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Oakville Beaver, 6 Feb 2002, C6

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C6 - The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y F e b ru a ry 6, 2002 .. HUI general help wanted general help wanted general help wanted 5 1 0 fc £ ta *5 1 5 skilled & technical help B O S T O N M anor requires experienced Wait Staff, full/ p a rt-tim e . C a ll M ark and Andy, 905-637-1984 M asTec C a n a d a h a s s e c u r e d a lo n g - t e r m a g r e e m e n t w ith C o g e c o C a b le to b e th e e x c lu s iv e p r o v id e r o f C a b le T e le v is io n In s ta lla tio n S e rv ic e s to C o g e c o C a b le 's 600,000+ c u s to m e rs in th e P ro v in c e o f O n ta rio . MasTec Canada is a progressive com pany that continues to ex pand its footprint in the Canadian Telecom m unications industry. As part of MasTec Inc., we are North A m erica's largest end-toend telecom m unication in fa stru c tu re p ro v id e r w ith o v e r 9,5 0 0 em ployees across North A m erica in 180 lo ca tio n s including 10 regional offices in Ontario. We are presently expanding our w ork force throughout O ntario and specifically in the N iagara Falls to H am ilton, O akville, and Burlington areas. Applications for the following positions are now being accepted. The World s Largest Hairstyling Chain Requires Full-time & Part-time Experienced HAIRSTYLISTS x Oakville & Burlington Locations =< WE OFFER MORE: Great commissions; Career advancement; Flex, work hours; Solid benefit program TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW, please call Kym, 905-849-8808, X221 Community Notices Medical Study If you are 18 years of age or older and currently have any of the following symptoms: > Chills > Body W ea kne ss I Pain in Back or Side > Temp.> 100.4F / 38C I Painful Urination ...s u s p e c tiv e o f a p o s s ib le U rin a ry Tract Infection. You may be eligible to par tic ip a te in a R esearch S tu d y b ein g c o n d u c te d th ro u g h C M X R e s e a rc h In c . in O a k v ille . T h e s tu d y la s ts b e tw e e n 6-8 w eeks w ith 7-14 days of treatm ent and 3 study visits. C O M E hom e to clean pro fes s io n al. e xp erie n ce d cleaning service. Person alized attention, detail-ori en ted . F re e e s tim a tes . Lesley. 905-466-6799 P R O F E S S IO N A L e x p e ri enced E uropean cleaning lady available hom e/office C o n ta c t E v a ( 9 0 5 ) 8 2 2 4962. cel-416-427-9164 Deaths JOHNSON, Patricia - Passed away peacefully at Headwaters Health Care Centre on Sunday, February 3rd, 2002. Patricia Carberry in her 77th year. Loving wile of Ihe lale Gordon (1987). Cherished mother ol Jill (Matthew) and Mark, and best friend lo her pet cat Nicky. Patricia will be sadly missed by her family, Iriends and neighbours. Friends may call al the Dods & McNair Funeral Home and Chapel, 21 Firsl Street, Orangeville (519-941-1392) on Wednesday. February 6.2002 from 2-4 & 7-9 p.m. Funeral service will lake place in the Chapel on Thursday at 1100 a.m. As an expression of sympathy donations to Ihe Heart & Stroke Foundation or Diabetes Association would be appreciated. · Residential Cable Television Installation Installers W e o ffer our em ployees c o m p e titiv e rates;- a co m p re h e n s iv e b e nefits package, com pany sh a re p u rch a s e o p p o rtu n itie s , as well as other benefits than can be realized for successful candi dates. Please forward your interest with a resume as follows: THERMAL SPRAY OPERATOR Required to apply m etallic coatings to a ir cra ft & in d u stria l tu rb in e engine c o m p o n ents using the plasm a spray & HVOF pro c e s s . P re v io u s e x p . in th e rm a l s p ra y , w elding, robotics or sheet metal w ould be an asset. Training will be provided. Please forward via email or fax to: Scott Rush at or 905-827-7489 W A T E R d a m a g e d c e il ings. w alls re p a ire d like new Painting, plastering, dryw all. ceram ic tiles, etc. Kaz. 905-299-1938. Attention: Fax: Email: Mailing Address: Sue Crarey 905-475-0623 sue.crarey@mastec.ca 555 Aiden Rd. Markham, Ont., L3R 3L5 R E L O C A T O R S : E xcellent service, starting $55/hr. in cludes 2 pro fe s sio n a l m overs, truck. B est long dis ta n c e ra tes . 