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Oakville Beaver, 6 Feb 2002, C2

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C 2 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y F e b ru a ry 6, 2002 ~ H alton Linen O utlet ~ Boxing Day Sales. Who Needs Them! Our Prices Are This LOW EVERYDAY Laura Ashley "Floral Gingham" Twin Full Queen Save up to 60% oft regular retail - eg. comforter Reg.2ft.00 Now S I08.99 Reg. 350.00 Now SI 39.99 Reg. 440.00 Now S I75.99 Reg. 510.00 Now $204.99 Truckers watch for missing kids (Continued from page C1) $ 8 9 .9 9 S I 2 4 .9 9 S I 4 9 .9 9 SI 7 9 .9 9 Laura Ashley "Carlisle" Save up to 70% off regular retail - eg. comforter Twin Full Queen K in g . Reg.280.00 Reg.410.00 Reg.495.00 Reg. 575.00 Now Now Now Now 2.store * « > 4 0 " x 84" Roseskin Panels Valance w ith fringe 50/50 Cotton Polyester Sheets 200 Thread Count In burgundy, ta u p e , sm oke blue Reg. 69.99 NO W $49.99 Reg. 69.99 NO W $49.99 "Cambridge" Bed-To-Go Twin fitted or flat Reg. 19.99 Full fitted or flat Reg. 28.99 Queen feed or flat Reg. 44.99 King fined or flat Reg. 51.95 Twin Full/Queen King Reg. 139.99 Reg. 249.99 Reg.29999 Now Now Now Now $ 12 .9 9 $ 2 1.9 9 $ 2 7 .9 9 $ 3 2 .9 9 Fined sheet will fit up to a 16" mattress Twin Full by Revman Reg MOO Now $99.99 Reg. 300.00 Now $99.99 Denim Duvet Covers N ow $ 8 9 .9 9 N ow $ 114 .9 9 N ow SI 3 4 .9 9 (b o t w o c n D o r v a l D r i v e a n d 4 t h L i n e ) O AKVILLE 4 8 1 N o rth Service Rd. W. O O U lM l/wn U il» (905) 847-2274 M O N . - FRI. IO A.M . - 5 : 3 0 RM. SA TURDAY 1 0 A .M .-6 P.M. · SU N D A Y . 1 2 A .M . - 5 P.M. w o t nun Voted Oakville's Best Linen Shop Oakville Christian School OPEN HOUSE Tour our classrooms and meet our teachers. Thursday, February 7,7:00 pm - <3:30 p.m. " N urturing Excellence In a C hrist-C entred Academ ic Environm ent" · Strong academic and extra curricular focus · Well-rounded focus on spiritual, academic and socia growth · Caring, dedicated Christian staff · Community outreach · Summer camp · Full-day junior and senior kindergarten · Before and after school program OAKVILLE CHRI5TIAN 5CH00L 112 Third Line, Oakville, O nt. L6L 3Z6 (9 0 5 ) 3 2 5 -1 2 4 7 x 221 Parents Steeling Children advises custodial parents to maintain complete, up-to-date records of their children: keep information about their former partner including relatives - names, addresses and phone numbers of people the abducting parent may contact when on the run with the children; obtain a court order; maintain open lines of com munication and use code words; plus instructions on informing the police if an abduction has taken place. In 1999, 200 children and teens were abducted by estranged parents in Ontario - four a week, according to this brochure. "Our longest recovery took 11 years." said Benson. "It was an interna tional parental abduction. A father had taken his son to the Middle East, to a country that had not signed the the Hague Convention (on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction of October 1980). "When this father showed up at the (Pearson) airport in November 2000. he was arrested." Child Find is able to cross interna tional borders through this Convention and its Missing posters. "These posters have become the global symbol of Child Find," said Benson. Add to this the fact its web set can be accessed worldwide at www.ontario.childfind.ca. Stranger abductions "throw every body into red alert," said Benson. "We notify the media . . . stranger abduction is the most dangerous to kids. "We work very closely with police when dealing with stranger abductions. In Ontario, we tracked 15 stranger abductions last year." Child Find, through some of its part ners, has "eyes and ears" in the commu nity, plus messengers. A new partnership formed about two weeks ago between Child Find Ontario and Atlas Van Lines, an Oakville-based trucking firm, has already resulted in a possible sighting, said Benson. It is believed Justin Pollari, 14, missing since Dec. 7, 2001 from the Sault Ste. Marie area, was seen at a truck stop along Hwy. 401. "Atlas has 160 van drivers, and we can call Atlas and they will send e-mail to every one o f their truckers using their satellite