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Oakville Beaver, 5 Aug 2011, p. 30

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w w w .o ak vi lle b ea ve r.c o m O A K V IL LE B E A V E R F ri d ay , A u g u st 5 , 2 01 1 3 0 FREE upgrade to salt water POOLS Visit our Showroom 3235 Fairview Street, Unit 5 Burlington, Ontario Phone: (905) 639-7292 Toll Free: (888) 727-3411 info@letslandscape.ca www.letslandscape.ca WE DESIGN BUILD MAINTAIN Let Us Help You Build Your Backyard Oasis NOTICE TO CREDITORS & OTHERS All claims against the Estate of William Frank Mullen, late of 1003-2263 Marine Drive, Oak- v i l le, On, deceased who died on March 31/2011, must be filed with the undersigned personal rep. on or before September 30th, 2011: thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to the claims then fi led. Dated July27/2011 Laraine Anne Hughes 99 Melbourne St. Hamilton ON. L8P 2A5 416-573-4720 *MONEY* *EXERCISE* *INDEPENDENCE* Paper routes are no longer just kids stuff! Excellent daytime opportunity in Oakville for service- minded, conscientious adults. Part-time- Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. You pick your hours and must have your own vehicle. If interested, contact Bob @ (905) 637-8795. Shift Supervisor Voith Industrial Services located in Oakville, provides janitorial and support services to our customer. Experience in janitorial and industrial cleaning, Paint booth process & cleaning is a asset but not required. Applicants should have the following skills write and speak fluently in English, minimum 5 years work in a unionized environment, Microsoft office skills, ability to operate in a fast paced environment, able to work shifts and weekends. Please send your resume to the address: Email: careers.voith@gmail.com Motorcoach Drivers Bus Drivers Heavy Duty Mechanics Automotive Mechanics For details and to Apply online visit dtl.ca Inquiries and Resumes Email: work4dtl@dtl.ca Milton based industrial contractor now has immediate job openings for the following positions: Millwrights Fabrication Shop Lead Hand Certifi ed Welders Industrial Pipefi tter Competitive Wages, Group Benefi ts & RRSP matching program included. Please fax resume to: 905-875-0092 or email: jobs@meehansindustrial.com HONDA F/T LUBE TECHNICIAN Some even ings and weekends requ i red. Reliable team player w/ mechanical experience & hand tools. Competitive pay, A/C'd shop. Apply to Service Manager Halton Honda of Burlington markc@haltonhonda.com BECOME A LICENSED GAS FITTER IN ONLY A FEW WEEKS LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE! CALL TODAY! Learn to install/ service furnaces, fi replaces and other natural gas and propane appliances. Launch a new career TODAY with the help of HALTON SKILLED TRADES ACADEMY 1-877-685-9393 www.GETATRADE.com Full-Time/Permanent Contractor/ Renovator required for Plumbing Mart Must be skilled in demolition, plumbing, minor electrical, drywalling, carpentry, and tiling. You will require your own tools and appropriate transportation. The ability to read technical drawings is appreciated. Please call Bob 905-639-7106 bhaughton@plumbingmart.ca TWO MEN & A TRUCK "Movers Who Care" FT Customer Service Representative Required for Burlington moving company. Mon to Fri, occasional Saturdays. Must have High School Diploma. Two years experience. Good communication & computer skills. Email: elaine.costello@twomen.ca or Fax 905-681-8306 Please include salary expectations with resume Burlington based fi nancial services organization requires an individual for the fi ling department. Experience in fi ling mandatory. Competitive wage and benefi ts. Please fax or email resume to (905) 331-9977 or human_resources@cefi .ca Sales Concierge You are probably a graduate of a hospitality and tourism program, with exce l l en t commun ica t ion sk i l l s , possibly bilingual, nurture all budding technology, current wi th fash ion trends, full of initiative and the ability to manage several tasks at the same time. You exude warmth, energy and charisma, you understand people and they understand you...and you will orchestrate the customer experience with white glove service....and you embrace " it's all about the customer" cu l tu re . We are Mercedes-Benz Burl ington... home for Mercedes- Benz , Smart and Spr inter in the Burlington, Hamilton, Brantford and