The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e sd a y F e b ru a ry 6, 2002 - C 5 LA -Z -B O Y » S o fa s fo r n * UU Less! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: l|I|l houses for sale open houses open houses apartments & flats for rent CLASSIFIED apartments & flats for rent Sofas, Chairs and Sectionals of Uncompromising Quality and Style. An Extraordinary Selection of the Finest Custom Fabrics. Imagine, Genuine La-Z-Boy at prices that will Delight youl > \ n f f in ^ n U U 11 Z l J 1 W W Starting From B u r lin g to n P o w er C e n tr e · Q E W 8c B r a n t S t. * 9 0 5 - 3 3 1 - 7 6 0 0 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00am - 5:00pm Circulation: 905-845-9742 2001 Dodge Caravan SE: $ 3 7 9 .4 6 /m o n th inclu d e s taxes Ta k e over Lease. 2 5 months/33,OOOkm's re m a in in g . P le a s e c all (90 5 )46 7 -23 5 9 ____________ Real Estate 100-135·Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 Services 700-795 P R IV A TE & Picturesque... setting ot M ountsberg Muskoka like setting, 3 acre lot. B rand new . uniquely designed custom hom e. Aprox 4 70 0 walk-out bungalow with loft. 4-bdrms. three 3pce baths, open concept, large kitchen, hardw ood. Fully finished basement.Close to amenities <719,999.905-638-1099 S P A C IO U S 4 bedroom , d e s ira b le H ead on Forest. Large eat-in kit with ceram ic tile floor. Mam floor-- fam .rm with hardw ood/ wood burning F/P .. laundry room H uge m aster with walk-in closet, large ensu ite. C/A , C /V , Built-in dish washer. Large 2 tiered deck. 905-336*2817 $279,500. W A T E R D O W N - 2 6 Kildonan Crescent. Fantastic semi on quiet Cres. backing onto creek. P rem ium lot, finished bsm t. w,'walkout Sharp decor. Open concept main level $ 1 7 9 ,5 0 0 . Call Drew or Jayne Woolcott to view. Sales Reps.. Re/Max G ard en City R e a lty . 9 0 5 333-3500.__________________ A C TO N , wonderful, cosy 2 storey hom e for s ale by ow ner. 4 bedroom s, very quiet court, fenced, private, no neighb ours behind. Bright, spacious, LR /O R with w alkout to deck, oak cabinets. C V /C A , fully fin ished basem ent w /re c room. $ 2 0 9 ,4 0 0 . Phone (519)853-0648._____________ A L D E R S H O T - 4-b d rm s . 2 .5 bath, m ain floor la u n dry. G ravelle kitchen, up dated throughout. $270,400. No agents. 905-630-1068 B U R L IN G T O N C ore. $309,500. 1-1/2 storey. 3bdrm , various updates. Fenced yard w/mature per ennial garden. Pool. 9 05 639-1481 3 SL P u b lic^N o tice W e have the ap a rtm e n t y o u 're lo o k in g tor! S u ites available: B m tW Q H · 2067 Prospect St. 905-631-0033 ^ 505 Locust St 905-333-9008 · 1360 Tyandaga Park Dr. 905-335-3001 · 5200 Lakeshore Rd. 905-681 -7126 - 511 Guelph Line 905-637-9725 «* 6 J o h n S t.,0 M W U f 905-845-4751 '1 Day Approvals · Managed by LT. Greenwinl N e w C fe o r -- N e w H o m e / CUMBERLAND VILLAGE 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited O A K V ILLE end unit. 3 bed ro o m , 2 1 /2 b a th s , 5 a p p lian ces. C V /A C . $ 1 6 5 0 / month utilities. (905)8278 06 7 or w w w Looking for the perfect right arm Mom returning to work is seeking a replacement. This person must love active kids and love sports. They would need a drivers license and know where all the arenas in Oakville are as well as all the soccer fields. Must enjoy spending the summer at pool side. The ages of the four great kids are 6.8,10 and 12. They are all pretty independent but too young to be unsupervised. This Js preferably a live-in position for a non smoker with a great attitude towards life! Posi tion starts end of Feb/2002. Call 905-827-5136 or fax resume to 905-827-6266 Emails may be received at 2 000 Yam aha YZF 600 B lu e & W h ite , 5 ,6 0 0 k m , b ra n d n e w , n e v e r s ee n rain, matching helmets Inc. $ 8 .6 0 0 .o b o C a ll Jody (905)876-1441____________ C L A S S IF IE D D ead lines are: M onday at 5pm for Wednesday; Wednesday at 5pm for Friday and Thurs day at 5pm for Sunday. For m ore inform ation please call 9 05 -3 37 -5 61 0 or 9056 3 2 -4 4 4 0 . fax. 9 0 5 -6 3 2 8165 O P E IM H O U S E FEBRUARY 9TH & 10TH 1PM-4PM 113 PENTLAND RD., WATERDOWN Quality & style are found in this 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths Fernbrook home! Large master bedroom with 4pce. ensuite. A definite MUST SEE! $259,900 Please call 905-690-7258 for into. ROUNDTREE MANOR TO W NHO M ES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt BRO W N STO NE tow nh o m e- 2-bdrm . 5 applianc es, c/a. Maple & Fairview. near G O . Q E W . 4 0 3 . 407 M arch 1st $ 99 5 plus utili ties. First & last. 9 0 5 -8 4 5 5877______________________ L U X U R Y B urlington c o n do townhome. 3-bedrooms. 2.5 baths, walk-out to deck, A /C . fireplace, 5 applianc es. No smoking or pets. Im m ediate, $ 1 4 5 0 /m o -fulllitip*- 519-894-5803.