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Oakville Beaver, 19 Jun 2002, Classified, D5

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday June 19, 2002 - D5 T h e O a k v il l e B e a v e r L A -Z -B O Y W S o fas for Less! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905- 845-3824 OR 905 - 337-5610 FAX: 905 -632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm C la ssified houses for sale Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of Starting From Uncompromising Quality and Style. A a a a a a A n Extraordinary Selection \ n f i n QQ of the Finest Custom Fabrics. U lfU U iW W Imagine, Genuine La-Z-Boy at |1 J l £1 prices that will Delight you! w W B u r lin g to n P ow er C e n tr e * Q E W & B ra n t S t. · 9 0 5 -3 3 1 -7 6 0 0 Circulation: 905-845-9742 pets, supplies boarding cars for sale 1988 Jeep Com anche pick-up, 190K, 5-spd, 4L, in-line 6 cyl., engine & body in good cond. As is, $2300. 905-681-6157______________ 1991 M ercury Grand Mar quis LS, V8, fu lly loaded, E xce lle nt w o rking c o n d i tio n . W ell m aintain. M ust see and drive. $2,950 905332-3453_________________ 1990- Buick Park Ave. Sunroof, $1600. 905 -63 49186______________________ 1991 Subaru Legacy- tu r bo, AWD, auto, sunroof, Etested, 207K. Good condi tion, $3500. 905-337-1836, after 7pm. Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 fTiTil E fZ il l l U apartments & flats for rent 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur ling to n . 2&3 bedroom apartments available July/ Aug. From $945/m o. 905632-0129_________________ DELUXE, large 3-bedroom penthouse with lake view and fire p la c e , $ 1 150/m o. All utilities included. Burlington. 905-639-5761_____________ 1,2& 3 Bedroom A p a rt m ents from $875/m o. In door pool. QEW / Trafalgar area. 905-844-1106 HEART of Bronte. 50 East St., clo se to la ke/ Bronte Harbour. 2-bedroom, July. $ 1,095. (+ parking ) 905825-0816__________________ houses for rent O A K V IL l!!/ B u rlington border- B urloak, 1-block from lake. Both transit sys tem s. J ust renovated 3bdrm. Laundry and all ap pliances, parking, no pets, non-smoker. $1200 +some utilities. 416-992-3363 BRANT/ P la in s W ell maintained semi-detached 2 storey corner lot house. 3-bdrm +den, 3 appliances, private backyard, garage. Utilities included (no base m ent). $1200/m o. August 1st. 416-503-9662_________ C E N TR A L O ak v ille p res tige 3-bedroom fin ish e d basement new paint hard wood carpet walk to down town July/1 st $2500/m o. 905-849-8027_____________ OLDE O akville. House for rent. 2-bedroom bungalow $ 1 790/m o -fu tilitie s . C all Lorenzo 416 -25 3-39 93 Avail July/1 st BU RLO AK- close to QEW, brand new house. 4 a p p l iances, 3 bedrooms, garage, a/c, FP. A vailable im m ed iately. $1495/m o -futilities. Non-smoking. 905-844-7467 after 6pm__________________ G UELPH Line/ Fairview 3 +2-bdrm s, 2 -fu ll baths, walk to GO/ amenities. Ap p lia n c e s / la undry. No sm oking/pets. $1,375./mo. -futilities, Augustlst. Leave m essage, 905 -510-0197, evgs: 905-712-2753________ LU XURY c oun try home a va ila b le J u ly /1 5 4/acres 3-bedroom, 2/baths with jacuzzi, all appliances $1500/ mo inclusive. 905-332-1450 O AKV ILLE, Trafalgar/ McCraney, 4-bedrooms, large kitchen, finished basement, 5 appliances, gated back yard, im m ediate. $2100/ mo.+ 416-226-5460 O A K V IL L E T ra fa lg a r/ Dundas. 3-bdrm ., 2.5baths, Brick semi, ceram ics, double drivew ay, gas fire p la c e , skylig h t, A/C. 905-257-5225. w w w .a lpropertysales.com Open house June/22 -23 1-4pm 2346 Penrose Lane RIVER Oaks. 4-bedroom s --loft, backing onto park/ fore st. Q uiet stre e t. Up grades galore. 85 Morrison Creek C rescent. Open House S a turday/ Sunday 1-3:30pm. $464,900. 9058 4 2 -7 0 2 0 . e-m ail: www.alpropertysales.com 4-BEDRO O M hom e 1.5 baths, Ravine lot, stamped concrete d rivew ay, near W alkers Line, clo se to schools. $248,900. 9057 1 9 -5 5 6 0 . w w w .a lp ro pertysales.com ID#1057 BU RLING TO N- D etached home, 3+1-bedrooms, 2.5bath, new ly renovated basem ent, hardw ood floors. $207,000. Call 905SI 5-5436, Agents welcome BU R LIN G TO N - A ppleby/ Lakeshore. 64x125, hard wood/ ceram ics through most. A pprox. 3300 sq.ft. $479,000. 905-681-7294 DUNDAS- custom 4-bdrm, $345,000 serviced country lot, town convenience, up grades 905-628-1108 http:// home.cogeco.ca/-twilk2 | | k « Private Sales SE CLU SIO N in the coreVery private, large, 3-bed room end-unit, semi townhouse condo, 2.5bath, at tached garage, new h a rd wood, diningroom and livingroom, ceramic, fabulous gas fire p la ce , huge deck, hottub. Plus 4-ap p lia n ce s 905-634-4687 Great Livin' Downtown! 