Oakville Images

Oakville Beaver, 1 May 2002, Classified, B04

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B 4 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y M a y 1, 2002 T h e Oakville B eaver L A -Z -B O Y M S o f a s Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of Starting From Uncompromising Quality and Style. A a a a a * An Extraordinary Selection \ R H n QD of the Finest Custom Fabrics. V V U U i l l l l Imagine. Genuine La-Z-6oy at ||a f prices that will Delight you! w W w fo r Le ss! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:OOom C l a ssifie d houses (or sale B u rlin g to n Pow er C e n tre » Q E W & B ra n t S t. · 9 0 5 -3 3 1 -7 6 0 0 Circulation: 905-845-9742 ·Real Estate 100-135 ·Business to Business 140-169 ·Rentals 170-1% ·Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 ·Merchandise 300-385 ·Auto 400470»Help Wanted 500-570 ·Services 700-795 m 100 1 7 0 K 2 S C 3 H 170 flats tor rent condominiums for rent B U R L IN G T O N . Palace, luxury 1-bdrm. + solarium condominium. 5 applianc es. rec. facilities City & Bay views. $1000/mo, utilities included. Immediate 905335-9490 BURLINGTON- Brand New. luxury 2-bedroom low-rise condo, private garage. Immediate $1250/mo. utilities. 416-255-2085 | ) u | houses for rent NEAR Sheridan College. 4-bedrooms, den. 2-1/2 baths. A/C. double garage Available July. $2300/mo. negotobto- 905-849-4629 B R A N T Hills. 3+2 bed rooms. 2.5 baths, bright & sharp. Main floor familyroom w/fireplace. finished basement, pool, walk to schools. June 1st. No pets $1650/mo.+ utilities. Call Kajhy. 905-332-9760 L A K E F R O N T Bronte ele gance. Executive TH. 4bedroom. 2 fireplaces, magnificient lake views. (Freehold end) $2400/mo.+ utilities 905-827-6768 RENT to Own options or 0 Down Program based on credit & earnings verifica tion. Contact Ja y Nelligan. Associate Broker. Re/Max Escarpment Realty. Realtor. 905-639-5258; creativeopts O quickdic .n l C O UR T location Brant/ Plains. 1 yr. old. 3 ap pliances. c/a, 2 available Large 3-bedroom- 2-1/2 baths. $1600/mo plus utili ties. May 1st. 3 bedroom1-1/2 baths. $ 1500/mo utilities. Ju ly 1st. Debbie 905-332-3542 A PPLEBY/ Lakeshore. Three bedroom bungalow, yard. 4 appliances. C/A. $1450 includes utilities, parking. July/1 st 905-3336466 O A K V IL L E · Charming 3 bedroom mam floor of bun galow. Appliances, garage and parking included Ba sem en t occupied. $1100 utilities. First and last, no pets/no smoking (416)676 4177 LOW impact Nordic Track E7 Elliptical exercise ma chine. (just like X-country skiing), excellent condition Retails over $1200. Asking $600 Call 905-639-6710 after 2pm weekdays/ any time weekends M APLE pedestal table with 4 chairs Excellent condition. $500 905-8279120______________________ M O VIN G S a le : ikea di ningroom table. 6 chairs, china cabinet (black). $750; Fr(dge, white. 5-yrs old. $500; kitchen table, stained light cherry. $150. 905847-2923 M OVING Sa le W asher. $150. Portable dishwasher, new. $350. Lawn mower. $50. 13* tires 4 aluminum rims. $50 905-827-2545 after 4pm. NEED a Computer... Don't Have C a sh ? The Original IBM PC. just $1 a day., no money down' AOL & Inter est Free for 1 year! The Buck a Day Co. 1-800-7728617. www buckaday.com NIKON F3 Camera. Nikon MD4 motor drive. Nikon zoom len 35-70mm. Kiron zoom len 80-200mm. Kiron 2X match mate for above lens. Su n Pac Autos 30DX flash and holders and other cables. 1 large equipment case, asking $1000 905637-6044_________________ P IA N O - Heintzman, 1962 upright, grand, beautiful walnut, tone 4 condition. Only 1 owner. $3000/obo 905-844-3805. can email photo. P IA N O - Yam aha, beauti ful condition. 2 crystal wall sconces. 2 comer cabinets. Secretaire desk R.C. Der by cream & sugar. Sofa. 2 bolts of fabric. Elizabeth 905-849-1699 ____________ PIA N O Sale- McMaster University. May 23-26 Over 50 pianos available. For appointment or information: 1-666-650-9996____________ PIAN O Sale May 23rd25th. Over 100 new and used piano's. For appoint ment or information call 1800-281-7172______________ P IA N O - Ennis & Co. upright, good condition. Asking $900 905-6373319 PO OL Table- 4x8. all a c cessories. recently recov ered top. $225. 905-6323242 PURE gold steel golf clubs- used 3 times, paid $500. asking $200. CCM 21* mountain bike, asking $50. 905-827-6544_________ ROUND cedar picnic table. S e a ts 6 Asking $200 Buyer must pick-up (905) 849-8228 SING ER Knitting m a chine- model 700, many attachments. $700 905844-8531 SEAD O O . 