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Oakville Beaver, 13 Aug 2003, C04

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C4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday A ugust 13, 2003 Parental tips for a successful school year As summer vacation winds down, parents gear up to get their kids back into the learning mode. After two months off, many worry that their children have forgotten basic facts and have let their reading, writ ing and arithmetic skills slide. They also wonder if their children are equipped to tackle the academic challenges of the next school year. Some parents would like to believe that buying school supplies and new clothes will make every thing run smoothly, but this is rarely the case. Here are some tips for a successful route back-to-school. Focus on the Positives Talk to your children about what they achieved during summer vacation. The summer gives a child the opportunity to excel in athletics, explore the arts, and form relationships with friends and family. Be sure to point out the skills that helped your child suc ceed and explain how these skills can be applied to August & September school. Reassure your child that you believe in his or Upgrades, repeats, her ability to learn. Don't put extra pressure on your full courses, child or make unrealistic demands, which can hinder m odules & tutoring the child's motivation potential. Play down your child's fears about the coming Limited Space. Apply Today! year and prepare for any potential problems that may arise. C reate an E ducational E nvironm ent at Home Set up a quiet, clean, smoke-free and well-ven tilated area for your child to study with minimal traf fic. Ideally, the area should be closed off to siblings, pets, and free o f stereos, TV, radio, telephone, video CENTRE games and other enticing distractions. Children 1484 Cornwall Road should have a neatly organized area with proper seat (905) 844-3240 ing and a solid flat surface on which to write, paint, draw or type. Provide your child with ample materials for school work, C c -_ 2400 Sixth Line including, pens, paper, rulers, > -- Oakville, O ntario L6H 3N8 scissors, erasers, coloured pen Tel: 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -7 7 7 1 cils or markers. The study area x' Fax 905-257-3187 should also contain an ageWWW.oakvilleskatingclub.org Oakvillt Skating Club appropriate dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedias, and children FALL - Learn to Skate Program s should be given easy access to CanSkate/PreJunior CanSkate newspapers, magazines, journals, books and classic literature to Sept. 5 2003-O ct. 10, 2003 Sept. 5 2003 - Oct. 10, 2003 support their studies. F orm a P a rtn e rsh ip and Develop a Plan Make time to get acquainted with your child's teachers and relay to your child any academic goals you discuss with the teachers. These partnerships will help ensure that the student, teacher and parent are striving towards a common goal and will form a basis for resolving academic challenges that may arise during the school year. Think ahead and plan for possible challenges. If your child struggles with a subject, secure additional help at the beginning, before a problem becomes overwhelming. Some parents choose to spend time working one-on-one with their child, while others may hire an individual tutor or enroll their child in one o f the many after-school educational programs. Balance Your C hild's Lifestyle Avoid overbooking your child in sports, dance, skating, karate, music, second language training and other organized activities. One leisure and one edu cational activity a season may be sufficient. Be there for your child by attending plays, field trips, school events, teacher meetings, and home work sessions. Give your child up to two hours a day of "qual ity time" to engage in learning, reading or even play ing together. Let your child play, be a 'kid' and develop cre ativity independently. Try not to make your children fulfill "your" dreams by forcing them to be the 'gifted,' 'artistic,' 'athletic' or 'beautiful' children. Develop a consistent homework routine early in the school year to help your child keep up and learn effectively beyond the school day. Homework is often the first challenge your child encounters. Set aside a common "study time" period at home for studying, reading and quiet activities, and do your utmost to avoid and curtail arguments during that time. Schedule time to help your children by answer ing their questions, explaining concepts, extending lessons and proofreading papers, reports and proj ects. For younger children, start a routine o f check ing what is in their bags to help keep their materials neat and organized. High School Credits CHISHOLM Experienced, Qualified, Caring & Nurturing Staff Licensed Centre. Children ages 6 wks to 12 yrs. Mature trees & well equipped playgrounds Nutricious snacks & hot lunches provided Full-Day Alternate Kindergarten Programs 905-842-7303 fmmtdintt, opurinpgftor-prtsciookr-s apes 2-1/2 + as u tiia s A M Norsu'jf Sckoai Fridays 6:00 - 6:50 pm River Oaks, Rink A Fridays 7:00 - 7:50 pm " River Oaks, * ` Rink A · $75 plus $15 Skate Canada membership/insurance fee · Suitable for skaters 5-10 years old or those who have completed 1 year of PreSchool CanSkate $75 plus $15 Skate