1Convenient location near GO Stn Gorgeous views 1Indoor pool & saunas A ll 2 bedrooms with 2 full baths Newly renovated spacious suites 1Brv I Br+Den '2Brs from come mew... CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliances · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited BUNK beds, Ikea style, off set with dresser, arm oire, bookshelf, clean mattresses, $500. Call 905-331-2392 CAR P ET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 DESK, w a lnut. 6-draw ers +file 56x23x30, excellen t condition, $125. C all 905632-9023._________________ DININGROOM table. Brand new, oak, w h ite wash, 6/chairs. Doesn't fit in new home. A must see! $1500 O.B.O 905-827-1045_______ D INING RO O M , 14-pce, cherryw ood . 92" double ped estal. 8 C hippendale chairs. Buffet, hutch, server, dovetail construction. Still in boxes. Cost $14,000. Sacrifice $5,000. 905-5679459______________________ EN TER TAINM EN T UnitPalliser, washed oak look. Like new. $250 obo. 905632-8655__________________ FRIDGE, Jennair, side-byside, 60"high, $350; stove A d m iral, self-cle a n in g , $250. Both white/ excellent condition- $500/both. Mir ror beve lle d glass, 30x60 unblem ished, $60; teak bedroom suite, Queen, 60" 9-drawer dresser w/mirror, b ea utiful con d itio n , $400. 905-847-8108._____________ FRIDGES, Stoves, W ash ers, D ryers. Like new. Spotless. Under warranty. 905-549-1911______________ F U TO N d o u b le h u n te r g re e n w ith fra m e $1 8 0 ., box & m a ttre s s brand name, orthopedic pillowtop $600., both brand new, will deliver (905)257-3743 KITC H E N A ID E ap p lia n c e s - stove, frid g e , m icro., 3yrs. old. Extended w a r ranty. Beige floral print sofa. Lawnmower. 905-847-3556 M AYTAG heavy duty w asher/ dryer, 10-yrs. old, $400/both; oak diningroom table, glass inlay. 2-leafs, 4 chairs, $500. 9 0 5 -6 3 9 9410 evgs. MOVING sale- large fridge w /botto m free zer, stove, dehumidifier, dresser, single bed, w a sh e r/d rye r & antiques. 905-842-2450 M O VIN G : se llin g d in in g room, livingroom bedroom & kitchen . V alue $7000, asking $2500 for all. 905631-7958. 416-898-2244 MOVING Sale- Brand newcouch, loveseat. armchair, snowblower (31"), exercise bike, punching bag (100lbs), bunkbeds. Also, daybed w/trundle, queen size brass bed, ping pong table , air hockey (4x6), fridge, antique execu tive size oak desk ($1400). 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -3 9 9 2 9am-9pm. M O VIN G : M aytag heavy duty w asher & gas dryer, 5yrs. old, excellent condi tion. $650/pair, firm . 905627-1014, after 6pm.________ NEED a Computer... Don't Have Cash? The O riginal IBM PC, just $1. a day., no m oney down! The Buck a Day Company, call 1-800772-8617. w w w .bucka day.com NEW G.E. fridge & stove, w hite, $1299 /pr; flo ra l couch & loveseat. like new, $299. 905-741-8642________ P A N A S O N IC Room A ir C o n d itio n e r M o del CW C80YK $225.00 Purchased J u n e 200 1. T o ta l C o st: $ 5 2 8 .9 9 D e h u m id ifie r $40.00 Contact: Brenda @ 905-844-1661_________ P IAN O , apa rtm e nt-size , full-size keyboard, beautiful tone & cond itio n , $2,000. Call 905-847-8108._________ PIAN O , uprig h t, C able with bench. Good condition. Dealers welcome. Call 905315-7974._________________ PO OL ta b le - 4x8 slate, balls & cues included, Dufferin. Black entertainm ent unit made for large screen TV. Black lacquer coffee & end tables. 905-842-5080 ROUTER bit set, 10-pce. Sears, new, still in wooden box, $60. 905-332-7780. S E R G E R - Elna 5 thread, used once, paid $1300, asking $500. 905-637-0736 SO FA & lo veseat, m int cond ition, $550. Coffee & end tables, $100. Clavinova piano, new cond itio n , $1400. 4 Yokoham a tires, 185 /75R /13, good condition. $175. 905-689-2712 SO FA, 3-se a te r, cream , prime condition, $200/obo; re clin e r ch a ir, m aroon, prime condition, $150/obo. 905-637-9734 SONY Cam corder Video 8 with LCD display, includes leather carry case. Excel lent cond ition. $300. 905689-7334 SPAS.. Spas... Spas Bro ken partnership forces sale, over 30 spas still in wrapp er. Must be sold at cost or below. 905-567-9459 W EIDER Pro 9640 home gym system. Moving; must se ll. E xce lle nt cond iton. $250. O.B.O Call 905-4694330 I articles wanted 900 GOLDEN Retreivers. You can't buy a true friend but you can definitely buy your best friend Ever! Am azing puppies ready after July 10th. First com e., firs t served. 905-510-1921 ^ | | T I I cars for sale BURLINGTON SQUARE 1460 Ghent Ave. at 760 Brant St. 1999 Neon - Auto, power lo c k s , p o w e r w in d o w s , sunroof. 46,500 kilometers $9,900, call (905)847-0657 198 5 T o y o ta C o ro lla , 5 speed, solid body, e-tested $900. Call (905)842-4350 1994 Saturn W agon - pw, pi, am/fm cassette. 5 speed, excellent looking/ running. 200K, $2900/obo. 905637-8570_________________ 1997 T au rus L X - very good con d itio n , c e rtifie d , a nti-lo ck, chrom e wheels, keyless entry, air, mounted snow s, $9500. 9 0 5 -8 7 8 7188______________________ 1989 H onda A ccord LX automatic, 275,000k $1500 O.B.O. as is 905-331-3252 leave message 1991 Buick R egal Gran Sport $5,250/obo 108,000 km, white w/light blue interior, leather, fully loaded, more. Excellent condition. DC/Safe Certs, evenings/weekends Call 905-338-9775__________ 1993 Dodge Caravan. Ex celle n t cond ition. Please call 905-825-2689_________ 1993 Mazda MX6 V6 stan dard, le ather in terio r, air, cruise, tilt, pow er e ve ry thin g , CD, $8200. 