9 0 5 -8 2 3 4858; 1-888-671-6683 COME JOIN OUR TEAM! COM E & JO IN OUR T E A M !! Quality Control Supervisor Oakville Recycling Centre. 2160 South Service Rd.. is looking lor a Quality Control Supervisor. Musi be able to supervise Ihe efficient processing ol raw materials to and through Ihe sorting, bailing and/or shipping systems by exercising sale and carelul material handling procedures. E XPERIENCED Hair stylist. Barber and Nail Technician required for New Burlington Beauty Salon P lease fax resum es 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -7 4 4 5 or call 905-332-9039__________ S ervice A dvisor Fulltime position for an experienced Service Advisor. Excellent benefits available. Apply to: $ 1 3 / R o o m - F eb ru ary specials now on! Will match all com petitor's advertised prices. Senior's Discounts. Call 905-891-1910. For more information, please call Grace at 905-338-3130 Deaths C U S T O M -M A D E d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / chair c o -o rd in ate s , fabrics, installation. 10yrs exp. Sherry- 905-634-6706 I dating services M E E T Burlington Singles! Try us absolutely free' Ent e r code 4 0 9 4 H am ilton (905J-297-6666 PALMER, Sharon - On Wednesday. January 30,2002 al Oakville Trafalgar Hospital. Sharon Palmer Loving mother of Jordan and Marley. Beloved daughter ol Toby and Jack Kolnick. Dear sister ol Melanie Boam. Devoled granddaughter of Jenny Zeidel Loving Iriend and partner ol Marty Palmer. A service was held at Benjamin's Park Memorial Chapel on Monday. February 4, 2002. Interment Oakville Trafalgar Cemetery, Beth El Section. Shiva 3181 Bayview Avenue, #913. If desired, memorial donations may be made to Ihe Lupus Foundation ol Ontario. 416-368-8377 H A IR S T Y L IS T R eq u ired , (must have experience) for busy downtown Burlington salon. For Interview please call Wigsville 905-634-9022 PAUL V in c e n t Hair Design, downtown Oakville, requires e x p e rie n c e d , c re ative H a irs ty lis t with strong knowledge of colour. Call 9 05 -8 45 -6 80 3 , or mall resume: 151 Robinson St.. Oakville. L6J 1K5 J o e T a v a ris , S e rv ic e M a n a g e r D u n d a s & 4 03 , O a k ville 9 0 5 -8 2 9 -5 5 5 2 e xt. 327 o r fa x : 9 0 5 -8 2 9 -8 6 2 2 Q ualifications: Min. 3 years supervisory experience. preferably in a unionized environment; Extensive knowledge ol clothing brand names, styles and lashion; Musi be a team player; Ability to motivate and train others. Fax resume to H.R. Dept., 905-825-8953 PENNEY, Doris Irene - On Friday. February 1, 2002 al Ihe Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Doris, beloved wile ol Fred Penney. Dear mother of Caro! Slark, Paul Evans, Tom Evans and Bill Evans Loving grandmother of Christopher. Jennifer. Tara, Julie. Laura, and Julia. She will be sadly missed and lovingly remembered. office-clerical Receptionist /C le r k FULLTIME, Mon.