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Oakville Beaver, 2 Feb 2011, p. 5

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Methadone clinic has 30 regular daily clientsas opposed to street drugs like heroin.Continued from page 1Another misconception people have abouthad with the centre revolved around themethadone clinics is that drug addicts congre-belief it would tarnish the image of Kerrgate both inside and outside leading to alterca-Street, which has struggled for years to revi-tions and an unpleasant image for the area.talize its image.Hershkop said this is not the case at theHershkop, who is a family doctor, as wellSpeers Road clinic with patients simply com-as a board certified addiction medicine spe-ing in, getting their methadone, and leav-cialist, said this is ironic because methadoneing.clinics actually cut down crime by turningI do not permit loitering, he said. Itsdrug addicts back into productive membersnot a place where people are hanging out andof society.causing trouble.What methadone is, is a substitute. Its aWhile the Speers Road location is smalleronce a day medication, which at the rightthan what it would have been on Kerr Street,dose completely takes away all symptoms of Benakopoulos said it is easily accessible bywithdrawal. What that does is frees peoplepublic transit and area roads and is close tocompletely from their enslavement to findingthe QEW, which makes the location ideal.enough money to get whatever pills theyIn addition to methadone, the clinic offersneed, said Hershkop.psychosocial assistance and counselling withWhat that does is gives them both thethe goal of helping people complete theirresources in finances, as well as health andMICHELLE SIU/ OAKVILLE BEAVER methadone treatment as quickly and effec-time, to move on with their lives. That meansOPEN FOR BUSINESS: Dr. Sheldon Hershkop has been operating a methadone clinic ontively as possible.they can go back to their families, go back toSpeers Road for three months without incident. He previously tried to locate his clinic on Kerr StretIn the short time the clinic has beenwork, go back to school.but was met with opposition from neighbours.operational, Benakopoulos said he can alreadyHershkop said there is no shortage of see the effect its having.need for methadone treatment. Around 30the dangerous street people many think theying pills because they are prescribed orIts really gratifying. Weve been herepeople attend the Speers Road clinic dailyare.because they are not as frightening. Youthree or four months, were seeing patientswith 95 per cent of them being Halton resi-Over the last 15 years because of medica-swallow a pill it makes you feel a little lessand you can readily see the impact and seeingdents.tions like OxyContin and others, what werebad and before you know it you are takingthe patients get better and getting their livesLocal treatment is more effective,seeing more, much, much more, are peoplemore and more and then you have a very seri-back on track and its really fulfilling to seeHershkop said, because fewer appointmentswho tend to be middleclass or upper middle-ous problem.that, he said.are missed and as a result more patients willclass who somehow got caught up into this,Hershkop said around 80 to 90 per cent of These are people and we just want to helplikely stay on track.said Hershkop.the people he sees have addictions tothem regain their lives.Hershkop pointed out his patients are notWhat happens very often is they start tak-OxyContin and other prescription painkillers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ednesday, February 2, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com

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