1999 Polaris X45 SeaD oo with trailer. Excellent condition, like ntw. 905-825-3599 S IN G LE bedroom suite with computer desk, dress er. end table and new mat tress. patio set and 6/chairs ect. Almost new 905-3354838 SP AS.. Spas Spas Bro ken partnership forces sale, over 30 spas still in wrapp er. Must be sold at cost or below 905-567-9459 TW O dark green loveseats (matching) 1-1/2 years old $350 each Can (905)3387915 VENDING Machine (pop & sn ack s) for sa le .' Call (416)560-9716 leave messaQQ______________________ WASHER, dryer, Hotpoint, G E Concept II self-cleaning stove. $150/ea. All almond Good working condition. 905-637-3450. W ED DING dress- Ivory. Dupionl silk. Size 6-8 pe tite, professionally cleaned, paid $3000. asking $800 905-465-3906_____________ W H IR LP O O L convection stove, self-clean, full war ranty; single brass bed. dresser; 21 cu.ft. Westinghouse fridge. 905-6324387. W H IT E stove, in good working condition. $75.. sectional sofa $300. Call (905)827-1844____________ K l I I I articles wanted WANTED All- China. Silver. Crystal, sewing machines... Royal Doulton. Swarovski. Moor-croft. Quilts. Glass, dolls, collectibles, estates. John/Tracy. 906-331-2477 WANTED: Sewing Machineindustrial w/walking foot. Call 905-827-2672______________ | ( U l f auctions, sales 87 Ford Ranger pickup. Bed-liner, white cap. 5 speed. 2.3L4, rear wheel dr. 230km, am/fm cass. One owner. $1100 o.b.o. 905330-4434__________________ 1994 PONTIAC Sunbird 2 door. 179.000km. 5-speed, tires one year old, $2000. Phone (905)893-9154 1990Acura Integra R S 2/door red. red &black In terior V-tec, lots of options Call David (416)253-9694 1996 Honda Accord EX. 5speed. p/w. p/d, air. 1-own er excellent condition. Etested. Certified. $9000/ obo. 905-825-1368.________ 1991 Buick Park Ave Good Condition. E-test. 286k. as is $2500. 905331-9999 2002 Ford Focus. Take over lease. Eighteen months left. $393/mo. Ful ly loaded, moon roof. 4cyl. auto, fuel saver. 905-8258934. Mark 1994 Taurus. Silver, tinted windows. V6. 3L. good condition- runs well. High kms. $1750/as is. Call (lo cal) 905-975-0535 after 3:30pm 1994 Pontiac Sunbird. 2 door. 179,000 km. 5 speed, tires one year old. $2,000. Phone 905-893-9154 1997 Chevy Tahoe LT4x4. 119,500Km, leather interior, loaded, mint condi tion, $19,900. 905-3387938 OAKVILLE EXECUTIVE HOME ^ 35 BYRON ST. ·S979.000 Tycourt Apts & Townhouses 1360 10 1422 TYandaQa Park Dr · Burlington Park-like setting near golf course & QEW CMEHOHEW... CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 P ro s p e ct S t. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · P layground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited ,, APARTM ENTS 1-Bedroom- July · 2 Bedroom - June T Q W N H Q (J$E$ 3 Bedroom-June Some with fireplace, incl. 4 or 5 appliances. Call today to view: 9 0 5 -3 3 5 -3 0 0 1 E-mail: tycourt@sympatico.ca fo r info. CUSTOM BUILT FAMILY HOME In s o u th e a s t O a k v ille , 2 s to re y . 6 b e d ro o m s , 4 b a th ro o m s , lo c a te d b e tw e e n Lakeshore Rd. & Lake (one Block). E ve rything you w ould expect and m ore. Open 1460 Ghent Avenue (at B ra n t Street) House Sun. 2-5 pm. to view FREE! FREE! FREE! Superclean building in the heart ol Burlington with to e heat, hydro & A/C. Amenities galore! Close to hwys & GOstation LUXURY 1&2 BEDROOMS FROM $900. Call Susana 905-639-4677 A L D E R S H O T. 1-bedroom basement apartment, short term. $600/mo. inclusive. 905-639-5272 BRONTE Harbour. S p a cious 2-bedroom suites available. Heat/ hydro in cluded. From $1235/mo. Call Shari. 905-825-9616. 9am-6pm 1.243 Bedroom Apartments from $875/mo. Indoor pool. QEW/ Trafalgar area. 905844-1106 O A K V IL L E 3-bedroom central location, on bus ro ute. $1200/mo all inclusive. Main floor house. Shared laundry/ yard. Avail. May 1st or Jun e 1st. 905-6077828 or 905-608-9967 O A K V IL L E Morden/ Rebbeca June. 1st Large 2bdrm 4 den basement. Spacious kitchen, living area. 4 appliances. Sep arate entrance. Off-street parking. No-smokers/pets. $890./mo. Includes cable and utilities, (suits 2 adults) 905-842-1660 2-BEDROOMS: $850/mo. (Utilities included) 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. Office Open 9-4pm, Mon -Sat 905639-5761 C E N T R A LL Y located, well- maintained, spacious 142 bedroom suites. Must see to appreciate. 