905333-5201._________________ 1992 Chrysler D aytona- 1 ow ner, E -tested, remote starter, runs well. 188K, as is. asking $1900. 905-3326418______________________ 1999 O ldsm obile Alero auto., 3.4L V6, 4-door, sil ver, fully loaded, CD/ cas se tte , m int cond ition, $12,500. C ertified. E-tested. $3,000 less than aver age Auto T ra d e r price. 905-844-0406. 905 639-4677 utilities included C om e See th e D iffe re n c e ! 511 Guelph Line, Burlington Comfortable 1 & 2 Bedroom Suites from only $840./mo. Sunken livingrooms, windows in kitchens, breakfast nooks, 2 outdoor pools. ..Call 905-637-9725 rooms for rent & wanted FURNISHED execu tive Bedroom. $550/month all in c lu s iv e , m aid service, k itc h e n / laundry. W alk to the lake. Immediate. 905842-8958 OAKVILLE- Furnished room with kitchenette, separate entrance, la undry, cable. Near town hall, non-smoker, $440/mo. 905-339-0269 B U R LO A K / Lakeshorefurn ish e d room . Share k itc h e n / bath. S u it male n on -sm oker. P arking. $550/m o. in c lu s iv e . 905631 -5884 evgs._____________ 273 I daycare available it N E W LY R enovatedfor rent 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. apart ments. Close to all am eni ties. $1050 to $1275./m o inclusive. Parking extra. Im m ediate occupancy. 205 Q ueen M ary D rive 905844-9670__________________ O A K V IL L E - 2&3bedroom in trip le x building. All amenities, laundry, parking, immediate $925/mo. +electric ity . 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -9 0 8 8 www.places4rent.com H .C .C .R . hom e daycare, fu ll-tim e spaces. Near Mountainside/ Guelph Line. TLC, lunches, crafts, fenced yard. CPR/ references/ re ceipts. 905-319-3826. LO VING fam ily e n viro n m ent in Mohawk Garden School area, special o u t ings, educational play, bal anced nutrition, 9 0 5 -3 3 3 3937______________________ SUMMER Tim e care. Preschool and school aged c hildren w elcom ed. F irst aid, CPR. Great referenc es. SE B u rlington. 905639-2183._________________ M ATURE, expe rienced M other w ill b a b ysit in my home near Ikea. Crafts, fun! Call April 905-962-4669. SUMMER-TIME/ After school care. 12-yrs expe rience. Large fenced yard. Weekly outin gs. R e ceipts. Fisher Avenue. 905-336-6080. I trucks for sale 1999 GMC SLS exte n d icab S tep-S ide Sonom a truck. 4.3L, V6, white, auto, A /C, pw /pl, pow er heated mirrors, CD, A.R.E. lid, box lin e r, new tires/b rake s. Non-sm oker. W ell m ain taine d. 139K. $12,500. 905-469-4789 Public fTotice We have the apartm ent y o u 're lo o kin g for! 2&3 Bdrms · June & July 6 John Street, Oakville 905-845-4751 1 Day A pprovals 'Managed by Greenwin Property ) BRONTE on the Lake. Breathtaking views. Freshly deco rated 1-bedroom availab le July. Hardwood, c eram ics, window c o v e r ings, pool, tennis, und er g round parking. C all to v iew : 905-827-9169, Sir R ichard Tow er, www.on tim.com ^ shared accommodation BU R LIN G TO N . Luxury townhouse to share w/professional fem ale. C/air, c/ vac., laundry, gas fireplace, backyard, parkin g, $550/ mo. First/ last. Julylst. 905617-5653._________________ 3 bedroom tow nhom e Guelph Line & Upper Mid dle. Immediate. Mature, re s p on sible m ale/fem a le, sm oking or non -sm okin g, parking. Call Gail 905-3351383______________________ BU RLO AK. Luxury tow n house to share w/responsible young professional. A/ C, parking, laundry. $450/ mo. in c lu s iv e . 905-6816262 evgs. EXTRA large room, hydro, c a b le , la u n d ry in c lu d e d near River Oaks Rec. Cen tre, bus route, $475. per month. Large basement im m ediate $450 per month. Call (905)842-5236 OFFICE ADMIN. DIPLOMA · Computerized · Tycourt Apts. 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr., Burlington Park-like setting near golf course & QEW SEPTEM BER 2002 Financial Assistance May be Available EX EC U TIVE condo in Waterdown core. 12ft ceil ings, a n tiq u e hardw ood floors, 1-bedroom. Profes s io n a lly deco rated. Up grades galore. To view call Emma. 9 0 5 -6 9 0 -4 7 2 4 . $144,900. No agents please THE BALM O R AL2 bedroom penthouse unit. Many e xtra s, 2 parking spots, 2.5% to selling brok er. C all 905 -31 5-86 87 for appointment. WE s p e c ia liz e in C o ndo m inium S ales & R entals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., R e altor, (905)333-4347_____________ C L A S S IF IE D D e adlines are Monday at 5pm for Wed nesday; W ednesday at 5pm for Friday and Thurs day at 5pm for Sunday. For m ore in fo rm a tio n please call 905-337-5610 or 905632-4440, fax: 905-632-8165. K U ] lots & acreages EAST Oakville lot. Approx. half acre. 150ft. frontage. S. of Lakeshore. View of. Lake, treed, beautiful new homes both sides. Brokers protect ed. $918K. Private, by appt. only. 905-842-9723_________ industrial /commercial space O A K V IL L E D owntown. Retail space approx. 