________ FRESHLY R en o vated ! B ra n t/ Q E W . 2-b ed ro o m , M a t. $ 8 2 5 /m o .; 3 -b e d room. Feb ./M ar.. $950/m o. (1 parking included/ utilities extra) 905-319-9769 C O M E a n d |oin o u r d a y c a re fa m ily . S p a c e s now a v a ila b le , lot's of fun and le a rn in g . O a k v ille . C a ll Paula (9 0 5 )46 9 -03 8 2 P A R A M E D IC mom d a y care In her home. Reason a b le ra tes . Large play a re a Plenty of activities. Nutritious snacks. All ages accepted 905-333-2764 apartments & flats for rent Trafalgar Heights Very large 2&3 Bdrtn suites in well main tained Oakville bldgs. Private, landscaped courtyard. Bicycle/ jog ging paths nearby. Close to schools and professional services. Easy QEW/403 access. 905-844-2646 905-845-0987 Park Property Mgmt. 3020 G lencrest Road. Bur lington. 1&2 bedroom a p a rtm e n ts avallab lo F e bru a ry From $ 8 9 5 /m o . 905-632-0129______________ O A K V IL L E Downtown. S pacious im m aculately renovated 2-bedroom a pa rtm e n t. Parking. On Lakeshore Road / Kerr S tree t, from $ 1 100/m o. + utilitie s . Im m ediate. No pets 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -7 1 3 5 ; 9 05 331-1301 Move to the much-desired location... M O V IN G S ale: household contents- loveseat. chairs, dressers, housewares, etc... S atu rd ay 9 a m -3 p m , 173 Tweedsdale Cres. Oakville. Can 905-338-0696_________ MOVING: beautiful matching couch and arm chair, chest fre e z e r, excellent working order, tow bar. BBQ. lawn furniture, much more. Best offers. 905-335-3289 P IA N O - M aso n & Risch. w aln u t c olour, e xcellent condition, com es with bench $ 1 2 0 0 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 7671 _________ S H E E P S K IN coat, fulllength. brown, long fur in side, matching hat. size-16, lik e new . $ 5 0 0 obo 9 05 637-8045 S O F A b e d / love s e a tblack. good condition, well m a in ta in ed , $ 7 0 0 . 9 0 5 825-3944 S O F A B E D . g re e n tra d i tional style sofa with premi um quality mattress, queensize Like new. $395. 905331-1544 STROLLERSP ereg o single. $ 100 & double Graco, $125. W izard of O z col le c tib le p la te s. $ 45 0 /o b o . 905-332-8688______________ W E IG H T M achine upper & lower body. 2-yrs old. Cost $1500. asking $475. Excel lent condition. 9 0 5 - 8 2 5 9550. articles wanted Bookkeeper/ Office Administrator R equired tor Brown Packaging, a leading m a n u fa c tu re r o f c o rru g a te d p ro d u cts in Burlington. Ideal candidate will possess: ·A U niversity/C ollege degree in Business Administration or Accounting ·Background in AP, AR, sales tax reporting, payroll & cost accounting ·E x c e p tio n a l c o m m u n ic a tio n , o rg a n iz a tional, computer & problem solving skills. E-mail resume & salary expectations to: or tax: 905-335-8911 Burlington Towers Extra-I.arge 1, 2 & 3 Bdrm Suites W ith 2 balconies! Easy QEW access, rec. centre with large indoor pool, underground parking. +++++ -rrssv Call 905-639-8583 /A it M iles® I lot R ental O AKVILLE- 1 bedroom near downtown. Q uiet, adult building. Large, bright apartm ent with hardwood floors. $725/mo, March 1st. (905)277-4728____________ O A K V IL L E . P erfe c t n e w lywed nest/ singles haven... patio, park-like ravine set ting, lireplace, 4 applianc es, C/A, C/V. utilities includ ed. Non-smoker. Apr. 1st. $850/mo. 905-844-9161 O A K V IL L E . N e ar all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 2-b edroom . Im m ediate. $ 1 0 5 0 ./m o .; 3-bedroom Im m ediate, $ 1 3 60 /m o . (+ parking) 905-844-9006 O A K VILLE: 392 Pine Ave at Cornw all & T ra fa lg a r. R enovated, large suites. W alk to Everything. 1&2 Bedrooms from $845. 905642-1429__________________ B U R L IN G T O N - C e n tra l. 2-b edroom . N ew h a rd wood. No pets. $670/mo. + hydro, includes parking. M a t. (9 0 5 )3 8 8 -5 2 3 6 ; (905)634-7088.____________ B U R L IN G T O N n e a r lake. Im m aculate 2-b ed ro o m , $725/mo. +hydro. Low-rise, quiet building. Apr. 1st. No smoking or pets. 9 0 5 -6 8 1 6915.______________________ B U R L IN G T O N - Large 2bedroom a p a rtm e n t (8 2 5 sq.ft.) In clean quiet build ing near downtown. P ark ing. $765/m o. Call Donna, 905-634-5885 LAKESHO RE M aple. Burlington. 1-bedroom, im m ediate. $ 80 0 /m o .+ park ing. 2 -b ed ro o m . Apr 1st. $ 9 7 5 /m o .+ parking. H e a t/ hydro included B eau tifu l lakefront view. Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. N e a r Mapleview & hospital. Great highway access. 9 0 5 -6 3 2 52S8_______________________f B A S E M E N T a p a rtm e n t, n ew . n e a r A ppleby G O . S hared entrance, parking, no pets or smoking. First/ last. $ 6 2 5 /m o . inclusive. March 1st. 905-631-0006 LARGE 1-bedroom in small, c le a n building n e a r lake. (Bronte), immediate. Parking Induded. 