ACCESS TO OAKVILLE HISTORY PROJECT INVENTORY OF MICROFILM HOLDINGS OF THE OAKVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY RECORD GROUP 2 BOX NO: FOLDER NO. 1 MICROFILM REEL #OHS.002 (RG2) OAKVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY 7 O.H.S. ACCESSION NO. 9777.6 FOLDERS: 1-11 CONTENTS DESCRIPTION WILSON APPELBE PAPERS - APPELBE i) -Interim High School Specialists Certificate Louise A. Appelbe B.A. Toronto - June Jrd 1915 Minister's of Education signed on the back ii) -Marriage Certificate Louise A. Wilson and John K. Appelbe Feb. 14, 1889 iii) -Statement of Accounts 20/4/1899 between E.G. Appelbe and Mrs. John K. Appelbe iv) -Five Newspaper Clippings: a) \. Mrs. J.K. Applebe - formerly Louise Agnes Wilson (Mrs. John Kaitting Appelbe) March loth - no year given b) Lady Hanson - was Miss Appelbe no first name given. Widow of' Sir Charles Hanson former Lord Mayor of London - London Jan. 9th no year given c) Mrs. John Applebe has 91st birthday Stewarttown April 22 (no year given) Her first name began with E but was not specified d) Dec. 1st 1948 J. Gordon Beatty receives high honour - mentions no connection to Appelbe Family e) Death notice of John K. Appelbe No date given - illness was the cause of death. Capt. Arthur Clarkson an Oakville Mariner is also listed in same obituary