Canada membership/insurance fee This combined CanSkate/PreJunior session is suitable for skaters aged 5-10 years old or those who have completed 1 year of PreSchool CanSkate. Also includes skaters who have completed CanSkate and are working on our PreJunior program Great Big Theatre Company 2003/2004 THEATRE CLASSES fo r Register Now! Established Institution Providing Excellence In Ballet Training For over 40 Years C lassical Ballet (R.A.D. & C ecch etti) G en eral D ivision Professional Division P ointe Pas d e Deux C h a ra c te r - Folk D ance Spanish D ance M od ern /Jazz Pilates Body C onditioning A dult Classes ( D a y tim e & E v e n in g ) Students perform w ith the O a k v ille Ballet C o m pa ny in O a k v ille 's o w n "T h e N u tcra cke r". A ll classes accom panied by professional pianists Founder and Artistic Advisor: Elizabeth Paterson Former M ajor and Children's exam iner for the Royal Academ y o f Dance (30 yrs.) Resident Guest Teacher: M ercedes Bernardez Former Artistic D irector o f Q uin te Ballet School o f Canada Christopher Hird Dancer w ith the Royal Ballet, England C anPowerSkate A Great Tune-up fo r Winter Sept. 5 2003 - Oct. 10, 2003 Fridays 5:00 - 5:50 pm River Oaks, Rink A · $85 plus $15 Skate Canada membership/insurance fee · Suitable for skaters who are interested in improving their hockey skating skills K id s & T eens · Plays · Musical Theatre · Audition Training · Mime · Play Writing · Improvisation · Theatre Games · Stagecraft & More! Burlington · Ancaster · Brantford · Cambridge · Oundas Mississauga · Oakville · St. Catharines · Stoney Creek »Ask about: our 03/04 playbill · 4 great new shows · In-school wortehops · Register NOW for our Fall programs! Sstuttontm by Information (905) 628-9747 ww w . g b t c . c o m o n s t a g e @ g b t c . c o m Reduce Your Risk For Serious Health Problems with Sponsored E ig h t W e e k s to W e lln e s s TM A t e a c h w eekly m e e tin g , a h e a lth p ro fessio n al will in tro d u c e you to a d iffe re n t a sp e c t o f h e a lth . I n e ig h t w e e k s y o u ' l l le a r n h o w to : E V E R YTH U R S D AY , STAR TIN G · Id en tify a n d d ev e lo p a h e a lth y lifestyle SEPTEM BER 11 7:00-9:00 pm B eco m e m o re physically acdve C hoose m eals low in saturated fat a n d cholesterol O akville Public Library, P rotect your health by earing fiber-rich foods 120 N avy Street, O akville ' Achieve a n d m aintain a healthy weight · Recognize a n d avoid d ep en d en cies · C ope m o re effectively with stress · Focus o n prevention · Each participant receives a 32-page Eight Weeks to WellnessTM workbook $50.00/ c o u p le · Free health screening - blood pressure, body fat analysis and cholesterol level $30.00/ · Personal health risk profiles on nutrition, coronary risk, stress, and cancer per person 2 0 2 1 B r o n t e R d ., O a k v ille , O n t a r i o L 6 M 4 J 5 (905) 825-0230 WILLOWGLEN M0NTESS0RI SCHOOL Oakpitte Schoolo f D am Established 1960 Amanda Anderson, Artistic Direaor Frank Bayliss, Administrative Director 260 Robinson St., Oakville ON L6J 1G6 905 844-7035 - www.oakvilleballet.com OF DANCE & PERFORMING ARTS THE FLEMING SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS Established: 1977 1298, Cornwall Road, Oakville Tel: 905-844-4630 A c a d e m y D ire cto r: H e id i K n a p p Come and Register for any of the follow ing courses: Classical Ballet · M odern Theatre D an ce)Jazz · Tap · M usical Theatre & Acting T a n sle y United Church 2 1 1 1 W alkers Line In s c h o o lw e a r 5 4 Shepherd Road Burlington August 1 9 & 20: 5 :3 0 -8 :3 0 p m O a kville August 24 : 1 -4pm August 2 6 & 27: 6 :3 0-9 p m Located in the Glen Abbey West sectiorl o f Oakville, Willowglen M ontessori School is a nondenom inational co-educational school fo r children from 2-1/2 yean old through Grade 3. The fid l Montessori curriculum is augmented by the addition o f music, computers an d French language instruction. Field trips, spring concert, book clubs and charity fundraising are among the activities which contribute to the positive, nurturing atmosphere o f this com munity school August 2 1 : 1 0- 4pm · MACTE Certified Teachers · CCMA Member · Small Class Sizes · Catered Lunch Program · Pre-School to Grade 3 · French, Music, Computer Principal: Virginia Fleming F.I.S.T.D. (Examiner), Member Royal Academy o f Dancing, Dip L.C.D.D. (Eng) ` CLASSICAL BALLET - I.S.T.D & R A D . (To Professional Levels) 'M O D E R N `TAP 'JA Z Z 'H I P H O P ` MUSICAL THEATRE `A C T IN G C O A C H IN G for I.S.T.D. TEA C H IN G QUALIFICATIONS All classes taught by highly qualified professionals. Registration is currendy being taken. Please contact the school at Ecole Patricia-Picknell 1 2 5 7 Sedgewick Crescent, O a kville Septem ber 4: 4 :3 0 -7 :3 0 p m · Individualized Instruction · Large Playground W iOovyCtn Serving the Oakville & Burlington Communities For more information and to re g is te r please contact us at: w W illow glen M ontessori School 905-338-0210 e-mail: graceacodemy@sympatlco.ca 2690 Westoak Trails Blvd., Oakville L6M 3T3 (North of Upper Middle Rd.; West ofThird Line) (9 0 5 ) 905 844-4630 - 3 38-7207 w w w .w ilIo w g le n sch o o l.co m for further information. flemingdance@bellnet.ca www.flemingdance.com

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