905-627-9153 O L D O ak v ille . B e au tifu lly m ain ta in ed , very clean, qu iet building dow ntow n. S te p out to shops. S uites a vailable from $ 12 5 0 ./m o . No le a s e . 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -8 2 5 4 (leave message) C A R E G IV E R for 3 & 5-yr olds in my Aldershot home. M onday. W ed n e sd a y . F ri day. 6 & 8 -y r olds a fte r school. $ 1 0 -$ 1 2 /h r. Nonsm oker w /D rivers license. Relerences. 905-526-7920 C E R T IF IE D live -in c a r e giver/ housekeeper wanted. 2-5 year olds. Non-smoker. D .L an asset 905-607-2533 H O U S E K E E P E R w anted to care for 2 year old and perform housekeeping du ties. 8am-8pm . East Oakville, 905-330-5663 L IV E -IN / out c areg iver for 2 preschoolers & 2 schoolaged children, Glen Abbey. Call 905-460-4814._________ W A N T E D : C h ild c are p ro vider in Tuck School area. T u e s d a y /T h u rs d a y a fte r noons. Two children. R e f erences p lease C all 9 05 637-4196 I w w w .o n t im .c o m V w t ' s y email: btowcrs@lara.onxa You D eserve The B est LARGE 1.2&3 BEDROOM SUITES in a desirable and friendly Burlington apartment community. Some have upgraded ceramic tile floors and tub enclosure, new kitchen countertops, freshly refinished parquet floors and new appliances. All are freshly painted, include window coverings, parking, all utilities, resident-controlled air conditioning or healing-.. plus, plus, plus .... Air Miles® for rental $$$'sl Call 905-639-8583 B R O N T E 2-b edroom ap t.. M a r .ts t. $ 1 0 5 0 /m o . in cludes heat, hydro, parking, locker. S m all quiet building. 905-827-8228 BRONTE1 bedroom basement apartment, sepa rate entrance, large rooms, full bath, s hared laundry, parking N on-sm oking, su ite couple or fem a le M a rc h . 1st. $ 7 9 5 /m o . 9 0 5 825-0830 HEALTH AND SAFETY SALES EXECUTIVE SatetyCare Inc. is an international company which produces and distributes its own range of Safety Training Videotapes and Manuals. Working out of our Burlington office, we provide companies throughout Canada with quality aids to help train their staff in health and safety. We are looking to add one more sales person to our successful team. The position involves selling our products to existing customers as well as developing new business. All the sales activity is done over the phone. The person we are looking for does not need specific qualifications, but rather should be able to demonstrate a stable history with a personal or business background that indicates persist ence and determination. We offer a basic salary, plus commissions and health benefits, with potential first year earnings of $30.000-$40,000. If this position interests you, please call: Ed Aasman at SAFETYCARE INC. (905)631-6070 * * * * * W E s p e ciali 2 e in C o n d o m inium S ales & R entals. Call Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., R e alto r. (905)333-4347 industrial commercial space PRIM E location. Burlington a re a . 1 160 B lair Rd. 22 5 0 0 sq. ft. c le a n w a re house units a v a ila b le . Loading dock and drive-in. 2 minutes from Q EW . Call Mr Kara 9 0 5 -3 3 4 -1 5 5 5 or 9 0 5 -3 3 2 -0 1 6 3 for more in formation P R IM E Dow ntow n B ur lin g to n . U p g rad e d 1,2& 3 B edroom A partm ents. S ce n ic v ie w s . B eautiful gro u n d s. 4 7 8 P e a rl, 4 7 7 Elizabeth. 905-634-9374 1 .2 6 3 Bedroom Apartments a v a ila b le from $ 87 5 /m o . Indoor pool. Q EW / Trafalgar area. 905-844-1106 W H IT E O a k s . O akville S p ac io u s 1&2 B e d ro o m * den. from $ 1 050/m o. M a r./ Apr. W ell- maintained com plex. full rec. facilities In cluding Indoor pool, sunken livingroom... some with fireplaoel Call 905-815-1628 G E O R G IA N A partm ents. 1 .263 Bedrooms. Feb./ MarV Apr. H e at/ hydro Included. P arkin g e xtra . (N o pets) Burlington. 905-639-0456. MF: 9am-4pm, 6:30-8pm N O R T H S H O R E Tow ers. Available April: 1-bdrm. $725/ mo.; 2-bdrm^ $ 8 9 2 ./m o. (+ $ 3 3 . pa rk in g ). U tilitie s included. No P ets Q uiet Building. Diane. 9am -7pm 905-681-1307* Burlington B R O N T E H arbour. 2 -b e d room available im m ediate ly. H e a t/ hydro included. S 12 2 5 /m o . C all S herry. 416-835-2220. 8am-7pm houses for rent C O M P L E T E L Y re n o v a te d 2 -b e d ro o m . 2 bathroom s, large kitchen, garage, large lot 5 8 'x 1 5 8 \ 1025 Glendor. cen tral B urlington. Im m e d ia te . $ 1 2 0 0 /m o .+. or for sale $ 1 6 9 ,9 0 0 . 9 0 5 - 6 3 7 C E N T R A L O a k v ille - 3 bedroom renovated bunga low c lose to G O Fenced yard, hardwood, new kitch en/bath. Available as entire hom e or m ain floor only. February 1 st 905-845-0660 L O V E L Y b ungalow , c e n tral O ak v ille , quiet street, walk to lake & shopping, 2bedroom s. sunroom. sepa ra te dining room , ensuite ^laundry, large fenced yard ' parking, and all utilities for $ 1 1 7 5 /m o . fo r m ain floor only, (basem ent separate), n o n-sm okers, no pets, available im mediately. 