3055 Glencrest Road. Burlington, 905-637-3921 SHORT TERM rental- Jun e l. Furnished/ unfur nished. Minutes to GO/ Mall/ O E W Bright large 1bedroom. Parking, laundry. $800/mo 905-845-9889 O A K V IL L E . QEW/ Trafal gar. 1-bedroom from $839/ m o.'; 3-bedroom from $ 1049/mo* W ell main tained building. Nellie, (905)339-2028. ( ` included 2 % prompt payment dis count) HEART of Bronte. 50 East St.. close to lake/ Bronte Harbour. 1-bedroom, May/ Ju n e. $975/mo.; 2-bed room, May 4 July. $1,155. (parking) 905-825-0816 LA R G E 3 bedroom in clean, quiet building near downtown Oakville. June or Ju ly , $l055/mo all inclu sive 416-814-0620 O A K V IL L E - Near Kerr/ Lakeshore. large bright 2bedroom, quiet building, $825/mo. May/ Ju n e 1st 905-277-4728 N O RTHSH O R E Towers. July, 1-bdrm from $775./ mo. (+ $33. parking). Utili ties included. No Pets. Quiet Building. Diane. 9am7pm. 905-681-1307* Bur lington BU R LIN G TO N North. 2floor 2-bedroom apartment. 1.5 baths, hardwood floors, patio, $930/mo. inclusive. June 1st. 905-315-9615. BA C H E LO R apartment, basement/ private home. Suitable tor one person. Self-contained, private en trance non-smoker, no pets. Oakville. $690/mo. 905845-3756 CO SY 2-bedroom apart ment in small building. Suit mature tenants. Oak kitchen cupboards, gas fireplace, private deck with gas BBQ hook-up. bay window, parking, laundry available. $790/mo 1/2 heat/ hydro. First/ last. No pets. (Bu r lington) 905-637-2532. 2-BE D R O O M Suites among refined tenants in luxury building close to Burlington Mall. Call the ·Regency*. 905-681-8115 75 Stewart: 1-bedroom. $825./mo.; 2-bedroom, $925/mo. (parking* $35 / mo.) Immediate thru June. Near downtown Oakville/ QEW . Well-maintained, clean building. 905-8444294 BRANT St.. Burlington. 2bedrooms. $950.00, in cludes utilities 4 cable TV. parking extra. To view call 905-639-1960 KERR St.. Oakville- 2bedrooms, skylight. $775/ mo.+ hydro parking. Laundry facilities available. May/ June. 905-338-5907 Maple Leaf Home Marketing Consultants Inc. W IN O N A - 4 Shadowdale Orive. 3+1 bedrooms. 1.5 baths, livmgroom. dining room. large kitchen, gas FP, ceram ics 50x112 lot $207,500. 905-643-8342 www.geocities.com/mjov ·ttc/Aaants welcome. B U R LIN G TO N , Sheldon Park area 3-bedrooms. 1.5 bathroom backsplit. Quiet street. Many upgrades, fin ished basement w/recroom/ office $214,900. 905-6372041 PR IVATE Home Sellersmarket your home, free text listing, colour pictures from $49 905-842-3354 www.AI propertysales-com [ i f l open houses OPEN House: Apr. 28. 25pm Private. 1270 Gains borough Dr.. #61. Oakville. 3-bedroom townhouse. up grades. ceramic/ hardwood floors, finished basement, tiled bathroom with ceramic floor! Quiet mature neigh bourhood. Falgarwood area. Near amenities. $184,900. 905-849-5968 Paulo Sousa (905) Q/lo 00Q 0 O A K V IL L E : Bright nicely furnished room in b a se ment. w/kitchenette, full bathroom. Suitable one person. Non smoker, sepa rate entrance. Parking. No bus access $600/mo First/ last 905-257-1560_________ B U R LIN G T O N : M ay 1st Shared kitchen and bath room. No parking. $300/ mo. Suite mature single. Call 905-632-9399 B U R LO A K / Lakeshorefurnished room. Share kitchen/ bath. Suit male non-smoker Parking. $550/mo. inclusive. 905631 -5884 evgs. F U R N IS H E D bedroom, share bath. Kitchen privi leg es U tilities included. Pool, hot tub. SHO./wkly. East Oakville. Non-smoker (905)629-5995 C E LL phone. Sony, with accessories. $50. Call 905845-5830 ext 808 DESK . chair, filing cabi net. $100 or obo call 905634-3340 KITC HEN chairs. 4. solid oak. excellent condition. $100/all. Call 905-6810050 KITCHEN table, solid oak, pedestal. 30* round, excel lent condition. $100. 905681-0050 STOVE, white Kenmore Mark IV. excellent condi tion. $80 905-637-4989 SW ING Set. treated $95 632-9933 pressure Call 905- V E T E R IN A R Y Assistant Training. Spring & Summer placements available for 16-week Live-in program. Minimum 18 years old. Ex posure to all aspects of the Hospital. Must be motivat ed, mature and have a love for animals. Fax resume & cover letter: Andrea. 905844-7351 PORT Credit targe 2 bed room, upper duplex, beau tiful quiet neighbourhood steps to lake Parking, laundry included, non smoker/pets $1295 hydro 905-271-4606 TWO-BEDROOM basement apartment, separate ent rance. Oakville 3 minutes from Q E W $900/inclusive first and last (905)647-9219 B U R L IN G T O N - 2 b e d rooms. adults preferred. $825/per month all inclu sive. Close to all amenities. No-dogs. Available now. Also apartment available July 1. Call (905)631-1826 SHERIDAN C ollege. Sum mer 4/ or F all, spacious renovated attractive. 