HOME MD CARDEN Oakville Beaver Advertising Feature: To advertise in this section call 905-845-3824 W K O N H S D A Y . .11 N K T >. J i X Y J · \'< \y > c R<> V nnle nftftn ^ to fht'ir hinricrarv1 f People often rhon< choose to h*':intitv beautify their landscape h^rnnvt* because n of the pleasure nature brings. However, several of the things they use to create and maintain an appealing landscape can actually have a detrimental effect on the environment. Pesticides, fertilizers and even gas-operated lawn mowers may pollute drinking water and the air. according to the Union of Concerned Scientists (U SC ). Here is the organization's tips for better and more natural gardening practices: Landscape to minimize mowing, watering and fertiliz ing needs: · Plant grass/flower mixtures that grow slowly. · Switch to alternative ground covers. · Grow less grass and more shrubs and trees. · Cultivate plants native to your area. · Practice companion planting for (lowers and vegetables. Enrich your soil by adding compost. For extra nutrients, use organic fertilizers like bonemeal and fish emulsion. Control weeds, and improve soil even more, with organ ic mulches. J To reduce pests, cultivate plants that attract beneficial insects like ladybugs. Natural landscaping tips Design beautiful water garden for your home ^ (W M S ) - The term "garden ing" encompasses much more these days than it used to. Plants can poke their heads out of old tennis shoes or buckets and be bordered by fine china, or you may prefer a more traditional gar den complete with a rose-covered trellis. One trend that is springing up in many more gardens is the use of water as a visual focal point. A pond stocked with vividly-colored koi. a trickling fountain or even a modest birdbath can all add a unique appeal to your gar den retreat. Here are some tips to creating a beautiful water garden, according to Alex and Judy Munro. featured in Flower projects. · Leave shelves of earth in the sides of the hold to make a place for setting the beautiful grasses that will make your pond come to life. Only lilies and lotus grow on the pond's bottom. The pond's marginal plants tie into the sur rounding garden's perennials and annuals. · Line the bottom with sand. · Use a foam sheet purchased from a garden center to line the sides of the pond or use rubber roofing, which is less expensive and works just as well to protect the pond liner from holes. · Install a pond liner. These are heavy enough to conform easily to the pond's shape. Fold the cor ners just like you would pie dough. · Finish pond edges with stones to cover the edge of the liner. Fieldstone is free and lends a natural look. You can even cre ate layers of stone below the water to step or slope the edge so it doesn't look like a tub. Pebbles and mulch along the stones' edges make mowing easier. · Fill with water. · Install a filter and hook up a pump, which w ill supply fountain, bubbler; or waterfall. · Install potted water plants on shelves of the pond and on the pond's bottom. Gardens magazine. · Select the site carefully. Avoid low-lying areas that collect water. Hillsides lend themselves to waterfalls. Just put a basin of water at the top that gushes over the hill, slashing into a pond below. · Lay out an outline of the pond's shape on the ground using a garden hose. A few large sweep ing curves are more pleasing than a lot of smaller ones. · Dig! You can use a bobcat or a backhce if you have one. but these are necessary only for larger ponds. A shovel and a little elbow grease work just fine for small Notice o f L iq u o r Licence Application O n ta rio Don't let your garden go to the dogs (W M S ) - Has your pooch been digging up daisies? Does your prize rose bush look more like tossed salad once Rover returns from his walk? Are bare spots on the lawn rattling your nerves? Well, you're not alone. As long as people have been coexisting with canines, they've been facing the antics of these furry friends (or foes) as it may be. You've seen what your dog can do to your expensive leather shoes and your new sofa, so it should come as no surprise that he or she can be equally "cre ative" in the yard. And because dogs don't discriminate and they don't understand