905825-3568._________________ E X E C U T IV E 4-b ed ro o m h om e In upscale S outh Burlington neighbourhood. Fam ilyroom with fireplace, double garage. Im mediate. $ l9 9 9 /m o .+ utilities. 9 0 5 681-0070 O A K V IL L E E ast P ro fe s s ionally d ecorated 4 -b e d room bungalow, quiet treed area. Fully furnished, turn key. long/ short-term. Avail able F eb. 1st. $ 3 2 0 0 /m o . 905-842-6968 DOW NTOW N O a k v ille b e a u tifu l new C hurch Street 3-bedrooms. Profes s io n a lly d e c o ra te d , fully furnished, turnkey. W alk to sho p s / re s ta u ra n ts , long/ s h o rt-te rm . a v a ila b le J a n .31 st. $ 3 2 0 0 /m o . (905)842-6968 O A K V IL L E : Large nicely fu rn ish e d room in b a s e m e n t, s e p a ra te e n tra n ce quiet house w/kitchenette. o c c as s io n a lly shared b a throom . S u ita b le one person, No sm okin g/pets, No bus access. Free park ing. $ 6 5 0 /m o . F irst/la st. 416-504-4440. L O V IN G C h ristian lady a v a ila b le to look a fte r e l d e rly person In their own hom e P le a s e call 9 0 5 690 -4 44 5 0651___________ P R IM E location. B urling ton a re a 1 16 0 B lair Rd. B rand new corner o llic e space available with 1 1 of fices and large boardroom. B lair Business C e n tre . Netw ork ready. C a ll Mr. K ara. 9 0 5 -3 3 4 -1 5 5 5 or 905-332-0163 CO M M ERCE Court. (Fairview /. W a lk ers, B u r lington) 2nd floor, redeco rated office space. 285 sq.ft. C all 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -1 9 5 0 eve n - Beautiful Lakefront B U R L IN G T O N - C e n tra lS h are businessm an's fu r nished p e nthouse, great view , p re fe r m ature, non sm okin g, w orking lady. $490/mo. 905-637-6120. O A K V IL L E T o w n h o u s e 8th L in e / U p p e r M idd le. Looking for room m ate. $ 3 2 5 ./m onth plus utilities. 905-845-2925______________ BRO NTE: 3 -b e d ro o m house to share $600/m o in c lu d e s utilitie s . A vailablo F e b ru a ry 1st C a ll 9 0 5 8 4 7 -5 5 5 4 _________________ S H A R E acc o m m o d a tio n s w a n te d tor 2 b e d ro o m a p a rtm e n t In B u rlin g to n . N e w S t. & G u e lp h Line a re a . N o n -s m o k e r, m ust lik e c a ts . $ 5 0 0 /m o n th Please call (905)631-5134 S IN G L E bed (a d u lt)- new m attress and head board. $100 905-634-4400 P E D E S T A L sink, w hite. 3 4 'h . 2 5*w 22"d. A lso, brass & chrome faucet Ex cellent condition $99/bolh. 905-333-4644 5348 Lakeshore 1& 2 bedroom suites from $935/mo Avail. immed./Feb. Quiet building. New appliances. Washer, dryer on each floor. Parking W A N T E D A ll-C h in a . S il ver. C rystal, sew ing m a c h in e s .. D oulton . M oorcroft Quilts. Glass. Watches, c am era/ audio equipm ent, dolls, p aintin gs, c o lle c ti bles. estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477 W A N T E D : 8ft pool tab le, re a so n ab le condition at reasonable price. Call 905332-1602 905-639-3301 ___________ O A K V IL L E . 9 0 0 s q .ft., re tail space with washroom & shower, parking. $1450/mo. -futilities. C all 9 0 5 -3 3 1 1301 after 4pm. BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 1&2 Bdrm Suites Avail. March From $735./mo includh utilities. Parking Available A Super place to Shop lor all y e a r long. S k a te s. H ockey equipm ent, tobog gans: Ski equipment- cross country/ dow nhill; S ew ing m achin es; R euse C e n tre . 3335 N.Service. Burlington. W ed/Th/Frl-12-8pm ; Sat-95pm; Sun-12-4pm.__________ B A B Y furniture: crib w/ m a ttre ss , ch an g e tab le & d re s s er. W h ite $ 3 5 0 /a ll obo. G lider $ 30 obo. 905331-0871. BE D set- single- *M oteau* Iro m C ribs `n M o re - Tw in bed. headboard, matching rocking cha ir, arm o ir. 3 d raw er d re s s er (m atching light w ood) P aid $ 2 7 0 0 , best offer. 905-642-6224 B E D . All-N ow King, E xtra thick pillow-top Orthopedic mattress sot Still in plastic. C ost $ 1 7 0 0 . S a c rific e. $650. (905)304-5573. B E D R O O M su ite , brand new 8 *p c e .. solid C horryw ood s leighb od. C host. T ri-d re s s e r w /m irro r. 2n ig htstands. All D o v e ta il. N ever opened, still boxed. C ost $ 8 ,4 9 9 . sell $ 3 ,9 9 9 905-971-1777 B E D R O O M su ite , g ra y / blue, single captain's bed, drossor w ith m irror, night tab le; pet ra b b it, H olland Lop. cag e & acc e s so rie s ; m odern pine single bed, mattress, foot/ headboards 9 06-842-619 0_____________ BEDS. New . D o u b le. $ 2 2 0 ; Q uoon. $ 24 0 . C o m plete fc/frame. Futons. Free D e liv e ry . R efu rbished VC R s. 1 7-2 5 ' colour TVs, porta b le CD pla y e rs (905)681-9496 B E D - Q u e e n , orthopedic pillow top m a ttre ss , boxs* pring, h e a d b o a rd / fo o t board. frame. New. hi plas tic. Cost $1275, sell $550 Will deliver. 