2-bed room basem ent a p a rt ment. Non smokers, pri vate entran ce, kitchen, bathroom, cable, air. and hydro. $790/mo or $395 each for 2 people. Call (905)844-5179. 2 -B A C H E L O R Basem ent Suites- Private entrance, all inclusive $700/month. No smokers/no pets . One a vaila b le now the other available June 1.(905)8440150 mornings only_______ BRAND new professionally finished one bedroom basem ent apartm ent. Laundry facilities, parking, non-smoker, no pets. $850/month. 905-338-8716 O AK V ILLE : 392 Pine Ave. at Cornwall & Trafalgar. Renovated, large suites. W alk to Everything. 142 Bedrooms from $845. 905842-1429, Ext.231 O A K V IL L E . Near all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Bachelor. $780/mo 4 3bedroom. from $1225/mo. available Immediately. 2bedroom, from $1040/mo available Immediately thru Ju ly . (+parking) 905-8449006 O A K V IL L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. Large Renovated 142Bdrm. New appliances, windows. From $845./mo 905-844-5474 WE are in urgent need of an experienced and quali fied Bookkeeper/ Account ant on part-time basis for our office in Burlington. In terested candidates, please apply with detailed resume to our fax number 905-3192425 W IN DO W Air Conditioner ' Samsung* 8000 14-high 21 "wide. 22 deep, working order As « $50 (905)8477063 Topper's Pizza JOIN OUR TEAM! Managers/ Assistant Managers The P izza Hi/h Tmste ' BU R LIN G TO N . Furnished bedroom in 2-bedroom apartment, mature em ployed female. $400/mo. inclusive. May 1st. Refer ences 905-631-9323 B U R LIN G TO N . I'm look ing for a mature, non-smok ing lady to share my pent house. indoor parking. 905637-6120 B U R LIN G TO N Mall area, two bedrooms available immediately. All amenities include. Starting $500/mo. ea Inclusive. 905-333-8867 M ATU R E, non-smoking male to share beautiful Riv er Oaks home. Upstairs bedroom, full house privi leges, immediate $550/mo. 905-257-1428 SH AR E house- Upper Middle/ 6th line area. Laundry, first/ last. $425/ mo> June 1st. 905-339-0153 AIR Conditioners- 2 window Hampton Bay 8000 BTU. like new. $25G/ea 905-6496797 A N T IQ U E contents sale V icotiraln couch $800 . parlor table $400.. antique ch airs, radios etc. Call (905)844-3507 after 6pm BED. All-New King, Extra thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. Cost $1700. Sacrifice. $650. 905-304-5573 BEDROO M suite, brand new 8-pce.. solid Cherrywood sleighbed. Chest. Tri-dresser w/mirror. 2mghtstands. All Dovetail. Never opened, still boxed. Cost $8,499. sell $3,999. 905-971-1777 BEOROOM set. 8-pce. cherrywood. Bed. chest, tri dresser. mirror, night stands, dovetail construc tion. Never opened, in box es. Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $3500. 905-567-9459 BEDS. New. Double. $220; Queen, $240. Com plete w/frame. Futons. Free Delivery. Refurbished VCRs. 17-25* colour TVs. portable CD players. 905681-9496. B E D - Queen, orthopedic pillowtop mattress, boxsprlng. headboard/ foot board. frame New, in plas tic. Cost $1275, sell $550 Will deliver 905-971-3816. BUNKBEDS-(Crew quarter), pine including mattresses & built-in desk/ dresser, as new. $550. 905-631-0888 C A R P E T. I have several 1.000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet. pad & installation (30 yards) Steve. (905)639-2902 CO TTA G E contents for sale: Lawnboy silver series self propelled lawnmower. $200. Ryobi gas weed whacker. $40. Homelite su per 2 14* gas chainsaw. $30. Tree trimmer. $30. Bike carrier for van. $20. Dehumidifier. Kenmore 33. $30. Tubular white bunkbed S40.905-627-6407 C U R IO cabinet, custommade. teakwood, full glass doors. 6 glass shelves, ex cellent condition, $800. 905-637-1133. DIAM O N D ring, ladies. I8kt white gold, solitaire w/ baguettes total 1.5 carats Hardly worn. Appraisal $15,000. Best offer Call 905-975-3680 DINING table with leaf. 6 Savannah-style chairs, gorgeous light oak. 1-yr. old. $1200 905-690-6275 DININ G R O O M 13-pce., Cherrywood set. 96* dou ble pedestal table w/ leaves. 8-chairs, Lighted China Cabinet, all Dove tail. Never opened. Cost $12,250, sacrifice $4,750 905-304-9994 DINING RO O M table glass top, oblong, bevelled edges. 41 "x8' hand-painted base. $500; marble top cof fee table, 3' round. $100. 905-637-0924. DININ G R O O M . 14-pce. cherrywood. 92* double pedestal. 8 Chippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000, Sacrifice $5,000. 