south-western Ontario. Our culture is exciting and high energy and we have openings for sa les concierge positions. Split shifts and some weekends required. Please reply to Mercedes-Benz Burlington 441 North Service Road, Burlington, ON L7P 0A3 Attention: Paul Mace HUNT CHRYSLER JEEP 2- SALES CONSULTANTS Candidates must be high energy, self starters who are interested in building a successful Automotive Career. Must Have: Valid Drivers License OMVIC Sales License We Offer: Opportunity to earn unlimited commission New & Used Vehicle Inventory Will Train Call 905-876-2580 Fax 905-876-0297 or email Wes Olsen at: wolsen@huntchrysler.com Now Hiring Servers, Cooks & Dishwashers Maintenance Housekeeping Night Auditor GSA's and Supervisor Send your resume indicating position of interest to: hr@hioakville.com or fax to: 905-842-5123 R o t h e r g l e n S c h o o l , a p r i v a t e , d a y, coeducational, al l-denominational pr imary school of 175 students, age 3 to 7, seeks part- t ime suppor t staff at i ts Oakvil le Pr imary Campus beginning in September. Dut ies include lunch and after school supervision, 10 - 22.5 hours per week. Applicants should send their resumes to the attention of the Head of School by email to jobs@rotherglen.com No phone calls or drop-ins please. Potential candidates will be contacted no later than Friday, August 19. www.rotherglen.com RECE & ASSISTANTS Childcare Centre's i n H a l t o n R e g i o n seeking enthusiastic childcare workers. Email resume to: hellier.k10@gmail.com Part-Time and supply positions available. RES IDENT MANAGER Coup le for estab l ished Oakville hi-rise building to take complete charge in- cluding maintenance, clean- ing and rentals. Must be exper ienced, bondable, personable and self-moti- vated. Exce l lent sa lary +apartment. Fax resume w i t h r e f e r e n c e s t o 416-622-6282/e-mail: taylorgroup@rogers.com SUPERVISOR POSITION Open at the Autospa. Mini- mum of 5yrs experience. Ca l l and ask fo r F red 905-315-7710 Technical/Skilled Trades General Help Salon & Spa MAGNOLIA HOUSE Spa Salon Boutique A member of Ontarios Premier Spas Is growing and requires en- ergetic, enthusiastic, dedi- cated and profess iona l individuals for the following career opportunities: Spa Manager, Aestheticians, Ha i r Sty l is ts Massage Therapists Email: careers@ magnoliahousespa.com Technical/Skilled Trades Sales Opportunities Restaurants/ Hospitality Technical/Skilled Trades DENT REMOVAL Techs Wanted. Full-time posi- tions, great pay plan, vehicle provided, train- i n g p ro v i d e d , c a l l 877-510-DENT or info@frontlineauto services.com MECHANIC, CLASS A, good communication/ work skills for Central Burlington performance shop. Excel- lent wages and working en- vironment. Lots of hours ava i l ab l e . Fax resume 905-632-3780, email info@dreamtire.com Office/ Administration Sales Opportunities Restaurants/ Hospitality Office/ Administration ADMIN. ASSISTANT posi- tion available part-time a.m. Computer knowledge es- sential. Must love working with children. Applicants may forward resume to tlsage@fairviewglen.com. BIL INGUAL FRENCH / E n g l i s h C a l l C e n t r e Customer Serv ice Rep. $16-$17 /per hour. Fax resume: 905-455-8738. JUNIOR LEGAL Assistant Requ i red Fu l l T ime for a s m a l l l a w o f f i c e , recent graduate welcome. Respond to: oakvillelegal@ hotmail.com with referenc- es and transcripts. Office/ Administration CALL CENTRE Debt Collectors F/T, Perm. No exp. Req. Must have good phone manner. QEW & Erin Mills Competitive Wages hr@contactre source.com F:905-855-0603 Ref#106 OAKVILLE CONSTRUCTION company looking for skilled carpenters and framers m u s t b e e x p e r i e n c e d own tools an asset. must have own transportation C a l l L a u r i e o r f u z z y 905-338-6523 or email: sharon.homes@ sympati- co.ca O F F I C E A S S I S TA N T. Permanent position for a hearing clinic in Burlington. Qualifications: computer pro f ic iency, s t rong or - ganizational skills, caring, enjoy working with geriatric population. Complete train- i ng p rov ided i nc l ud ing industry specific software, third party bil l ing. Email resumes: resume308@gmail.com Health Care/ Medical CARECOR HEALTH Ser- vices has immediate open- ings for RN, RPN, PSW, ICU and ER nurses for shi f ts in acute care fa - cilities in the Hamilton area. Submit your resume to hu- m