905-971-3315. B O O K S - old. hardcovored. d a ted e arly 3 0 `s & 40*s. Box of 16. $25 905628-5316 C A R P E T . I ha v e s ev e ra l 1 .0 0 0 yards ot new S tain m aster & 100% nylon c a r pet. W ill do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet. pad & installation (30 yards) Steve. (905)639-2902 D IN IN G room suite- 8pce Cherrywood. $1100. good condition 905-333-4009 D IN IN G R O O M 1 3-p c e .. C herryw ood set. 9 6* dou ble p e d e sta l tab le w / le a v e s . 8 -c h a irs . Lig hted C hin a C a b in e t, a ll D o v e tail. N over o p e n e d . Cost $ 1 2 ,2 5 0 . sacrifice $ 4,7 50 . (905)304-9994. D R E S S E R - cream colour Also, black entertainm ent unit (4ftx4ft). must sell. 905335-0343__________________ F O R S a le - T V . 2 7 inch stereo Hitachi with remote a n d s ta n d $ 1 5 0 . C a ll (9 0 5 )8 4 5 -6 4 7 3 ____________ F R E E E stim a te s . Got w obbly or broken chairs? W e ak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam ? Tirod looking w ood fin is h e s ? ... then call Fields for all furni ture repairs a nd custom wood roflnlshing, 9 -9 daily. (905)632-9090_____________ F R ID G E . G .E . 2 3 .6 c u .ft., frost- fre e , w hite, double doors, ice cube/ crushed ice dispenser. 905-335-4960,8-8 K IT C H E N ' L ' -s h a p e d c o u n te r to p . E m e ra ld m a p le (n e w ) 7 0 in c h e s x 115 inches $225./obo. Can b e d e liv e re d a n d fitte d Call (90 5 )8 4 2 -7 3 1 3 M O V IN G S ale Jen n air g as s to ve, m icrow ave, chairs, side tables, clock & m isc. fu rn itu re. 9 0 5 - 6 9 0 8361 509 drivers I drivers G U A R A N T E E D dry 1 00% hardw ood. PROPERLY seasoned. Ontario's largest Firew ood re tail. M arc's Quality Firewood. 905-2576366 OAKVILLE BEAVER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT * * * * * O A K V IL L E . P restig ious building... Steps from down town, 2-bedroom, $ 1200/mo. Im m e d iate ; 3-b ed ro o m . $1350/mo. Feb. 1st. Utilities/ p arking included. Q uiet buildin g, w h ee lch a ir accessible 905-844-1934 DEVELO P Your O wn Business! A ttractive parttim e incom e grow ing to 6 figures fulltime! $ 475 start up includes training. 1-877* 242-5732. 24-hr message 905-690-1896 D O W N T O W N B urlington L a rg e 2 -b ed ro o m , $ 9 8 5 / mo. + . Im m e d ./ M a r .1st; Large 1-bedroom . M ar 1st. $ 8 7 5 ./m o .+ . A /C . parking included Call 416-420-3952 1 -B E D R O O M apa rtm e n ts available M ar. from $82 5 ./ m o. C o n v e n ie n tly located W o o d w a rd / G uelph Lin e. Burlington 905-632-4265 I f f J furnished rentals S H O R T -T E R M C le a n , spacious 1&2 bedroom fur nished suites at m uch d e sired location... Burlington Towers. 905-639-8583 L U X U R IO U S ........... 'N e w * C o rp o ra te T ra v e l S uites. Up to: 1-4 bdrms & baths; Jacuzzi; F.P.; 6 appliances; 5 0* T V /V C R ; C D /S te re o , pets ok! security; recreation centre. From $39.95/N lght. D a lly - M onthly, 4 0 B ldgs. V is a. A m ex, M a s te rC a rd . 905-681-7355. leave mess G A R D E N apartm ent, fu r nished. includes parking, all utilities cable T.V. Avail able February 1. 2002. Call 905-849-9971 IN M e m o ria m / C a rd of thanks Booklet available by callin g B urlington Post. 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -4 4 4 0 or O ak v ille B e av e r, Ask for L o ra in e, 905-845-3824.______________ I f J r i r l tost & found F O U N D - Budgie in Tow ne B lvd/ D un d a s a re a on Jan .3 1/02 . C all to identify 905-845-1551______________ FO UND: black w hite young cat. Q EW / Brant we c all "W ln n y *. P h o n e 9 0 5 637-7325._________________ F O U N D : o ra n g e tab by. E a s te rb ro o k / P la in s . W e call 'G inger Snap*. Phone 905-637-7325._____________ FO U N D : set of keys, com er of D e la w a re & B ruce, Burlington. C all to identify. 905-632-4479______________ personals O AKVILLE residents needed for m a rk e t re s ea rc h discussion. 2 hours. $ 5 0 cash C a ll A n g e la , 4 1 6 391-5900._________________ TO M M YP le a s e call som eone so that w e don't worry. Love M R K. J. S. L. F R E E b la c k fem a le la b / s hepherd m ix. F ixed- all shots 8months old Owner leaving country Beautiful loving tem perm ent 9 05 333-9050__________________ P/T Driver/Delivery Person Mon. Wed, Fri., Sat 4 hours each day (times may be flexible) To drop off individual newspapers and pick-ups as required. Must be reliable with own vehicle and valid drivers license. Contact Lisa Meecham, Assistant Circulation Manager Tel: (905)878-5947 Fax:(905)337-5557 general help wanted F III] cars tor sale ^ professional directory M O N E Y P roblem s? G a rnlshees? Too m any p a y m ents? O ptions to avo id bankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner. B ank ruptcy Trustee: (90 5 ) 6 3 1 0600 __________________ ( [ f t ] mongage. loans C A L L Redwood. 