905-5679459 DIR E C T T V. Program ming $30 for three months guaranteed, card is sub scribed no hacks. Call Jeff 905-690-4545______________ ESTATE sale. Complete bedroom set. double bed. excellent condition. $350/ obo.; diningroom set, 6 chairs, chrome walnut veneer, hutch- oak veneergreat for cottage. $200. 905-632-8350: 905-6316729______________________ FR ID GES. Stoves. W ash ers, Dryers. Like new. Spotless. Under warranty. 905-549-1911 __ ___ F U R N IT U R E , M ed iter ranean bedroom s set dresser, armoire, head board. 2 night tables. All wood. Best offer 905-7124236 G O LF clubs, set of Ben Hogan irons. 3 to P W $95; #1 iron $29; S W $29; Woods 1/3/4 $95. Good condMon. 905-337-1774. HOT Tub/ Spa. All selfcontained. all options, w/ cover. 2002 model, new. still in wrapper, cost $10,250, sacrifice $6,000. 906-304-7775._____________ KITC H EN Cupboards, pantry, counter, sink, light, washed oak. Excellent condition. Great for cottage or in-law suite. $1800 obo. 905-335-6635 Apply in person, fax or email your resume and references Alt Kaan Tansug 220 North Service Rd, Unit P4060 Oakville Town Centre II .Oakville ON L6M 2YM Fax: 905-845-7470 Email: ktansug@toppizza.com Growing Automotive Stamper requires the following: PU RC H A SIN G A G EN T Previous coil buying and purchasing lor a toolroom a must. MRP knowledge an asset. Word and Excel ex perience an asset. CAD O PER A TO R Must have 5 years experience with Mastercam. TO OL & DIE M A K E R 1276 Maple Crossing Blvd.. Burlington. Prestigi ous Grande Regency. 14th floor. Impeccably cared for large 2-bedroom suite. 5 appliances, C/A. Panoram ic eastern exposure (lake view). Full rec. centre, pool, underground parking. $164,900. Private sale 905-575-1501 W EOGEW OODprime location, two bedroom, two bath, desirable top floor corner suite with vaulted ceiling, C/A, underground parking, many upgrades $153,000 905-319-7567 WE specialize in Condo minium Sa le s 4 Rentals. Call Linda Davies Real E s tate Ltd.. Realtor, (905)333-4347 Downtown Burlington 1275 E lg in St 2&3 Bdrms - Mav Freshly decorated, spa cious, well maintained & quiet with upgraded lire alarm system lor sale highrise living. Call 905-637-0321 TY AN D A G A Freehold. 3+ 1 bedrooms. 1.5 baths, eatin kitchen, walk-out family room, garage, private yard, a/c, 4 appliances. No pets. $1375./mo+ utilities 905335-4843 LA RG E 3-bedroom, June/ Ju ly frpm $1199/mo.; July, very large 4-bedroom, from $1249/mo. (+ utilities). 5 appliances, garage, park like setting. Longmoor Drive, Burlington. 905-6810070 RIVER O AKS : 3-bedroom freehold in good neigh bourhood. 5 appliances, at tached garage, walk-out rec.room with fireplace. May 1st $1475/mo. L.D a vies R E . 905-333-4347 NEW Renovations- Avail able July 15th. 3-bedrooms. Includes 1 parking. $9507 mo.+ utilities. North Burnglon. 906-319-9104 FR ESH LY Renovated! Brant/ Q EW . Burlington. 3bedroom, Ju n e 1st. $950/ mo. (1 parking included/ utilities extra) 905-319-9769 PEI Oceanfront Cottage Rental on 2km beach, great golf, crafts, shopping. Visit w w w.heronsnestpei.com ; 1-877-639-5266 I cottages for rent/buy Musi have C ol Q and 10 years experience, able to work unsupervised to close tolerances building 1st class prog dies. A ll communications m il remain confidential. Email resume to yourfuture@questhold.com or fax ti 905-847-8711 Tyandaga Area House Apartments 2&3 Bdrms - Mav Stiuated on private, park-like grounds. Freshly decorated 1&2 storey with w/o to private cedar patio. Tyandaga Terrace 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905) 336-0016 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr. (905) 336-0015 O AKV ILLE federal P C as sociation. 2002 Annual General Meeting May 6th mada Inn 7pm___________ lost I found FO U N D keys - Corner of Constance and Brookmill. on or around April 19 Please call to claim (905) 845-4574 FO UND Ring - Clearview a rea. O akville. N ear Sprin gfield C re s.. found nng first or second week of April Please call to identify (Inscribed) (905)829-9416 FOUND: black cat. Tanager/ Plains W e call 'Stan*. Phone 905-637-7325 to identify.____________________ FO UND: large exotic par rot, Burnhamthorpe/ 9th Une. Call 905-645-1551. FO UN D: Sports jersey. Burlington. Call to identify, 905-335-6018______________ FO UN D: Watch O Commisso Plaza (Upper Middle 4 Walker's). Call to identify 905-680-2164______________ FOUND: Watch at Lakeshore School Park. Call to identify. 