-Thurs., 9-5 & FRI. 10-6 R equired im m ediately for busy autom otive d e a le rsh ip . C a n d id a te m ust be w e ll-s p o ken, presentable and able to multi-task. Please FAX resume to Heather Lamb at ass® -v V SH IP P IN G C L E R K HAYWARD POOL PRODUCTS CANADA. INC., a leading manufacturer of swimming pool Halton Honda Service Advisor/ Body Estimator Fairview Nissan · 905-333-6433 Previous applicants need not apply accessory equipment, has an opening for a Shipping Clerk for a term of 5-6 months Must have computer experience and good telephone manner. Duties w ill include data entry (generating and closing receivers and pick lists on an AS400 system) and limited order picking. MRP experience an asset. S9-S10/hr. Hours 8:30am- 5:00 pm. Interested applicants please apply in person or calh Allen Clarke (905)829-2880 Ext 241 2880 Plymouth Drive, Oakville (Winston Churchlll/QEW) T R A IN IN G provided ' 8 3 0a m -4 30pm M ondayFnday. No nights' weekends. Molly Maid (Housecleaning professionals). Transportstlon provided 905-681-7484 D IV E R S E entry level po sition with tool and industri al supply business Inside S ales Must have good keyboarding skills and a strong willingness to learn P lease fax resum e com plete with work related ref erences to: 905-338-0412 N E ED a Job? 90% ol our participants get em p lo y ment or training opportuni ties C all the Y M C A at (905)-681-114Q __ CLEANERS wanted to dean c om m ercial buildings. If interested please calf 905664-8478 after 5pm E X P E R IE N C E D , m ature Telem arketer required Im m ediately 2 -3 nights per w eek No selling Burling ton office. Star! $8/hr, bo nus. Contact Linda or E le na. 905-335-3751 IN D E P E N D E N T c o n tra c tors required for early morning door-to-door deliv ery of new spapers B u r lington/ Oakville Excellent com m issions 7-d ay s /w k R eliable vehicle required Jim. 905-336-8940 ASSISTANT Supenntendent couple (ltve-*n) required parttime. weekends & holidays, for quiet, clean Burlington residential highrlse. Fax resume to 905-632-5486 P A R T -T IM E position ava ila b le at the Anim al Hospital ol River Oaks We a re looking for a w arm , friendly, outgoing re c e p tionist. (ex p e rien ce p re ferre d ) for afternoo n & evenings P le as e fax resumes: 905-338-0267 or call Teresa 905-338-6257 D R IV E R for Burlington c om pany. No special lice n c e P hys ica l lifting. S tart S 10 /h r. Forw ard re sume: P.O . Box#755. W aterdown. Ontaho LOR 2H0 Must be experienced with good computer & communication skills. We offer excellent remuneration, product and CSI Apply to: Service Manager Fax 905-681 -0098 Halton Honda of Burlington L IF T Line M a c h in e ry Ltd. requires q u a lifie d R oad Mechanic. Must have valid class A license or industri al e q u iv a le n t, p ro p an e IIcen so. e le c tric a l k n o w l edge E x c e lle n t b e n e fit p k g ./co m p e titiv e salary. Forw ard/fax rosum e: Attn: T ony S ta n le y . 4 9 5 P rince C h a rle s Or. S ou th . W e l la n d . O N L 3 B -5X 1 Fax: 905-788-2557 RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY Part-time, Mainly evenings & weekends (approx. 15 hrs/ week). Musi be flexible. Applicants must be capable ol handling a busy, multiple line switchboard in a prolessional manner, possess excellent communi cation and organization skills, accuracy on keyboard is essential, work with minimum supervision & enjoy working with a diversity of people in an extremely productive office. Please lax or forward resume attention June Carter Re/Max Garden City Realty Inc., 720 Guelph Line fjta* Burlington, Ontario L7R4E2 t C & r Fax 905-333-3616 R E C E P T IO N IS T raqulred fulltim e for busy O ak v ille o ffic e. R equirem ents: p le a s a n t tele p h o n e m a n ner. good com puter skills, know ledge of A c cP ac. W ordPerfect and MS Office an asset, oth e r duties in clude filing & som e data entry. Please lax resume to: 905-844-0023 Attn Anita S A L E S Adm inistration A s sistant. Software