4 1 6 -4 9 4 9 8 8 3 e x t. 3 21 o r 1 -8 0 0 3 2 8 -7 8 8 7 ext. 3 21 . 1 year 3 .6 0 . 5 y e a r 5 .6 5 . A R M 1.99. Also refinancing, eq uity mortgage programs re gardless of income or credit 1 4 2 Bedroom apartm ents a v a ila b le now S p e e rs / Kerr. 905-842-0565 ______ 2 -B E D R O O M apartm ents & tow nhom es. M a r./A p r. 2077 Prospect St.. Burling ton. Clean, quiet buildings. Close to G O & Malls. 905639-7805 O N E bedroom basem ent newly renovatedT quiet Al dershot neighborhood. S e p a ra te e n trance, p a rk ing, A /C , utilities included $750./m onth. No smoking/ pets 905-634-8543 M A R L B O R O U G H C ourt1 2 2 9 M arlborough Court, Oakville. 1 & 2 bedrooms. Park-like setting. Close to all amenities and schools. Wood flooring with ceramic tiles. 905-844-7332 C A N A D IA N A . Q uiet, w ellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.2&3 bedrooms available Im m e d ia te ly / M a r. 5220 L akeshore, Burlington. 905-632-5486._________ __ IM M E D IA T E / M a rc h . 1woek free rent. Bronte M ar ine. 2 -b ed ro o m , balcony. Large clean s ec u re, w ellm aintained quiet building. $950/m o. includes utilities. No pets. 9 0 5 -4 6 9 -1 3 5 7 ; 905-847-6278 1 -B E D R O O M upper du plex. W est Burlington near RBG. Eat-in kitchen, study, large A-fram e fam llryoom , huge deck, parking Utilities Included. $ 7 5 0 /m o . 9 0 5 332-3409__________________ 2 -B E D R O O M den. (ca n be used as 3rd bodroom ). Large master, walk-in clos et. 2 bathroom s, separate diningroom, sunken livingroom with fire p lac e , rec. facilities w/pool. immediate 905-337-6876 2 -B E D R O O M . first floor apartment on the lake. H a milton Beach Com m unity. $ 6 0 0 /m o A vailablo Mar 1st 905-549-4130 2 -B E D R O O M in 6 -p le x on North S ervice R d.. near O ak v ille P la ce . C all 9 0 5 338-3480. eveninflt L A R G E basem ont nowly re n o v a te d one bodroom p a rtia lly furnished C /A sperate entrance, parking. C lo s e to dow ntow n O akvillo. $ 80 0 / inclusive. No pets. 9 0 5 -3 3 0 -6 5 8 4 Fe b / March 1st _ N O R T H Bronte* Im m a c u late. partially furnished one bedroom den. private en trance, C /A . C /V . pool, c a b le . laundry. No pe ts/ sm oking. $ 8 0 0 / $ 8 7 5 ./ m onth905 847-6294 2 -B E D R O O M S : $ 8 3 0 ./ mo. (U tilitie s inclu d ed ). 2386 New Street at Guelph L in e. O ffice O pen 9-4pm . Mon -S a t (905)639-5761 O A K V IL L E - 1 265 Sixth Line, overlooks Golf Club. L arge R e n o v ate d 1 4 2 Bdrm N ew a p p lian ce s , w indow s. From $ 8 4 5 ./m o 905-844-5474 199 5 Hyundai S coupe LS 158.000km . green. 2-door, p w r lo c k s & w in d o w s , cruise control, sun roof. Alpmo alarm. 1 yr. old steroo & 10 d is c C D c h a n g e r. $ 5 .2 0 0 .0 0 /o b o C a ll Jo d y (905)876-1441 1 9 9 3 Ford Tom po G L . 4 dr. auto. A'C. new tires. Re cent rebuilt engine. $2100. 9 0 5 -6 3 7 -5 3 2 7 . before i pnV after 7:30pm__________ 2 0 0 0 S aturn silver 4-d oor sedan, 18-mos. left on fac tory w arranty. 22.000km s., pow er option s, a ir. C D . $ 1 5 ,9 0 0 or assum e lease. 905-815-1390 1 98 8 Joep C h e ro k e o - 4wheel drive, standard. 6 cy lin d e r 4L e ngine. 2 2 0 .0 0 0 k m . G ood c o n d i tion. $2.000.obo 905-3377 159 1988 Mercury T o p a z- very good condition. $ 1 5 0 0 / as is. P le as e c a ll 9 0 5 - 6 3 9 4811 _ _ ________ 2001 H onda C R V E X 3 6K m . P W . a u to . C D . $ 2 4 .5 0 0 /o b o C a ll 9 0 5 6 3 4 -3 1 3 3 . 9am -5pm . Monday-Frtday._________________ 1993 Nissan Altima- black, only 79K . 5-s p d . A BS. pow er lo c k s / w indow s C e rtifie d . Im m aculate! $8,750 905-632-5353 T A K E O ver L ease 2 00 0 Chrysler Neon LE- Auto. A/ C. CD changer. 15* wheels. $ 3 7 6 .9 8/m o n th including G S T . P S T . dis a b ility In s u ra n t 905-847-7607 2 0 0 0 S aturn LW 1 W agon T a k e ovor le a s e , drk. green. 4 d r . auto. a/c. PW . PL. P M . cruiso, new tires, no m o ney dow n, le a s e ends March 2 002 $ 350 2 9/ mo. Call Michelle. 905-6281913 1 9 9 0 V olvo 7 4 0 w agons (tw o ) 190K . auto m a tic , load o d . 3rd s ea t. Both ete s te d , c le a n . $ 6 9 0 0 /e a Brin. 905-634-3042 2 0 0 0 S u n fire . autom atic. 4-d o o r, black. 2 .2 L . a ir, cruise, trit. power locks. CD. 83K . $ 1 9 ,5 0 0 . 9 0 5 -5 1 0 8807 510 510 general help wanted Tallest Building in Oakville! ($ 8 2 G reenhouses We're Growing Again! 2-Bdrms Iron $999* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 '(2% prompt pay. disc.) Sadielarjrom$7581 1-Bdrm s_lrom i899! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/Speers/QEW LARG E 3-b ed ro o m , Apr. 1st.. from $ 1190/mo. ( utilities). 5 appliances, ga rage. p a rk -lik e s etting . Longm oor D rive , B u rlin g _____ ton. 905-681-0070 O A K V IL L E C e n tra l: 2b edroom s. 2 -1 /2 baths. 