a n r e s o u r c e s @ c a r e - c o r . c o m o r f a x t o 416 593-6362. FULL -T IME MED ICAL Secretary required by Oak- ville Cardiologist, beginning September/2011. Job in- cludes phones, OHIP bill- ing, transcription, fi l ing, booking appointments, sup- p l i e s , g e n e r a l o f f i c e . Medical secretary experi- ence Required. Must be de- tai l -or iented self -star ter w/excellent communica- tion skills. Email CV/cover letter: oakvillecardiojob@ gmail.com by Aug.17. Restaurants/ Hospitality JAKE'S GRILL & Oyster House. Join the crew! Full- time Cooks! Days & even- ings. Competitive wages, g ra tu i t i es , un i fo rms & meals ! P lease br ing re - sume to 950 Walkers Line, b e s i d e Q u a l i t y H o t e l . 905-639-4084 Teaching Opportunities EXPERIENCED ECE & Montessor i Teacher re - quired at Burlington/ Oak- ville Montessori School. Call 905-847-1165, Fax: 905-825-5266, Emai l : sana.rizki@ hopedalemontessori.ca PEEKABOO CHILD Care Centre Waterdown is hiring full-time Registered ECE's and casual supply teach- ers. Great working envi- ronment! Contact Brenda at: cari@peekabookid.com or 905-690-2273 MAN WITH BOBCAT & EXCAVATOR *Digging patios Walkways*Grading *Exposing foundations *Post holes *Concrete/dirt removal Other services available 905-334-4028 eaching T Opportunities Domestic Help Available EUROPEAN LADY excel- lent quality cleaning service available. Good rates. P l e a s e c a l l M a r i a 9 0 5 - 8 4 9 - 9 5 4 9 . 416-885-8303 EUROPEAN CLEANING Lady Available. Call Izabela: 905-808-6649 HOUSE CLEANING, 6 days per week, bonded and insured, 10 yrs. experi- ence. References available. More i n f o ca l l Joanna 647-899-0981 TRUSTWORTHY EURO- PEAN Lady wil l clean your house. First clean- i n g h a l f p r i c e ! 905-745-9478 General Contracting, Excavating GENERAL CONTRACTING- Fences, decks, home reno- vat ions. 905-844-6118, 905-510-4045. Moving & Storage MIGHTY MOVERS. No hourly gimmicks! Flat rates. Experienced. Insured. Huge S u m m e r S p e c i a l s . 905-296-1621 www.mymightymover.com Painting & Decorating FEMALE INTERIOR Paint Specialist- Internationally trained, Canadian pride, reasonable rates, licensed. R e a d y t o R o l l 905-483-3398. Home & Garden HOW UNIQ is your Envi- ronment? Renovations or Additions, Decks, Fences, Landscaping, etc. Award w inn ing green focused company with many years experience Call Chris for a f r e e e s t i m a t e . " S u s - tainability First" 289-208-8755 Teaching Opportunities CARPET LAMINATE HARDWOOD We do Repairs also! www.professionally installed.ca Best Price, Free Shop at Home Beat any price or receive free upgrade 905-977-7546 289-440-0114 Decks Fences Renovations Licensed & Insured References Available Senior's Discount Call Mike at 905-616-5669 www.timbersmith construction.com LEAKY BASEMENT ? BRONCO FOUNDATION REPAIRS LTD Exterior Membranes Tile Replacement Free written estimate Guarantee,Since 1987 905-572-0843 Mike's Drywall & Renovations Licensed & Insured Certifi ed Tradesman Complete Interiors, Frame, Board, Tape, Plaster, Insulation, Paint, Trim, Doors 30 Years Experience Free Estimate 905-515-5505 Flooring & Carpeting Legal Services #1 IN pardons. Remove your criminal record! Get s ta r ted today fo r on ly $49.95/month. L imited time offer. Fastest, guaran- teed pardon in Canada. F r e e c o n s u l t a t i o n . 1-866-416- 6772 www.ExpressPardons.com Masonry & Concrete BRICK, BLOCK & Natural Stonework Chimneys, Tuck Pointing, Brick, Concrete, W i ndows i l l s and Much More! For Free Estimate. Call Peter: 647-333-0384 www.s ta rdus tcons t ruc - tion.com Plumbing PLUMBING: COMPLETE bathroom renovations, Basement rough- in 's, installation, repairs, new construct ion. Master plumber. Prompt. M a t t h e w , 647-272-0455. Waste Removal 1/2 PRICE Junk Removal. Cheap. Fast Service. All loading/ cleanup. Free Esti- m a t e s . J o h n , 905-310-5865 (local) THE JUNK Truck. Cleans up your garage, basement, yard. Whatever you don't want anymore. Pricing in- cludes all labour and dispo- sa l cos ts . Ca l l Den ise 905-702-3795. Home Renovations MONTESSORI TEACHER. Casa Teacher wanted for wonderful Oakville Pre-school. centurion@cogeco.ca www.centurychildcare.com community notices lLifetimes / Milestones egal Notices l slLifetimes / Milestones andscaping

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