The Village of Bronte: Preserving the Past
"Many residents say Bronte's History is - and should be - a part of the character of the present community"
Bronte Planning Study, Diamond and Meyer Firm.

Historical Photographs of Bronte Harbour
From its working-class beginnings to a summer destination for boaters, the Village of Bronte has experienced several re-imaginings since its founding in 1834. As John Colliston wrote in a 1979 edition of the Oakville Beaver, “The resurgence of Bronte is perhaps a reflection of the people themselves." Indeed, present-day residents of Bronte still maintain a sense of pride in the village’s history, often fighting to protect what is left of its heritage. Although a small village within Oakville, Bronte has a truly unique identity. Throughout all of its transformations, residents have always maintained a sense of what it means to ‘live in Bronte’ ensuring the identity of the village remains true to its beginnings as a harbour town.