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Oakville Beaver, 23 Mar 2011, p. 21

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To Place An Ad Call 905-632-4440 Email: classified@haltonsearch.com Fax 905-632-8165CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS:Monday to Friday 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm.Classified Call Centre 8:30 am. - 5:30pm.OAKVILLE BeaverclassifiedsAD SUBMISSION: By mail or in person at Burlington Post, 5040 Mainway, Unit #1, Burlington ON L7L 7G5. DEADLINES: Monday 5 p.m. for Wednesday publication, Tuesday 5 p.m. for Thursday publication, Wednesday 5 p.m. for Friday publication. Special Feature deadlines may vary. PAYMENT: We will ForCirculation inquiries, please callaccept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts may be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS to ensure its accurate. The Oakville Beaver will not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. If an error appears in your ad, contact your Sales Consultant within 24 hours of publication.905-845-9742 Friday publication errors must be reported before 5:30 p.m. on the following Monday.Homes for SaleHomes for SaleApartments for Apartments for Houses for RentDuplexes for RentVehicles Wanted/AvailableChild Care AvailableArticles for SaleRentRentWreckingCANADIANA- QUIET, well-OAKVILLE~ 2,3&4 bed-GORGEOUS 3-BED-BURLINGTON- MAIN level WOODWORKING TOOLS:***ALWAYS CASH*** maintained lakefront build-room townhouses available ROOM, freshly painted, 2+1 bedroom, 1200sq.ft $200. (Average) Paid Table Saw/ Stand, Band ing, pool, A/C. Very immediately, appliances, Mountainside area, 4 appli-+ basement, hardwood. Sawfor usable and scrap ve-, Bench Drill Press, Selling yourSpacious 1, 2 & 3 Hopedale Mall Area. ances, ravine lot, parking, Yard. $1050/mo. + Bench Belt Sander/ Grind-hicles. Free pickup. bedrooms available imme-Lakeshore Management hardwood, Call utilities. May/1st. Also Free dead battery er, more. 905-635-4384.diately. 5220 Lakeshore, 905-876-3336.905-529-2424905-637-5548pick-up. 905-320-3287Burlington, 905-632-5486. pedder@home privately?(No dogs preferred) See OAKVILLE- 4TH Line/ Health & Home rogers.blackberry.netus on www.viewit.caBridge Road. 2 bedroom, 2 CareSharedstory house apartment. *CASH PAID- Get ResultsAdvertise a photo & descriptionAccommodations1-BEDROOM +DEN farm-New fridge, stove, washer SENIOR HOMECARE$250.00++ for any By house apartment, Steeles/ & dryer. Attached garage, 905.632.4440Angels. Experienced Care-Complete vehicles driv-of your home in the1 BEDROOM, $525/mo. Trafalgar. Avail. Apr.15 $1100/mo +hydro. givers will provide up toen in/ $200++ for vehi- Southwest Oakville, share $750/mo. 416-985-1571 289-218-8046.24 hour In-home care.cles picked up. Good Townhouses for washroom/ kitchen/ laun-416-565-8439Burlington/Waterdown905-634-2400.used cars & trucks Rentdry. New linen/ furniture. OAKVILLE~ AFFORDABLE 905wanted $0-$20,000. -632-0551Close to all transport. BASEMENT APART-Rent! Large 1 & 2 bed-Oakville's Only Licensed MENT1 car parking. No smoking. , East Burlington, rooms, hardwood, suites Oakville905-823-2625MusicalAuto Recycler 702 ROUNDTREEAvailable immediately. 