Walk for Dog Guides to be unleashed May 27 What if a five-kilometre walk could help someone in Oakville gain greater independence, safety and mobility? Participate in the Purina Walk for Dog Guides and you could do that by helping provide Dog Guides to those with disabilities in the community. Hosted by the Lions Foundation of Canada, the charity walk will take place at the organization's headquarters at 152 Wilson St. on Sunday, May 27 The Lions Foundation of Canada trains five dif-- registration opens at 10 a.m., followed by the walk ferent types of Dog Guides: at 11 a.m. · Canine vision -- for those who are blind or The national event is held in more than 250 comvisually impaired munities across Canada. · Hearing ear -- for those who are deaf or hard There is no registration fee and all the funds raised will go towards raising, training and placing of hearing · Special skills -- for those with a medical or Dog Guides at no cost to those in need. Each Dog Guide costs approximately $20,000 to raise and train. physical disability · Seizure response -- for people with epilepsy · Autism assistance -- for children with autism spectrum disorder For information, to register for the walk or donate to the cause, visit www.purinawalkfordogguides.com. 31 · Friday, May 11, 2012 OAKVILLE BEAVER · www.insideHALTON.com Follow Oakville Beaver staff on Twitter @OakvilleBeaver @NewsHooked @DavidLea6 @DominikKurek @BeaverSports or @Halton_Photog 4.8 cu.ft. COIL-TOP $ AVAILABLE IN 368 #058640 RANGE FOR $448 2012 BIRMINGHAM BANK BED CHALLENGE Thank you to our banks, their customers, and our community for supporting the 7th Annual Birmingham Bank Bed Challenge. Your contributions helped us raise $176,411 for our hospital a record-breaking amount for this event. These funds will be used to purchase urgently needed new patient beds for Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital and move with us to the new Oakville Hospital. Thank you to everyone who joined us at this event including our in-kind sponsors Cobbs Bakery, Holiday Inn Oakville, and Corbetts Ski + Snowboard Shops. THANK YOU!