905-637-5194. REW ARD. Lost: Gray cat. short hair, approximately 1yr old. Deerhurst/ New St. area. Microchipped. Little boys pet 905-637-3950 Mattamy Homes Ltd. requires a Sales Administrator lor our Legal Department Applicants must have excellent computer skills including Word & Excel, initiative, attention to detail: be enthusiastic team player, be extremely organized and have the ability lo work in a last paced environment. Responsibilities include interaction with lawyers lo close transactions, government remittance, banking, accounting lunctions, customer service and clerical duties as required. Legal or real estate experience an asset Send resumes by May 9th, 2002 Email: emolovment@maitamvcoro.com fax: 905-829-5373 We thank all applicants lor their interest however only selected candidates will be selected O FFICE space (1350 sq.ft.) for lease, great loca tion. steps to G O station, Q E W . new Home Depot Plaza. $17/sq.ft. gross (all included). Ideal for medical/ professional tenants. Please call 905-616-5586. BU R LIN G TO N . 3516 Mainway. 700- 900sq.ft. of fice/ warehouse space available M ayl5th. Act fast! Contact Dave Burrows. 905-332-5906 Rental Bonus LIMITED TIME OFFER 1 Outdoor Parking $1.oa (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/Speers/QEW Bachelor iro m $759' 1-Bdrms from S869' 2-Bdrms Iron S979* Spacious and well maintained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view Tel: (905) 845-9502 '(2% prompt pay disc.) B U R LIN G T O N 3-bed room townhouse (no base ment) $950/mnth. Also. 2bedroom apartment immacculate. $840/mnth. No dogs. Ju n e- lst. 905-3367207. O A K V IL L E East Bright, charming renovated mainfloor of bungalow 2/3 bed rooms, appliances, laun dry, air, parking. No pets. $1365/mo. Immediate. 905-630-9350. O A K V IL L E Downtown Spacious immaculately renovated 2-bedroom apartment. Parking. On Lakeshore Road/ Kerr Street, from $1100/mo. utilities. Immediate. No pets. 905-337-7135; 905331-1301 S P A C IO U S 1,243 B e d rooms. Freshly painted, bright. Competitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. 905-333-9846. Noon-8pm VERY large 243 Bed room Suites available in well- maintained Oakville buildings. Close to schools & professional services. Easy access to Q EW & 403. 905-844-2646 or 905-8450987 297 Queens Ave.. O ak ville- 2 & 3 bedroom apart ments available Jun e. Starting Q $995/mo. 905842-8338 2 bedroom apartment ground floor, Southdown Rd. & Lakeshore. M issis sauga. $1300/mo includes all amenities. Suits mature couple. Call Gerry for ap point 905-336-1130 QUIET FAMILY LIVING! 2418Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3-BE0R00MS $1,000/mo. + 1-1/? baths, cleaned, painted, lull basement. 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 O A K V IL L E - 2&3 Be d room townhouses available immediately through June. 4 appliances. Hopedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management. 905-676-3336 B U R LIN G TO N . Millcroft, executive condo/T.H. ra vine setting. 3 bedrooms. 2.5 baths, c/air. 5 new ap pliances, garage, ceramics, master with ensuite. $1600/mo. -futilities. June/ 1st 905-637-5331. O A K V IL L E , Glen Abbey 3-bedrooms, 2.5 baths, en suite. 1800 sq.ft.. double garage. $1800/mo. -futili ties. Long/ short-term avail able. Ju n e ls t. 905-8155510. BO O K K EEPER A small Missisuaga based company is seeking a full time bookkeeper. Position available lor 1 year with possibilties lor permanent placement. All applicants must be able to maintain a lull set of financial statements, payroll lunclions. A/R, A/P and yearned processing. Knowledge ol ACCPAC is highly beneficial. A minimum of 5 years related experience is required. Please forward resumes via e-mail to: EARN $50-$75-$100/day delivering newspapers. Call John. 905-469-0986 M A R K E TIN G I need someone to learn my busi ness. Need leadership ability and a desire for above average income. m c c u llo c h O p r im u s .c a Send resume LIVE/ WORK on the Lake General Store & Marina. Many unique features. $229,900 M LS Call Bill Stewart, Sales Rep., Bowes 4 Cocks 705-742-4234 Burlington Towers 1, 2 & 3 Bdrm Suites 905* 6 3 9 * 8 5 8 3 wwwonlim.com email: blowers® cogeco.net mbatteyp@cltlaser. com Construction Rental Com pany requires MONEY Problem s? G a r nishees? Too many pay m ents? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 631__________________ 0600 mortgage, loans T A N S L E Y Gardens. 2| bedrooms. 