1-bedroom, separate with balcony. Appliances, andBronte Rd, Oakville (just InstrumentsCall 416-801-1029.entrance, non-smokers. laundry, quiet, clean, near MANORSouth of QEW). MOT le-$800/mo. all inclusive, DAYCARE AVAILABLE in transit/ schools/ shops. Articles for SaleTOWNHOMESgal transfers. First/ Last. Apr.1. my home, 10 years 905-339-3245.OAKVILLE- ROOMS in 905-827-8015.Across from 905-681-8641experience. Fun loving new townhouse available, WATERDOWN CENTRALsafe environment. Third Burlington MallApril 1st. $600/mo. **A1 MATTRESS Facto-CASH PAID for Scrap BEAUTIFULLY REFUR-Line/ Bridge, Oakville. location, walk everywhere 416-629-40463 Bdrms $995/mory direct, delivery Cars and Trucks. Same BISHED 2 bedroom apart-1&2 bedrooms $785/mo;References, receipts. For details call905-632-4440available. All sizes in-Day Pick Up. ment in central Oakville.4 Bdrms $1035/mo 75 John 905-690-4454;905-469-0499. SHARED ACCOMMODA-cluding custom Split 905-693-5355$1152/mo. including 50 John 905-689-1647; 795 Dynes RoadTION, near Burlington boxsprings, Orthopedic cable, utilities & parking. www.livehere.caTel: 905-639-1748Mall, female preferred. 20yr sets starting Call 905-842-5095.April 1. $460/mo. HOME AWAY from home $240. 30yr tight-topFOR SALE- Antique Piano, BEST Rental ValueFurnished905-746-7775.Gorgeous dark mahogany childcare. Flexible hours. sets starting $340. De-BURLINGTON- 3020 IN BURLINGTON!upright Heintzman. Circa ApartmentsNutritious meals/ snacks luxe no-flip Pillowtop Glencrest Road. 1,3 bed-Amelin Propertyprovided. Main floor play-&'Crown' series, Euro-late 1800's, Original Ivory rooms, available April/ Travel & VacationsKeyes, $350 or best offer. Managementroom. Enclosed back yard top sets from $390. May. Starting from playground. Great learning New Waterbeds, Futons,Moving and need to sell. CA$H IN$879/mo. Upscale quiet environment for your child. End-of-line/ discontin-Call Shawna 905-599-0350building, close to major 3-BEDROOMS CENTEN-Experienced. References ued items available. LUXURIOUS CONDO on 1 HOURshopping. 905-632-0129.HOME AWAY NIAL Drive, family com-available. Receipts. Police 905-847-2020; the Ocean! Golf, maid ser-plex, 1 parking, PIANO, BABY Grand, high WE BUY ALLFROM HOMEcheck, first aid. Appleby/ 905-681-9496BURLINGTON- SPA-vice in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. $1100/mo. + hydro/ heat. gloss black, 5', like new, CARS & TRUCKSUpper Middle. Please call CIOUSCall 905-877-4769. 2 & 3-bedrooms. May.1. 905-319-1869$2450. Can deliver. BURLINGTON905-319-0355($5 - $5000) paid Across from Sobey's Pow-905-394-2954.*CARPET HARDWOOD, er Centre. Easy access TOWERS7 days, 24 hrs Laminate, Stone/ Tiles, BEAUTIFUL 3-BED-Lost & Foundhighways/ minutes to GO/ $000,000- 4 slevel spide split in HeadonScrap autos Beat Any Quote! Paint-ROOM, 2.5 baths, partially bus. From $880/mo. plus FURNISHED Dogsing/ Renovations. Free Forest.3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, finished recfinished basement, hard-HOME DAYCARE. British FREE removal Eutilities. 905-336-9842.1,2, BDRMSEstimates. Burlington wood, stainless steel appli-trained & qualifi ed. Lots of woom with gas fireplaceL.New ceramics in1 Hour ServiceFOUND: SET of keys, Showroom Pances, granite. 3rd Line/ fun, learning through play. FACING BURLINGTON kitchen.Hardwood floors in living room &din-905-639-8583corner of Fothergill and COTON DE Tulear pup-905-574-4589905-320-8381MDundas. $1830/mo. plus River Oaks. 905-825-1122.Mall. Large 1&2 bdrm Prince William. Chev car ing room.Large professionally landscaped,pies, home raised, ethical corporatesuites.caAutilities. 