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Oakville Beaver, 22 Jan 2003, A7

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The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday January 22, 2003 - A7 Smart Growth has some undesirable ramifications E d . note: This letter was addressed to mayor Ann Mulvale and a copy was filed with the Oakville Beaver for pub lication. We feel compelled to write this letter in order to voice our strong opposition to the zoning amendment which has been proposed by the Town of Oakville for Shepherd Road. The planning report indicated that this was an appropriate location for high density development: however, our rel atively small neighbourhood already has 15 high rises and 12 low rises. It seems to us that this zoning change is directly linked to a 'Smart Growth' initiative. The Smart Growth concept has been progressing in the United States for sev eral years now and has recently caught on in the GTA. Following in the footsteps of the hugely successful electricity deregula tion. Ontario is behind the times. But this delay may work to our advantage as it provides us with an opportunity to evaluate how other communities have implemented their Smart Growth plans. Why not try to learn from their mis takes? We hope the Smart Growth Panel (of which you are a member) have consid ered the negative impacts of the Smart Growth pioneer project in Portland. Oregon. Are you aware that this Smart Growth development resulted in: · increased traffic congestion, not decreased! · housing no one wants at a price few can afford · densities equivalent to that of Los Angeles We certainly arc not against 'better planning,' but implementation of initia tives which have not been proven bene ficial and. in some cases, are actually detrimental demand further review. We trust you will take our concerns into serious consideration - after all. we are the residents in Oakville who will be directly impacted and forced to live with our municipal government's illconceived urban planning develop ments. DEREK & MARTHA HENNIC letters to the editor. Newspaper letters offer `caring conscience views of the silent type' I used to wonder why anyone would write a letter to the editor of a newspa per. After all, I didn't read them so I thought nobody else did too. Well, I was wrong. The silent major ity does read them, as the silent types do write them. This open-to-all awareness avenue could be considered a secret underground communication network for people who actually care and are try ing to make a difference. It is the shad ow image of our future for it is the pop ulation's heartbeat of today. I now believe letters to the editor are the "caring conscience" views of the silent types. Sometimes there is a tad bit of personal agenda in these letters, yet always there is an important view to be heard too. As it is the population that elects political direction, the population meas ures and governs needed political change. The growing frustration with our self-rewarding political process and even more so, with our ever-increasing quantity of inept politicians is clearly evident in letters to the editors pub lished in most recent newspapers. For instance, the many letters' and articles regarding the increasing toll rates on the 407 highway and taxpayers' concerns on the proposed mid-peninsula highway appear to be not heard by " our" Ontario government. Maybe they don't read the letters to the editor's sec tion. Maybe they should start! This is where the people's heartbeat and their caring conscience can be heard and captured. Being in the know means you have read the letters to the editor. Politicians, please awaken and get in the know! ROBERT (BOB) A. BEYETTE, CAMPBELLVILLE A S tudent's Perspectii/e Co-operative Educatioo is a program that integrates classroom theory with practical experience mthe workplace. The programis based on a partnership between the school and business/industry and involves participation of students, teachers and em ployers. This sem ester. The Oakville Beaver has the privilege of co-op services fromSheridan College Advertising programstudent Brian Patterson. Brian Patterson ts in his second semester of the Sheridan CollegeAdvertising program . Bnan is interested in learning all aspects of advertising and is grateful to the staff at the Oakville Beaver for giving him the opportunity to gain some experience. "I had a great tim e at the Oakville Beaver during my two-week co-op term . I felt I learned a lot here that I could take with me for my future endeavours. The staff were very skilled and helpful". In addition to providing tem porary work experience, co-op placem ent can help students to make decisions about their future careers and gain confidence in m aking the transition frompost-secondary education to the real worid of work. 