2 baths. C/A. 4 appliances. May. $1175/, mo. Active Management, 905-333-5506, Ext.71 FR EE- 1 Month for Quali fied Applicants! Georgian Apartments 1.243 BedHeat/ hydro included. Parking extra (No pets) Burfmgton, 905-639-0456, M-F: 9am-4pm. 6 30-8pm © * * * * * PRIM E Downtown Burlington. Upgraded 1.243 Bedroom Apartments. S cen ic views. Beautiful grounds. 478 Pearl. 477 Elizabeth. 905-634-9374 E V C T P^4eftl p e rs o n a ls V IO L IN IS T , flutist, other musician or small group wanted for Saturday May 4th 7- 9pm Oakville family resturant party, email gskene © adDynamics.com Civil Engineer Technician / Technologist Fulltime. Simple CAD experience. Construction site visits. Safety supervisor. We offer health/ dental benefits, pension, p rofit sharing. Own transportation. State wage expectations: tarnished rentals Forward resumes to: C A LL Redwood 416-4949883 ext. 321 or 1-800328-7887 ext. 321. 1 year 3.99. 5 year 6.2. ARM 1.01. Also refinancing, equity mortgage programs. 2nd mortgages available. 2 bedroom. 2 bathroom, beautifully furnished townhouse includes utilities, immediate. Short/ Long term. $1650/mo. 905-632-5393 T R A V E LS U IT E S .N E T ... Log on! "New* Corporate 1-4 bedrooms/ baths. All amenities. 40++ locations. Daily, W eekly, Monthly. From $39.95* per night. (Visa MasterCard/ AmEx). Leave mess 905-681-7355 G ARD EN apartment, fur nished. includes parking, utilities, cable T.V. Avail able M ay 8. 2002. C all 905-849-9971 P.O. Box 115, Oakville, 0NL6J4Z5 Fax: 905-844-5122 COM PUTER 4 Network Technician. Home or busi ness No job too big or small. Call Scott. 905-512* 7966 PILGRAMSWAY VILLAGE 2 & 3 bedroom suites available in low-rise condominium in Oakville. 5 appliances, wall to wall carpet, vertical blinds, balconies or patios. On site management. To view call (905)847-5043 C A W TH R A / Q E W . Well maintained! Bachelor. $759/mo.* 1-bedroom, $879/mo.*, 2-bedroom. $989/mo.* ( ` includes 2 % discount for prompt pay ment) Pearl. 905-273-9114 OLD Oakville. Beautifully maintained, very clean, quiet building downtown. Step out to shops. 1-bedroom from $985; 2-bed room from $1250./mo. No lease 905-845-8254 (leave message) BURLOAK PLACE u m rn s m s On The Lake 2-storey, 2-bedroom unit with 4 appliances! (1 parking space only) From $1150/mo* CAREGIVER required. 4 or 5 days/wk. Old Oakville area for 3 children. 905-8454908. LIVE-IN Caregiver required three children ages one, two and four. W est Oak Trails and Upper Middle area Call (905)847-9393 LIV E -IN -N A N N Y required full time for 2 children start ing August. Non-smoker with experience. L eg als only. Call Pam. (905)3392112 North Oakville W e build strong kids, strong fam ilies, strong com m unities YM C A of Oakville JOB FAIR MON., MAY 6 , 10-4pm Full & Part-time Employees tor new YMCA Do You Have: Outstanding customer service skills: Ability to work a flexible schedule: Strong communication skills: Ability to multi-task; Team player? We need: Pre-school. Children & Youth Instructors; Child Care ECE's & School Age. Head Lifeguard, Swim Instructors. Lifeguards: Climbing Wall Instructors; Certified Personal Trainers; Membership Sales & Service; Call Centre; and, Housekeeping staff. Bring your resume with 3 references and covering letter. (905)633-7150 COIN SHOW Brant Hills Community Centre, Burlington Sat. May 4th 9 am - 4 pm Ancient & current coins & paper money FREE admission/parking 2300 Ouncaster Dr. (off Brant between Upper Middle/Hwy. 5) ROUNDTREE MANOR O A K V ILL E . 2-bedroom + den. upper triplex. All amenities, laundry, parking, cable. Immediate. $1025/ mo. +electricity. 905-8459088 W ATER DOW N: Jo h n St Walk to Everything. New Appliances. New Windows. Comp. Reno. 1. 24 3 Bdrms starting at $745. Util. Incl. (905)689-1647. 905690-4454 O A K V IL L E : 190 Kerr, at Rebecca Renovated. Large suites. Walk to everything. New security system. 1&2 bedrooms from $845/mo. 905-845-1777 C A N A D IAN A . Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.243 bedrooms available Imme diate/ May/ Jun e. 5220 Lakeshore. Burlington. 905-632-5486._________ LA K E S H O R E / Maple. Burlington. 2-bedroom, Im mediate/ June, $995./mo.+ parking. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Beautiful lakefront view. Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. Near Mapleview & hospital. Great high way access. 905-632-5258 2-BE D R O O M In well maintained low rise, ce n tral Oakville, near down town. Parking. $859/mo. May 905-257-1669 BR O N TE Harbor Club- 2 bedroom, livingroom. di ningroom, jacuzzi, 2 car underground parking, 5 appliances, million dollar view overlooking Bronte Creek. (906)644-1586 "PA LAC E": Lovely updated 1-bedroom sunroom with amazing skyway & bay views, carpet. Only 1 year. Fresh paint. C/A, 5 appliances. 