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Oakville Beaver, 5 Jun 2002, A7

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y Jun e 5, 2002 - A 7 Visions Canada honours students Congratulations are in order to a tal ented group of Oakville students for their projects about Canada. Visions Canada awards recognizes students throughout Halton for their out standing projects about our country. This year. 32 projects from Halton District and Halton Catholic District School Board students have been selected for special recognition -- including eight projects from Oakville. Local students receiving recognition include: · Kayla Albin. a Grade 5 student at W.H. Morden Public School, who was honoured for her journal. ·Stephani Novielli. Grade 5 student at Mother Teresa Catholic School, was rec ognized tor her Marilyn Bell poster anti report. · Erin Flanagan and Monika Malik. Grade 7 students at Falgarwood Public School, were honoured for their Nunavut Cookbtx>k. · Elisa Naskali. Grade 7. of Falgarwood Public School, was recog nized for her journal about Marie Mequeri. 1663-1679. · Stacey Jacob and Pamela Majocha Grade 7 students at Mother Teresa Catholic School, were recognized for their Canada Panorama poster. · OAC student Samantha Young of Oakville Trafalgar High School also received honours for her report on Human Rights in Canada. In the group division. Mrs. Knight's Grade 3 class at St. Michael Catholic School won an award for its Discover Canada brochure display board, and Mrs. Chambers' Grade 6 class was recognized for its model portraying Aboriginal peo ples. The Visions Canada Awards ceremo ny and reception was held Monday at the Halton Region Museum in Kelso Conservation Area near Milton. Long-time teacher. Catherine McMartin left an endowment for the cre ation of a student awards program in Halton. More than 20 years later, the pro gram has grown to become the Visions Canada Awards. Halton Catholic District School Board awards are given in honour of Robert O 'Brien of Burlington, who devoted his life to Catholic education in Halton as both board trustee ami chair. Q> C o u n c il a n d O AKVILLE o m m it t e e w w w .to w n .o a k v ille .o n .c a S t a n d in g C M e e t in g s M o n d a y , J u n e 10, 2 0 0 2 Planning & Development Council Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. T u e sd a y, J u n e 11, 20 02 Community Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Comm. 7:30 p.m. - Trafalgar Room N O TIC E O F P U B LIC M E E TIN G Zoning Amendment 1528 Dundas Street West Part of Lot 25, Concession 1 S.D.S. APPLICANT: Shell Canada Products File Z .1425.10 You are invited to attend a public meeting to discuss a proposed Zoning Amendment as submitted by the above-noted applicant. This meeting will be hosted by Town Council at which time the Staff Report and recommendation will be considered. This meeting will take place on Monday, June 24, 2002 commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend this meeting and speak to this matter are invited to do so. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the proposed applications, and a key map showing the location of the land to which the proposed applications apply can be found below. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed application to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed application is approved, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. If you wish to be notified of the intent to approve the zoning amendment, you must make a written request to Mr. Peter Cheatley, Planning Director at the Town's Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. You may direct any written submissions and/or questions to Sally Stull at the Town's Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville. P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601, Ext. 3261. Location - The 0.76 ha site is located at the southeast corner of Third Line and Dundas Street (Regional Road 5) and is known as 1528 Dundas Street West. Official Plan - Figure Q, West Oak Trails Community, designates the sub ject land as Community Shopping Area Zoning - The site is zoned A - Agricultural Proposal - An application for a Zoning Amendment has been submitted to rezone the site to C6, service station uses and C2 Community Shopping Centre. The proposal includes a gas bar with convenience kiosk, and car wash. The applicant has proposed limited access from Third Line and Dundas Street. The easterly portion of the site is excess to the needs of the service station and the applicant intends to sever the parcel and trans fer the parcel to the plaza site as a lot addition, separate notice will be cir culated for the proposed land severance. Please Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at the public meeting. Dated June 5, 2002, at the Town of Oakville. David Nelson, Acting Manager, Current Planning Planning Services Department M o n d a y , J u n e 17, 2 0 0 2 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. M o n d a y , J u n e 24, 2 0 02 Planning & Development Council Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. C o u n c il & C o m m it t e e T o u c h t o n e P h o n e L in e 8 1 5 - 5 9 5 9 TO W N O F O A K V IL L E N O TIC E O F P U B LIC IN FO R M A TIO N C E N T R E for R E B E C C A S T R E E T R E C O N S TR U C TIO N (Mississaga Street to Burloak Drive) and G R E A T L A K E S B O U LE V A R D C O N S T R U C T IO N (Rebecca Street to Burloak Dr./Prince William Dr.) The Town of Oakville Department of Public Works has scheduled a public information /open house meeting for a review of the engineering plans, phasing and construction details for the proposed reconstruction of Rebecca Street from Mississaga St. to Burloak Dr. and the construction of Great Lakes Boulevard from Rebecca Street to the Burloak Dr./Prince William Dr. intersection. Comments from the public and other interested parties will be invited at this time. The meeting will take place as follows: Date: Location: Time: Wednesday. June 12, 2002 Committee Room #1 - Oakville Municipal Building 1225 Trafalgar Road 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m The proposed construction will complete a new 3-lane urban roadway on Rebecca Street and will include the initial 2 lane construction phase of Great Lakes Boulevard from Rebecca St to Burloak Dr./Prince William Dr. intersection. The proposed construction will be carried out in accordance with the recommendations from the approved Class Environmental Assessment Study (1994). Comments from the public and other interested parties are invited at this time. Any written comments should be received no later than June 19, 2002. For further information regarding this project, please contact: L. D. McLeod, PEng., Assistant Director- Engineering & Construction Department of Public Works P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 Telephone: (905) 845 - 6601 ext. 3315 E-Mail: lmcleod@town.oakville.on.ca Fax: (905) 338-4159 CORPORATION O F TH E TO W N OF OAKVILLE ELTON PARK STO R M DRAINAGE S TU D Y C LA S S ENVIRONM ENTAL A S S ES S M E N T UPDATE N O TIC E OF S T U D Y C O M M E N C E M E N T The Town of Oakville intends to update the Environmental Study Report (ESR) for the Elton Park Storm Drainage Study, completed in 1991. The original report was filed with the Ministry of the Environment, and approved for construction. The update study has been initiated as a legislated requirement for Class Environmental Assessments that are not implemented within 5 years of the original filing date. The study will involve producing an addendum to the 1991 ESR, reviewing the planning process, approved solution and design, to ensure that the project and mitigating measures are still valid, given the current planning context. The project is being planned under Schedule B of the Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Projects. Public input and comment are invited, for incorporation into the planning and design of this project, and will be received until June 30, 2002. Subject to comments received and the receipt of necessary approvals, the Town of Oakville intends to present the results of the Study Update at a Public Information Centre in early Fall, 2002. Additional public comment will be received at the Open House. Interested persons should provide written comment to the Municipality within 30 calendar days from the date of this Notice. A copy of the 1991 Environmental Study Report is available for viewing at the Town of Oakville Public Works Department. Comment should be directed to Mr. Erik Zutis, C.E.T. at the address below. This Notice issued May 30, 2002. Mr. Erik Zutis. C.E.T., Engineering Design Technologist Town of Oakville Public Works Dept. 1225 Trafalgar Road PO. Box 310 Oakville, Ontario L6J5A6 Phone: 905-845-6601 ext. 3312 Fax:905-338-4159 ezutis@town.oakville.on.ca Mr. Ron Scheckenberger, M. Eng., R Eng. Project Manager Philips Engineering Ltd. 3215 North Service Road P.O. Box 220 Burlington, Ontario L7R 3Y2 Phone: 905-335-2353 Fax: 905-335-1414 rscheckenberger@philipseng.com Meeting on portables A public meeting to review the appli cation for seven portable classrooms at Eastview Public School has been called for Wednesday. June 12. The forum, which gets under way at 7 p.m.. will take place at Sovereign House. 7 West River St. The meeting has been called by Ward I councillors Kevin Flynn and Ralph Robinson to discuss the proposals and recommendations contained within the application for portables by the Halton District School Board. All interested parents and area resi dents are invited to attend the event, which is not a meeting of the Site Plan Committee. Town of Oakville or the board. For more information please contact Robinson at 827-7659 or Flynn at 8279629. N O TICE OF PUBLIC M EETING APPLICAN T - Hydro One Networks Inc. (Zoning and Official Plan Amendment) File: Z.1411.19 Please be advised that a public information meeting will be held to discuss the proposed Official Plan and Zoning Amendment applications, as submitted by the above-noted applicant. This meeting will be a public meeting hosted by the Planning Services Department at which details of the application will be presented and public concerns addressed. This meeting will take place on Wednesday, June 26, 2002 commencing at 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room 1, Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend the meeting and the subsequent meeting, which is yet to be determined, and speak to this matter are invited to do so. A summary of the subject proposal and a key map are shown below. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision in respect of the proposed zoning amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed zoning amendment is approved, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. If you wish to be notified of the intent to approve the Official Plan and zoning amendment, you must make a written request to Mr. Peter Cheatley, Planning Director at the Town's Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. You may direct any written submissions and/or questions to Sally Stull at the Tow n's Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601, Ext. 3261, email address: sstull@town.oakville.on.ca. Location -The subject property is located between Trafalgar Road and Eighth Line, north of Glenashton Drive in the Iroquois Ridge Community. North District. The land is legally described as Part of Lot 11, Concession I, S.D.S. Official Plan - Figure M2, Iroquois Ridge Community, North District, designates the subject land Open Space/Utility Corridor and Cycleway/Walkway. Zoning -The site is zoned Agricultural -A. Proposal - The proposal involves an Official Plan Amendment to re designate the lands between the Morrison Creek Valley and Eighth Line 0.63 ha (1.55 ac) from Open Space/Utility Corridor and Cycleway/Walkway to Residential Low Density (19 units per site hectare). The proposed Zoning Amendment would rezone the same lands from A, Agricultural to Residential R5 to permit development of three single family dwelling lots fronting onto Eighth Line. An application has not been submitted to change the Official Plan or Zoning By-law for those lands west of the Morrison Creek Valley. Please Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at the public meeting on June 26, 2001. Dated at the Town of Oakville this 5th day of June 2002. David Nelson. Acting Manager Current Planning Section Planning Services Department Correction A story in the Friday, May 31. edition of The Oak\ille Beaver misspelled the name of Oakville Christian School stu dent Queenie Leung. Leung won a bronze medal at a Canada-wide science fair held in Saskatchewan. She won the award for her project that involved testing the movement of buildings and foundations during earthquakes. The Oakville Beaver regrets the error and apologizes for any inconvenience it may have caused. PICK OrTHE CROP T O Y S B O O K S AQ UAPLAY DAY Saturday 3 June 11:00 -3:00 Steve from G alt Toys will be here with lots and lots of AquaPlay... the wonderful water play system! Come build and splash with P S 15% off E L T O N P AR K S T U D Y D R A IN A G E A R E A L IM ITS all AquaPlay products 245 LAKESHORE ROAD EAST DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE 844-5363 1225 TRAFALG AR R O A D · O A K V ILLE , O N T A R IO · L6J 5A6 (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1

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