Developer (M ississauga) seeks an In dividual with excellent writ ten/ verbal comm unication skills providing adm inistra tiv e support to our sales tea m . M inim um 2 -y rs e x perience in an adm inistra tive capacity required. Must be proficient on M icrosoft Office applications. E-mail: SA|Ob®helpstar com B IL IN G U A L C re d it and Collection Clerk In a compu terized environment required. E xp e rie n ce in food retail beneficial M in 2 -3 years expenence. Email resume to: hrCvoortman.com__________ L y i * l Inside sales 8) -- C .. H I " 3 ± Q) III M 3 <2 D U N C A N , J a m e s A ., founding President of Duncan's Industrial Hardware, active member of Rotary and Probus Clubs, Masonic Lodge, Scottish Rile and Knox Presbyterian Church in Oakville, passed away peacefully on Thursday, January 31,2002. Jimmy will be lovingly remembered lor his lifelong service to others, especially through Rotary and his commitment to family. He will be greatly missed by his partner ol 60 years. Edna, as well as his daughters Beverley Hewston. Bobbianne (Larry) Biggs and son Gary. Left with many precious memories of their Poppa is Brad, Jodi, Kim and Sarah. Survived by his sisters Helen (Ed) Jesseman, Ruth (Peter) Nelson. Edilh Cowie and brothers George and Bob (Carol). The family is grateful lo all who gave so freely ol their time, care and companionship when il was needed so much. A celebration of Jimmy's life will be held on Saturday, February 9th, 2002 al Knox Presbyterian Church, 89 Dunn Street, Oakville al 2:00 p.m. As expressions of sympathy, donations may be made to The Rotary Club ol Oakville Foundation or lo Knox Memorial Trust Fund. Arrangements entrusted to Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home. Oakville. 01 the things we think, say or do Is il Ihe truth? Is it lair lo all concerned? Will il build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIP? Will il be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? PICK, Hazel - Peacefully after a lengthy illness on Tuesday, February 5, 2002 at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital Hazel (Neish). beloved wife of Peler Pick. Loving daughler of Hazel Neish and Ihe lale Commander D.C.G. Neish. Loved mother of Caroline. Michael (Lynda). Alexandra (Ted) and John (Marita). Lovingly remembered by her grandchildren Connor. Charlotte. Alyssa, Jack and Leia and her granddog Buddy. Visitation al the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home. 64 Lakeshore Road West. Oakville Irom 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Thursday, February 7, 2002. A service lo celebrate Ihe life ol Hazel will be held al 1:00 p m Saturday. February 9, 2002 at St. Jude's Anglican Church. 160 William Slreet, Oakville. In lieu of flowers, donations to Ihe Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital or the Oakville Humane Society would be appreciated. In Memoriams ~ Aitchinson, Don ~ ln memory ol Don, who passed away 2 years ago, Feb.6.2000 Everyday in some small way, Memories of you come our way. Remembered by the Aldwell Family Edna. Ruth, Christine, Carolyn and Families. 4* SEAM STRESS needed Part-time and full-time. Bur lington a re a C a ll Rosa 905-962-6947. after 3pm. P A R T -T IM E positio n In Fabric and H om e D ecor store W e ek e n d s and evenings required. Som e e xp erie n ce necessary. Sheridan Interior D eco rat ing and D esign students are encouragod to apply Professional references re quired. P le as e fax resumes to: 905-338-8937 RN or RPN w/Meds needed tor busy urgent care clinic. Occassional evenings & weekends. Flexability a must. cU ft .2 a ,i! = j= M : o FRASER, John Alexander - Peacefully, surrounded A busy import dealer requires an