1 parking. No smoking or pets. $ 1050/mo. Junelst L.Davies R.E., 905333-4347__________________ AT TEN TIO N Profession als! Luxury 1-bedroom, 2 bathroom. 910 sq.ft new condo apartment. 6 ap pliances. c/air. under ground parking, on bus ro ute. Central Burlington lo cation. $1000/mo. +hydro. No pets. Available Junel5. 905-335-1696 TW O bedroom penthouse condo. Kerr St. area, close to all amenities. Available Ju n e 1st. $1,050 Call (905)645-6752____________ BRONTE HARBOUR CLUB: Prestigious 2 bedrm, 2 bath, neutral decor, C/Air, 5 appl.'s. balcony. I. pool, security, lake-view. $1500/mth. Avail. May 6th. Call L.Davies Real Estate at 905-3334347. I condominiums for rent TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm Irom $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON' Amelin Property Mgmt BURUNGTON 3-bedrooms. May, 2-bedrooms, July. 3 appliances. 1.5 baths One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting 905-333-1190. W ES TO A K T R A IL S : Al most new 3-bedroom semi. Hardwood, ceram ics, gas fireplace, ensuite, 4 ap pliances, attached double garage Prefer no pets or smoking. Immediate. $1700/mo. L.Davies R .E., 905-333-4347 GEORGIAN Court Estates. King/ Plains Rd.. Burlington. Large 243 bedroom town houses. full basements. Call 905-632-6547 ROSELAND: Beautifully up graded 2+ den loft, like new at only 5 years! Main floor master w/ensuite. main laundry. 6 apliances. C/A, garage, California shutters. No smoking. $1700/mo. Immediate. L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347 M ATU RE care-giver/ mothers helper required, mon-fri., 3pm-6pm 4 wed. til. 9:30pm. Walkers LnV Hwy 5 area. 905-336-0597 LIV E -IN caregiver from China- speaks English, professional, experienced, compassionate care for children, elderly or d isa bled. Phone Helen 416706-6686__________________ LO VING care for your child in my cosy home. 6mos. 4 up. Immediate. Full time. Smoke-free. Fenced lot. References. Receipts. 905-333-0936 evgs Beautiful Lakefront 5348 CO M PUTER Assistance; software, hardware. Virus detection and clean up. tu toring, home networking. Call 905-469-5969 JO B FAIR is held at St. Paul's United Church 454 Rebecca St., Oakville Criminal Ret. check rqr'd. First Aid & CPR Certificates preferred. Questions9 Call 905-845-3417 X236 Clarkson Value Tonbridge Square 2 lights S. ol QEW. West ol Erin Mills Parkway. 1&2 BDRM APTS in quiet community near shopping, community centre & transit. Rental office located at 2333 Truscott Dr. 905-823-1300 B U R LIN G T O N - Largs 2bedroom (825 sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near down town. Parking. $795/mo. Call Eniko. 905-634-5885. Lakeshore 2&3 Bedroom Suites From $975./mo. Available June/ July. Quiet building. New appliances. Washer, dryer on each floor. Parking. 905-639-3301 B U R LIN G TO N core. Du plex near lake. Large, bright 1br.. deck, new ap pliances, no pets/smokers. Immediate $950/mo. inclu sive 905-523-1621 PA R T-TIM E Nanny/ Housekeeper required. Hours to be arranged. South East Oakville 905815-0690 PIAN O , Yam aha. 40* stu dio. gloss black finish, with bench, excellent condition. $2400. Call 905-331-8106 D R IV ER S A N D W A R E H O U S E W ORKERS N EEDED Wholesale Distribution Company now hiring A-Z and Drivers lor local Ontario deliveries (Days & Evenings) All applicants must have a clean abstract, knowledge of the GTA & good written oral English Skills. We also have openings in our warehouse F/T Mon.-Fri (Days) fo> Picker/ Packer positions. Raymond Reach Operator / Receiver afternoons Mon.-Thurs. (32/hrs week). Attractive Benelit package, prolit sharing company. Please apply in person or by fax to: 2226 South Service Road, Oakville. Fax: 905-825-9709 H O M E support worker needed Monday - Friday days. 8 hours per day to care for elderly lady in the Oakville area. Must have experience providing per sonal care and po ssess good home management skills, car an asset. Please caH (905)403 0164 SIA M E S E Ragdolls. exceptional quality, very af fectionate. litter-trained. M/F seal/ blue points 905-3328661 Burlington____________ ^ pets, supplies boarding W *ill 1 1c a r*,o rM le 1997 Grand Am GT- Auto, black. 4-door, p/s, p/w, pdl/ pm. keyless remote/ starter. CD/cassette, spoiler. 115K. S9.750/obo 905-855-0086, ext. 27 Cliff)

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