1,000 sq.ft. $1400/mo. plus. 2,000 sq.ft. $2100/mo. plus. Call 905-337-7135. Remodelled 1-Bedroom July 1st Call Now 905 O AKV ILLE: 392 Pine Ave. at C o rnw all & T ra fa lg a r. Renovated, la rge suite s . W alk to E ve rythin g. 1&2 Bedrooms from $845. 905842-1429, Ext.231__________ 75 S tew art: 1-bedroom , $80 0./m o .; 2-bedroom , $900/mo. Includes parking, im m e d ia te / J u ly . Near dow ntown O ak v ille / QEW. W e ll-m a in ta in e d , clean building. 905-844-4294 2-BEDRO O M apartm ents. 110 South F oster P ^rk, O a k v ille . Includ es e v e ry thin g . Im m ediate . 905849-8411; 10am-8pm. 2-B E D R O O M S : $85 0./ mo. (U tilitie s in c lu d e d ). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. R ental O ffic e O pen 11am-8pm, Mon.-Sat. 905639-5761__________________ LA RG E A ttra c tiv e 2 -b e d room available im m ediate ly/ July. Heat/ hydro includ ed. From $795/m o.+ park ing. No pets. Burlington. 905-632-0961_____________ 4 -P LE X - 2-bdrm, 1st floor apartm ent near downtown B u rlin g to n . P riva te en trance, 2-car parking. A u gust 1st. No pets. 905-3324769______________________ 2-BEDROOM Suites among refined te n a n ts in luxury building close to Burlington Mall. Call the "Princess", 905639-8009 or "Regency" 905681-8115__________________ "H O U S E -L IK E " L iving in Low-rise Townhom e/ Apts! 2&3 Bdrm s, 1-flo o r & 2storey designs. G round flo o r units w /w a lk -o u t to landscape patio ! Freshly p ainted, refinish ed h a rd wood, new appliances- All for you! Tyandaga Terrace, 1440 Tyan daga Pk Dr., 905-336-0015; 1460 Tyandaga Pk Dr. 905-336-0016 'E M P R E S S ", Dynes Rd., Burlington. 1-bedroom, July 1st, $950/m o, includes fridge, stove, washer, dryer, cable, pool, parkin g, all u tilitie s , 24-hr. se c u rity . Sandra. 905-338-7482 B R A N T/ U pper M id d le B u rlin g to n 2 bedroom , 2 store y, very cle an, 1.5 baths, a/c. July/September. 905-331-0890_____________ FU R N ISH ED Executive: 1-bedroom , self-contained on m ain le vel, in south Lakeshore hom e. P rivate entrance, gas firepla ce, 6 appliances, C/A. No smok ing. $1450/m o. in clusive. Im m ediate. C all L.D avies R.E., 905-333-4347________ G EO R G IAN A partm ents. 1.2&3 Bedroom s. June / July/ Aug. H eat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington, 905-6390456, M-F: 9am-4pm, 6:308pm SU ITES SE NIO R S* 1Bedroom in quiet building. $675/m o. all in clusive. Call 905-787-0278__________ BR O N TE: H ixon/ N elson area. 2-bedroom, parking included, $920/m o; 1-bed room. parking, $765/m o.+ utilities. J u ly ls t. Call 905847-1138._________________ O A K V IL L E Kerr S t.Available im mediately, Au gust. 1-bedroom s, $830/ mo; 1 B a chlor apa rtm e nt $700/mo. includes parking. C all betw een 9am -6pm , 905-339-2437_____________ OLD O ak v ille . B e au tifu lly m aintained, v e ry clean, q u ie t b u ild in g dow ntow n. Step out to shops. Bachelor, $750.; 1-bedroom from $985; 2-bedroom from $1250./mo. No lease. 905 -84 5-82 54 (leave message) O AKVILLE in Glen Abbey, 2-bedroom Condo. $1150/ mo. +hydro. Avail July 1st. 416-566-2078____________ O A K V IL L E - N ear d ow n tow n, brigh t 2;bedroom , large rooms, renovated with hardw ood flo o rs , quiet building, across from park $800/m o. Ju ly/A u g u st 1st 905-277-4728._____________ EXCELLENT location near B rant/ Lakeshore. 1- bed room, garage, quiet build ing. $750 +hydro. August 1st. 905-662-8558___ O A K V ILL E . QEW/ T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $839/ m o.*; 3-bedroom from $ 1 0 3 9 /m o .' W ell m ain tained building. Nellie, 9053 39 -20 28. ('in c lu d e d 2% prompt payment discount) C E N T R A LL Y located, well- maintained, spacious 1-bedroom suite, July/ Aug. M ust see to app reciate. 3055 Glencrest Road, Burlington, 905-637-3921 O A K V IL L E 2-Bedroom ava ila b le A u g .1st. $995. Includes heat, hydro, park ing. Q uiet building, Bronte Rd./ Lakeshore area. Close to e verything . Steve 905827-6783. 1-Bedroom, July, from $825. Call today to view: D AYC ARE p ro vid e r re quired fo r S eptem ber, 3 child re n , 4.6& 10 years. M on.- Thurs., Noon- 6pm, my Tyandaga area home. D rive r/ car a m ust. 905336-1768_________________ LIV E -IN ca regiver fo r 15m onth old tw ins +5 year old. E xp erience, fle x ib le , refe ren ces. Legals only ASAP. 416-699-6931 639-8583 905- 3 3 5 -3 0 0 1 E-mail: tycourt@ sympatico.ca for info. SP AC IO U S 1,28.3 Bedroom s. Freshly painted, b rig h t. C o m pe titive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellm aintained. Convenient lo cation . 905 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , ____________ Noon-8pm NEWLY renovated, freshly p ainted! 1&2 Bedroom s a v ailab le J u ly / Aug. 1363 Lakeshore, Burlington across from Spencer Smith Park, 905-637-8431, 7-days, 9am5pm, (Ring Apt. #101)_______ DOW NTOW N B u rlington, 1275 Elgin S treet. 