior nuclearindustry executive who through hisorganization, advises companies ondeveloping plans to access opportu-nities in the nuclear industry. Aspart-time president of theOrganization of CANDU Industrieshe represented the Canadian nuclearsupply chain at home and abroad.With almost 25 years in thenuclear industry and having heldexecutive positions with industryleaders Babcock & Wilcox Canada,SNC Lavalin Nuclear and AtomicEnergy of Canada (AECL) Alexanderis an advocate of nuclear powersenvironmental benefits. He has aPhD in material sciences from theUniversity of Birmingham inEngland.Alexander will take a wide-rangingromp through the issues to providefacts and context for these stories.Registration is at 6 p.m. followedby dinner at 7 p.m. Admission costs $30/members,$40/non-members and $15/students.Reserve by contacting or OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, February 2, 2011 12