EXPERIENCED SERVICE ADVISOR and a LICENSED TECHNICIAN with honda experience. Excellent wages & working conditions. Please lax resume attn Mo Ally Fax 905-844-8005 OAKVILLE Please fax resume 905-842-8599 R E C E P T IO N IS T & N urse re q u ire d for busy fam ily practice/ cosm etic surgery clinic. S uccessful a p p lic ants m ust dem o n stra te strong interpersonal skills. A pply w /C V B ox»6370 O ak v ille B e av e r 467 Speers Road. Oakville O n tario L6K 3S4 H Y G IE N IS T N e ed ed for m a te rn ity le a v e in M ilton. Presently 2 days/ week with future possibility of 4 days a w eek P lease call M ichele 9 0 5 -8 7 6 -1 1 8 8 or fax resume 905-8767-3491 E X P E R IE N C E D D e n tal A s s is t a n t /R e c e p t io n is t ne e d ed fu ll-tim e for busy group p ra c tic e In M ilton. P le a s e call M ic h e le 9 0 5 876 -1 1 8 8 or fax resume to 905-876-3491._____________ E X P E R IE N C E D PDA Self-m otivated professional to join a great team . F/T ., O ak v ille No w eeken ds Excellent salary & benefits. Fax C V : 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -7 6 5 8 . Dr. Stephen Thordarson P H Y S IO T H E R A P I S T S . registered, for new Burling ton/ Oakville nursing homes. F le x ib le hours E xc e llen t rem u n eratio n C a ll O H IP C8nfc, Mr. U 416-896-5020. O P T O M E T R IC A s sis ta n t/ Receptionist required full time for busy optometric of fice Experience an asset. Please respond to P.O. Box 1025. Waterdown. LOR 2H0 F U L L -T IM E e xp erie n ce d Dental Assistant. PDA Love l-ll an a ss e t. D r. P aula C assin. # 1 -1 0 6 W ake fie ld R d .. M ilto n , L 9 T .2 L 8 fax 905-878-0557______________ B U SY O akville medical o f fice requires full-tim e R e ceptionist P lease fax re sume: 905-842-3625. £ jg - CLEANERS Light & heavy duty. LAUNDRY STAFF For new. long-term care facility in Burlington. Applicants should have previous experience in housekeeping/ laundry and be able to work every other weekend. Wages: light duty & laundry, $9.22/hr.; heavy duty. $11.36/hr. Fax resume: Phil Vinson. Burlington Healthcare 1- 905 - 669-6724 S U P E R IN T E N D E N T Mature couple for O akville 1 65-unit condo com plex. M inim um 5 yea rs e x p e ri e n c e. Duties: cle a n in g , m a in te n a n c e , etc. 3 -b e d room suite, salary & bene fits Fax resume: 9 05 -8 44 5337. i/ i iw 2 by family al home on Friday, February 1. 2002, in his 85th year Jack, beloved nfisband of Ruby for 59 years. Loving father of John Robert and his wife Donna. Carol Ann and her husband Theo and Allan Roe and his wife Claire. Cherished grandfather ol Alison. Neil, Emilie. Alexander, Philip and Matthew. Survived by his brother Donald of London, England and his sister Dorothy Larkin of Dorval. Quebec. A Memorial Service celebrating Jack's lile was held at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street. Oakville on Tuesday, February 5, 2002 al 11 o'clock. Entombments! Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery As an expression ol sympathy, donations may be made to the Hamilton Regional Cancer Centre, 699 Concession Street. Hamilton, Ontario L8V 5C2,905387-9495. "He Is much loved by all' KIN G , S haron - February 6 ,1 9 9 8 In m e m o ry o f a w o n d e rfu l w ife , lo v in g m other, and best friend. We hold you close, within our hearts And there you will remain To wait with us throughout our lives Until we m eet again L o v in g ly re m e m b e re d b y J im , N a n c y , W endy, her husband Karl, and grandchil dren Jessica and Kyle, Family Services GROTLIN, W illlam ina, "Minnie" - II is with great sadness that the lamily announces Ihe passing ol Minnie. Dear aunt ol Karen and James Chalmers. Fran and Noel Burbidge. Gary and Jane Allen and Arvid Chalmers and all of their children. Funeral Service will be held at the Ward Funeral Home. 