system, so all of them will have the information in minutes. We can alert them to keep an eye open." Child Find is also able to reach more than five million homes every month with photographs of missing children, thanks to CIBC VISA, Royal Sun Graham Paine · Oakville Beaver T his p h o to g rap h , sym bolic of Child F in d 's prevention w ork, of Sue Deighton o f M ilton getting h er d a u g h te r M cK enna fingerprinted and hand printed at a C hild Find K idcheck Safety Clinic in A ugust 2000 ap p eared on the front cover of C hild F ind O n ta rio 's annual report. Alliance and Rogers Cable which pub door. Some organizations have can lish photos and details of missing chil vassed door to door with a Child Find dren on the back of billing envelopes. poster, saying they're collecting money Rogers has done it for 11 years, added for missing children. D on't believe it." Benson. Occasionally, an envelope list Child Find has 15 chapters in ing names of recovered children is sent. Ontario, including Halton-Peel. "This service is provided at no extra Last year. Child Find received a cost, and w e've had recoveries from $5,600 New Initiatives grant from the United Way of Oakville to recruit vol these envelopes," said Benson. Assisting in the recovery of missing unteers. Child Find exists in nine provinces children is half of Child Find's man date; the other is prevention. across Canada, and partners with agen "Last year, we fingerprinted and foot cies in Quebec, North West Territories, printed 75,000 children and babies," Yukon and Nunivat. and works with the said Benson. National Centre for Missing and "We footprinted 60.000 babies in Exploited Children in the United States. Child Find's national office is in hospitals, and fingerprinted 15.000 chil Vancouver. dren in the community. Child Find can be reached at 905"And." she emphasized, "we never via e-mail at register children for a fee. There is no 842-5353, such thing as a central registry for chil childfind@spectranet.ca, or if you think dren in Ontario. W e've never charged a you've seen a missing child, call 1-800387-7962. This line is answered 24 fee. "And, we don't fundraise door to hours a day, seven days a week. bloom '8 4 They should be six-star certified % I have been dealing with Glenleven Chrysler for over 3 years and wouldn't think of leasing my tar from anywhere else! I feel I got a great price and my I dealings with the service department have been ' exceptional, and they should be six-star certified not ~ five-star. They are punctual and I appreciate them always washing my car after being serviced. Wim Moester, owner of Bloom 84 2 0 0 2 D odge Caravan m " Dodge Caravan The #1 Selling Vehicle in C anad a. CANADIAN O LYM PIC LIMITED EDITION INCLUDES: · U n iq u e W h e e l C o v e r · R e m o te K e y le s s E ntry · A M /F M /C D P la ye r w ith 6 S p e a k e rs · 3 .3 L V 6 engine - 180 H o rse p o w e r · 4 -S p e e d Autom atic Transm ission · Air C o nd itioning · M ultistage Driver and Front P a ss e n g e r A irb a g s · Front S e a t C a r g o Net · U nd erseat S to ra g e D raw er · 7 P a s s e n g e r Se a tin g · Po w e r W in d o w s, L o c k s and M irrors · S p e e d C ontrol and Tilt Steering · S u n sc re e n G la s s · Sentry-K ey- E n g in e Immobilizer P u rc h a s e F in a n c in g f o r u p to 4 8 m o n th s 2 0 0 2 Chrysler C oncord 2 0 0 2 C hrysler Intrepid P u rc h a s e F in a n c in g fo r u p to 60 m o n th s Let Robin G a r v e y a rid her associates a t O akvil le Kitchen C e ntre m a k e your d r e a m s a reality with e x c itin g k itc h e n a n d b a t h designs, o n th e s e a w a rd w in n in g v e h ic le s VISIT our show room or ca ll to set up an a p p o in tm e n t O A K V IL L E K IT C H E N & B A T H H cd k n o N arlcraff JJjjm A, cow an 5 /m G g S F fW T g For y o u r peace o f m in d , a ll 2002 C h ry s le r, D o d g e , J e e p m o d e ls o ffe r a 5 y e a r/1 0 0 ,0 0 0 k m p o w e rtra in w a rra n ty a n d ro a d s id e as sis ta n c e . d e a le r I 599 Third Line ( 90 5) 827*4611 lenleven C hrysler 2388 ROYAL WINDSOR DR., OAKVILLE 905-845-7575 A ^ visit us a t . . . www.glenleven.com

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