2&3 Bedrooms, July/Aug. Freshly decorated, spacious, w ell m aintained & quiet w ith upgraded fire alarm system for safe highrise living. Call 905-637-0321 OUTSTANDING 3-bedroom, 3.5-bath, end unit. Located in priv a te enclave. 5 -a p p l iances, gas fireplace, garage and basement. Glen Abbey area. Avail. Aug 1, $1750/ mo, ref. 905-333-0002 3-BEDROOM, July & midJuly. $995/mo. Utilities ex tra. 1 parking space includ ed. 3000- 3014 Centennial Dr., B u rlington. 905-3191869______________________ 51,850/m o Burlington very private. 3,200 sq.ft.... C/A, F/P, double garage, applian ces, Avail. July 1 905-6399898______________________ B U R LIN G T O N - Francis. 3-bedroom s, 1.5 baths, Laundry & 2-parking, No dogs. $950/m o. -fu tilitie s . August 1st. 905-578-6996. Halton Business Institute 905-637-3415 ^ cottages for rent/buy BO Y'S b icycle 16 inch frame, good condition, $40. 905-336-0239_____________ B U N K B E D S - w h ite, tu b ular metal, single over sin g le w /la dder, $100. 905333-6466__________________ CO M PRESSOR W ine C ellar tem p/hum idity control, $75. 905-842-5318 FU RN ITU RE: 3-dressers, 2-dark stained maple one w hite/ melamine +sofabed, $100/all. 905-336-1538 MENS pow er b u ilt golf clubs. New bag and "Titleis t" c a rt $100 9 0 5 -6 3 2 8469______________________ O R G AN - Lowrey, percus sion, dou ble keyboard, blonde finish. Good condi tio n . $60/obo. 9 0 5 -6 3 7 8903______________________ P IA N O - upright, Straube, free fo r the taking . 905332-8742_________________ OFFICE desk & filing cabinet. Free... 905-634-3340 STEEL door, a pp rox imately 36 in. wide x 80 in. $40. 905-336-0239_________ S T O V E - alm ond, good condition, $100. 9 05 -33 52059______________________ STOVE, s e lf-cle a n GE, white, about 15-yrs., very good condition, $100 obo. 905-632-5652. DESK TOP PUBLISHER Fulltime position available in Oakville. Fast-paced production environment. Real Estate related page lay outs, design and print. Must be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing. Must be detail-ori ented, a great speller and be able to adhere to dead lines. Require Quark, Photoshop, Illustrator, MACBased. Interested candidates please e-mail resume to amie@idirect.com or fax to 905-842-3777. Burlington Towers 1, 2 & 3 Bdrm Suites 905 * 639*8583 www.ontim.com email: btowers@ cogeco.net M USK O K A C ottage & B u n k ie - Peninsula Lake, (chain of four lakes) Hunts v ille. All am enities, sandy shoreline, dock. Avail. Au gust (1 or 2 weeks), $1500/ week. (705)788-3552 QUIET FAMILY LIVING! 2418 Glenwood School Dr.. Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3-BEDROOMS $999./mo. + 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. 905-639-9212 O A K V IL L E - 2,3&4 Bedroom townhouses available im m ediately through Aug/ 1st. 4 appliances. Hopedale M all area. Lakeshore Management, 905-876-3336 B E A U T IF U L 4-bedroom . S/E B u rlington. Finished basement, garage, C/A, 11/2 baths. July 1st. $1550./ mo. 905-549-9992_________ BU R LIN G TO N : 2 -b e d room maisonette avail. July/ 1st Near G uelph Line/ QEW. 1140 Tavisto ck Dr. No pets. 1-car parking. 905-335-0636______________ GUELPH Line area. 4bedrooms, 1.5 baths, recroom, garage, $1030/m o. Appleby Mall 2-bedroom s, recroom $989/m o. 905632-5690, A lb e rt McDonagh Ltd., Realtor__________ BU R LIN G TO N . Luxury tow nhouses, 3-bedroom s, $ 1 175/m o. 4-bedroom s, $1275/m o. Fam ilyroom , basem ent, yard. U tilitie s extra, parking $40. 905639-0950 12' S pringbok alum inium boat with 10hp Honda mo tor and trailer, gas tank and oars. $1950. E xce lle nt condition. 905-632-0068. Burlington._________________ 1992 Sw eetwater pontoon cruiser. Like new! Features: Bow sofa, chaisse lounge, helm w/cooler and storage area, swing back dinette s eatin g, 3 gates, am /fm stereo cassette , cover, speedom eter. 1994- 40hp Mercury engine. Anchor w/ line. $11,500 obo. Call 416966-4326 or 705-329-1622 lost & found FOUND: Dog- G rindle pitt bull X in the Fairview Ap pleby Line area. We call June- Please call 905-6377325______________________ FOUND Tan and w hite m ale cat. M.M. R obinson High School area. "M ilo" 905-637-7325______________ FOUND- baseball glove at C a vendish Park Saturday June /15. C all 905-3356698 after 5:30pm to identify. FO UND: B arbie suitcase w/toys at Lions Park, Bur lington core on June14th. Please call & identify, 905631-7189._________________ FOUND: grey cat in the New St. Appleby Line area. We ca ll Joe. Please call 905-637-7325______________ FO UND: young black cat in the W arw ick Crt. area. We call Little C. Please call 905-637-7325______________ LO ST: Shy, G rey /black tabby P rospe ct at Brant. Declawed, answers to'C olby" Call 905-632-6465 LO ST: Lad ies Em erald & Diamond engagem ent ring & Diam ond e te rn ity band. June 13, GO train or sub way. Rew ard. 905-3354338 PraYers TH A N K You, St. Jude for the prayer received. F.T. mm x aboutowne realty Corp. We thank all applicants for their interest, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 1&2 Bedroom apartm ents available Immediately/ July/ A u g-ironv.