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville (905-844-3221) on Friday. February 8, 2002 at 2 p.m. Cremation. Donations would be greatly appreciated lo the Canadian Cancer Society A lc o h o lic s A n o n y m o u s If y o u d rin k , th a t's y o u r b u s in e s s If y o u w a n t to q u it, T h a t's O u rs ! (4 1 6 )4 8 7 -5 5 9 1 (9 0 5 ) 6 31 -8 7 8 4 I oltlce-clorlcal R E C E P TIO N IS T/ Typlsl required fulltime. Oakville lo cation. Excellent keyboard ing skills and w ritten/ oral English skills necessary . R esu m es: Fax 9 0 5 -3 3 8 7885: e-mail: tedOinvestigativeservices.net G EORGIAN Capital Partners Inc s e e k s In te rm e d ia te Accountant Responsibilities Indude accounting. AP/AR. g e n e ra l le d g e r. bank reconciliation, tax reporting, fin a n c ia l s ta te m e n t p re p a ra tio n , as w ell as sundry duties related to the in v e s tm e n t m a n a g e m e n t process Salary $ 40 ,00 0 $50,000. Resumes. E-mail: jdancy 0 georgiancapital com lax 905-855-2355 ____ R E C E P T IO N IS T ,p a r ttim e High pressure e n v i ronm ent in O a k v ille real estate office. Must be flexi ble. eve n in g s and w e e kends. E-m ail resum es to: receptionad © aol com C E D A R S pring s H e alth R acq uet & S portsclub re quires F /T com pu ter c a p able Junior O ffice Person for a new em ail/ fax/ w eb site com m unications posi tion. W ould suit som eone returning to the w orkforce who has good comm unica tion skills R eply by fax: 905-632-4041 or email: kalingOcedarspnngsclub.com Milton Based Transportation Co. seeks a self-motivated individual for a TELEMARKETING/ IN-HOUSE SALES position. Must have a good command of Ihe English language and positive phone manner. Prior transportation experience necessary. Fax/e-mail resume in confidence, by Feb.8th 905-878-3360 or alllro@hotmail.com sales help & agents M A R K E T IN G I need som eone to learn my busi ness. N e ed le a d e rs h ip a b ility / d e s ire for above a v e ra g e incom e N estor ext.78. 905-681-5515 I r f C V J retail sales E N E R G E T IC m ature sales pro fe s sio n a l re quired to Join our team . Full-tim e w/ weekends. Burlington. Fax resume 905-332-7899. Send A PART ORDER PICKER AND DISPATCH for auto parts wholesale distributor. Experience shipping & receiving small parts an asset. Good knowledge ol Oak.. Miss., Milt and Burl required for dispatching 6 drivers. Must have good knowledge ol area& able to lift 50lbs. Call: John Bloom 2pm-4pm Halton Auto Electric 281 Speers Rd, Oakville. ON Valentine's Day Love Line Message o n W E D N E SD A Y , FEB R U A R Y 13, 2002 in th e O A K V ILLE BEA V ER H a s C u p id a im e d h is a rr o w a t y o u ? E x p re ss y o u r love by se n d in g a L ove L ines m essage! V M o m s V D ad s V S ib lin g s V G ra n d p a re n ts V H u s b a n d s V W ives V B est F rie n d s V S w e e th e a rts Don't let this Valentine's Day slip away w ithout telling the people you lovehow m uch they really are loved. ' Final Deadline: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2002 To send your unique personal Valentine message, just fill out the form below o r c a ll 9 05 -6 3 2 -4 4 4 0 Please print your m essage clearly: BO OKSELLER ne e d ed fulltime for an independent book shop with a strong tradition of customer service The successful applicant will have bookselling experience and be energetic, personable and literate Apply In person: A Different Drummer Books. 