'A Student's Perspective" was entirety prepared by Bnan. This project allowed him to experience actual working conditions and helped to develop the skills and attitudes required in this type of m edia A special thank you to the local businesses who made this endeavour possible. We ask that our readers support the profiled businesses who made this project possible. This protect allows you to "get to know" these business people from a student's perspective. By visiting tneir businesses, you support our youth and the co-op partnership. OAKVILLE Wilson Street Traffic Calming Pilot Project (One-Way Street Conversion) NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE T h e Town of O ak ville h a s u n d e rtak e n a n u m b er of m e asu re s in re sp o n se to traffic o p eratio n c o n c e rn s alo n g W ils o n S tre e t north of L ak e sh o re R o a d . T h e o b je ctiv e of this p ro ject is to resto re W ilso n S tre e t to its in ten d ed function b y red u cin g traffic vo lu m e s an d to divert cut-through traffic to the a d ja c e n t c o m m e rc ia l c o lle c to r an d arterial streets. A s a result, in an effort to re d u c e traffic v o lu m e s a portion of W ilso n S tre e t w a s c o n ve rte d to a o n e - w ay street. A public inform ation centre h a s b e e n arra n g e d for: Wednesday, January 29th , 2003 Drop-In: 7:00 pm Presentation: 7:30 pm Q uestion Period to fo llo w Oakville M unicipal O ffices C om m ittee Room 2 1225 Trafalgar Road Oakville, Ontario Date: The fo llo w in g lo c a l businesses are p ro u d to su p p o rt co O A K V IL L E - C E N T R E Location: Everything Under One Roof (Q .E .W T al Trafalgar Road) T h e p u rp o se of th is m eeting is to e va lu a te the e ffe c tiv e n e ss an d the im p a cts o f th e o n e - w a y street co n tro ls on the a d ja c e n t streets, w h eth er the m o d ificatio n s are ap p ro p riate, an d re c e iv e c o m m e n ts from the public. Enioy tht* luxury ol 145 gueslruonn. meeting and banquet space for up to 300 Enjoy a meal in Ihe Courtyard Bistro and a cocktail in Schooners Lounge. Now oifering Free Highspeed Internet in Guestrooms A sl about our wedding packages Friendliest Waitstaff and the Pest Wings in town Q u e stio n s will b e taken an d a n s w e rs p ro vid ed throughout the m eeting. Ind ivid u als w h o h a v e p revio u sly sh o w n an interest in traffic o peratio ns along this se c tio n of W ilso n S tre e t are invited to attend, a s are oth ers with an interest in this study. If yo u c a n n o t atten d but h av e q u e stio n s or c o m m e n ts related to th e traffic m e asu re s, p le a se c o n ta c t either: M s. Lin Ja v ie r, B .A . S c . To w n o f O ak ville P u b lic W o rk s D ep artm en t P.O. B o x 310 O ak ville, O n tario , L 6 J 5A6 Tel: (905) 845-6601 ext. 3307 Fax : (905) 338-4159 Em ail: ljavie r@ to w n .o ak ville .o n .ca M s. Liza S h e p p a rd , P. Eng. S e n io r Transportation En g in eer IT R A N S C o n sulting 100 York B o u le va rd , S u ite 300 R ic h m o n d Hill, O ntario L 4 B 1 J8 Tel: (905) 882-4100 ext. 5232 Fax: (905) 882-1557 Email: lsheppard@ltransconsulting.com S upporting O a kville Co-op ___________ G ood Luck Brian 591) Argus Road (9 0 3 ) 8 4 2 -5 0 0 0 r!«^ Hot Etfrife w w w .th efireh all.ca 2441 lakeshore Rd. W . · Oakville (905) 827-4445 ,v. h o lid .iv in n o a k v ille .c o m lnu.lU.'Ip-.'QKnnnt <,i 'C .inuut<i"i f >>i ^ n in l M / / v r S lo rc f o r Y o u r P c i. W h e r e y c u w i l l f in d NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment Southeast of Eighth Line and Iroquois Shore Road 10 ha parcel APPLICAN T - By-Ways Construction Inc. File: Z. 1510.09 You are invited to atten d a p u b lic inform ation m eeting on January 30, 2003 to d is c u s s a p ro p o se d O fficial P la n A m en d m en t an d Zoning A m en d m en t. T his p u b lic inform ation m eeting, will b e ho sted by INSTRUMENTS-RENTALS ·INSTRUCTION.REPAIRS i TROPICAL FISH, BIRDS, REPTILES j SMALL ANIMALS t n E a f with all the applies e d to care fix m fas! Great Equipment. Great Education. Affordable Rates. BUY*SELL*TRADE*FINANCE*CONSIGN 000 SO FT. SUPER STORE s-- nnaum m m t 324 KERR STREET (Dundas Street & 403) (at Florence) (905) 339*3515 § 829-9999 2501 Hyde Park Gate planning staff in the Trafalgar Room. T h e m eeting will com m ence at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar R o ad , O akville. A s e c o n d m eeting, a P u b lic M eeting, will b e h o sted b y Town C o u n cil, at w h ich tim e the S ta ff R e p o rt an d reco m m en d atio n will b e co n sid e re d . T h is m eeting will take p la c e on w w w .gearm usic.net w w .superpet.com March 24, 2002 com m encing at 7:30 p.m. in the Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar R o a d , O akville. m atter are invited to d o so. An explanation of the p u rp o se an d e ffe ct of th e p ro p o se d app licatio n , d e scrib in g the land to w h ich th e p ro p o se d ap p licatio n app lies, an d a key m ap sh o w ing th e locatio n o f th e land to w h ich the p ro p o sed ap p lica tio n ap p lies c a n b e found below . If a p erso n or p ub lic b o d y that files a n o tice of a p p e a l of a d e c is io n in re s p e ct of th e p ro p o se d zoning am en d m en t to th e O n tario M un icip al B o a rd d o e s not m ak e oral su b m issio n s at a p ub lic m eeting or d o e s not M AD D Ian Oliver. Publisher of The Oakville Beaver is pleased to welcome Scott McMaster to the advertising department at The Oakville Beaver. Scott's responsibilities will include sales and marketing o f The Oakville Beaver, The Sheridan Sun and affiliated products. The team at the Beaver welcomes you Scott. FACTORYOUTLET EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Candle refiu cenike ATTENTION CANDLE LOVERS T S S S f ' 2070, Unit 3 Spetrs R d . Oakville, ON L6L 2X8 IKK yardi w ill ol 3rd Un ) A n y individuals w ishing to atten d th e se m eeting s an d s p e a k to this Mothers Against Drunk Driving M a k e d ie R igh t C lioice D o n l D r in k & D riv e anols m ak e w ritten su b m issio n s before the p ro p o sed O fficial P la n an d zoning am e n d m e n t is a p p ro ve d , the O ntario M un icipal B o a rd m ay d ism iss all or part of th e ap p e al. Tel: 905-469-0882 Fax: 905-469-8775 Email: bronte<( 3sp«ctranet.<a A c o p y of th e S ta ff R e p o rt pertaining to this m atter will b e ava ila b le for re vie w in th e C le rk 's D ep artm en t a s of h ours of 8:30 a.m . an d 4:30 p.m . B e lo w is a k e y m ap sh o w in g the location of th e land an d surrounding a re a a c c o m p a n ie d w ith an ex p lan atio n of the p u rp o se and effect of the p ro p o se d O fficial P la n an d Zo n in g A m e n d m e n t an d P la n of Su b d ivisio n . If you h a v e q u e stio n s or c o m m e n ts p le a se c o n ta c t the Planning S e r v ic e s D ep artm en t. A n y q u e stio n s or w ritten su b m issio n s m a y b e d irected to March 17, 2003, b e tw e e n the Sally Stull at th e T o w n 's Plan n in g S e r v ic e s D epartm en t, T ow n of O akville, P.O. B o x TAKE THE FIRST STEP... .. .to Lin active retirement lifestyle at Vistamere. Oakville's premier retirement residence. We are nestled in a well established residential neighbourhood, close to the popular Hopedale Mall. Everything is included in your monthly fee. there are no hidden charges. Enjoy three meals a day in our beautifully appointed diningroom, snacks LUid afternoon tea. We provide daily housekeeping and weekly laundry serv ice plus so much more. Vistamere boasts the largest retirement suites, with beautiful bright exposures and patio door walk outs into our breath-taking manicured gardens that make you feel at home. Vistamere is retirement living at it's best from casual elegance of the decor, to the privacy of your own suite and the attentive staff always at your service. Call today for your personal (our. We'd love to have you join us! 310, 1225 Trafalgar R o a d , O akville, O N . L 6 J 5A6. Tel: 905 845-6601, Ext. 3261. em ail a d d re ss: ss tu ll@ to w n .o a k ville .o n .c a . Location - T h e su b je ct site is lo cate d e ast of Eig h th Line, o p p o s ite Iroq u ois S h o r e R o ad . T h e land is legally d e s c rib e d a s L o ts 1, 2 an d 6, R e g is te re d Pla n 6078 an d P a rts 1 & 2 R e g . P la n 20R-6961 SUBJECT LANDS O fficial Plan - Figure E m p . A. Q .E .W . E a s t E m p lo y m e n t District d e s ig n a te s th e su b je c t la n d s E m p lo ym e n t w ith a plan n ed road c o n n e c tio n to th e Q E W in te rch an g e b e tw e e n Iroquois S h o re R o a d and R o y a l W in d s o r Drive. u M a m e te ^ 380 Sherin Drive, Oakville, Ontario Zoning - T h e site is zo n ed E 1 , em p lo ym en t, u n der a p p e al by the a p p lican t. T h e prior existing zoning is M 1 , light industrial. Proposal - T h e ap p lica n t, B y - W a y C o n stru ctio n h av e subm itted a d e v e lo p m e n t p ro p o sal involving an O fficial Pla n an d zoning am en d m en t to perm it a 414 unit c o n d o m in iu m to w n h o u se d evelo p m en t. T he p ro p o sal in clu d e s an industrial/com m ercial u se on th e m ain floor of e a c h unit. D ate d Ja n u a r y 2 2 n < ^, 2003, at th e Town of O akville. 9 0 5-8 4 7 -14 1 3 B in N ew ell, M C IP, R P P M an ager, C o m m u n ity Planning Plan n in g S e r v ic e s D epartm en t 1225 TRAFALGAR R O A D · O A KV I L L E , O N T A R I O · L6J 5A6 ( 9 0 5 ) 8 45 -6 60 1 www.town.oakville.on.ca

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