$79S Jroo. Con v e n ie n tly lo ca te d W ood w a rd / G uelph Line, Burlington. 905-632-4265 ___ A L D E R S H O T (w est B u r lin g to n ) new ly renovated bach elor w ith fu ll kitchen, availab le July 1st, $625 + hydro 905-633-8547________ BURLINGTON- basement for rent no smoking/ pets. $725/ mo. heat/ hydro included, parking. Please call 905-3358832______________________ B U R LIN G TO N - Large 2bedroom (825 sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near dow n tow n. P a rking. $795/m o. Call Annie, 905-634-5885. BU R LIN G TO N B rant/ Prospect. 2-bedroom high basement. Adult lifestyle 6plex. No pets. Walk to GO. J u ly ls t $790/mo. includes utilities/ parking. 905-6396920.______________________ BRONTE H arbour. S pa cio us 2-bedroom suites availab le. H eat/ hydro in clu d e d . From $1235/m o. C all Shari, 905-825-9616, 9am-6pm BRANT St., Burlington. 2& 3 bedrooms from $950, in cludes utilities & cable TV. parking extra. To view call 905-639-1960._____________ C A N A D IA N A . Quiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. V ery spacious 1.2&3 bedrooms available Imme d ia te / Ju n e / July. 5220 Lake shore, B u rlington. 905-632-5486. BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! STAFF ACCOUNTANT Bateman Mackay Chartered Accountants Edith Court Available Aug. 1st: 1-Bedroom, $740. Includes utilities. Parking Available Call 905-690-1896 LU X U R IO U S 3 bedroom basement apartment, open concept, beautiful kitchen with marble floor. Available July (905)847-8191________ V f t l furnished rentals SHORT term lu xury 3 bedroom townhouse. Fully furn ished , dow ntown Bur ling to n . Im m ediate thru O c t.1st R e ferences re q uired. $1650/m o. -fu tili ties. 905-631-0779 is an established, growth oriented, tax focused public accounting firm located in Burlington. We require an accountant who has a desire to special ize in complex tax issues. Minimum enrollment in 4th level of recognized accounting program pre ferred. Prior experience working with small to mid size corporations an asset. Advanced Microsoft Word and Excel skills a must. Must be flexible, personable, a team player, and have a good sense of humour. Fax your resume: Attn: Kimberley Snyder, 905-639-2285 DOW NTOW N O akville o f fice space. 1000 sq.ft. (Aug./1st) Reasonable. Park ing. Lakeshore Rd near Harbour 905-844-4161 DOW NTOW N O akville, Church Street, office space availab le im m edia tely. $500. & up. 416-420-3952 or 905-842-9275 12 draw er teak dre sse r/ m irro r $260, d eco rative teak stere o unit $260, French pro vin cia l couch, $200. 905-632-5604 3 seat sofa, 2 wing back chairs (Ennisclare Interiors) 3 seat chesterfield , chair, ottom an, end tables. W al nut diningroom suite. Bed room furn iture . Computer, printer & desk + more.. 905844-1974_________________ 3-TO RO Pro line 2 1 ' m owers. S e lf propelled with bag/ mulch attachment. Excellent condition. $425/ ea. obo. 905-333-3376 AIR c o n d itio n e rs: 5,00010,000 BTU 's, exce lle n t condition, $125- $200. Call 905-335-6908._____________ A LIG N M E N T R ack- Bear pace 3100. Space saver 9000 series. Scissor hoist & 2-ja ckin g beam s. Best offer contact Mark Comfort: 905-632-5371______________ AM ER IC AN standard w h irlp o o l bath w ith m otor and tim er, m int condition, $300. (519)856-4001 A P P L IA N C E S - W asher/ dryer, stove, also dryer, e x ce lle n t con d itio n , w ill separate. 905-335-2059. BBQ, $50; solid oak kitch en cabinets, $500; wood burning fire p la ce w /fan $100. Call 905-469-1035. BEAUTIFUL double dresser, great condition. Dark cherry wood. $200 obo. 905-8422099______________________ BEDROOM set. 8-pce, cherrywood. Bed, chest, tri dresser, mirror, night stands, dovetail construction. Never opened, in boxes. Cost $9,000. Sacrifice $3500. 905567-9459__________________ BEDS, New, Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete w/ frame. Futons. Free Delivery. Refurbished VCRs, 17-25" c o lo u r TVs, p o rtable CD players. 905-681-9496. BED, All-New King, Extra thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. C ost $1700. S a crifice, $650. 905-304-5573. B E D - Q ueen, orth opedic p illo w to p m attress, boxspring, hea dboard/ fo o t board, frame. New, in plas tic. Cost $1275, sell $550. Will deliver. 