5 a p p lian ce s , fam ilyroom . g a ra g e , p arking. $ 1 ,3 5 0 / mo. -futilities. R eferences. 905-330-1992.______________ N E W R e n o v atio n s - A vail able Mar. 15th. 2-bedrooms, 1 parking, $850./m o.+ utili ties. North Burlington. 905319-9104 B U R L IN G T O N . 3 -b e d room. 2 030 Bluefield Drive, fridge, stovo. laundry, park ing, $ 8 9 0 /m o . hydro, M a rc h .1st or im m e d iate . 9 05-453-9929______________ O A K V IL L E - 2 4 3 B o d room townhouses available M a r.- M a y. 4 a ppllan cos. H o p e d a le M a ll a re a L a k es h o re M a n a g e m e n t. 905-876-3336 O u r W A T E R D O W N . B U R L IN G T O N 8. M ILT O N locations have opportunities for the follow ing positions: f u l l t i m e : Nursery Manager · Dry Goods Manager · Pond Department Manager · Head Cashier · Shipping/Receiving & Warehouse PART-TIME: Retail Sales Staff- Perennials & Annuals · Cashiers · Production Labour Please lax your resume to Cheryl at 905-689-1770 and join the team at Terra I O A K V IL L E : 190 K err, at Rebecca. Renovated. Large suites. W alk to everything. 1&2 bedrooms from $825. (905)845-1777 Nothing Sweeter 505 Locust Street Downtown Burlington SPACIOUS 142 BDRM SUITES Irom $1005/mo. Newly renovated entrance & lobby! 2&3 Bedroom S u ite s am ong re fin e d te n a n ts in luxury buildin g close to Burlington M a ll. C a ll the ·P rincess". 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -8 0 0 9 or the ` Regency", 905-6818115______________________ W A T E R D O W N : John St. W a lk to E veryth in g . N ew Appliances, New Windows Comp. Reno 2 Bdrms. Util. In c l. from $ 8 4 5 ./m o (9 0 5 )6 8 9 -1 6 4 7 , 9 0 5 -6 9 0 4454 ALO ERSHO T: 2 -b e d room basem ent apartment, separate entrance, laundry, c a b le , all inc lu siv e. N o n sm okin g. Fle x ib le a v a il ability. $800'm o 9 05 -5 72 7013______________________ L A K E S H O R E / W a lk e rs L in e - 1 -b drm . 1 200 sq.ft apartm ent. Above garages, in lakefront hom e, private e n tra n ce , g a ra g e , utilities included with own cen tral heat & a/c. gas fireplace, c/ v, balcony, use of laundry. S u it non-sm oking m ature p ro fe s s io n a l. $ 1 5 9 5 /m o . M arch 1st. R eferences re quired. 905-634-7102 S P A C IO U S 1 .2 & 3 B e d room s. F re s h ly p a in te d , brig h t. C o m p e titiv e re n t. Burlington high-rise. W ellm aintained. Convenient lo c atio n . 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 . Noon-8pm_________________ H E A R T of Bronte 5 0 East S t.. c lo s e to la k e / Bronte H a rb o u r. 2 -b ed ro o m . Im mediate. $1,110. (parking) 905-825-0816 ACTORS/MODELS 2002 Filming has begun. Toronto production is exploding. Scouting new people, (no experience needed) with different looks, shapes and sizes, (newborn to senior) lor commercials. TV Shows. Movies. Catalogs. Model and Talent Bureau will be holding Auditions In your area on Sunday Feb.10. 2002 by appointment only. Audition fee of $34 50 + GST is refundable if you do not qualify. To schedule an audition phone 519-249-0700 between 9-5pm. M.T.B. is not a School or Agency, C E R T IF IE D o v e rs ea s Live-in nannies, caregivers, minimum wages. No foe to employer call 416-699-6931 or L IV E -O U T Nanny required fuH-time. non-smoker, prefer ow n c a r. F o r 2 y o ung children in Oakville. Please fa x re s u m e /r e fe re n c e s : 905-827-6571 905-333-9008 N E A R M a p le v ie w M all! Executivo 1300 sq.ft. lower floor apa rtm e n t, s ep arate entrance, C/V . air. parking, laundry. Jacuzzi, fireplacb. No smoking or pets. First/ last. Feb. 15. $ 9 5 0 /m o .+ utilities 905-333-7171 O A K V IL L E . Q E W / T ra fa l gar 1-bedroom, from $869./ mo.*; 2-bedroom from $959/ mo.*; 3-bedroom from $1079/ mo.* Well maintained build ing. Nellie. (90 5 )33 9 -20 2 8 . ( ` included 2 % prom pt payment dtaoount) 2 0 5 Q ueen M ary D rive . O ak v ille . N e a r all a m e n i ties. Available Immediately: 2 -b edroom . Irom $ 1 0 5 0 ./ mo.; 3 -b edroom , from $ 1 2 7 5 /m o ( p a rk in g ). 905-844-9670 W A L K to d o w n to w n O a k ville R enovated 2-b d rm . $ 8 3 5 /m o .f hydro. M ar. 1st. S m all building. Laundry. Parking. Security. 905-8255539 Q U IE T , Convenient. W ellM aintained! S pacious! 3 0 5 5 G lencrest R d.. B ur lington. O ne 2 -b edroom apartment available March. 905-637-3921______________ ' H O U S E -L IK E " Living In Low-rise Tow nhom e/ Apts! 2-Bdrms 1-floor & 2-storey designs. Ground floor units w /w alk-out to landscape patio! Freshly painted, re finished hardw ood, brand new appliances- All for you! Tyandaga T e rra c e . 