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Oakville Beaver, 17 Jul 2002, Business, A08

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Phone: 905-33 7 -5 5 5 9 Fax: 9 0 5-337-5567 e-mail: rjerred@haltonsearch.com BUSINESS McCutcheon's is still in business|: By Lindsey Craig OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF The new owner of McCutcheon's Camera and Video Ltd. wants community members to know that although the previous owner Ross Rawlings has left, the business hasn't. Steve Carman, new owner of the downtown photo store, said that since Rawlings retired one month ago, many of his customers have assumed that his shop, which has operated in Oakville for 44 years, had closed. "Everyone looked at Ross as McCutcheon's, so when he left, they figured the store closed down. I just want people to know we're still open," he said. Carman, 43, said that although the business has a new owner, the store has endured little change. "Basically the same staff is here and the hours are the same," he said. The new owner said he brings considerable experience to the job, having "been in the dark room" since the age of eight. "I was bom and raised in photography. My dad had darkrooms and studios in the basement of our house," he said, adding, "Until my mom said `no more', and he started up a business." The business he was referring to is Carman's Photo Source, which, like McCutcheon's, is one of the founding mem bers of Foto Source, the largest independent photographic buying group in Canada. "With the buying group, we can compete against the big guys out there. We've got great buying power, but we're still independently owned and operated, so it's still that small store Take advantage of the Job Shop program, a two-week intensive job search pro gram, that includes ongoing support and coaching. Qualified facilitators and coaches can help in develop ing an effective resume, cre ate a customized job search strategy, build your network system and practice interview skills. . Participants have access * to fax, telephones, com puter* . and a resources centre dur- C ing the program and * " beyond. There is no fee for this ~ program. Call 905-845-1157. M a c D o n a l d #S w an Li t i gat i on Counsel L L P i A w k Peter C. McCusker · Oakville Beaver Steve Carman, the new owner of the long established McCutcheon's Camera downtown Oakville. quality service," he said. conception that small stores are more expen That's the beauty of McCutcheon's and sive and have less selection, McCutcheon's other small businesses, he explained. carries a wide range of cameras and equipment "Our staff is quite knowledgeable and expe and will match any price. rienced. We can answer any questions about McCutcheon's Camera and Video Ltd. is cameras and the digital world. We have the located at 226 Lakeshore Rd. E., and can be answers. That's what keeps us little stores reached by calling 905-844-6991 or 905-844going," he said, adding that despite the mis 9398. m * I P e rs o n a l I n ju r y L itig a tio n · In su ra n ce L itig a tio n si S filli Free initial 1 /2 hour consultation CORNWALL BUSINESS CENTRE 1540 C ornw all, Suite 106, O akville (a cross fro m M a p le g ro ve M all) 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -3 8 3 8 w w w .m a c d o n a ld a n d s w a n .c o m Braen Q > O A K V I TONG C A N A D A 'SL E A D IN GP U B L IC A T IO N F0«T O D A Y 'SH F T Y -P L U SL IF E S T Y L E LL E www.town.oakville.on.ca N O T IC E O F P U B LIC M E E T IN G O fficial Plan A m e n d m e n t & Zon ing A m en d m en t (Tem porary Use) 2295 B ronte Road P art Lot 30, C on 1, SD S A P PLIC A N T: A nd ercad Ltd. File Z .1430.13 ----- There are many ways to enjoy the benefits of CAA EVERY DAY! A pproved Auto Repair y^hop & Save insurance Attraction Tickets R o a d s id e Please be advised th a t a public m eeting w ill be held to discuss a proposed O fficial Plan A m endm ent and Tem porary Use Zoning A m endm ent as subm itted by the above-noted applicant. A public m eeting hosted by Town C ouncil will be held, at w hich tim e the staff report and recom m endation will be considered. This m eeting will take place on Wednesday, August 7th, 2002 commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals w ishing to attend the m eeting and speak to this m atter are invited to do so. A sum m ary o f the subject proposal and a key m ap m ay be found overleaf. If a person or pub lic bod y that files an appeal o f a decision o f the approval authority, in respect o f the proposed O fficial Plan Am endm ent, and Zoning A m endm ent (tem porary use), does not m ake oral or w ritten subm ission at the public m eeting before the proposed O fficial Plan A m endm ent, and Zoning Am endm ent (tem porary use) is approved or refused, the O ntario M unicipal Board m ay dism iss the appeal. If you wish to be notified o f the adoption o f the proposed O fficial Plan A m endm ent and Zoning A m endm ent (tem porary use), you m ust m ake a w ritten request to Peter Cheatley, D irector o f Planning Services departm ent, Town of O akville at the address below. A ny w ritten subm ission and /or questions m ay be directed to Leigh Musson o f the Town's Planning Services Department, Town of Oakville, P.O. Box 310,1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601, Ext. 3371, em ail address: lm usson@ tow n.oakville.on.ca. Use It Assistance l/ o \ s t of Province Approved Auto Reoa for Medical Insurance ^Travel Swipe & Save" at I ui m dm A co p y o f the S taff R eport pertaining to thts m atter will be available fo r review in the C lerk's D epartm ent as o f July 31, 2002, between the hours o f 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Location - The subject property is located on the east side of Bronte Road, South o f Regional Road 5 (Dundas Street) and is know n as 2295 Bronte Road. The land is legally described as Part o f Lot 30, Concession 1 S outh o f Dundas Street. Official Plan - Figure Q, West O ak Trails Com m unity, designates the subject land as R esidential Low Density * Zoning - The site is zoned A Agricultural 71 I --If t DUNDAS STREET i / rf SUBJECT LANDS 0 a ilml 2295 BRONTE RD. H/kqiic, 'fobin, "Tern a n d nicheU a Zfindcteen tffim ilten. 'Onto ` ut> The Sandersons know the value of their CAA Membership With three drivers, auto repairs are made easy as they rely exclusively on CAA Approved Auto Repair Services. CAA has a network of repair facilities iiioiyBi please call Proposal A p p lic a tio n s in vo lvin g an O fficia l Plan _I A m e n d m e n t and a Z on ing Am endm ent have been s u b m itte d . The p ro p o se d Tem porary Use Zoning A m endm ent w ould allow the subject property to be used fo r professional office uses for a period o f three years. Dated at the Town o f O akville this 17th day of July, 2002 that have been appraised, approved and are reviewed annually by CAA. This takes the guess work out of obtaining quality motor repair service at fair and reasonable prices. David Nelson, A cting M anager C urrent Planning Section Planning Services D epartm ent 1 22 5 T R A F A L G A R R O A D · O A K V IL L E , O N T A R IO · L6J 5 A 6 (9 0 5 ) 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 E V E R Y DAY! JOIN TODAY Call 1 8 0 0 2 6 3 -8 5 9 9 . Join on-line and S A V E the s1 2 initiation fee on your new membership w w w . c a a s c o . o n . c a / e v e r y d a y Hamilton · Dundas · Stoney Creek · Burlington · Oakville · Brantford

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