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Oakville Beaver, 26 Jun 2002, A 8

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A 8 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday June 26, 2002 Town launches anti-idling education campaign By Angela Blackburn OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF A lthough the Tow n o f O akville doesn't have an anti-idling bylaw, it w on't stand by idly this sum m er on the issue. A fter w ading through a sticky dispute in w hich idling vehicles w as cited as problem between neighbours and a Tim Hortons drive-thru earlier in the year. Ward 2 C ouncillor Linda Hardacre called for an anti-idling bylaw. H owever, it's so tough to enforce such a rule, that Town staff say a public education process may work best. The Town is now em barking on a low -cost pub lic education and aw areness cam paign -- using existing Town publications and its Web site -- this summer. A sum m er student has even been hired to hand out a brochure the Town has draw n up outlining the perils o f idling vehicles on health and the environ ment. The brochure encourages drivers to turn off the engine, if they're stopped for m ore than 10 seconds. T he student w ill visiting places like the O akville G O Station, drive-thru restaurants and shopping malls. "At this tim e, staff are unable to introduce and actively enforce an anti-idling bylaw ," stated bylaw enforcem ent and licensing com m issioner M oira Fogarty in a report that w as to go before the T ow n's A dm inistrative Services C om m ittee last night (Tuesday. June 25). T hat report advised waiting on implem enting a bylaw until after the sum m er education program. T he Town is also hiring som eone to head up a T ow n-w ide en v iro n m en tal strateg ic plan and Fogarty said the idling issue should be addressed in that plan. To enforce such a bylaw, the Town w ould need m ore bylaw en fo rcem en t officers, reported Fogarty. The bylaw enforcem ent office is review ing its fines and a report should return to council later this year with advice on the potential o f hiking fines in order to hire m ore officers, reported Fogarty. In the m eantim e, the new anti-idling brochure is likely to find its way into local residents' hands this summer. E lsew here in O n tario , T oronto, L ondon, W oodstock and S tratford have idling control bylaws, but Fogarty w arned that the rules are so tough to enforce, lots o f m unicipalities are instead opting for education programs. M ississauga and Sudbury don't have a bylaw, but are part o f a public aw areness cam paign fund ed by Natural Resources C anada to control em is sions. World Cup fever is raging here By Lindsey Craig SPECIA L T O TH E BEAVER F or the past few w eeks. W orld C up fever has been flying through O akville -- literally. In support o f their favourite soccer stars, fans have been fly ing their team 's national flag from their cars, trucks, and vans. "It's a great w ay to cheer them on," said O akville resident D avid S m ith, w ho had been rooting for the Irish before their defeat. H e'd purchased his flag from one o f the vendors parked at an O akville street com er. Radw an H assan is one o f those vendors, selling flags from his van at various O akville and Burlington intersections. Hassan said the m ost popular flag differs from day to day. "Now it's Brazil," he said, citing the team 's recent win. "If the team w ins, lots o f people buy the flag. W hen they lose, it does n 't sell," he said. As for his personal prefer ence, H assan said it " m akes no difference" to him w ho takes the cup, but for business purposes, h e 'd been hoping E ngland w ould get through. "Lots o f people in this area w anted England to win," he said. H assan also said that Portuguese Advertorial Jamie Smith · Special to the Oakville Beaver Patrick van Haaren tries to d ecide on a flag Friday afternoon on Speers Road at Fourth Line. and Italian flags w ere popular -- until both team s were eliminated. Vendors have been appearing at street com ers along the south side o f Speers Road at Dorval Drive, and at Fourth Line, on m ost w eekday aftern o o n s, evenings, and w eekends. M ost will sell the flags until