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr (905)3360 0 1 5 ; 1 460 Tyan d a g a Pk Dr. (905)336-0016 fiJllhs M m tages of Condo Living 1-Bdrm-f Den & 2-Bdrm Suites with solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! LOADERS WANTED W e d n e sd a y , F rid a y & S a tu rd a y 6 a m -1 2 n o o n Lifting involved, safety shoes necessary. C a ll 905-844-0577 A s k fo r L o ri o r W e n d y O A K V IILE B E A V E R E X P E R IE N C E D UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 2418Glenwood School Dr., Burlington * 4 1 6-390-6279ir ` S A N D S ' D ow ntow n B ur lington n e a r the la k e . 2 bedroom s. 2 baths, balco ny. C/A. 5 appliances, pool, 1 parking. 1 locker, no pets. A v aila b le F e b .15. From $ 1 2 5 0 - $ 1 3 9 0 C a ll L .D a vies R E . 905-333-4347 | l ! u l houses for rent NEW BUNGALOW Gnmsby Escarpment Available March 1 st. 2 bdrm s. hardw ood floors, v au lted ceilings, spectacular ensuite. main floor laundry, dbi. garage, 5 appliances. C/A. $ 1550/mo. C a l M arcela 905-208-0681 R E N T or Buy. B urlington. 3-bedroom bungalow, fin ished basem ont. N e a r sch o o ls / shops. N o p e ts, Feb. 1st. $ 1 .295 /m o. utili ties. 9 05 -2 57 -4 12 5 . after 6 p m _______________________ B U R L IN G T O N near la k e sh o re Sioux Lookout. 3 -b ed ro o m s . 1.5 ba th s, d e c k. 5 a p p lia n c e s . C /A L a rg e , qu iet lot. $ 1 2 0 0 / m o . u t i l i t i e s . F irs t/ last. M a r .ls t . 9 0 5 -3 3 0 -6 6 0 6 . deiphiOtechnter com 3 -B E D R O O M bungalow . North B urlington, n e a r all a m e n itie s . C a rp o rt. No pets. M a t. $ l1 7 5 /m o .+ utAtttS 905-332-8244 (Harvester & Guelph) 3-Bedrooms $1,000/mo. + 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, lull basement. L IV E -IN h o u s e w o rke r/ carogivor for 12yr old child in school. Burlington home. Cooking included. Must be non-sm oker, speak P hilip pine. Call Murray or Debbie M onday- Friday. 9am -5p m · 9 0 5 -6 3 4 -3 4 2 4 ; M urray weekends 905-632-7554 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 G LENASHTO N/ Eighth L in e . 3 -b ed ro o m s . 2 .5 ba th s. 5 a p p lian ce s . C /A . g a ra g e . M a r .ls t . $ 1 5 0 0 / mo.+. 905-829-2554 B U R L IN G T O N : 2 -b e d room from $ 989 /m o. utili ties. Im m e d ./ M a r./ Apr. 3 appliances. 1.5 baths. One ou tsid e p arking. N e ar sch ools, shopping. P arkik e setting. (906)333-1190 B R A N T S tre e t- Large 2&3 bedroom tow n houses. H a rd w o o d , fen ce d patio, la u n d ry. N o dogs. M a r./ April 1st. $ 8 9 5 ./m o .+ 9 05 A LL a g e s - Full-tim e. Six yea rs exp erie n ce . E xc e l lent re fe re n c e s . U pper M id d le / 3rd Lin e. Lots of fun activities, local outings a nd com m unity play grou ps. C a ll K ath y 9 0 5 847-5802____________.___ E X P E R IE N C E D e s ta b lish ed in fa n t & child care HCA certificate. Smoke-free h om e. R e fe re n c e s R e c eip ts. P le as e c a ll 9 0 5 842-3511._________________ T H E H alton C hild C a re P roviders A ssociation off ers support and a chance to network with other pro viders through w orkshops and outings. New members always welcome, free refer ral for parents. Burlington 331-9372. _________ C H IL D C A R E A v a ila b le Loving & Reliable Mom will provide tons of TLC . nutri tious m eals & snacks, edu c atio n a l a ctiv itie s , daily prog ress upd a te s. Sm oke free. F /T /P T . R efe re n c e s . Bruce T. Lmdley area 905331-9781 SH EETFED P R ESS O PER A T O R Required immediately by Oakville printing company. Successful candidate should have minimum 3-5 years experience operating a 4 colour Heidelberg GTO. Please fax your resume to 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -6 1 7 0 Ideally Located 1275 Elgin SI, Burl. Very spacious, well maintained, quiet living. 1&2 Bdrms-Mar. Fresh paint, relinished hardwood, some new kiL cabinetry & upgraded fire alarm system tor your safety & peace-olmind. Walk to hospital, lake, shops & schools. Call (905) 637-0321 B RANT S tree t- large 2 car g a ra g e , sto ra g e or light duty shop, good a ccess. $25<ymo 905-336-7207 2 people neededl Be your own boss, no investm ent, door to door e xp erie n ce R e lia b le v eh ic le a m ust. CaO 1 (888)595-2194 F or N E E D E xtra C ash $ $$ ? T ry T e le m a rk e tin g . W ill train. Day/ Evenings. Stud ents w elcom e. Start $9/hr. Fle x ib le hours. 9 0 5 -8 4 9 8335 S T O R E Fixture com pany requires part-tim e produc tion/ installation help. May le a d to fu ll-tim e . Basic w oodw orking e xp erie n ce an asset. Will train. Fax re sume: 905-632-4927. 3 3 6 -7 2 0 7 B U R L IN G T O N . Luxury tow nhouses. 3-b edroom s. $ 1 1 35 /m o . 4-b ed ro o m s . $ 1 2 3 5 ./m o . Fam ilyroom . b a s em e n t, y ard . U tilitie s e x tra , p a rk in g $ 4 0 . 9 0 5 639-0950__________________ B U R L IN G T O N B ra n t/ Prospect- N ew . Executive freeh old. 2 sto rey. 3 b e d room $22007month. First/ last. Immediate. 416-7440596 FAST s e r v ic e , FAX your classified ads. FAX: 905 632-8165 - f