416-300-1468.905-662-3871suites. Brand new kitchen. key, plus others. Please SCKC CFC breeder, 1 male pool-size lot.New roof in 03, windowsSeniors discount. Hydro call 905-632-3642.CARPETS- I have several & 3 females. Spring pup-Articles Wantedreplaced 04.Hi-efficiency gEas furnace.BRONTE VILLAGE Oak-incl. Call Dan Short Term Rentals1000 yds. Of new Stain-pies. Health guaranteed. ZCareer ville. $1565/mo. Executive Master bedroom wit905-639-8009 or Don Ih full ensuite.Neutralmaster & 100% nylon car-LOST1st shots, micro-chipped. : LADIES diamond DevelopmentS905-681-8115Townhome. Very near Lake decor throughout.Open House this Sundapet. Will do living-room & yband ring. March 5, TurRegistered. 705-689-0815tle and Harbour. End Unit. 3 hall for $389. Includes SHORT TERM Rental- www.lakecountrycotons.caaJacks parking lot, Dundas/ t 000 Main St.,Burlington..PRIVATEPRIME DOWNTOWN Bur-bedrooms, 4 baths, eat-in TRAIN FOR a Career Youll $ Best Cash Paid $carpet, pad & installation Professional Adult or Trafalgar. 905-873-9877.SALE.Call 000-000-0000 for more details.lington. Upgraded suites kitchen with patio walk-out, Love Personal Support (25 yards) Steve, couple. Available March, We make housecalls1&2 bedrooms. New fi nished recroom, fi replace, Worker Medical Office As-905-633-8192 www.car-April & May, 2011. CarsJewellery, Coins, windows. Modernized ele-LOST: SENIOR lost a set 4 appliances, garage. sistant Accounting and Pay-petdeals.ca1100sq.ft., furnished home of 5 keys between Fourth Gold, Silver, vators. Scenic views. 478 Possession April 1 or TBA. roll Administration Business Mortgages/ LoansApartments for near Oakville Place. Pearl, 905-632-1643 477Line & Pinegrove area. Please call Carman Munro Management Police Foun-RentUtilities included. Large Paintings, Elizabeth; 905-634-9374,Whoever finds this pleaseHOT TUB1999 PONTIAC Grand (Spa) Covers 905-847-5677.dations What are you wait-bedroom, kitchen, dining-Prix SE, 4 door, red. Well best price, Best quality. All leave at Ola Bakery, 447 Diamonds, China, ing for? 1-855-240-2156living room, washer and FREE YOURSELF from maintained and in good Speers Road, Oakville. Byshapes & colours. Call Trillium CollegeCrystal, Silver, BURLINGTON. 3-BDRM,Its better in Burlingtondryer. Call Sue debt Money for any pur-condition. New parts. Runs 1-866-585-0056 returning this item, they trillumcollege.cafinished basement, 2 car 905-582-1451, or GailFigurines, Royal pose! Debt consolidation can have a cofwwwgreat! Sold as is. $3,500. .thecoverguy.cafee and STUDIOSparking, A/C, backyard, 905-901-3556.1st, 2nd, 3rd mortgages, Doulton, Swarovski, 905-659-1165muffi n in return.$982/month near Burlington Mall, 996 credit lines & loans up to starting from Art, Antiques Brenda Cres. Unit #4. KITCHEN CABINET 90% LTV. Self employed, Minutes to GO&QEWCollectibles, etc. LOST'90 HONDA Civic, 2 door, : ST. Catherines $1150/mo. plus utilities. doors. Complete face-lift mortgage or tax arrears. Magnificent view of the lake & mountainTownhouses for hatchback, auto, area, Male Dog, Italian Se-April 1/ May 1. Estate Specialists, for the older kitchen or Don't pay for 1yr pr Newly renovated suites On-site Securityogram!Rentgugio, (hound) black & tan,130,000kms, runs great, 905-336-7187.bathroom. JF Restorations. Rent includes all utilities & digital