513 Locust Street. Burlington P A R T -T IM E retail help re quired for children's cloth ing store. Downtown O a k ville Friday evenings. S at urday/ Sunday afternoons C a ll 9 0 5 -8 4 4 -1 4 4 4 or fax resume: 905-844-2142. I salon & spa help L O V E L IN E S a re ju s t $ 1 0 .0 0 RETIREMENT HOME IN OAKVILLE REQUIRES Sample: (up to is words). 30 cents °.i aoo plus gst (905) 845-2118 T E L E M A R K E T IN G posi tions- P art-tim e evenings Feb /M a r. to M ay 3 1 /0 2 G reat working environment !!! Up to $ 9/h o u r -fbonus. T rain ing provided , N on selling. Be a pari of a Fast G row ing team . C a ll/ lax resum e P aul R abeau. Nutri-Lawn 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -2 0 7 7 . F x -905-632-1522 S IC K ol working evenings and weekends? Work 8:30 -3pm M on-Frl cleaning houses Com petitive w ag es Driver's license neces sary Please call 9 0 5 -6 8 1 7600 A Fin ancial dream com e Iru. Work Irom home, Part/ Full-time. $500-S 5000/m o www A careerisonlin e.co m 1-800-572-5360 Burlington AVEOA SALON AND SPA Great opportunity for ambitious, experienced REAL ESTATE LAW FIRM Busy Mississauga office has 2 openings: · P/T EVENING GUEST ATTENDANTS · P/T NIGHT GUEST ATTENDANTS Interested applicants must be mature, flexible, work well with others, have the ability to follow written procedures and oral instructions, and have a proven record of reliability. Apply in person with resume between 9am &4pm To My Sweetheart. Violets are blue. I Love you. Sweet Cake ** A dd a n a rt e le m e n t to y o u r m e s s a g e for $ 5 .0 0 plus G S T SR. REAL ESTATE LAW CLERK Min 10-yrs exp If you w ould like an art elem ent to accom pany your m essage, please circle your choice: G ra p h ic # ! G raphic #2 G raphic #3 · G raphic # 4 G raphic #5 Estheticians Call Linda (905)631-0801 U P S C A L E S alon seeking experienced hair stylist for busy s alo n . C lie n te le not ne c es s ary. E xc e llen t grow th opportu nity 9 0 5 8 4 7 -1 2 2 2 or fax 9 0 5 -8 4 7 3847 B U S Y O ak v ille salon re quires Hairstylist & Assis tant Salary plus up to 40% commission M all location. 905-825-1977 RECEPTIONIST/ SECRETARY 1-yr. contract position. Min. 2-yrs exp. Please fax resume: 905-279-2735 A D M IN IS T R A T IV E Ass is tan t/ R ece p tio n is t for busy Oakville condominium sales office. Must bo com puter literate & available to work 3 -4 afternoo ns/w k 6 som e w ee k en d s. P le as e tax resume: 905-338-6652 Queens Avenue Retirement Residence 1056 Queens Avenue, Oakville. D IA G N O S T IC S le n o g ra pher required for full and p a rt tim o p o s itio n s a t a W est M ississauga Clinic. C o m p e titiv e s a la ry a n d benefits available. Also re quired stenographer for 1 2 w e e k e n d m o rn in g s per month, excollont w oekend pa y ra to . P le a s e fa x r e sume to: (9 0 5 )8 1 6 -9 8 3 3 25) C ost of Ad _ Form of P aym ent: Credit Card No Namo:_________ _ S ignatures _Plus Art . C heque _______ Total C ost + G S T V isa __________ M oney O rder _Exp.D ate_ MC Am ex N E W Firkin Pub openingAll positio ns a v a ila b lo K itchen M a n a g e r. Line C ooks. B a rten d ers. S e rv ers. Please fax resume to 905-469-9446 Phone No: Bus:. Mail Of Drop Off: The OAKVILLE BEAVER. 467 Speers Rd.. Oakville L6K3S4 P aym ent rrvataccom panyorder C a ll 905 ~ 632~4440 D eadline M on F ob 11.5pm Halton Tu es., M a rc h1910am-6 p m BurlingtonConventionCentre 1120 B urloak Dr. (atQEW), Burlington Early Booking Discount.... For more information call: 905-632-4440 sp o n so re d by T he Burlington P o st · The Oakville Beaver General Labour · Office I Clerical · Hospital & Medical Hotel & Restaurant · Skilled & Techical · Training Schools Special Needs · Temp. & Perm. · Full & Part-time A c c e p t A p p lic a tio n s a n d In te rvie w on-the-spot. f

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