the W orld C up cham pions are crow ned. M i l l i o n I U ki> 'i o n A P a rtn e rs h ip That W orks! PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE O n Saturday June 15th, Dr. Jeff Beleutz celebrated his 1st year Anniversary o f TrueLife Chiropractic in Bronte. Dr. Beleutz had a C om m unity Appreciation Day where he offered his chiropractic services in exchange for a donation to the Bronte Butterfly Project. "My plan was to help the comm unity in it' s goal o f bringing a wonderful Butterfly and Skateway park to Bronte. I figured I could give to the community and so could all o f my patients - the more we give back the more we feel like a part o f something greater than ourselves." This goes right along with the goals o f Dr. JefFs chiropractic practice. TrueLife Chiropractic has a vision of helping individual and the comm unity growth by aiding in the full expression o f health and life experience, and foster greater involvement with those around us." We really need to help and support one another in these stressful times" Through the use o f a very gentle light touch chiropractic technique called Network Spinal Analysis - D r Jeff hopes to accomplish just that. Please feel free to contact his office if you would like to learn more about the latest emerging concepts in health and healing. WATER AND WASTEWATER MAIN REPLACEMENT REYNOLDS STREET AREA TOWN OF OAKVILLE, PR-1986 DA TE: T IM E : T h u rs d a y, J u n e 27, 2 00 2 5 :00 p .m . - 8 :00 p.m . P L A C E : O a k v ille T ra fa lg a r M e m o ria l H o s p ita l A u d ito riu m , (lo c a te d o ff th e m ain lo b b y in th e lo w e r L e ve l) 3 27 R e y n o ld s S tre e t, O a k v ille ONE WEEK ONLY! PUBLIC NOTICE! Halton Region proposes to replace water and wastewater mains on Reynolds St. from MacDonald Rd. to Palmer Ave., Inglehart St. from Spruce St. to Trafalgar R<±, and Sumner Ave. from Reynolds St. to Allan St. The watermain will also be replaced on Reynolds St. Palmer Ave. to Randall St., MacDonald Rd. from Trafalgar Road to Allen St., Lawson St. from Reynolds St. to Trafalgar Rd., Sheddon Ave. from Reynolds St. to Allan St., and Palmer Ave. from Allan St. to Trafalgar Rd. The Town of Oakville will be rehabilitating Reynolds St. from M acDonald Rd. to L a w so n S t. w ith C u rb and G u tte r, Sidewalks and Asphalt Pavement. On Reynolds St. from Lawson St. to Randall St. spot repairs to the Curb and Gutter and Sidewalks will be carried out along with the re h a b ilita tio n of the A sphalt Pavement. This Public Information Centre will provide you with an opportunity to review the p roje ct draw ings and to discuss any potential construction disruptions from the proposed works. Halton's representatives will be present to answer any questions. Interested persons are invited to drop in any time during the above-noted hours to review and comment on the proposed works. If you are unable to attend this Public Information Centre and wish to obtain additional information or provide written comments, please address your concerns to: CLASSROOM STOCK LIQUIDATION Every instrument in the school m ust be sold to make w ay for the 2 0 0 3 models. Also, special once a year discounts on new pianos, guitars, band instruments and drums. Mark Bajor, C.E.T, D esign Supervisor Ext. 7617 bajorm@ region.halton.on.ca Brent Hammond, Construction Supervisor Ext. 7609 ham m ondb@ region.halton.on.ca NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION WATERMAIN REPLACEMENT ON WYECROFT ROAD AND WELLER COURT, TOWN OF OAKVILLE SALE ENDS JUNE 29, 2 0 0 2 Hurry in for best selection! M E R R IA M School of Music W-1989-02 CONTRACT NUMBER : JULY, 2002 SCHEDULED START DATE : SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE : OCTOBER, 2002 JEFF GILBERT EXT 7710 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR : 1151 B ro n te R oad, O akville, ON L6M 3L1 9 0 5 - 8 2 5 -6 0 0 0 Toll fre e : 1-866-4HALTON (1 -8 6 6 -4 4 2 -5 8 6 6 ) TTY 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -9 8 3 3 or v isit u s a t: w w w .re g io n .h alto n .o n .ca WINSTON CHURCHILL BLVD. i b i o c k s o l w o f d l m OAKVILLE 905-829-2020 us J

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