cable#10171 Ontario-wide Fi-Top Cash. $500 or obo, as is. needs medication. IndCall 289-837-2285ividual Climate Control (Heating & A/C)nancial Corp. Call Call John/ Patti 905-563-6903,905-466-2702 Exceptional Value!!!1-888-307-7799905-681-9496, 905-331-2477www.ontario-widefinan-PROFESSIONALLY Enjoy Burlington Square905-563-8502cial.comwww.tjtraders.comMADE drapes for windows. Peace of MindVans760 Brant St. at Ghent Ave.Spent $8000, asking $100 CumberlandVillageeach/ fl exible. Great condi-905-639-4677Nannies/ Live In/ $$MONEY$$ CONSOLI-tion. Must Sell! wwwArticles for Sale.mcarthurproperties.comOutDATE Debts Mortgages to OWNER LEAVING Coun-3-bdrm Townhome289-259-1288.95% No income, Bad credit try, must sell. 2003 Dodge OK! Better Option Morfrom $1100/mo.t-FULL-TIME NANNY re-Grand Sports Caravan. gage #10969 quired for two children-4-WHEEL MOBILITY WHEELCHAIR, SUPER-Certified and e-tested. Close to Burlington Mall,Schools & Transit1-800-282-1169 ages 2 & 5 for weekdays,Celebrity X Blue Scooter- TILT head/ neck support, 169,000km, very clean, www.mortgageontario.comOakville, 905-842-5761.Used 20 times max, footrest, with rest/ plate. new brakes and tires. ?4 appls.?Eat-in Kitchen?Basement?Parking$2900 obo. Call Byron: Used 2 months. $800 fi rm. Asking $5450 obo. Call 3270 Prospect Street905-842-8407905-592-9917.905-299-0111.FUN LOVING Nanny Want-BusinessBurlingtoned in downtown Oakville. OpportunitiesResponsible and energetic 905632-2601Bookyourperson wanted to help with WHITE KNIGHT LED, look-young children in loving Recruitment ad ing for management part-BURLINGTON- LARGEdowntown Oakville home. Ask UsAbout...ner, Equity opportunity with today & receiveMust drive and have refer-2 & 3 bedrooms, May/ For more info callroom for advancement. 905-639-8583ences. Full time position. June 1. Appliances, hard-2 weeks on sales@whiteknightled.com1 & 3 bedroom apartments also availableCLASSIFIEDE-MAILwood floors, quiet parkPhone 416-230-3480 Workopolisfor onlylike setting. BURLINGTON TOWERS APARTMENTS905-681-0070. 00www.rentaltownhouses.ca $1, 2 & 3-Bedroom LARGE BRIGHT 2-bed- 125.To book your Oakville from $875. 190 room suite in Burlington BusineKerr: 905-845-1777, 392s $840/mo. plus hydro. No s S ervGEORGIAN COURTi Es-cclassifi ed ad es AvPine: 905-337-0910, 1265 pets preferred, includes ailabletates- 611 Surrey lane. !6-Line 905-842-8960. parking. 905-635-2491.Help wlarge bright 2&3 bed town-ancallted!www.livehere.ca lhouses w/full basementa niossNEW DOWNTOWNfe Bur-roand utilities included. Ps 905.632.4440eic1 BEDROOM aparvtment in lington, luxurious large 1-re905-632-8547 S!lebcharming century 4-plex in abedroom apartment. ilINTERNET!awww.realstar.cavAOlde Oakville. Easy walk to $1230/mo. non-smoking. OAKVILLE Beaverhospital, GO, Downtown. Perfect for professional or Parking, laundry included. student. 905-220-8238LOVELY 3-BEDROOM$995/mo. plus hydro. No townhouse, N.E. Burling-or email smoking. May 1. OAKVILLE, 415 Kerr ton, backs to greenspace/ 416-452-2737Street. Bachelor apart-pond, deck, 5 appliances, classifi ed@ment, $760/mo. Available A/C, garage. $1350/mo +WORK May 1. Call between utilities. May 1. call905-632-4440haltonsearch.com905.632.44409am-9pm 905-339-2437905-632-170621 Wednesday, March 23, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.oakvillebeaver.com

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