improper behav iour until they are corrected prop erly. patience and training is required to make the garden a place for both of you. · Dogs dig as a part of their nature. Rather than throw a tem per tantrum next time Fifi tunnels out a trench that seems to reach clear to China, figure out a feasi ble solution. Fill in holes that she frequently visits with bricks or coarse stone. Once the dog reach es this layer, she w ill quickly feel the uncomfortable scrape and move on. Or. cover-up trouble some spots with planters or patio stones. Dogs also do not like to sniff where their scents are most prevalent. Therefore, by burying your dog's waste in spots she is known to sniff, you might also alleviate the problem. · In some cases you may just have to give in. If your dog is a natural for tearing up plants and ripping off branches, select vari eties that are more hardy - ones that can take some roughhousing. Or. choose prickly plants that also are attractive to you so that once pinch w ill drive poochie away. You may also have to remove temptations like flower pots that always get knocked over, or make a decorative walkway out of your dog's favourite path through the lawn. · Provide an alternative outlet for your dog's energy. Fence off an area where he or she can just have fun. Include a sand pile just for digging and some safe toys. · Don't be afraid to reprimand. Dogs respond well to things they find annoying or unpleasant. A well aimed water gun, the clank ing of pennies in ajar, or as a last resort, an electrical fence can dis courage naughty behavior. And above all. a simple "N O " in a stern voice does wonders for stopping Fido in his tracks. T h e fo llo w in g establishm ent has a p p lie d to the A lc o h o l and G a m in g C o m m ission o f O n ta rio fo r a liq u o r licence under the Liquor Licence Act: A p p lic a tio n fo r a Sale L ic e n c e D u b h L in n 's G a te 478 D undas Street West U n it 1 & 2 O a k v ille (in c lu d in g o u td o o r area) A n y resident o f the m u n ic ip a lity m a y m ake a w ritte n subm ission as to w hether the issuance o f the licence is in the p u b lic interest havin g regard to the needs and w ishes o f the residents. S ubm issions m ust be received n o la ter than J u ly 5. 2002. Please in c lu d e y o u r nam e, address and telephone num ber. I f a p e titio n is su b m itte d to the C o m m is s io n , please id e n tify the designated contact person. Note: T he A G C O gives the a pplica n t d e ta ils o f any o b je ctio n s. S ub m issio ns to be sent to: L ic e n s in g a n d R e g is tra tio n D e p a rtm e n t A lc o h o l a n d G a m in g C o m m is s io n o f O n ta r io 20 D u n d a s S t. \ V ,, 7" F lo o r Spotting trouble Have you ever wondered why dog urine discolours grass in such a stark way? Surprisingly, it is not due to the pH in the urine but rather the concentration of nitrogen present. Female dogs also have a ten dency to create larger messes because they often urinate in puddles, rather than the spray of a male dog. If you flush the area with water within eight hours of your dog's visit, it w ill dilute the urine and reduce the chance of spotting. Toronto, ON MSG 2N6 F a x: 416-326-555 5 E -m a il: licensini>@ agco.on .ca There's No Better Place. 4 5 m l H U M P O N D IW R e g . 89tfisq. fo o t Plants I _ N owW tls q .foot W f lC F H M IH lliU iB rsd , w h ite a n d pink; va rieties L h o o s e fro m s e le c te d yellow , T H E IIA k lll.L t; B E A T E R North A m e rk riS nv»st .v a r r ie d Ne\vsp.ifx-r For subscription info please call: 905-845-9742 Water Gardening Seminar June 8th 9am & llam mi * ; G O L F & C O U N T R Y C LU B ALL RED 4" GERANIUMS ALL FLATS OF ALYSSUM Pink, Purple, W h ite j i i HW Y 5 Call to reserve your seat! NOW OPEN · Open to the public · Senior (60+) rates available on Monday/Tuesdays · 20 & 40 Game packages available 6621 Guelph Line (1km South of Derry Rd) CONNON NURSERIES C.B, VANDERKRUK HOLDINGS LTD. ,, I * CONNON £ (JR N U R S E R IE S | Lq ew . " V. PLAINS R0.E- i f FAlRVlfW ST. / ~ ' r VISA WATERDOWN Highway 5, Just east of Waterdown Tel (905) 689-4631 Fax (905) 689-3554 * Mon-Fri 8-9. Saturdays 8-5 Closed Sunday www. connon.ca 905 319-5991 -