905-971-3315. BED wetting? Free report re v e a ls th a t little know n technics can get your life b a ck to n o rm a l. C a ll 24 hours per day for a record ed message and a copy of my report 1-888-845-4070 B IK E , 2001 "Jason Bestw ick Pro" GT BMX m int condition, $300. Call 905849-3595._________________ BR AN D new w asher & dryer, Kenm ore, heavy duty. E xce lle nt cond ition. $800/pr. 905-315-9572 ifQ * tC U f!SuitO i*tttm * T im * Siuttm Senior Residential Construction Estimator Apartments & Townhomes The Reid's Heritage Group of Companies is one of the largest homebuilding operations in South Western On tario, with projects actively underway at a number of sites in Guelph, Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo, Lon don, Collingwood, and Huntsville. We have a challenging and rewarding opportunity available for a seasoned individual, with at least five years of experience in estimating apartments and townhomes. Single family and commercial estimating experience would be an asset. Proven management and communication skills are a must. To learn more about our companies you can locate us at www.reidsheritaaenroup.com Please fax a covering letter and resume by June 28th, to 519-654-9746 Attention: Shari Walpole Please, no phone calls. Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. WE are see kin g 8 new part-tim e independent a s sociates before June 27. If you have leadership skills and enjoy w orking closely with others, please contact Tanya. 905 -6 3 7 -1 1 2 3 or em ail your response to smartink@mac.com FAMILY of 4 on leave from overseas would like to rent fu rn is h e d hom e or a p a rt ment. From 15July- end of August. Reference a v a il able. Call 905-689-4668 ^ condom inium s for rent MONEY P roblem s? G ar nishees? Too m any pa y m ents? O p tio n s to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 [ ! % ] mortgage, loans C A L L REDW O OD 1-8003 2 8 -7 8 8 7 1 -yr 4 .5 5 ; 5 -y r 6.15, ARM 1.74. Also equity m o rtg a g e p ro g ra m s , regardless of income or credit. NEED a m ortgage fast? Below bank rate. 1st and 2nd, New, Renewal, Resi den tial or C om m ercial Mortgages. Past poor cred it, bankrupt, self-employed, Equity financing. Quick ap proval. C all 416-410-0629 or 1-877-305-3727 (7 days/ wk.) Guaranteed financing. -WEDGEWOOD" W alkers/ Upper Middle, Burlington. 1bedroom, 5 appliances, C/A, underground parking, sec urity, health centre. August. $900/mo. 905-616-5238 GRANDE Regency; Fabu lous upgraded 1-bedroom penthouse. C /A, balcony, pool, exercise, security, 5 a pp lia nces, No sm oking, prefer no pets. $1200/mo. Aug./S ept. L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347_____________ NORTH B u rlington, 2bedroom condo, 5 ap pliances, 2 parking spaces $950/m o + u tilitie s . July 1st. 905-336-5108_________ DOW NTOW N B u rlington: Superb Penthouse, pano ram ic lake view! Impecca ble decor, 2-bedroom s + den, lib ra ry , te rra c e . No sm oking. P refer no pets. $2700/m o. S e p t.1st or sooner. Call L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347_____________ l ! u | houses for rent $ 1 ,8 0 0 /M 0 .G o rg e o u s , 5 year old, 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bathroom home, bleached oa k k itc h e n , s in g le a t tached garage,fully fenced. Call Laurice Albert, Assoc, broker,R e/M ax (9 0 5 )2 5 7 2414 ______________ T R A F A L G A R / QEW. 3bedroom sem i (upper). Double parking, app lia nc es, la rge yard, a/c, July5, $1,450/mo. inclusive. 905845-9279._________________ BU R LIN G TO N - Semi, 3bedroom , 2.5 -b a th , big fenced yard, ceramic, 5-ap pliances. $1500/mo. -futili ties. No pets. Call 905638-0500._________________ RENT to Own options or 0 Down Program based on credit & earnings v e rific a tion. Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker, Re/Max Escarpment Realty, Realtor, 905-63 9-52 58; creativeopts@quickclic.net S/E O akville- renovated 3bdrm bungalow . Spacious yard & deck. Julylst. $2200/ mo. -futilities. Call Carol 905338-9063__________________ OAKVILLE. A bright, clean 3-bedroom detached. Appl iances, c/air, garage, fenced yard, $1375/m o. A u g .1st. 905-279-5614. R O U N D TR EE MANOR TO W N H O M E S Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt O A K V IL L E T ra fa lg a r Rd Large 3-bedroom finished basement, C/A, appliances c a rp o rt, yard, m id/July $1200/mo 905-336-5858 M A P LE / F a irv ie w - Large 1-bedroom easy access to QEW, 407, 403. New car pet & paint, 5 appliances, C/A. $900/m o. -fu tilitie s . Julylst. 905-334-5385 O A K V IL L E N ew 3 -b e d room T o w n h o u s e ,2 -1 /2 b a th ro o m s . T h ird L in e / Hwy 5, 4 appliances. Avail able immediately $1,450.00 (905)827-9584____________ O AKV ILLE -GLEN A b bey e x e c u tiv e T o w n h o m e , 3 bedroom s, large kitchen, 2-1/2 baths, gas fireplace. $ 1 ,8 0 0 + u tilitie s C a ll (905)847-0824____________ O A K V IL L E 1440 S ix th L ine. T o w n h o u s e 3 b e d room s, up p e r flo o r, m ain floor and basement, 4 ap p lia n c e s , b a c k y a rd and parking. $1,300/per month Available July 1 (905)2757636______________________ NEW R enovations- A vail able Aug. 15th. 3-bedrooms, includes 1 parking, $950/ mo. + utilities.North Burling ton. 905-319-9104 Rental Bonus LIMITED TIM E OFFER 1 Outdoor Parking $ 1.00 (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelor from $709* 1-Bdrms iim $869* 2-Bdrms trom $979.* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905)845-9502 "(2% prompt pay. disc.) Beautiful Lakefront EXPER IENC ED live out nanny, non -sm oker, Eng lish spea king. M on-Fri 75pm V e hicle required . 2/ kids $900/mo 416-880-0572 H O U S EK EEP ER / Nanny required in Burlington, liveout. 2 kids, must have car. Fax resume 905-332-0877. NANNY required. Oakville. 2 young c h ild re n . D river, swimmer, non-smoker. Local references. 7am - 530pm. Some even ings, some Saturdays. Legals only. 905338-3743________ N ANN IES fo r Septem ber. Filipinas and others. Livein/ out available. No fee to em ployers. Amah International, 416-221-3303________ O A K V ILLE - Live in care g iver experienced fo r el derly. Call (416) 759-4333 M AN AG ERCNC ROUTER OPERATIONS Required for a small but rapidly expanding business supplying custom machined product to the boat building and other leisure industries. In addition to previous experience managing a busy production de partment, the successful candidate should have hands-on experience running a variety of woodwork ing machines. Knowledge of CAD and general busi ness software, together with CNC machines would be a definite advantage, but we will fill the training gaps for the right person willing to learn and to teach. Please send resume & covering letter via E-mail: BA C H ELO R apartm ent, basement. Suitable for one person, priva te entrance. Non-smoker, no pets. Oakville.$690/mo. 905-845-3756 BURLINGTON Downtowntop floor- house, 1 bedroom, A/C, laundry, parking, patio, $750/m o. in clusive, non smoking, August 1st. (905) 634-3293._________________ BU R LIN G TO N core. Du plex near lake. Large, bright 1br., deck, new appliances, no pets/smokers. Immediate $950/m o. in clu sive 905523-1621__________________ BURLINGTON Downtown. 1bedroom second floor. $635/m o. O akville , K err/ Lakeshore, 1-bedroom second floor, $695/mo. 905632-5690 Albert McDonagh Ltd. Realtor________________ VERY large 2-Bedroom S uites a va ila b le in w e llm aintained O akville build ings. C lose to schools & professional services. Easy access to QEW & 403. 905844-2646 or 905-845-0987 REBECCA/ Third. Spacious 2-bedroom basement. Sep a rate entrance. C lose to s choo ls, pub lic tra n s p o r ta tio n , 4 a pp lia nces, gas fireplace, C/A, share large yard. S u it cou p le / sm all family, $1,150/mo. includes utilities, cable, laundry. July 1st. 905-815-9020 5348 Lakeshore 1&3 Bedroom Suites From $975./mo. Available June/July. Quiet building. New appliances. Washer, dryer on each floor. Parking. Maureen.bookbinder@atc-chem.com Fax: 905-681-1535 905-639-3301 O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Bachelor, June, $780/m o.; 1-bedroom, July, $925/mo.; 2-bedroom , Ju n e / J u ly / Aug., $1040 /m o.; 3-bedroom, June, $1225/m o. (+ parking) 905-844-9006 O A K V IL L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks G olf Club. Large R enovated 1&2Bdrm . New a pp lia nces, w indow s. From $845./m o 905-844-5474 ____________ O A K V IL L E - 2bdrm ., near QEW. Parking, FP, a/c, 5 appliances, hardwood, ce ramics. $1250/mo+. Available Julylst. (905)257-8739 431 Martha St., Downtown B u rlington. 1&2-bedroom w/balcony, $795/$850m o. Includes heat, water, park ing. F irs t/ la st required . 905-631-8460 y W AN TED A ll- Jew ellery, C hina, S ilve r, C rystal, sew ing m achines... Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Moorcroft, Quilts, Glass, collecti bles, estates. John/Tracy, 905-331-2477 4.5 Q uart m ixer (K itchen aid or etc.) 250 watt or 300 watt 905-928-0103 I auctions, sales G IG AN TIC C le a ra n c e c irca 1940, diningroom , bedroom, livingroom , ex e cutive 11pc ball &claw C h ippe ndale, French carved C hippendale, 9pc. queen suite, queen size carved 7 '-p o s te r bedset, sleigh & Gov. Winthrop bed sets Odd pieces, 4pc. Itali an oxblood leather sofa suite.Call 905-227-9458. Free delivery. F o r BEFORE / after school care in my Kerr/ Rebecca area home in Septem ber 2002. Organized activities; arts & crafts, gam es, movie day. Healthy afternoon snacks. 905-338-0820_____________ ECE q u a lity daycare in a happy, sm oke free home. Spaces available for sum mer. Stim ulating activities, nutritious meals and lots of TLC. 905-319-3717_________ EXPER IE NC ED daycare provider available in River O aks. Lunches, snacks provided. Sixth Line/ River Glen area. References/ re c eip ts . C all Laura, 905257-9975_________________ LO VING , reliable caregiv er, has spaces a v ailab le. Clean, smoke free environ ment. Upper Middle/ Guelph Une. 905-335-8732. s e r v ic e . RE SP O N S IB LE , quiet mature Master's student w/ her dog requires place to live. B u rlin g to n / O ak v ille / Milton country-setting pre ferred. Excellent referenc es. 519-364-0051. y o u r c la s s ifie d a d s . F A X : BU R LIN G TO N . 1-room , unfurnished, cable, parking, share bath/ k itc h e n / LR/ yard. $380/mo. Immediate. First/last. 905-331-4567 evgs. 905 632-8165 -

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